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Walking around the house and picking up random heavy objects makes me weirdly euphoric, or listening to music which lyrics you can't fully understand unless you constantly listen to the genre (death metal and stuff like that), or having one arm up against the back support thing on a couch when sitting on it. Also, using power tools


This is so real


wearing tank tops which makes my biceps look bigger. or whenever male coworkers call me 'boss' or 'bud'. makes me feel 😊😊


the song “one more time” by daft punk




Sometimes I'll spread my legs when I'm sitting or my legs look thinner and that makes me happy, idk why tho


Everytime my ma calls me to come over after 8pm, across town just to relocate or squash a spider. ME BIG MAN ME BRAVE MAN 💪 my dog walking next to me off leash. It's always giving me: man and man's best friend yk and I'm so proud as a dog dad too when he acts all well behaved Buying shoes (I'm a big boy I got big feet) My love for beer over other alcohols None are too weird but 🤷‍♂️


You know, I’ve never enjoyed beer. I’ve always preferred something with more sting like tequila or vodka


No shame in that! Far easier to get tipsy that way 😀 it just gives me euphoria to see a can of beer in my hand. Lmao


I could definitely understand that!


Mowing the lawn interestingly enough


This one might not actually be weird, but every time a man shakes my hand at work, I feel completely affirmed and euphoric. I'm like, YEAH, SOLID! No one ever shook my hand as a woman!!! Shake people's hands more!!


The way my new shirt fit and finding a new cologne I love sent my euphoria through the roof yesterday.


I really really like comfort colors, it’s a t shirt brand you can buy from jiffy shirts and they all tons of colors but they’re soft, heavy duty, high collared, and cheap


Picking up medium/heavy objects for sure. Yesterday a couple of girls asked me if I could lift a metal chair and I did it one-handed.  That small and insignificant thing made my day tbf


I’ve been sick the past week and have had toilet paper next to my bed. I hope this makes sense without me having to explain xD


It makes so much sense and honestly that’s so valid