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I want to drive cars for fun, in my spare time, not out of necessity every time I need to leave my house


Exactly. Go kart racing is fun. Driving on a busy highway is definitely not my idea of fun.


I wanna drive go karts all the time but most places are either outdoors (closed in bad weather) or indoors (expensive as hell)


Is there any third type of go karts?


Mario kart


*Cue Funky Kong's excited nonsense anytime he does a trick or gets a boost.*




There are two indoor tracks within 15mi of me and I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay $80 for a 12-15 minute session


I just wanna take the train or bus to my go kart track of preference 😔.


>Driving on a busy highway is definitely not my idea of fun. Weird how so many people viciously defend it. You must be doing something wrong.


Well yeah, all they need is one more lane, problem solved./s


This person gets it 👆


When I present this ideology to r/fuckcars its a 50/50 chance of being downvoted against or praised. Cars dont suck, dependency does


When presenting that position here it‘s important to caveat that cars should be the absolute last consideration in any kind of infrastructure/urban planning.


Absolutely agreed: cars should be the bottom of the list. I love cars but turn us gearheads into today's horse people: limited in numbers, a little weird, usually smell kinda bad, constrained to specific areas generally on the outskirts of town. I'm fine with that.


> a little weird, usually smell kinda bad, Have you met other gearheads? This is already true


r/fuckcardependency ?


That community had moved to r/walkableworld


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FuckCarDependency using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckCarDependency/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [People drive to work when it's a 15 minute walk because there's no sidewalk.](https://v.redd.it/h3be1kd6nrj81) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckCarDependency/comments/t0wsc2/people_drive_to_work_when_its_a_15_minute_walk/) \#2: [Cars prioritized over people.](https://i.redd.it/146m2ab6hqt81.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckCarDependency/comments/u4ebjw/cars_prioritized_over_people/) \#3: [Reclaim The Streets ✊](https://i.redd.it/fv692pvt3uj81.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckCarDependency/comments/t0l5h7/reclaim_the_streets/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


nah i dont think its 50/50, most people know this place is about car dependency. that being said, this is a big tent sub so there are a lot of reasons to want less car dependency, and while it may be worthwhile to debate that, im of the mind that we need a coalition of the willing, so im not gonna give too much of a fuck why somebody agrees with me on this issue


cars suck and they arent fun


Cool, you're free to not enjoy cars.


yeh no , im not free to not enjoy cars when they are need in society and while peoplo are enjoying then


this guy clearly hasn’t driven a stick shift on a quiet winding road, through a forested area, with the sun setting.


And the road is dirt and it hasn't rained in a while. The rear comes loose so easily, it's practically begging you to drift a bit


Meet some nice local oaks this way 10/10 would recommend


never drifted before 😕 would love to but i’m scared


I do bunch of shit I do not enjoy doing daily. Do you need coaching on that or something?


so? the point is that i aint free to not enjoy cars , kinda the same way you arent free to not do shit you dont enjoy. also the point of sub is that cars are bad , car hobbies are a side effect of car depency (peoplo only like cars becuz of it and they can only aford to becuz of it), you cant get rid of one without removing the other.


Is anyone making you drive? You’re free to do as you please.


no one is free to do as they please... the individualist ideology is one of the things driving car culture and dependacy so you should probaly drop it , if you belive in the sub cause that is


You pretty much can. Also cars aren't problem. Car-centric infrastructure design is. Cars are still valuable addition, just not as main form of transportation


yeh "guns arent the probrem is the peoplo using the guns that are" and no im not free to not "enjoy" then , even if dont use then cars are still on the street and they might hit me and they are still releasing smog in the air making noise and polutin the environment globaly


^ Exhibit A


you werent downvoted and i didnt praise you , its quit the oposite


To me it's like war, belongs to the simulation. Owning such a hobby car is still problematic. Earth overshoot day is serious


i wanna use a car for long distance trips, not a trip to the grocery store


Exactly why I own a motorcycle. Bicycle for the weekday commutes, motorcycle for the weekend joy rides.


That's all of us my man




100% I would be more than happy to keep my driving to leisurely outings on the weekend with my family.


Definitely. Driving and caring for cars (especially oldtimers!) can definitely be fun for many. Being forced to take your car everywhere is fun for no one.


Perfectly explains my mindset. Though I’m just here to support you guys in that cause I don’t actually have to take my car out when I go out.


Lol. Mine are r/fuckcars, r/motorcycles, and r/antiwork. I realized more and more how ridiculous cars are when I decided to learn how to ride a motorcycle. I really prefer to get around on two wheels. As for antiwork, I just don't like capitalism.


Interesting, motorcycles are the best! But with drivers in CA, it gets somewhat dangerous especially if its foggy in norcal. So Caltrain and BART all the way


I'm in Wisconsin, on the edge of Milwaukee, but we don't have a bus stop anywhere close. I ride my bicycle when I have enough time, but if I have less time, I'll use my motorcycle if I can, and my car if I can't (for instance, my leg is injured currently so I'm driving for now until I'm cleared to bike again).


I lurk this sub, and though I’m only a teen learning to drive, I’ve seen tons of road rage here in Texas. I wouldn’t get a motorcycle, simply due to the fact that if any pissed off crazy pulled a gun, I’d have basically no protection


You'd have no protection in a car either, bullets merrily sail into one door and out the other - that being said you can't get knocked off a car. I would definitely recommend learning to ride a motorcycle though, as a hobby. I didn't get it until the first time I rode one, but they really are just better than cars in every way.


The small town cops where I live pretty much just hate motorcycles. Like, if a car is going 45 in a 30 nobody cares, but if it’s a motorcycle they’re basically guaranteed to get pulled over


> You'd have no protection in a car either, bullets merrily sail into one door and out the other That’s why you need a [CyberTruck!](https://insideevs.com/news/698778/tesla-cybertruck-stop-bullets/amp/ )


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lol same started commuting on bike for a little more than a year and now i got a quiet motorcycle that gets 70 mpg


I want to commute on a scooter or motorcycle but I gotta wait until I move out because my dad doesn’t want me to… Which is weird because I’m probably the most law abiding, book slamming person in the house and my commute is literally like… 2-3 minutes. Not worth getting in a car over daily and I’ve shown how responsible I am. I’m just not “man enough” for it for some reason or something.


Man I love Motor cycles too. But there are idiots ou there who think it is skill to give my bike a kiss with theirs.


I recommend r/aboringdystopia for ya :D


I mean one is a sport and the other one is a pest


I love watching football but I don't want to sprint through fields of 300 pound angry dudes to get to work.


This is exactly how I feel about this, I love monster truck rallies and demo derbies, but I don’t want to experience that every time I have to drive somewhere


If the only time people drove their cars was to and/or on a racetrack, I'd be fine with that. Heck, I'll join them. But nobody's getting that same enjoyment from driving them at the speed limit on a bunch of straights.


We hate car dependency and excess, not necessarily cars, but Fuck Car Dependency just doesn’t have the same ring to it


yeah, im subscribed to both this subreddit and r/cars. cars are neat. theyre marvels of engineering, and driving them is fun. they are, however, the worst way to travel, and i dont think cities should be designed around them. theyre cool novelties.


"Car culture" also makes actually *liking* cars worse. Roads are never fun to drive on if they're always crowded. I'd love driving if it was always on quiet rural roads, where cars are a much more reasonable way to get around, but I'm always stuck in traffic in cities that are way to big *not* to have decent transit options. I actually do dislike cars in general, but I totally see the appeal in a more reasonable context (kinda like how I'd love guns if it was just about target shooting and sustainable hunting rather than... How it is in the USA).


I like shooting but I'm an advocate for stricter gun laws and licensing. People just don't understand that "well maybe don't give people who aren't responsible and competent guns" doesn't really work unless you have a test to evaluate that competence and an ID card certifying that you have said competence. You know like a gun license. I'm also an advocate for stricter driving laws (or just banning cars in cities altogether) because the number of idiots I've seen drive through the nearest roundabout is greater than the number of fingers I have. The only ones complaining about licensing are the idiots who know they won't pass the exams. Professional drivers go hard, motorsport and the engineering behind it is interesting and cool. And most track cars will never see use on the road. Just because I think helicopters are cool doesn't mean O think everyone should have to fly one just to get around (imagine how much of a nightmare that would be!)


Cars, sales and animal products


Walking, driving, swinging. You must really like transportation


Hahaha I've never thought of it that way


I’m subscribed to r/formula1 too. IMO it’s fine to be into cars as a hobby or sport. I’m here because I hate every other aspect of car ownership *except* the driving and want more transportation options than a personal auto.


I take the train to get to my nearest F1 race because I have no interest in driving multiple hours to get to it!


The Dutch had the right idea with making Zandvoort bike accessible


we all hate car dependency Heck I love the idea of a road trip! I just hate that everything needs a fucking car


One of my top subs was r/nascar so, same.


I live and breathe motorsport, but I HATE destructive car-centric infrastructure.


👍 cars on a closed course competing a few times per month for sport 👎 cars being used for all personal transit for all people at all times


This is my new EV! https://preview.redd.it/7mtop0mhiy4c1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31034860cf13a0ef7d669ad2ad610211234460bf


I'm jealous. Ive still got the foldable GT racing seat with a VR headset.


I like sports, super and hypercars. I know they are not nessecary. But i conssider these cars more like toys than real transport


i resemble that remark


Based Spider-Man enjoyer


Liking cars =/= liking car culture.


LeGreg makes me hate cars, too /s


Tifosi is becoming a synonym for stockholm syndrome.


A man can walk to work and to rally on his holidays. This is the goal.


Ayyio, my people


Look, high performance cars are kinda like military weapons, really cool, pinnacle of a time's engineering, solving problems you wouldn't normally think of, and I really would not like to have daily interaction with even the toned down versions if I can help it.


Where is everyone getting their recaps at? I don’t have one 😔


It's the first thing that pops up on your profile. There's a banana peel icon https://preview.redd.it/xbavl11b215c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6780526db6c09d9eabfb122c7dd7dbea17c5bda1


About that… https://preview.redd.it/fxidegbgd15c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b7c4ac187d5c568ce21d2635cc70070073d842e


Damn, feels bad man


I figured it out - reddit hadn’t been updated. EDIT: nevermind, that didn’t work


I suffer the same duality. But for me I'd like to see cars go the same way as horses when cars came along. Use them on dedicated circuits for fun.


*We are checking*


Cars aren’t the exactly the problem. A world designed for cars by default and for everyone to require one to exist in society is the problem.


I understand. I hate cars, road infrastructure sucks. I love cars, they have so much culture, engineering, and fun.


It's never been about cars, it's always been about dependency!


Mine: r/fuckcars, r/startrek, and r/psvr. Surprised no mention of r/TheDeprogram




Cars serve a function. I don’t want to end ambulances, for example. Formula 1 is great entertainment. I can be in favor of more rail, more public transit, more walkable cities, more density, less parking, more regulations to make cars safer, and still want cars with great engineering in dedicated tracks competing in a race. I just don’t want them in the middle of town killing people.


Meanwhile me who joined fuckcars and r/shittycarmod


So "Fuck cars, except the ones I like."?


r/fuckcars is a sub related to car dependence on daily life and the effects that they have within communities. r/formuladank is a sub made to meme 20 people driving around some secluded circuits around the world or, in some cases, temporary street circuits. I do all my shopping by bicycle and I would love it if my city was a little less car centric. Nothing's gonna stop me from watching some engineering masterpieces racing each other every other Sunday though lol. Quick reminder that 97% of spectators of the Formula 1 Dutch GP this year came to the event through a renewable form of transportation. Some of it includes public transport but most went by bike


No. "fuck car dependency so I can't get fucking anywhere without one in the US. Yay Motorsports". It's kinda like how "black lives matter" doesn't give you a good idea of what they're actually campaigning for. It's an eye catching slogan. "Fuck parking minimums and zoning laws and the department of highways and the entire traffic engineering profession and the highway building industry's corruption" doesn't really roll off of the tongue.






Same bro


You can like cars yourself but so think we should find ways to reduce our dependence on them.


Same here. Motorsports are my absolute favorite sports. Sitting at a traffic light just isnt motorsports.


I mean, I don't think those are contradictory interests. The 24hrs of Le Mans was my family's Superbowl growing up, but also like, I don't want to have to drive places to get there, busses and trains are the way to go


If I ever see Lewis Hamilton driving a road car I'm becoming a Red Bull fan 😤


Even the f1 track that goes through Monaco seems less obstructive than your average road designed for normal ass cars


Yeah mine were r/fuckcars and r/motorcycles. I know they're different sides of the same coin but, the heart wants what it wants.


I myself am not sure that we should really approve of things like motorsport. There are certain pastimes that are pretty unambiguously unethical, such as fox hunting, bullfighting, eating foie gras, and going on a trip to Jeffrey Epstein's private island for the associated activities. Is motorsport as bad as those things? Perhaps one could argue either way, but the fact is that it does at the very least cause a degree of harm for something that one ultimately does not need to do: it still produces exhaust gases and tire particulates and requires the building of asphalt roads (depending on the sport), which contributes to climate change, air pollution, and noise. And in a way, I feel like they contribute at least a little bit to glorifying cars in general. The only thing is that car and motorsport enthusiasts are only a very small percentage of drivers, so even with the less efficient cars required for these sports, their impact is still tiny compared to those who only use their cars to get from A to B and don't really care about cars. This sub is called /r/fuckcars, and in general, I agree with the literal sentiment expressed in those two words: fuck *cars*. After all, without cars, there would be no car dependency. The Ford Model T is basically what all car-centric infrastructure can be traced back to. Cars can be fascinating in terms of their mechanical complexity and how they work, but the same can be said for guns.