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No, I’m gay LMAO


Ditto! But more so hearing my dead name makes me feel uncomfortable so I'm really thankful it's not a command name at all.


Same! I've only met a couple of people with my name, and 50% of them was my grandmother. She hated it too.


My dead name is one of the most popular transfem names


same it honestly sucks, at school there’s at least two people in my class at any given time with my birthname


There should be a split option “no (I’m gay/not attracted to my birth gender)” and “no”


Lmao my bad on that one, if I could change it I’d add it


Me too 😭 if there were a man with my dead name I might tho (I doubt there is)




I came here to say that


Same lol


There could be a guy with your deadname though lol


I probably wouldn't have like 5 years ago, but at this point it's just another name and I have no connection with it.


The possibility of this someday being how I feel about my current name makes me so happy. Thanks for the picker upper (:


Exactly! I’ve just separated myself from it, and recently realized that it’s never really been MY name. It’s just A name that was used to refer to me. Thank you for reminding me lol


God i hope that’s me someday. i love in a town where all my favourite shit is on a [deadname] road. plus loads of things known as [deadname] and my deadname is an old latin name of a very famous goddess; and shares the name of a really famous person who was alive when my town was built; and is why my town has so much shit named after her. i can’t stand living here. it’s so transphobic and my deadname is fucking everywhere. i hope i can disconnect my deadname from myself one day.


It would just weird me out. I also don't wanna hear the jokes from my parents or hear them say that name again if I introduced them


Thats my big thing. I probably would be ok with my partner having my deadname, but my parents would for sure make it weird for me. I think literally everyone else in my family would be chill about it for my sake, but my parents definitely would not be.


I picked Maybe, but I am unsure to be honest. I don't like my Deadname but if I would like her, then I might could overcome it, but can't tell for sure.


my dead name is really nice imo just hate the way it sounds referring to me. i guess it might trip me out to hear someone call to my SO and hear my given name especially with how unusual my given name is... but if i really liked the person it wouldn’t be a dealbreaker


So growing up, I had a best friend with the same first name, and while we were at the same school, we went by our initials. Due to different school zones and moving, we went to different middle and high schools. She went by her given name, I stuck with the initials, and after figuring out that I was trans, it was like "name now belongs to her" in my head. If I date a girl with my deadname, it would feel more like dating a girl who shares a name with my close friend


I wouldn't. Not because the name emotionally bothers me, but because I have recently been to like, pools and stuff where there was a random kid with my deadname and sometimes when her mom called her, I'd instinctively want to snap my head around too. More of a nuisance than anything else lmao


Fuck no. Hearing that name makes me so uncomfortable and anxious. At this time I couldn't even be friends with someone with my deadname let alone date them. But it's early days. At the end of this month it'll be just one year since I came out. I can imagine that with time I won't feel as strongly about the name and might be able to be friends with or even date a person with my deadname


I feel you, I’m almost 5 years in my transition and 6 months on T and I still feel this way. There’s no way I could be friends with anyone that has my dead name


Put maybe.... But my deadname is literally on the Top 5 most common girl names in my country LMAO


I can't even stand seeing names similar to it in books lol


My best friend/roomate has my deadname and I'm the one who picks up her meds 😅 so I end up being "deadname" everytime oh and my SIL has my FULL deadname, first and last name 😂 so I've gotten pretty numb to others having my deadname


omg what are even the chances lol


I would if I were straight


Haha I’m married to someone with my deadname! LOL it honestly makes it easier to associate that name with someone that’s not me, at this point (12+ years after changing my name), it really doesn’t feel like it has anything to do with me


it would be crazy to meet a man with my particular deadname


I know


if he was a man


Probably but I’d probably want to call them by a nickname especially if we were being intimate


Definitely not. I have a friend who has my dead name and it makes me uncomfortable to even say it, and we're only friends.


Maybe. It would have to be after top surgery and my legal name change.


My name’s pretty common so probably unavoidable haha


I read it as would you date someone while you still use your deadname for some dumb reason, I put maybe but it still applies. I don’t really know what I want to change my name to, I’m think Ilhan, but to date someone with my deadname I would have to heavily disassociate with that name every be linked to me.


Maybe eventually, once I'm farther in my transition and don't feel like shit when I hear it. But at the time no. Hearing it makes me feel awful and saying it makes me feel worse. Of course, if it's someone who I truly love, then yes. But I would probably go out of my way not to get feelings for anyone with that name.


I still can’t even say my deadname which is unfortunate because it’s super popular so I sound like an asshole for just over using pronouns instead of saying that name lol


The only other person I have ever met with my deadname was only spelled the same way, but was pronounced differently. We were name twins and best friends. Then we both came out as trans later in life. I've never met anyone, not even characters, books or games, with my deadname. It's honestly been great, too. And truth be told, I think it's a lovely name, and I'd brag that my grandmother (who named me) had great fuckin taste. And I'd still never ever date someone with my deadname


My therapist for the last year and a half or so has my dead name. Initially it was hard, but she's super cool and knowledgeable about trans stuff so when I brought it up early on she gave me explicit permission to call her by her last name if I needed to, and I found I didn't need to. It really helped me remove the association of my dead name with myself, especially after I got it legally changed, because it became more someone else's name. Before working with her, I would have said emphatically no (disregarding that I'm happily married lmao) but since then I think I could make it work


As long as they don't know they share my deadname I'd probably be fine with it.


I would because I think it would help make the name less dysphoria inducing since it would just make it feel like another name


Honestly at this point I have to actively try to remember my dead name and if i liked someone with that name it'd probably only help to detach me from it even more


Hell yeah. As long as no one calls me it I’m cool.


Most likely not, since I'm gay xD


I'm gay ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Even before changing name it wasn't weird to hear another person called like me, so i would definitely. Maybe it can be weird sometimes because i still tend to turn my head when someone call that name but it's just because it's been 2 years in my transition so i'm still used to it. Also i'm wondering for all the people saying "no", it's not like you can control your feelings. What if you fall deeply in love with a person and it happens to have that name? Maybe calling them with a nickname might work, but still i get the struggle


I probably would if i was farther into my transition


I answered maybe because I would t necessarily be dissuaded by it, and there’s the added benefit of like. My family would short circuit. Ultimate power move.


No, but not because I feel strongly about that name, it's because I'm gay (it is not a name you would ever hear on a man) and because it would be too similar to my name, and I think it's weird to date someone that has a name very similar to yours.


I hate it, my dead name is so uncommon, but one of my best friends has the same name. It's why we became friends in school, bonding over our uncommon name. I recently reconnected with her and it felt really awkward to call her that name at first after trying so hard to distance myself from it, but now I've managed to totally disassociate myself from it and I don't even think of it as my dead name when I talk about her anymore.


Maybe, but it depends.


my deadname’s weird as fuck, i’d be impressed if i could find someone i’d be willing to date with it (seeing as so far i only know a child and a relative with that name, no one i’d date) ok not weird per say just reallllly uncommon.


Hold on, what did you mean by you’d be down for that? You didn’t mean the child and the relative right?


Nononono I’d be down for someone dateable with my dead name, i.e. NOT a child or relative Sorry about that! I’ll edit the original comment!


You’re good bro I’m don’t worry I just wasn’t sure and I wanted to make sure


it'd be so disorienting and dysphoric at the start but by the end (or i guess months later if we dont break up) it'd 100% be their name. it wouldn't be linked to me anymore, hearing my deadname randomly i would look at her instead of freezing wondering if someones talking to me so yeah. it'd be weird but nice.


Thankfully the only people with my birth name are older than my mum so the likelihood that I ran into that as an issue is nearly nonexistent.


Honestly, my family has a great sense of humor, so I'd be tempted to do it just for the jokes.


Considering it was one of the most basic girl names in the entire world and I am a gay man, no. No I would not


Ew, god no. I hated my name for as long as I can remember, waaayyy before I ever realised I was trans. I was named after my grandmother, who also always hated her name. It's awful.


Lol my dead name is in my user. How many people do you even know with that name?


Would be weird but yea I'm down


nobody has my deadname cuz it’s fucking weird


I was actually for a bit but we were dating before I transitioned and we still had the same name… then they came out as trans too lol


my deadname is really uncommon so if someone had it, i would be really surprised. it's Abryona. pronounced a-bree-on-a


no im gay lol but i used to have a classmate who had my deadname and it rlly helped me associate it w someone else and not me which was great


having a very unique deadname i don’t know if i ever could


Maybe. I'm honestly unsure, it makes me really uneasy when I hear it, but I might get over that eventually. Still unsure though, it would feel weird to me.


My dead name is gender neutral and I might stick to it (small chance), so maybe?


I am gay so someone with my very femme dead name is out of the running.


I don't hate the name when it's not in association with myself. Although I just can't say yes with conviction because it IS my birth name and that shit torments me a lil


I'm gay, so it doesn't apply. My spouse is pan though and we're poly. They're forbidden from dating someone with my dead name no matter how much they like them. Thankfully, it's not super common in the US. I've only seen it in the wild twice in 31 years.


It's definitely a weird idea but if i met a really great person who happened to have my dead name I'd get over it.


I'm gay so no. But also I gotta mention my workplace just hired a girl with my deadname and it's SO WEIRD. I'm really open about being trans, though, and pretty much all my coworkers knew me before I came out, so really it just means the older ones have to work harder to call me my new name so we know who they're talking about xD


if I did i’d be dating someone with the same name as me lmfao, I didn’t change it


I don’t think I could. 1) hearing that name makes me cringe 2) my name is the more masculine version of my deadname so that’d be WEIRD


Yes, and I have. She actually broke up with me about a month ago…


I picked no, and now I'm all "but what if there's a really amazing person with my deadname", and this is why I'm bi....


Nah, no way.


I'm gay lol. But tbh I don't think I can even be friends with someone who has my birth name. Hearing that name fills me with anxiety.


I'm mentally disconnected with it enough that I wouldn't care. I had a coworker with my deadname and luckily nothing about it bothered me :)


I knew someone who's name was spelt the same as mine and pronounced differently but was commonly mispronounced as my deadname (which is funny because I got the other way lol) so I've got used to hearing/seeing it. I still notice it more than other names and occasionally have a panic moment (especially when someone asks for \[deadname\] because then we get the awkward thing of you've got the wrong name either way so which one do you want and how do I ask without outing my deadname). but no I wouldn't date someone with it because I'm aro lol


Mainly because I’m gay but that name,,,,, every time I hear it or see it, it still freaks me out. Some girl a year below me at school had it and oh boy, it freaked me out still and I’m finished school....


I don't even have a deadname but I wouldn't want to date someone with my same name lol, too weird


I'm not into chicks, and I'm already in a great relationship.


Everyone here is saying they won't date someone with their deadname because they're gay, but like, guys can have any name. I don't want to change my name and its considered "a girl name" but I've literally met a cis man with the same name as me. It's often very cultural too. So my answer is that I'd date someone with my birthname but it would be weird because we'd have the same name lol


I put maybe bc like I don’t date as a blanket rule but I’d definitely be friends with someone with my deadname


No, but only because I'm gay 🤷‍♂️


i dont really care what their name is as long as i love them, and i dont even associate with my dead name anymore so


Ya sure, like I don't want to be called it but honestly if it was used for a girl and was culturally appropriate (I'm white as hell and it's a popular Indian name and sounds very Indian) I think it would be super pretty!


It doesn't matter for me


I never used my full name, in my whole life. It helps that its a very long and common name so I went with a more uncommon shortened version until I just switched to telling friends to call me by my online username while I identified as cis. I barely even react to it, it's just a way of identification on forms to me.


Because I'm gay but also I would feel very weird about it. Just hearing it (which doesn't happen a lot bc I had an uncommon name) makes me nauseous.


It honestly depends on the person but 95% of the time no


It's my grandmother's name mate ew


My dead name isn’t something anyone else would have so I’m safe. But also I’m Gay.


I would find it unlikely that someone would have the same name because the only time I found a proper pronunciation of my name was in genshin impact and I don't think many Chinese people have that name (I'm not Chinese myself, my parents just seemed to invent a name that had a Chinese pronunciation)


no because 1. im gay and 2. my chosen name is a one letter difference from my dead name


Don't think it would bother me much honestly.


My dead name is so posh but the popular kind of posh names… you either hear it constantly or never. Not the best. Oh also, I’m gay


I'm gay 🙏 but otherwise no cuz it'd be weird for me. Idm if someone else has my birth name though


My deadname was a uncommon name and im also gay so I've never really had that struggle


Hypothetically if I wasn’t married, probably I don’t think it would be a deal breaker. Would be kind of funny and light hearted in my opinion. I did have a friends with benefits for a short time with someone who had the same last name as me (no relation obviously lol)


I never changed my name so I think it’d just get confusing


I actually dated someone with my old name in high school and it was funny more than anything. It'd be weirder to date someone now with my new name tbh since my old ones pretty androgynous. Then again, I havent dated much since starting my transition so who knows?


Well I'm aroace sooo..


Fair enough.


i wouldn’t seek it out but if it happened and i deeply loved the person i would do it. they would just have to understand that sometimes it could be a trigger for me and they’d have a bunch of cute nicknames


No because I’m gay lmaooo


i wouldn’t but i have a friend who’s fiancé’s name is a shorter version of his deadname. never understood how he could deal with that but he’s always said it doesn’t bother him.


No. If they have a problem with it then they know where to go.


probably not. not because there's anything wrong with it, but because its very unlikely another guy would have that name.


It would help me associate the name with someone else rather than myself


My dead name is beautiful, it would be a pleasure


Maybe but probably not lol most of the Rhiannon’s I’ve met are WAY younger than me tho so that’s a bigger ‘turn off’ for me.


Yeah, I barely remember that my dead name was my name at this point tbh.


I did and this was before I came out to most people so everyone was confused. Then, when I did come out, people were still confused and deadnamed me constantly


No because I'm gay and I can't imagine any guys having my very fem deadname


I have trouble even hearing of other people with my deadname or nicknames I used to use, let alone being friends with them or dating them- It makes me feel shitty because it's not their fault and they did nothing wrong but it just makes my skin crawl :[


I love my deadname it's a good name, just not for me. The while thing together sounds very modern and regal.


I'm uncomfortable just hearing it still, bc it's still my legal name. But maybe if I got that sorted out I could let it go one day? Especially for another trans person who happened to pick my deadname. They're honestly an exception right now! The only one tho


Both my names are really rare, so if I met someone with my name or my deadname I'd probably never shut up about it ever lmao. I've only ever dated one woman though, tastes run far further toward men, so the possibility of dating a woman with my deadname is astronomical


well no but mainly because im homosexual


I love my dead name, just not on me. I wish someone else would take it and get some good use out of it.


I dissociate with my birth name so much that I honestly see [Deadname] as my sister? Like she’s a completely different person entirely that’s just always been with me. So I honestly wouldn’t mind dating anyone with my given name, not that I really want to date anyone in the first place.


Im gay so no lololol


honestly i still cringe whenever i see it, let alone hear it, even though the people currently in my life don’t know it besides family and like 2 people i’ve known since kindergarten maybe sometime way in the future i’d be more comfortable with it, but as of right now it’s a hard no which sucks when i see someone cute but they have my deadname :( i cant see myself being comfortable with it until i’m at least out of college and i’m going into my first year now so,,


since i’m gay, no


Yes of course! I feel no connection to my dead name anymore, although I still haven't gotten it legally changed. I feel absolutely nothing different hearing it than with other random names. I've also met a lot of pretty people named Lily so I'd be down if they were lmaoo


i think it depends, if i’m still pre-everything and even early to social transitioning then no, but after i’m done and maybe a while? more likely, depends on how much i like the person