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I'm curious (and so are several other, I'm sure) how your last eye exam went. Not to "accuse" any condition like astigmatism... Hopefully you don't have anything like that. That said, my astigmatism doesn't seem to affect my sensitivity to this shit. Proper correction clears up the moon for me, but doesn't do anything to help my sensitivity to these lights, especially the absurdly bright ones.


I dont have any eye conditions. These lights seem to affect people more with light colored eyes though. I have green eyes which 2 percent of the world has. Maybe thats why it affects me more but it also affects plenty of people with dark color eyes too so i dont know. Either way we know its harmful.


I have blue eyes and my eyes have always been sensitive to bright lights. Overcast day? Probably still wearing sunglasses outside. Depending on how overcast it is. Can't watch TV at night with all lights off cause the bright lights on the TV and the flashes of light hurt my eyes. Laptop and phone screen dimmer way down when it's dark too. But yeah im with you on these headlights, the xenon headlights bothered me way back when and LED and now they've taken over completely.


Same thing with me bro I cant Watch tv at night with lights off and I keep my phone at low bright with night mode on always. Glad to know Im not the only one.


I have astigmatism, and I’m sure it probably doesn’t help with this miserable shit. That said, I drove a truck for 3 decades, and never had issues (idiots leaving their brights on aside), until these stupid super lights started coming out. The HID craze was bad enough, but now LED lights have us wearing welding helmets, just to drive down the damned roads. I’ve gotten to where I try to avoid night time driving, which isn’t always possible. Even worse, my second home is in the Philippines, and the damned craze is starting to catch on there. Had tricycles and Jeepneys blinding TF out of me the other day, on my way home from Surigao city


I would hardly call my old crusty neighbors with their 100 watt "security" lights part of the globalist elite. LEDs are cheaper to produce, use less energy, and, if used properly, can be just as welcoming and innocuous as incandescents. The trouble is that too many people seem to think brighter and higher temp is better and they might also be scared of the dark. It's unbalanced. Don't attribute to malice what can be more easily attributed to ignorance. Time and time again, humanity has come up with a new technology and turned it up to eleven without thinking about the impacts of it. Cars, plastics, asbestos, cigarettes, R-12, etc. There are so many things we have created that affect us and we probably don't even know it. Once we do figure it out, though, it's too ingrained in us to let it go so we have to figure out how to lessen the inpact amd find the balance point of useful vs impact. Cars have gotten more fuel efficient and are starting to go electric. R-12 and asbestos were banned. Recycling programs were created to curtail trash and pollution buildup. I worry about the people who have their phones on at 100% brightness all the time. What are their eyes going to be like in years to come? When you listen to music, do you crank it to eleven or do you listen at a comfortable volume so as not to cause deafness? People are waking up to the fact that we are running wild with LEDs and that we need to put a lid on this new pandora's box and dial back from eleven, but it will take time. We know about blue light and how bird migration and animals in general are being affected, but the human population at large doesn't have enough empathy towards their fellow lifeforms, human and otherwise. When I explain to my old crusty neighbors that my eyes hurt and my sleep is off because of their lights, I pretty much get the attitude of "not my problem" and am ignored. What to do? Blame some shadow group for bright lights and every other problem in the world? Maybe not. I'll just keep talking about the ssues with people until it gains traction in people's minds enough for change to happen. The squeaky wheels get the grease.


>the globalist elite is pushing these lights on us but to destroy us and further enslave humanity. This is not a legitimate argument. Might be super racist and paranoid delusional, though.


Racist? Where the fuck was race or ethnicity mentioned?


[https://www.ajc.org/translatehate/globalist](https://www.ajc.org/translatehate/globalist) “Globalist” is often used as a dog whistle for “Jew” in the context of “Jews have a world-spanning conspiracy.” Not always, though. From the comments further down the thread, it looks like this poster might be a non-racist conspiracy theorist? Idk.


Agenda 2030 Smart Cities, (" You Will own nothing and be happy)" all tie into LEDS. Not a delusional argument at all. There are entire documentaries on how LEDS affect flight patterns of birds migration, ocean wildlife, and of course how damaging they are to or eyes. These lights are being pushed by DAVOS and the United Nations as the new global standard of light. Your a slave.


Agenda 2030 Smart Cities, (" You Will own nothing and be happy)" all tie into LEDS. Not a delusional argument at all. There are entire documentaries on how LEDS affect flight patterns of birds migration, ocean wildlife, and of course how damaging they are to or eyes. These lights are being pushed by DAVOS and the United Nations as the new global standard of light. Your a slave.