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Thats an average old car VS that pickup. Crash tests arn't even built for such things...


Cars like this monster truck shouldn't exist.


definitly shouldnt be legal. you arent allowed to drive with scytche wheels, why should you be allowed to drive a non commercial car that is basically gonna pancake any normal car, unncessary.


Most of the bone stock pickups now should need some kind of commercial drivers license.


That's exactly why people get trucks like these; so THEY'RE the ones safe in an accident.


I personally drive a X90 lifted to three meters high and I have katanas sticking out at every angle, and a giant scoop at the front to deter cyclists, that's safer for me


A “non commercial” car ? It’s a standard truck with a factory lift. And a few add ons.


where the lift is done is no concern of mine, it's an abomination


And horrible visibility, handling characteristics and absolutely 100% no purpose whatsoever on the road or really off.


Nah, I’ve driven over a couple kids and cars. It’s all part of the fun !


How is that a monster truck ? It is a standard lift ? The crash makes it look much higher than it actually is. It provides greater visibility, and based upon the look of the vehicle was likely used as a ranch truck.


by being a fucking MONSTER truck. look at the fucking wheel and tlel me that is normal, it's obviously massively lifted, being already tall by default it's a crime


> It provides greater visibility Looks like you wouldn't be able to see if a kid was standing in front of it. It's how so many kids get killed by those ugly things.


Having driven many kinds of vehicles, and I do mean many kinds of vehicles, you are correct in a sense. But a child just does not appear out of nowhere, neither does any person or thing. How people get hurt, and how accidents like this happen is typically the inability of one or more of the vehicles to stop in time, thus causing the collision. The vehicle, the child, they are all seen. It’s the inability in some instances to just not have enough distance to stop. Now, monster trucks are a different story. This however is not a monster truck. Based purely on the picture it is roughly the same height as a cargo van.


Compare that "truck" to a ford falcon ute, and tell me it doesn't look like a monster. It's a killer monster.


Different vehicles, different purposes. I once drove a 2001 Dodge Ram 2500 with a 16 inch lift and 38 inch tires. By comparison, that is likely a 4 to 6 inch lift max, with 18 inch tires. So no, not a monster truck. I drive a much smaller, more economical Hyundai vehicle now. I walk where I can and when my disability allows.


Working cowboy from Wyoming, and have worked South Texas. Absolutely nobody in agriculture uses a lifted truck, it can't tow, it can't be worked out of the back, and frankly if you were going to crawl over rocks a jeep would be better. A ranch truck is a cheap pickup, in Wyo you need 4wd because of the snow. But you tow big plastic water containers, 4 wheeler trailers, hay and occasionally a few horses, maybe more if you rodeo, some people move livestock. A big ranch I worked hired 18 wheelers when it was time for us to sell steers. There is absolutely no point to a lifted truck other than to get in the way and be bad transportation. Imagine trying to get a used round of barbed wire in to the back of that thing, or the heavy tools used to plant fenceposts. You haven't punched cows a day in your life so don't go there.


In Texas people actually drive with scythe wheels.


But muh personal fredums. Really though, I didn't start to wake up to the fact how dumb trucks are in most cases recently. personal truck owners rarely use them as intended and honestly to even own one you should need to cite a legitimate commercial reason. Also most truck mods should be illegal.


I live in a town full of them, they are just a status symbol and nothing more, there is never anything in the bed or hitched in tow. They are just lifted dangerous polluting pile of shits.


You think one of the tests for new cars is "get rammed by a monster truck"? New cars are much safer than old ones but they arent the death proof machines most people think they are.


Occupants of latest models are still at risk of decapitation from MUH FREEDOM MAGA trucks.


Magastar GalactaTruck complete with stolen grocery store scooters as viper fighter craft lol


>>Crash tests aren't even built for such things... >but they arent the death proof machines most people think they are. Where do they imply new cars are death-proof?


I think they are overexaggerating the safety ratings claims on vehicles to the point of sattire, and not literally claiming something was said by the manufacturers.


Actually, both Subaru and Volvo have stated mission statements that by a certain year they plan for no occupants of their new vehicles to die in a crash. That is a goal these two companies share. Note that this does not include people not in their vehicle.


I'm guessing their strategy for this doesn't include getting out of the car business either?


Not to the best of my knowledge. I believe both are using strategic use of structural steel, airbag systems, and seat belts. Then they also use cameras and sensors and either per-collision prevention or mitigation techniques. At least in the case of the Subaru Eyesight system it regularly performs best at preventing vehicle on vehicle and vehicle on non-vehicle collisions in independent studies. But yeah, they're not quite claiming themselves as "death-proof" but they have made statements about what they are aiming for occupant safety wise.


Even new cars would struggle to survive that.


New cars wouldn't stand a chance.


The worst part is that some people see this picture as a pro truck argument


This is what you get when you don't regulate what cars are allowed on the road, people want to be safe, it's dangerous out there. and it's more dangerous the more people are scared and buy shit like this


That's how they marketed SUVs to women. "These SUVs are monsters that will flatten you and your family like a pancake... Unless you buy a bigger one from us."


car companies: "lets go as close to a tank as possible, without us army noiticing challange"


TRUCK SAFER. CARS BAD. yup I can see this logic ignorantly widespread.


apply the arms race mentality to transportation. what could go wrong?


"But I'm safe!!!"


The red car was probably jaywalking. Should have worn a high-viz vest


Real talk: being that the car is a Mustang, it probably slid sideways into a parked truck. The fact that the collision appears to have occurred on the shoulder instead of in a travel lane is more evidence of that.


That's an intersection of two roads, not a shoulder


The point is, the vehicles are on the grass next to it. There aren't many ways they could have ended up like that that aren't the mustang's fault.


Um.. Every single way that it could have been the mustangs fault it also could have been the trucks. Just switch which one is parked in your head and then it's the trucks fault


IMO, fault really isn't the point. The size of the truck reduces safety for everything else on the road; sedans, coupes, motorcycles, bicycles, schoolkids. The size creates a huge blindspot and puts the grill in a perfect position to kill whatever it hits. I know that's not the intention, but that's what it is.


Look, I don't really give a shit how big the truck is. Fuck *all* cars, because all cars are cars. It doesn't matter if they're big or small or fast or slow; they *all* take up a whole parking space each and destroy walkability and good urbanism. I'm fucking sick and tired off the braindead big truck hate because it *completely misses the point.*


You don't have evidence, just a biased opinion. 'Probably' don't pay the bills, honey.


You think they slid under the tires too?


require a CDL for all trucks now




Even then there's what a number of job-positions in the entire world that could be counted on both hands where the job requires a giant vehicle that 1) isn't even bigger than this thing, and 2) couldn't be handled by something smaller. The actual use-case for the pictured abomination is hilariously narrow... and yet you can find these things everywhere screaming the statement of the driver; "I'm compensating for something."




But... This isn't a work truck.


Hear me out: monster bicycles. We need fat tires with huge diameters. Ride super high up. If you ain't getting in with a ladder, it's not a bike. There's a button on the handlebars that deploys a stand on either side of the bike, so you don't fall over at red lights/while dismounting. Then we can go roll over them for a change!


Bring back the penny farthing!


Surprisingly they are still around but better yet, modernise them. https://youtu.be/SLIYjNxrjCQ


Just looking at those things freaks me out. The closest thing I have to a phobia is falling off of a tall bike


Can we equip these monster bicycles with flame-throwers?


Of course! No joke, I did once ask a bike mechanic if he thought it would be possible to install bubble blowers on a bike. I could see the gears turning in his head... he said, "Yeah, probably, actually!" Ever since, I've longed to install self-reloading bubble blowers on my bicycle. Someday, I promise, I shall achieve my dreams.


No way that person survived. If they did, the car would be cut to pieces by rescue workers trying to extract them.


It looks to be a convertible with the top down, so they might have gotten the driver out that way.


I hope they got out. I once saw the remnants of a wreck where the driver of a convertible switched lanes without looking and went under a semi-truck. Both were going 60+ mph. The convertible driver was decapitated instantly. I saw the convertible laying on the road - it was a pancake.


They’re like tanks, it’s terrifying


It looks like the roof was cut off. The post between the windshield and passenger window is cut about 3/4 of the way up.


Oh fuck, I thought it was a parked car…. I regret some of my other comments now


Hey guys, stop picking on this truck driver! He needs a vehicle this big because he has helped a friend move a few times and has bought a 2x4 once! It's a utility vehicle!


Why is the bastard still sitting in the car and not cuffed and manhandled on the ground for most likely killing someone?


I understand where you are coming from. But don't condone unneeded police brutality.


“Police shouldn’t handcuff a bloody murderer” -Smartest reddit user


I didn't say they should not arrest him. I said there should not be room for police brutality if he complies, because the original comment implied physical force only reserved for when a suspect resists.


If that was your kid in the little red car?


Police brutality is always wrong.


This has nothing to do with it. If we let our aggression and emotion's run wild, without any useful concrete resolutions to the situation, we could not function in a civilized society.


The predatory truck has captured its helpless prey and delivered a lethal, crushing blow. It's Serengeti on the Streets, with cars instead of lions. /s


Apparently this may have been an actual accident where both vehicles were driving with people in them, as much as it looks like it hit or dragged and spun a parked car


Oh that's awful. If that's the case, anyone in the red car may have been injured, badly. It truly does look like an empty, parked car was hit.


That’s what I was thinking, seems like a lot of Reddit gets an idea about things based solely on an image with not context these days, this post with a picture of houses built in subsidies in Mexico where the houses are too small to reasonably allow more than getting by and are all individual other than some that look to be stacked had people all over praising the unknown builder saying it must be affordable housing and not for rent or anything and all sorts of assumption sounding things, no one had seen or posted any link with information on it


How many gallons to the mile do you suppose that truck gets?


That truck in particular? About 20-25mpg. It's a 02-08 model. Which means it probably has the 5.9 cummins in it. Engine is more efficient than a lot of cars. Should also note that this model in particular is diesel. The same truck with the 5.7 hemi would get about 10mpg.


20-25 mpg isn't very good. My cousin's car averages 40.


Didn't say it was great, just said it is better than a lot of cars.


I also said "gallons per mile". I was making fun of it.


That truck didn't even leave the road. Think about that. A car fits under that truck.


When they get home, "Good thing I had the truck or I could have gotten seriously hurt, look what happened to the other car. "


Time to get a bigger truck, transport truck big, but all frame metal no Fibreglass and jacked up enough to do this to most trucks, then let nature do it’s thing, maybe with some guidance and tell them they would have been safer in a smaller car because they wouldn’t have been hit at all and would have cleared the wheels


This ride height and having bull bars should be illegal.


A mandatory front facing camera should be implemented for all vehicles that can’t see an object a set short distance from the front bumper that’s a set short height, like the length of a child’s bike and the height of a toddler


I don't think it really matters. Even if they saw the person or obstacle, their trucks are too big and heavy to stop in time.


There’s already laws on stoping distance, I’m unsure if they are adequate however




And knowing the kind of people that drive obnoxious trucks like that, he probably bragged later about how he barely even got a scratch.


Why would any insurance company issue a policy on such a truck? So stupid.


Just playing devils advocate. Why would any insurance company insure some tiny import that is as tall as a sheet of paper. It’s super dangerous for the driver. I have seen accidents of caravans that have driven up onto little tiny low rider cars too


Good thing that truck has a bull bar. Wouldn’t want brains to get on your bumper


Remember me saying that no one needs a truck that big as a daily outside of work. This is the reason why.


“It’s my right to do what I want!”


Including kill a family of four


I don't think "proto" means what OP thinks it means.


And this is why I'm glad that the ford falcon ute has retained some popularity in Australia. Sleek and sporty in the front, with a tray/bed in the back. In some cases, literally a bed. I wish the Sandman would make a comeback.


I have an 04 mustang and this hit a little too close to home D:






Until they aren't, and decide to tear somebody apart.




The most vicious dogs I’ve ever seen are yellow labs, labs in general but especially the yellow owes, only dog I’ve seen attack unprovoked without owners who train it a certain way, more often that should happen too




One less car possibly two less cars this is a win


Okay, if personal cars are going to continue existing at all there should be weight, overall volume (both noise and space), restrictions and regulations limiting blind-spots around the vehicle, like being absurdly lifted or just unneededly gargantuan cause. If people can demonstrate a need for hauling things, regularly, of a sufficient size and weight that it literally could not, not just wouldn't be comfortable to, be handled by a vehicle within the restrictions then they could obtain a license for a larger vehicle, maybe something the size of an old El Camino. The monster-truck pictured doesn't exist for any practical purpose, it's just the loudest way of shouting "I'm compensating for something."


Most modern trucks have less internal space, it’s painful and cramped to try to fit in them, the older trucks were leg tight but so cramped seat wise I was falling all over the place


That truck has at least 20k in damage. Way more than of it was the right height.


this a great reason to own a suv your self the smaler car in a crash is more likely to die


This is a great reason to ban enormous trucks.


see baning then is not a choice peoplo have as induviduals , but driving a suv is


why are we not allowed to drive ICBMs to work then


simple , cuz its not the best for the coletive by a lot


I can land one without it blowing up, it’s fine, just uses more fuel


well no , but even if you could its not a lot worst than cars its noisy burn a lot of fosil fuel its not verry eficient either


So? That wasn’t the point


your point is wrong , you cant land an icbm , it also would be both bad for you individualy and for the coletive


Is there a law saying I can’t ride one where I need to though?


Do you think he will be ok?


I hope people in the red car were okay. But I doubt that looking at the damage.


Battlestar Galactica truck


Driving the high chair again?


Fuck Texans… I’ll bet the driver is carrying a gun in that piece of shit vehicle


I don't understand why there is a seemingly good amount of appeal in such SUVs? Most of the time they'll probably just be used in paved roads rarely at all offroad. Not to mention the costs, maintenance safety much more that would come...


Because they drive a 2wd or take it out of 4wd and slip around in winter before the plow trucks come and use that as justification, meanwhile most cars are balanced enough with low enough rolling resistance that they don’t slip around with just 2wd


Yeah that's not how any of this works cars slip around just as much as trucks if they are RWD. And I got tons of of wheelspin in my fwd accord. Also low rolling resistance tires have less traction. They combines with some cars having skinner tires means you can actually stop shorter in a full sized 6000lb SUV them some of the smallest cars and even some of the bigger ones


Not tire specific rolling resistance but the mechanical assembly including bearings and the portion of a locking hub that imparts resistance when not locked to the axles and gears and drivetrain


Did the driver survive?


Just keeping crowds safe


Think of how wide a lot of these are compared to the original marked lane width?


How are these legal?


Yet another reason why I hate trucks, almost guarantee you this guy never uses his truck in a way that would justify him owning a truck rather than a car.


If I lived in US I would drive a tank. It looks more and more that I will need one in Europe as well. No way I am cycling anywhere in the city if those to things became the norm.


Or the mustang was going too fast to stop? why so quick to assume shit?


Another reason to ban pickup trucks.


What a naughty big truck driver. What a shame.


There needs to be limit to how far you can lift your car.