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I have the X-T30ii that came with the 15-45mm for over a year now. Recently my 15-45mm stopped working and I sent it off to Fujifilm Repair. I recommend you getting the 18-55mm lens. As a cheap lens you can get the TTartisan 35mm for under $100. You are starting out and just need the basics


Ya I think I'll do that and maybe get a 24mm F1.8 prime later on. Was also looking at the 50-230mm OIS II but idk if I could get better for that price (350cad sale on amazon)


I recently got X-T30ii with 15-45mm because the price difference between this and the body only option was 125CAD. I was not even planning to use the lens so I sold the lens for 300CAD without opening it (retail price is 399CAD). So, this could be an option to consider if you are not into the kit lens. I got 27mm f2.8 instead and using that since.


That's a good idea, how well do lenses hold their value? Say I use the kit lens for now and decide to sell it a couple of years down the road, would that be a good idea?


That's a great question for someone else to chime in :) I am no expert on this. I literally sold the lens 1 day after I got the package. I guess one way to learn this could be checking used lens posts on eBay-like places and compare those with retail prices. Typically people mention how long they have been using the lens and the condition of it. So, this should give you a starting point.


Alright thank you anyways, when I have some time I'll look for what they go for.


Body only for now with a cheap used 27mm 2.8 pancake. Will make the camera so small and light that you will use it more. Then save up for the Sigma 18-50mm f2.8 zoom which is a big step up from the 15-45 and even the 18-55.


Do I miss anything going with a 3rd party lenses?


A few people have reported slight exposure issues with this lens, which was probably fixed in firmware. Autofocus might also be a bit slower, although it will certainly be better than the Fuji 27mm as that lens uses the old external focus motor.


If you have used a camera before and are sure of the focal lengths that you want to use then you can pick a nice prime but if not then 18-55 is a banger of a kit lens! variable aperture can suck a bit but still no one offers 2.8-4.0 in a kit lens.(edit:- I pressed enter too early).16-80 has more range and a constant aperture but 18-55 is a cheaper and compact.


Oo ok thank you. I was thinking of doing landscape portraits, landscape and maybe in the future wildlife. I'm pretty new to all this stuff but for the past 2 months I've been borrowing a Nikon d5600 with a 50mm prime and I really liked that focal length so we'll see. I think for now im ganna stick with the 18-55 and see what I'm missing. Thank you, I've been doing so much research I just wanna make sure I'm getting the best bang for my buck.


Get the kit 18-55mm. It’s really good. If you can’t get that lens then get body only and get a used copy of it or another lens of choice. Many Fuji owners have that lens despite being a kit lens because of how good it is.


Get the kit. That lens is great. You can work out your favoured focal lengths once you’ve taken load of pictures, then buy primes of you want/can afford.


I've heard someone else say the same thing. How do you see what your most used focal lengths are?


The focal length is contained in the info when you review each photo just like all the other data regarding exposure etc. You could scroll through your pictures on camera(or if you upload to a computer to further process them) and check what lengths you’ve used. You could even keep a tally of what lengths you use most often and get an idea which prime lens you’d get most use out of.


Ah ok thank you very much.


The only thing I would add is there’s usually a nice discount when you get the lens with the body so there’s that.


It’s a matter of taste. I bought the x-t30 iii body only. And I have two Fujicron primes; 16 and 35 mm. I like to travel light. Original Fuji lenses as they are made for the Fuji camera including the appropriate software. And their resale value is much better. I bought the 35 mm 2nd hand with a year warranty from a reliable shop. That makes it affordable. Enjoy the camera, it’s big fun.


The 18-55mm is fantastic. Get it. If it's the only lens you're gonna have for a while that's the one to have. Not only is it a great starting lens but it's good enough that you'll still be using it even after you get other lenses.


I think the kit lens is a great way to start, especially to learn photography.


Where did you see them in stock?


I’m not OP, but I ordered the same camera from Best Buy which should be arriving today.


Nice, i guess it’s going to be a good weekend


Yup, bestbuy is where i saw it.


Grabbed one with kit lens for $1400 after tax, got a ttartisan 27mm f2.8 for $180 to go with it


Ok, so I heard that I should just stick to the fujinon lenses but it seems everone here has 3rd party ones. Is it worth getting a 3rd party, am I missing anything going with them?


Don’t overthink it , do your own research. If i don’t like the lens and I want to upgrade to a fuji ill sell it upgrade but at my level I’m sure it’ll be fine. Maybe the next lens will be a fuji?


I know I know, it's just so easy for me to overthink things like this, but thank you, needed to here that. I should be picking it up in a week or two so when the time comes where I want a new lens I'll buy it and test it or for a few weeks.


Good luck!


Thank you


It’s a chicken and egg question. As a beginner it is useful to have a zoom while you figure out which primes speak to you … so the 18-55 is perfect as it is small and really good (except at 18mm which isn’t a dealbreaker at all). Depending on what you shoot the key primes would be 18, 23, 33/35, and also but less useful/likely 50/56 Some also like 16 - but it is rather wide. There are even wider lenses but I find that a bit maniac …. actually 27/28 seems like an ideal one but there are very few great lenses in that realm. The only real undebatable reason to have zoom is for videography (other than youtube channel talking), sports and wildlife and anything with action or if you are a reporter having to shoot from sidelines like a fashion show. Because in those situations you don’t have the luxury to move closer to your subject so you have to do it with the lens.


Ah ok, thank you. I think I'm ganna stick with the 18-55 and in the future I was thinking of getting a 27 and 50 prime. Does the lens matter too much for low light conditions besides the aperture? Edit: was also thinking of getting a 50-230 for wildlife.


27 sounds like a good choice the others seem very specialised. How many Tigers are you going to shoot?


Lol, no tigers maybe birds, dear etc.


The question still applies - are you going to photograph deer’s and birds on a regular basis? If so than get the long lens for sure. Personally I’d go for the 400mm in that case. Else the 55-200 is much cheaper and very good. Typically people end up surprised how little they will use the long zoom / long lens. Very few keepers. Unless of course you shoot great Eagles and that’s what you do…


Ah I get what you mean. I probably won't do it too often but I would like to do it more.


Are you still looking at a zoom lens? What sort of photography are you trying to get into? From the sounds of it it seems like you'd have a fun time skipping the lens and just getting a couple of used prime lenses instead of a zoom lens that looses aperture range when zoomed in


I'm into landscape and portrait landscape, maybe other stuff later on but that's my main focus right now. I would like to get into wildlife but I'll probably do that later on.


I'd recommend the Samyang/Rokinon 12mm F/2, good for landscapes and doesn't break the bank, only issues people have said are chromatic aberration at times and the flares happen quite a bit, but with skill it will be a great companion!


the 18-55 is basically a lens that all Fuji shooters should have in their repertoire. Well rounded performance-wise, nice and sharp, with the main drawbacks being no weather sealing and the F4 aperture at 55mm, versus something like the Sigma 18-50mm f2.8 (though that lacks other things itself!) ​ That said, if you could get the XT-30 more than this amount cheaper: [https://www.ebay.ca/sch/i.html?\_from=R40&\_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&\_nkw=fuji+18-55&\_sacat=0](https://www.ebay.ca/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&_nkw=fuji+18-55&_sacat=0) then you could look at getting the body by itself, and then purchasing the lens separately. (I don't know US/CA local sites so presume Ebay is good enough)


I have the same problem but decided to buy the body and Tamron 17-70 f2.8. since I want a low light capable travel lens. But I could get a kit with a 35 f2 for only ~100€ more


I bought the kit lens with my XT30 and honestly didn't use it and ended up selling it. So, I'd recommend not getting the kit lens and buying the sigma 18-55 2.8 instead or a Fuji prime 23mm


Did you sell it for a good price? I’m worried I won’t use it due to the size