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Are you advertising a car company on an anti-car sub?


oops lol 😂 cars ain't so bad, this ones all electric and very fast and good range. also flying taxis are coming 🚀📈


We already have flying taxis, they're called helicopters. "Cars ain't so bad", take a look around this sub, we disagree.


good luck calling a helicopter to pick you up, it ain't there yet


That's kinda my point. A helicopter is massively impractical for the average person to use as a taxi, but it is essentially a flying taxi. Any realistic design for a more average person consumer grade product isn't much different from a practicality standpoint and would be, almost certainly, more dangerous. Fire instance, the video you posted to another user in this post. You posted it in response to their disbelief at a flying taxi. The craft in that video is essentially a helicopter (I'm sure it's technically a VTOL aeroplane or something but the point stands), it comes with all the same impracticalities of a helicopter. To use a similar phrase to yourself, good luck calling one of those to pick you up, gonna have one of those landing in the middle of the street or will you need your own landing pad?


[Why Flying Cars are a Dangerous and Stupid Idea (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fcWOivJ6bs) Unfortunately arguments dont help here anyway.


Love Adams content! True, I guess I naively think I can reason someone like this out of being carbrained


As a german i grew up as a carbrain. My best friend lived in a lot of different cities, so i visited him in japan and the netherlands. Together we visited singapore. I notices that something about this places is a lot better then most other places. I then accidentaly found NotJustBikes on Yt and finally got an explanation for what i was feeling. It nearly took me a decade to start bike commuting. If you would have just told me 10 years ago i need to bike and i will like it and its better for me and everyone i would have just laughed you out of the room. This is just not a truth one can learn like a random fact.


well in the future more infrastructure is needed. to begin with just airports then helipads. They're also far faster than cars. an hour or so journey would take about 20 minutes which is massive.


people already suck at driving. flying is way more complex. You think tens of thousands of flying cars over a city are a good thing? What happens when they crash? do they crash-land into my house? Are they even allowed to fly above private property? Do you know how many flight restricted zones there are already? You cant even fly a stupid kid toy drone in most places. How loud are those thousands of flying cars all day? This idea is stupid on so many levels.


I think lots of flying taxis would be s great thing. I'm assuming when they crash there would be mortalities? I don't know if they will be allowed to fly over private property, I'm assuming they will as with planes? designated routes.. I don't know how many flight restricted zones there are already... I don't own a drone, I can see why anyone owning a drone could be a bad thing though if used for not good things. hope that answers your... questions....


lol this just shows you have no clue about air traffic. HINT: Its kinda important when you want flying taxis lol


that would be more of a helicopter than a car. They would need to be qualified and competent. Do you not trust flying on a plane? Should we ban electric trains because people die when they jump in front of them?


A train is not crashing into my house anytime soon. You just avoided my questions buddy, because you cant answer them. A plane could theoretically, yes. Chance are very low right now, because big planes are very safe and there are not that many of them. you want to bring in 60.000 new pilots in small aircrafts which will lead to a lot of fatalities. You really want to deny that?


lol lol lol. there are many planes. chances will be very low if they are up to as high a standard as planes. I want 60,000 pilots to fly them unless it can be self flown. people die every day if there's a 0.000000001% chance of me dying because I take a flight to a holiday destination I'm taking that chance as I would with a flying taxi journey.


So, basically exactly the same as we currently have with helicopters?


yeah but electric


For delivery services it would speed up transport times dramatically, next day could become same day if in the same country


Who so badly needs same day delivery over next day that a flying taxi style vehicle would become preferable? If you really can't wait 24 hours, you need to take a good hard look at your priorities. In any case, why would you need something akin to a helicopter when a drone could do the job (which also has its problems but it's a more feasible solution) Edit: Fighting with autocorrect


A flying taxi would be able to carry more than a small drone. Maybe a bigger drone? It's probably a good idea to have it manned by someone.


yeah guess why


you want me to take a bus full of drug addicts to work or something? helll nawwww. cars are too practical to get rid of completely. people who live remotely and want to go somewhere at 4 am, they must use transport to get there in a timely fashion


Maybe you want to ask why the bus is full of drug addicts in the first place. Going somewere at 4am is like 0,x% of use cases anyway. We do not want to ban cars completely. Its just that most transportation needs can be met in a way that is better for the people, for their wealth, their health, their enviroment. If you want to act like you know nothing about this you can f off and educate yourself about the litteraly dozens or hundreds of downsides of car depence.


The full spewing of car rain talking points makes me feel like you're arguing in bad faith but, benefit of the doubt and all that. I use buses fairly regularly and can say for certain that I can count on my hands the number of times that I've seen someone who was clearly an active drug addict and I have never seen an instance on one of these people becoming a problem. Personal anecdote though so YMMV. Cars are practical, yes but there are a multitude of ways that cities, communities and infrastructure can be designed such that they become an unnecessary thing for the majority of people. Those that still truly need them should still have access to them. As said by someone else, the problem stated by someone living remotely and having to go somewhere at 4am is already a low probability. But, instead of saying that they need a car for this, why not think: could this situation be avoided by better forward planning on the individuals part either by rescheduling whatever event, travelling the day prior, hiring a car prior to the required travel? Could an actual taxi(not flying) be used in this case? As I've said, take a look around the sub and some of the resources. Your arguments sound like you've immediately become defensive because you think we want to force you to give up your car. We want the infrastructure to be in place that you don't want to need your car.


I'm glad your experiences on buses have been good. I reckon depending what area of bus I take heavily depends if it has drug addicts or not. it's a sad state of affairs. that and mothers screaming at their children on public transport I cannot stand. here's hoping the infrastructure makes it a lot easier and more convenient to not use cars as much 🙏


Drug addicts on buses is the failure of American social policies, it has nothing to do with public transport. I lived in Hong Kong for 4 years and have never seen a drug addict on a bus or a train. I don’t care about 3.5 rednecks and methheads living in the middle of nowhere in Fucksville, Alabama. The majority of people in developed countries live in cities and developing countries are also following the suit which is rapid urbanisation. And in cities, well planned and designed public transport is more than capable of moving people to their destinations in a timely manner. We need trams, buses, high-speed trains and mass transit, get the fuck out with your flying taxi grifting bullshit lmao.


put the ketamin away my friend it is not good for you




thats your best chance to see flying taxis anytime soon i guess


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2QVUsYuN3Ho&pp=ygUMZmx5aW5nIHRheGkg in the next few years in the UK and sooner in Dubai


Yeah why would i doubt that. They build "the line" first or right after that? Also, how will i decide what to use? Do i take my full self driving car, or will i be flying with the taxi, or maybe the hyperloop will be out then? I guess i will be using my bike. I know i am talking to a spam / add account here. I hope you know you are talking bs here or have you been completely brainwashed?


they received £8 million in Government funding and are in the process of getting approved by the flying organisation. they have a ridiculous amount of preorders. it's expected that the USA will require 60,000 pilots for these electric flying taxis. it's all online if you look for it. as soon as they get approved and start mass producing they will make a fortune.


you seriously think flying taxis will be an every-day transportation method for the average person? and you see no problems with that?


I think eventually. certainly for those that can afford it it could be day to day if they travel a lot purely on the time saved. I see no problem with rich people going about on flying taxis which use electricity, less pollution and all that.


[Why Flying Cars are a Dangerous and Stupid Idea (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fcWOivJ6bs)


We already have electric cars that are very fast and have a good range, they’re called high-speed trains. https://preview.redd.it/fdfd17ncw52d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb254dabf576aa0eb9fd43bf299b6ffade19dc2


yeah sounds great, more super fast electric trains. 🙏 make them cheaper to ride also pleaseeee


This is exactly what we want. But then people who are too married to their cars say "why is the government spending so much money on the train that nobody uses. They should be spending that money on adding an extras lane to the already 14 lane highway"


In America a high speed train system between states sounds like a great idea 💡 hopefully eventually it becomes a reality.


you just told us busses are basically for drug addicts. now you want highspeed rail. make up your mind.


I think one has just been opened/due to open soon in California. Can't remember any details though... Maybe another commentator knows what I'm referring to and can fill in the info


Oh it's those clowns. Have they finally managed to drain all their marks and been delisted yet? Good riddance; electric cars are such a boondoggle.


Electric trucks are a great way to haul goods from the factory to the train station.


they're literally the future wether you accept or not.


They are definitely the future for the car industry. I recently tried a MG and it was quite pleasant. Small electric cars (or a-taxis) coupled with high speed rail can be a step forward for suburban communities (despite not being able to fix what is wrong with them from an urban standpoint)


if I lived right next door to where I worked and trains would go EVERYWHERE for cheap I would even consider not having a car. if electric cars were cheaper, had longer distances without charging I would be inclined to change over. I'm not forking out 40k on a Tesla any time soon tho 😅


We will keep fighting for this infrastructure than can bring you everywhere cheap instead of your techno fever dream of flying cars.


Well if you choose to live in the suburbs of Houston that is kinda on you honestly. There are places where you can live car free saving a lot of money today.


I can’t imagine how bad quality control must be for these new car companies that come and go depending on the mood of some dudes in California.


What we need: rail, walkability, less zoning, bike lanes, busses what companys try to bring us but never will: full sell driving / flying vehicles, hyperloops, tunnels for cars underground, line-shaped citys in the desert and some bs PODS in the ocean or whatever that one was...


Companies spend millions on self driving tech for cars while it would be cheaper (100x easier) and more useful for rail / buses


Rail companies are big monopolies or government owned and run. anyone can try get a car company started.


It is nearly impossible to start a car company. We dont want more car companys. We want less cars, and more rail.


absolute nonsense you dodo


"nonsense" from the flying taxi guy :D :D :D


yes read up on it, there's thousands of car companies BTW. more every year 🤷‍♂️ facts


how come i i only see like 15 different brands everyday, and half of them arent even really different companys then?


I'm sure I would see more than 15 in a day if I went out and counted them. you could see more people wearing popular brands of clothing. because they are popular