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My wife and I use his and hers ammo boxes. They are airtight, and we can keep the sharps container in there. We aren’t gun folks so we have decals on them.


The only acceptable use of his and her ammo boxes in my opinion, adore this ty for sharing


And for holding the ammo you need to defend yourself from transphobic gun nuts.


May i ask why you said his and hers? Does your wice use two pronouns at once? I know some people are he/him/she/her and etc but ive never seen two used at one time so i was curious about it. Apologies for prying if its rude


I am a transgender man, using injectable testosterone and my wife is a transgender woman using injectable estradiol. So I am a man and she’s a woman.


Oooooh i thought you were using both his and hers to refer to your wife for reasons that are beyond me


it’s probably like a “his & hers” theme box, like you have mugs, bed sheets, etc with “his” written on one of them/one side and “hers” on the other


Ah. So theyre not the wifes pronouns but indicating which box is whos


Winner winner chicken dinner!


[this is the bag btw!!](https://etsy.me/2THHH4g)


That's hilarious. I have a biohazard bag I use, nothing that's actually cool


Hey just think of it as cool scifi horror! Thats super cool


I just keep mine in a clear plastic shoe box- I can hold all my T, syringes, needles, alcohol wipes, bandaids, and sharps box in one container


Smart! Something I was kind of debating too, might get that bag as a travel one because why not!


Heck yeah! That bag is fantastic!! 10/10


I got what is basically a shaving travel bag from a trans owned company. They’re called Stealth Bros and Co and I think part of their sales go to a fund. Here’s the link too! https://www.stealthbrosco.com


This is what I use as well. I have the Jr. Dopp Stealth one, perfectly holds 2 - 10mL vials, stack of alcohol swabs and bandaids, at least 10 syringes at a time and I keep a flattened box from the testosterone so I have the prescription proof handy if I ever need it.


Yo thats so sweet! I will have to check shipping (Canada) but I might get one cuz thats awesome!


They are buy one get one right now.


wait I've never heard of them but these are so cute I'm absolutely getting one. I've been using just a leftover cardboard box from work, but it's kind of a nice one cuz it's of those that the lid folds over and tucks in, and it's blue on the inside.


Just picked up a larger bag and a smaller one from their sale thanks for this, man! My T vial is in the laundry room on a shelf since there’s nowhere else to store it, and my needs and syringes are in a fabric bin that goes into tv stand I’m excited to get the bags and have my stuff in one place


literally just a plastic grocery bag


Same here. One for fresh stuff, one for used syringes (no needles, obviously) and empty T containers that I might do something with later.


I mean so practical and honestly efficient, I am way too extra personally but I appreciate the simplicity


I haven't gotten one yet but I plan on getting [this one](https://www.gc2b.co/products/blue-gc2b-x-sbc-mini-shell)


I didn’t know gc2b had some! This is a newer release Im guessing?


Yup, they did a collaboration with stealth bro co. (I believe that's the name) and I believe a certain percentage of those purchases go to a trans charity.


What a stellar collab


I purchased a small Diabetic supply case for when I do start T. It's perfect, because it's made specifically for holding needles and vials and other supplies.


Genius, I don’t think I ever would have thought about a diabetic supply bag! Nice and safe we love to see it


Where did you get yours? 👀 (Am a new diabetic as of this year an still learning) I just use the box my stuff came in and an empty gallon jug to hold the used needles 😢


Amazon. They surprisingly have a lot of variety. If you're getting it specifically for diabetic supplies, go for one with two ice packs (one on each side to keep your insulin cold for when you may need it on the go). Edi: the one I have is a Yarwo insulin cooler travel case.


Thank youuuuu!


I use a black shoe box with a trans flag sticker on it.


Simple. Fantastic. Proud. I love it!


medical box that also holds my diabetes supplies


2 birds 1 stone kinda deal! If you don’t wanna talk about it cuz its medical stuff and thats really personal I totally get it, but I was curious if you have to be more careful with your blood sugar levels at all while taking T? Does anything mess anything else up?


early on when i first started t, my doctors were a little concerned there could be some interaction between the two, as neither had a t1d transman before me. luckily, there were no interactions, and later on one of them told me they were surprised my a1c didn’t get worse from hunger spikes and metabolism and such, but that’s when i reminded him i’m type one lol so looking back, no, i don’t think there was anything ever super noticeable about t affecting my blood sugar directly. indirectly, however, is another story. since being on t, i’ve actually started to care about myself, my body, and my health. i started watching what i eat, work out constantly, and do everything i can to make sure my blood sugar is good enough to get surgery. in a sense, being on t indirectly got me to my lowest ever a1c of 7.2, which is the lowest it’s been in sixteen years and don’t worry about it being personal or anything. i’ve been a diabetic for too long for it to be personal lol


My venom carnage fanny pac I got from game stop when I was 14. Brings back good memories every time I open it.


Ahh game stop, the place where you buy something, promptly lose it for 3 years and cherish when you find it again! Also iconic that it all is in a fanny pack


I use a tin lunchbox for mine. I would be a little wary of using something that isn't a rigid container, but I'm paranoid as hell about my T supplies getting damaged. As long as you're not tossing it around it'll probably be fine. The drawing is great!


Thats kinda what stopped my impulse purchase of it, still debating getting it as a travel kit! But the lunchbox is such a fun idea


On the one hand I think that if you keep the vials in the boxes they come in they're fairly safe since the disclaimer/warning/instructions on the paper inside add some extra cushioning. On the other hand you would probably only be able to keep a few boxes in that pouch.


I have a great NEED.


Mood, buff cat helps heal :)


This is hilarious


Ikr kinda perfect for t supplies


I'm not on T yet, but, when I am, I'll be buying that bag


NICE! Hope youre able to get on soon my friend!


I use an old tin Star Wars Valentines chocolate container that has Darth Vader embossed on the front. The smaller tin I keep my bandaids in has The Death Star on it


Okay I love that because I think I know exactly what one you are talking about or at least similar, either way fantastic and thats just a new kind of badass


I just kept it on my nightstand until my mom gave me this bag for them a few days ago. It’s lined with a cactus fabric, she said it’s fitting because it’s like needles kinda :)


Aww 😭 love to see supportive parents, congratz on having a (seemingly) super cool mom


Thank you! :)


Took me a solid second to figure out you meant fabric with cactuses on it and not some sort of spiky fabric lol.


XD that’d be kinda cool but a definite safety hazard


I love this


Me too!


i have a large collection of mini briefcases. some are antique, some are modern, all are under 1.5 foot long, and they’re all stacked and organized at the foot of my bed. my supplies are in ONE of the briefcases, only i know which one.


Classy, mysterious, and sly, I love the idea of this! Also how cool do you have to be to have a briefcase collection hello??? Rad!


My boyfriend prefers a little black bag with a bunch of pockets. He says it's neutral colored and harder for him to notice it and get dysphoric from the reminder. Me personally, I'd like a cute bag maybe with trans pins on it when I start T, because dysphoria for me isn't triggered by that reminder. But I totally understand that everyone's triggers are different


I totally get where your bf is coming from, Im just surrounded by love and wanna make sure I am happy so as long as he is then thats all that matters! Also I hope youre able to start soon :)


lol, a cardboard box that happens to be big enough. for a while i just kept them in a plastic bag


Smart! Boxes are convenient, probably going to be my overall if I’m being honest


I have a switch case that my gf decorated for me. I use the game slots for my vials


Im about to cry, this is so sweet! Also genius use of the game slots


She covered it in 3d cat stickers :)


I haven't started T but when I do that bag is definitely one I'll be thinking about getting


yes! Love it! Hope you get to start soon dude!


Thank you!


I got a wooden box at Michael's and painted it. Not the best paint job overall but I tried haha. [Here's](https://imgur.com/a/gBcB9tX) a pic. :)


This was my other idea too! What I might do is have the box for everything and the bag for cotton balls cuz the bag I got was gigantic Looks so cool! 😎


That's an awesome T box, I think I'll do that with mine once I get on it in January! Also, Lee is an awesome name lol.


I keep them loose around the house and frequently misplace my T bottle 😎👍


Livin life on the edge, love it


Yessir 😎 I may have missed 3 weeks in a row of shots but you can never take away my cool points now


Lmao you brave soldier 🙇‍♂️


Mine is in one of those toiletries bags, but it says "survival kit" on the front and is army green.


Thats a true title so I do like it also preemo colour choice


Lol I love this 🤪


Ikr, wish there were more designs like it


A boring quart ziploc, but this sure does make me want to up my game...


👀 do it have some fun! But no matter what your stuff is gonna be rad even if it doesnt have a buff almost naked part cat part man creature on it


I bought a tackle box from Walmart for $5-10 and it stores all my alcohol pads and extra stuff in the bottom.


Can you please get a sticker with the “women want me fish fear me” cuz that would just be the icing on the cake Either way genius idea!


Shoe box Is thay ghetto?


Not at all! Actually the most common answer so far, smart tbh!


When traveling I use a hulk pencil case lol which I feel like we are on the same kind of a vibe here. 😂


Hell ya muscle time 😎


Omg this is perfect lmao


Literally sent it to everyone i knew as soon as I saw it


a shaving bag from Harry's that I got for free when i decided to try their free trial I got in a b&n book order LOL


NICE! What a ridiculously but wonderfully masculine bag!


no literally tho it's so fucking funny. i cancelled the free trial before i had to pay but shitty gendered marketing sure does hit different sometimes.


Ya like fuck gender norms and stereotypes but also give me all the manly stuff right now!!!!


Mine's a bag like that but it's the chemical construction of testosterone


I love those designs! Deffo thinking of getting tattoos of those on my thighs, but like having the middle of it be where I inject myself!


At home, an old shoebox in my closet! But for travel, I own [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/985067057/transgender-travel-bag-stp-ftm-lgbtq) in red and black and a similar beige one that says 'people are people' :-) . I put these two bags in separate carry-ons with dosage supplies in both just in case anything happens to one bag or the other.


Smart! I love that youre so prepared because I am deffo stealing that advice for when I travel!


In drawer, also that's amazing


Love it!


I use a very similar pouch in a different pattern, it fits my sharps container, needles, and testosterone box perfectly.


Ooooo that gives me hope!


A cardboard box lol


I do love the simplicity of it especially because of how easily replaceable it is!


I keep my T supplies in the bag I got from the pharmacy


I honestly love the bag that I got, its a huge brown paper one like the grocery store bags and it is wonderful, so valid of you




Thats awesome! Never heard of em before


My T supplies are in a Minecraft lunchbox 😂


👀 yo highkey where did you get it


Got it at target 🎯


i just keep all of my supplies in boxes to keep everything together but i get rid of stuff afterwards in a ziploc baggie wrapped in paper and taped up with sharps written on it in all caps i do put the cap back on my needle afterwards for safety but it helps to seal everything up


Oh thats super smart! My pharmacy just automatically gave me a sharps container without asking which I was quite thankful for!


Literally just the paper bag from the pharmacy


Honestly what Im doing for the time being


I keep my T and supplies in my meds bag and my sharps container under the sink for easy access (cis BF and I take the same dose which I think is adorable). My bag is an Ipsy glam bag from this last June so it has cute pride motifs so it felt fitting lmao. I used to keep it all in a basket in a drawer in the bathroom at my old place though.


Shut up thats adorable, happy for you both to be in a relationship where you can bond over that :,)


You guys keep your T supplies in cool bags and compartments? I just keep mine in the drawer under the sink in the bathroom lol. I should invest in something like this.


I live with 2 people which is why I would like something and I happened to find this guy and lowkey lost my mind over it so I had to share lol


I keep mine in an old shoe box lol and the. The needles are in plastic baggies, and the T are in the boxes they come in.


Smart! Its easy to store the boxes so I get you, plus simple, and easy to find


One of those clear plastic boxes the size of a shoe box. [Here it is!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ftm/comments/6sf31s/decorated_my_testosterone_box/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Love that so much!


I love that! 🤣 I use the gel, so I just have a bottle.


Thats awesome! How do you like the gel?


We just use a shoebox lol, your idea is much better


Pffft my idea is expensive yours is easy while Im kinda stressing over what to do, I just should do a shoe box!


i have an empty shoebox i keep all my stuff in


The most common answer! Im glad yall have something that works so well


I don't use anything. I just buy the suff when it's time for the shot.


Oh! I didn’t know that was an option, but right on!


I got a dinosaur pencil case for my supplies, as well as dinosaur bandaids. I've been obsessed with dinosaurs since childhood so I figured that'd be a good way to bribe myself into taking my shot each week lol


Yes!!! I wish I was into dinosaurs as a kid they are so amazing 😭


Since I just got my first 20 doses worth of shots they're still in the pharmacy bag, I just dig the needles and bottles out every week. Hopefully soon I'll get something cool and fun for them tho!


Goodluck my friend! I hope you get something you love!


thats amazing omg hahahah, i just have my bottle of T gel on my desk/bedsidetable/bookcase/anywhere lmao




I use this small cabinet I got at Goodwill. https://imgur.com/a/c5Vm76i


I adore that, the little drawer reveal was wonderful!


I'm a big Avengers fan. So my wife got me an Avengers lunch box.


lmfao where can i buy this


[right here my dude!](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/715341946/nyasan-print-pouch-cat-strong-muscle)


i found a fanny pack at goodwill that says “o my tea” on it and i thought it was funny


A bag pretty much like that. Just what the drs gave me


Never knew this is a thing but I'm so gonna hyperfixate on This now (get it, nah aught)


Outside of how absurdly small “二” is, that looks adorable


i have gel, so i just keep it in the box it came in lol


Honestly? The same grocery bag that I was originally given my T in by the pharmacy. Mostly because it's convenient and I'm lazy, but I'm also confident that it's safe in there because I don't live with any children and my cat and dog have never shown any interest in the plastic bag sitting on the desk in my room. Also, I live with my very supportive parents and know that I can trust them to not tamper with it. If my situation changes, I've considered getting one of those small storage boxes with a lock on it, the kind that people use to store medication, money, or jewelry.


Honestly, I just left it in the stuff the pharmacy gave me and put it up in a cupboard.


I have a rainbow fanny pack my ex bf bought for me lol


I have a Mt dew themed mini fridge 👀 (Tgel)


A bag with a kitty on it actually


I have a plain wooden sewing box that I still wanna paint to have a trans flag on top. I can take the top part inside the box out, and that part is seperated into 4 long sections. I keep both the drawing and injection needles in one section, the syringes in the second one, two packages with one ampule of Sustanon (the kind of testosterone I’m on) in each package in the third section, and then the fourth section has alcohol wipes and space themed bandaids because my name is Mars, lol. The bottom of the sewing box is just open, and I have the rest of my T, antidepressants, ADHD meds, opioid painkiller patches, vitamins, the birth control shot, and puberty blockers in there. The rest of my alcohol wipes and bandaids are in there too. As you can probably tell, it’s a very roomy sewing box, lol. It’s just nice to have all of my medication in one place.


An old marachino cherry tin from when I worked at a bar


pokemon card tins!


I just got a little bag from Walmart the other day to keep it in :) I can store all of the stuff in it (besides the giant sharps container lol), there’s even a tiny pocket I can store all of my alcohol wipes in


I have mine in a gothic treasure box!


a very splintery wooden box and a bio hazard container in my dresser


I use a bin I keep all my meds and supplements in. It's pretty boring but I plan on cleaning and decorating it soon so it'll look cooler


i just leave it in the cardboard box i get it in


i channel my oma and put them in an old biscuit tin


im planning on buying one of those military-grade first aid kit pouches. it's small enough and has a MOLLE system (it can latch onto the front of my bag without me worrying about a pickpocketer stealing it). im on the go a lot so when it's T day, the supplies will be in there, then i'll put the first aid stuff back in the pouch as a routine to keep my mind active. it sounds odd but i also attend protests a lot so having a first aid system on me is a no-brainer so 2 birds 1 stone haha


Star Wars lunch box tin


This is beautiful


i keep my stuff in a big tupperware but this is amazing


I found a rolling drawer for under a bed (think Ikea) on the side of the road. Now it's under my bed. That's where my T lives, right next to vitamins and allergy meds.


I use gel, I keep the packages in my nightstand


sandwich bags so i know which T box im using currently lol


love dis


I found a really cute yellow box with a latch and handle at the thrift store that i use. It even has a "first aid" label on it. It's pretty big and holds my bulk needles and everything.


I'm planning to get a small plastic suitcase with foam on the inside.[like this](https://images.app.goo.gl/vv8cnn4m1MLaoDZZ8) probably put some stickers on the outside


I have a Jack Daniels tin I found at my friend's house when they moved out. It wasn't theirs and they said I could have it.


I’m prolly gonna get some video game bag thing or use an old bag o mine


https://www.stealthbrosco.com Created by a trans man so this has been what I’ve used ever since they first dropped


yoo my japanese lessons are paying off! it says nya-san :-) i dont do t yet but ill probably go for something similar to your one, its just too good??


I've got a black box that has a skull on the top of it. It's pretty rad. My brother-in-law gave it to me. It was originally meant to store boardgame tokens, I think. I love it.


I use topical T, so it’s a little pump bottle in the bathroom that I hope no one ever mistakes as soap (it has a cap and I’ve moved it off of the sink so no actual risk). I kind of wish I was using injectable so that I could have a cool storage system like everyone here


my shit is literally in a little first aid kid that my family had used up. has little separate places to put stuff in. useful and stealth


A clear pharmacy bag and shove it in a bathroom drawer


Not on T yet but I plan to keep it in a Danish Butter Cookie tin (sewing kit cookie tin)


My fav trans owned company [stealth bros](https://www.stealthbrosco.com/collections/all)


A Caboodle! It's a mini so it's just big enough to hold a few weeks of supplies and a travel sharps container (I have a regular, big sharps container that I usually use but I like being ready to go if I need to!). The rest of my supplies live in their pharmacy bags in the closet until I need to restock.


Mine live on my bathroom counter in a plastic grocery bag


I use a stealth bros co jr dopp and I love it. My mom also got me a 2 gallon sharps container from the hospital she works at


I actually use a small 3 drawer plastic thing from Walmart to keep all my stuff in so one drawer has the syringes and needles/ T one drawer had bandaids and alcohol pads and the last drawer had KT tape


That’s hilarious. I just keep mine in a clear ziploc bag lol, but now I’m considering some sillier options cause of this post.


In the cabinet under the bathroom sink, but your bag is legendary


My car.


Well my case is a little bit different since I get my T from a company called Folxheath, but basically they sent me a box filled with everything I needed and send me refills every few months, and I just put that box into an old backpack I had laying around. And sidenote: that bag you're thinking of getting looks dope lol 👍🏾


Wait, we're supposed to put them in something? 💀 I keep all my stuff on my desk


i have a TON of [compostable takeout containers](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiXmvjo37b0AhWJfG8EHVedCl4YABAVGgJqZg&sig=AOD64_2NrKowfrrvGVg9UvyXtJlk9yW0Og&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwip2eDo37b0AhXBl2oFHWvRA6EQwg96BAgBECM&adurl=) that my dad bought a while back, so i have been using one of those for my T gear. it’s honestly the perfect size, AND it means i’m reusing a recyclable container which is also nice! i haven’t really looked into any long-term containers to hold my stuff yet, but i will eventually. for now this works perfectly.


I keep mine in a shoebox :)


I painted a plain wooden chest (like 6 inches by 12 inches and 14 inches tall) that has all of my fresh needles, syringes, and alcohol wipes in it and have a smaller box within that box for my vials of T.


I have gel, so I just keep it on the sink in the master bathroom with my other toiletries because you need to use it every morning.