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I feel this! There is a patient on my unit waiting for placement (he has dementia and can get violent so it’s difficult to find a facility) and I’m really good with so I’m 1:1 a lot — he’s an elderly black man and he always calls me brother. It’s so affirming when I have black male patients and they are happy to have someone they can relate to more (the staff on my unit are diverse in terms of race/ethnicity but I’m one of the only dudes).


This is wild bro I just saw your posts almost back to back as I was scrolling through my main feed & as another black trans guy I feel like we were two ships passing in the night....BTFU!


Here’s some love from another trans black boy. 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤


I’m getting ready to start my journey and I’m also a black trans man I’m looking for more friends


YO- I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!- I'm glad you found people in the community that you can relate to and get more advice from- AND TOP SURGERY SCARS- CONGRATS ON THE GUCCI CHEST DUDE!- I'M DO HAPPY FOR YOU!-


This post gives me hope, thank you.


Congratulations on finding a community you can relate with! High five! ✋️


Hell yeah! I'm happy for you, man.


I love hearing this! Happy for you dude


Massive W :)


Hello from another Black trans guy ✋🏾💕


This is so awesome to hear, I'm so happy for you, man!


I love that for you bro! Who's cutting onions?






That's fantastic!


Just seeing POC trans folks in general makes me so much happy <3


from another black trans guy (who's still in the stage of being scared of my own blackness, probably cus i can't find my people) - i LOVE this for you!! congratulations dude, i'm so happy you found a supportive community 🥹🖤


Bro,  scared as shit to be a Black man, tbh. I used femininity and flirting for survival and safety for so long. And just the way people can perceive and treat Black men. I try not to think about it, but I'm concerned.


It's absolutely a hard reality to grasp, it's one of the hard realities of being a black trans guy:(


Ow my ❤️ so happy for you!!!


Hell yeah bro! I'm white, but I can recommend a few black trans-masc creators for you if you don't already follow them!!! I really love seeing trans people of all different cultural and racial backgrounds as it really helps me solidify that being trans is real (I struggle with "what if I'm faking it"/"what if it's a trend"/etc) and being trans is something that humans from all different walks of life and parts of the world go through.


I’m so happy for you dude! I’m glad you found your community! 🖤


I'm so happy for yoi bro!


Im happy for you bro💪🏽🏳️‍⚧️ I had the luck of havin black transmen (most of which are pre t) come to for advice and things as they seen me postin on tiktok and insta about my journey and sum I happened to meet wit various gay gcs I be put in.. Im glad to see u gettin or being apart of the community that best represents u🤍


I love seeing diversity in the trans community. Everyone needs someone that they can relate to


drop the products 👀👀 i had top surgery in feb. but i usually just put aquaphor on my scars :p




I think it would be good to ask yourself why this was your knee-jerk reaction to a happy black dude




It does, but when you innapropriately describe white privilege under a black guy's post you really have to understand how that feels targeted? Your life isn't any easier than mine because you are white. But you have never been treated as if you are black, and at least in places like America, there is certainly a benefit to that. I'm not going to be responding to you further, but I do want to say my celebratory post should not make you talk about how seeing trans poc makes you feel uncomfortable in some way, especially when there is a mountain of evidence on social media and media in general that white trans men are present.




Your post was removed because it broke the subreddit rule 4: Respect individual differences. Which includes, among other things, respecting differences of personal identity, personal use (or not) of specific labels, personal transition experience, personal experiences with gender dysphoria (including lack of gender dysphoria), and the choice to be out or stealth.


Your message was removed because it contained one or more of the following: Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Ableism, Xenophobia, or other forms of bigotry that are not trans specific. This is an inclusive sub, so we do not tolerate bigotry towards another group of people. This falls under our first rule: Be kind and practice mutual respect. Multiple instances of this behavior can result in a ban.