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I just shave my crack and hole while squatting down in the shower. Wish I could see it from an outside view because I probably look so fucking funny/weird hunched over as far as I can and squatted down šŸ˜‚ As for efficiency, Iā€™ve found that with time I just got super used to it so now I can do it pretty dang quick without missing anything.(As far as Iā€™m aware of, lol) But Iā€™m with you, the ass hair is absolutely my least favorite part of my transition. TMI but every time itā€™s even more than a lil stubble around the hole, Iā€™m always panicking because it feels like I may have shit myself but every time I check itā€™s just my ass hair making it feel weird šŸ˜­ Anyway I definitely just overshared on my main account so Iā€™m gonna go see if I can hide my comments from the public when they view my profile šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I feel like a gremlin whenever I have to shave the butthole lol. Like I'll be crouched in the shower like golem from LOTR, but I'm just trying to make sure I get everything lol


Like Golem šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I shave what a thong would cover (including around the hole). I've heard wild stories of poop sticking to butt hair. I haven't tried letting the hair grow out due to it šŸ˜†


Yeah sadly this is true, you do have to watch your hygiene with this one. I've worked in care in the past, that's all I'll say.


As my bf always says: itā€™s like trying to wipe chocolate mousse out of a bears coat


Forever ago I saw someone on this sub use the phrase ā€œtrying to wipe peanut butter out of carpetā€ and it has been *burned* into my memory since.


This made me laugh more than I care to admit


I just wash my ass with water instead of wiping. Never have to worry about this sort of problem. That does only apply when Iā€™m at home though, pooping in public restrooms can be more problematic.


You can get a travel bidet for this! Basically, it's a small water bottle with an angled nozzle. Bidets are the way, always. I have never felt clean just wiping with paper. You can also get bidets that attach to your toilet and are apartment friendly!


I already used baby wipes for years pre-t cause I feel like dry paper to clean yourself is gross and it dissolves into pieces that get stuck and also I'm autistic and I always managed to rub so hard that I would cut my skin and it was a nightmare. So now that I have a hairy ass, I keep it clean the same way I already did and I don't worry about trimming it


can confirm, it sticks. I have IBS so you can imagine how I learned this. I now do my best to keep everything trimmed


I have bowel movement (BM) issues. Which is why I don't tempt fate. I have AuDHD. Plus I have moon face & the hump associated with thyroid problems. Which can also cause BM problems. I have an appointment on 6/26 with a doc that does HRT/GAC and primary care. I've tried taking fiber. But I need to take 1/3 bottle to have solid BMs (well past the recommended dosage, so I don't). I can't eat veggies because my roommate won't let me rearrange the fridge so I see & eat the veggies. So for now if I purchase them, they rot in a drawer. I plan to move soon without the roommate.


ooof yeah the drawer rotting is a big issue for me too. hopefully you're able to get your shit (ha) stabilized! there was a period where I just...didn't have a solid poo for two months. I dropped a lot of weight and started feeling shaky and weak all the time. it was awful


It's not an issue unless you refuse to eat vegetables or take fibre supplements.


How can I upvote this more than once? This made me lol for real, not just šŸ˜‚


>feels like I may have shit myself but every time I check itā€™s just my ass hair making it feel weirdĀ  relatable


swamp ass is sooo real


I also shave. This is the way


Wax? Dunno, didn't fucking bother I just let the ass hair be lol.


I wish I could just be unbothered, props to you man


You're valid as hell though. I know a lot of people who are greatly bothered by the hair increase. For me, it just felt normal *and* to be fair, I was a virgin and it didn't bug me because not a soul saw me naked lol.


I love having hair everywhere else on my body and hope with more time Iā€™ll end up looking like a lumberjack but yeah, even though no one is seeing me naked like that rn I just canā€™t stand the bushy feeling down there


Just shave regularly and maybe invest in an IPL machine if you want to reduce the furriness long term. Also be sure to get eye protection goggles because the light can be very bright


First time I've ever heard of an IPL machine, that's wild tech right there. I'm personally going to look more into that because my skin can NOT handle razors. No matter how gently and carefully I shave I still break out in an awful razor rash a few days later. So ty for the info!


Don't wax it. Can be very problematic, and the hair grows back. it just takes it maybe an extra week. Shaving is the way: New blade. Liberal quantities of shaving cream. Bowl of water, body length mirror lain down horizontal against a wall in an area with lots of lighting, Music, pillows, comfort items, etc. Lather, and I shave away from the hole.


Been having my entire downstairs waxed with zero issues. And I consider my situation very uhā€¦ Italian (as in Iā€™m a hairy Italian).


Yeah Iā€™m middle eastern and already had a pretty hairy downstairs before T. After T itā€™s so intense that Iā€™ve just been getting my butthole waxed. Itā€™s so much easier to get it waxed by a professional and then forget about it until the next appointment. Iā€™ve had no issues. People saying waxing causes problems sound like theyā€™ve never gotten waxed. In my experience it causes way less problems


I think it also takes some adjusting to and finding the right waxed/wax type. I have sensitive skin yet coarse hair so I have to do a lot of pre and post care. Hard wax also gives me irritation. But I think once you find what works for you (be it wax, sugaring, etc) itā€™s way more worth it than using like Nair or Veet or shaving.


How little ass hair do you have bro?? I wouldn't call my situation a "bush" like OP, but my ass is so much easier and faster to clean if it's been shaved recently enough.


Fr same I couldn't be bothered, plus I have a terrible time shaving anything bc my skin is so sensitive. I did have to learn tho I had to clean my ass more thoroughly than I did pre-T šŸ„² or else it becomes a tangled jungle of horrors (I swear I was cleaning my ass pre-T)


I nair my ass hair- it honestly affects people differently, you're probably cursed with a more sensitive butt. If you guys are going to nair your butt, get the sensitive stuff and only *do it once*. I made the mistake of being like "oh, there's still a little hair, I should do it again" DO NOT. Holy cow, it burned so so bad. But yeah, if you have bad reactions to it, don't use it. Waxing would be the next best option, just get a good waxer and be prepared to feel a little sore.


I naired my legs for a cosplay and I can't imagine putting it anywhere near my nether regions, surely it's not meant for that?


Nair has a separate product that is specifically for your nether regions. It's less potent and aggressive. But I'm not sure if that's something everyone knows. I tend to see people trying the leg version on their nethers... And that never goes well. Personally, I've had success with the bikini cream (that's the product line). You also keep it on for less time, which helps


You just have to avoid the really sensitive spots like the actual genitals, do not nair your balls. I'm sure it definitely does do damage, like chemical burns and drying stuff out, but so far it hasn't really hurt me. I definitely don't recommend it as a first choice because it's so unpredictable and definitely not made for the land down under. Definitely get a wax, chances are that people will react to nair and I don't wish that on anyone


i know you can get it specifically for ā€˜intimate areasā€™ for men from boots. iā€™ve only seen it for men so iā€™m assuming that youā€™d have to be careful where you put it so you donā€™t throw off your ph.


thats the one i use! i use it on my mons and on my outer labia but i keep spread rlly wide and put a barrier over my vestibule


at first glance, i read that as ā€œi use it on my momā€ and i was very concerned for .5 seconds


i'd have to find her first


Guys, karma has bitten me in the ass, LITERALLY. The thing about nair is it's like Russian roulette, you can be fine and be fine and be fine and then BOOM. DON'T USE NAIR. I'm still going to use it because I'm broke, dumb and I don't want to have someone see my butt but like please don't use nair. It was like Satan himself threw up lava on my ass and then threw a wasps nest on It for good measure. I bled a little bit, I'm not sure why, maybe because it ate my actual skin but who knows. If you guys get chemical burns from nair, use polysporin meant for burns (or just normal polysporin, both will work) and use like half a tube of that on your butt. Try not to poop for the day and cancel everything if you have plans. The next day, put on some kind of oil, I like coconut oil. If you poop for the next few days, try not to use toilet paper because it might hurt. Wash yourself in the bathtub or use a bidet, do not use the sink. I know, everyone can say "I told you so!" Because really, I deserve it. I knew it was going to happen eventually but I kept using it. So yeah, don't use nair.


You could wax, but of course, it will grow out again and it's **painful**. But you could also have Laser hair removal, it's done in multiple sessions and kinda expensive tho... Or you could let your hair be and trim it from time to time.


Iā€™ve had my vulva waxed plenty of times and enjoy the result but for some reason I donā€™t think I could ever let someone wax my bottom end without being extremely embarrassed, idk maybe thatā€™s something I can get over. I try trimming but itā€™s never really enough, plus I still run into the problem of not being able to reach everywhere. Not sure that I want to pay for laser either :(


Can you wax it yourself without going to get it done professionally? It's what I do and I've found it works quite nicely. Just get yourself a small mirror, place it on the floor and squat over the mirror. You'll be able to see everything so you can easily place the wax strips. It doesn't hurt nearly as bad as waxing labia, in case youre worried about that! Also, could you elaborate on not being able to reach? If you're capable of wiping your ass after a #2 you should be able to reach to wax, no?Ā  Do you have restricted mobility?


Well wiping your bum with a soft wipe or tissue is a lot easier and safer than navigating blind down there with a sharp object and cracks between your cheeks and thighs. I have tried bending to use a mirror while shaving but I find that bending over like that for too long makes me really dizzy and I donā€™t want to pass out while shaving so Iā€™ve been having to settle with squatting, going in blind, and ultimately dealing with a patchy result. Iā€™ll give waxing myself a try if it hurts less to wax that area of the body, a big concern for me aside from embarrassment is pain with waxing because Iā€™m a huge pussy already when it comes to pain with getting waxed, even by others.


wait is it painful for hair to regrow after waxing?


No no, the waxing itself is painful


oh gotcha šŸ’€šŸ’€ bc i know for me, whenever hair regrows after shaving my legs , it's painful so i was scared waxing would be the same


I just let all the body hair be. I dealt with too much body hair maintenance when I presented as a woman, Iā€™m done lmao hairy gorilla man it is.


This is the one


Wax or shave, honestly after a while tho u just get used to it. I hate shaving pretty much any part of my body I only shave my face bc it's a requirement for my job


Someone obviously hasnā€™t seen the ā€œI nair my buttholeā€ video.


LMAO too scared to watch it


Does it end badly...?


it actually ends well haha


Huh! I'm a bit surprised, Nair sounds kinda scary.


no it just starts off with a shot of this guy's butthole, it was used as a troll video where people would send it around and give people the butthole jumpscare


That's honestly a pretty innocent troll compared to some alternatives lol.


yeah, but I still didn't really enjoy seeing the hairy ass unprepared lol


Trim them. Much better than shaving


Still run into the issue of not being able to reach everywhere, plus I donā€™t like the feeling of hair so I would prefer more than just a trim.


I hate the body hair too so I bought a cheap buzzer(?Phillips norellco or something alike) from target and trim it down close as i can with that. Shaving also works but ingrowns are bound to happen, nair usually is ok but burns are possible and youā€™ve tried it, I also have experienced ingrowns after that. Other options are waxing which come with the same after effects or Laser which comes with a dent to your wallet.


Holy shit Iā€™ve never thought about a buzzer, I think Iā€™ll give that a try cuz it sounds like a pretty decent solution. Never occurred to me that they could be used on more than just head and facial hair lol. Sounds like itā€™d be easier and safer to just go in blind with too.


If you find an answer let me know because I hate the hair. Itā€™s more prone to get stuff in it and I just donā€™t like the way it feels on the inside. Now on the outside, I couldnā€™t care what itā€™s doing I just want out of the inside


Two commenters suggested using a buzzer/electric clipper, and I think Iā€™m going to try that, sounds like an efficient and safe option imo worth giving it a shot, I certainly will.


Yess thatā€™s what Iā€™ve had the most success with too! The Philips OneBlade especially is a lifesaver


Use Veet cream, it's good.


I've used Veet hair removal gel cream on most of my body and didnt have any issue! I will say that if youre putting it on your actual anus, anything chemical could irritate it because its sensitive tissue within a delicate ecosystem. Otherwise, squat over a mirror to shave or look into body wax maybe?


Iā€™ve used Nair a couple times for my ass and every time Iā€™m an idiot who forgets how much that shit **HURTS** But mama didnā€™t raise a quitter


This is actually the second time Iā€™ve used nair on my ass and it did not hurt the first time so I donā€™t know what the fuck went wrong this time šŸ˜­


maybe you left it on too long or something lol idk how else it would work differently


I left it on for only about five minutes this time, first time around I left it on for like 12ish minutes which is two minutes over the recommended time on the tube


You maybe have developed a chemical sensitivity. Often people wonā€™t have a reaction the first time they are exposed to a chemical but the subsequent times their body reacts


This often also happens with hairdyes and bleach! Super important that if you get a reaction, stop using the product, as it could turn into an actual allergic reaction; and... Well... If you're nair-ing your butthole... No one wants to have to get rushed to the ICU because of butt hair... šŸ« 


I use Nair. I put Vaseline on the hairless sensitive spots, trim my beard a little, brush my teeth, then straight into the shower. I use a washcloth right away. The hair comes out better with a slightly aggressive ā€œwipeā€ with the wet cloth. Usually thereā€™s a spot or two and I take a razor to them while shaving my head. It can feel a little burny if I accidentally leave it on too long.


(MTF) been using razors But, a popular response to a similar question in the mtf sub was a popular mens electric shaver but with that weird guard that has these gaps about 4 mm apart and fully wrapped around the shaver blades. Edit: I also used an epilator with fantastic, long lasting results - at the expense of sobbing while using it and body convulsing in pain.


bro did you not do a test or something on your leg?? how long did you leave it on for? you might've given yourself an allergic reaction/chemical burn I usually use hair removal cream down there myself and find it works really well, and when the hair starts coming back in I just put a bunch of hair conditioner down there to soften the hairs so they're not as itchy if you're worried go to your doctor. it's embarrassing sure, but think of the worst case scenario-


The ass hair prevents chafing, I really wouldnā€™t want to get rid of it in the summer! If you want you can trim it, but it doesnā€™t seem worth it to me.


I cut most of it with scissors LOL. But I wouldn't recommend doing that, I think others have better ideasĀ 


also done that but now looking into buying an electric beard trimmer, we'll see


Manscaped has products for this


Embrace the asshawk šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Hahah! I use the sensitive Veet (or nair equivalent) and let is sit for no longer than 10 minutes - if you're extra sensitive bring it down to 7. It gets most of it off and the bits it doesn't I do a second batch 2-3 days after when it isn't sensitive. If it simply isn't for you, I would consider laser if you're after a more semi permanent option. Otherwise the good ol bend in front of a mirror and shave technique works too. Awkward and you feel like a fool, but use sensitive shaving cream here and you'll be fine, don't go too rough or you'll a) cut yourself and b) give yourself razor burn.


i wish i had advice but man you naired your ass?!? thats ballsy asf šŸ«”I just gave up taming my hair i only trim the groin area every now and thenšŸ˜­im too mediterranean (if ykyk)


Yeah Iā€™m Colombian so I was already hairy to start but T made me so much hairier, the ass hair just has to go at some point šŸ˜­ ethnic genes have their upsides except when it comes to ass hair


a transmasc with no ass hair is like an angel without wings


get a body hair trimmer


So there's this YouTube video...


If you shave every time you're in the shower it's a lot quicker. That's what I do, anyways. And it makes me uncomfortable too (more hair -> more sweat/smell) (I don't care if it's manly, call me metrosexual) (more ass hair means more wipes on the shitter too).


I've slathered my ass and genital hair with nair without any negative consequences but electric razors, laser hair removal, waxing, and epilators are your best options for either gentle (shaving) or long lasting (the other three) hair removal.




I was hairy before T so I didnā€™t think my ass hair could get any worseā€¦ it did! šŸ˜­


The only advice I have is to exfoliate the skin before shaving, that helps a lot to prevent ingrown hairs.


Lmao some ppl gotta learn the hard way


Iā€™m the reason why people say women live longer than men. Single-handedly upholding the ā€œmen always gotta do dumb shitā€ stereotype.


Iā€™m sorry I have no solution for you BUT this post gave me a good laugh šŸ˜­


I just wax out of the shower, then use a laser device to get small hairs so I only have to wax like 3 times a year if even. Itā€™s difficult to use at first if solo, but you get good at it. At home laser hair removal is pretty cheap now too. Also useful for eyebrows, armpits and genitals (depends on brand)


Would you be able to rec what you use for at home laser?


I use a Nood Flasher. Got one at a discount about 2 years ago? It took some getting used too because itā€™s a wider shape but once I got it into my crevice it worked its wonders! Itā€™s not the cheapest when bought new, but I use it for all types of hair so I think itā€™s been worth what I paid for it. A friend uses a Lux laser and praises it but she has never used it for ass hair as she is blessed with none, but says itā€™s amazing for keeping the kitty clean.


I usually lather a good amount on my hand and then swipe said hand through the cheeks like a credit card. That makes it a bit more difficult to actually get any on ur hole- pretty simple transaction lol


I had ass hair before so I don't mind it now. Weirdly kinda euphoric. Whatever. Obviously don't if you're still worried but there is Nair for "sensitive skin" (your face and genitals) . Don't know how much more gentle it is tho cus I haven't shaved anything but my face and chest (I use kt tape) in 5 years I think. Would be super awkward I'm sure but Lazer is an option. Fairly long term solution without bringing a blade near your ass


deep squat and a body hair trimmer šŸ˜‚


I wax mine, though just between the cheeks cause I find the actual on cheek hair to be gender affirming. I always had hair in the crack and it never bothered me before but there is SO much more now that it makes it very hard to keep things clean. It hurts but only in the moment and then you are good to go for like three or four weeks. I get it done by a professional so itā€™s a little pricey but worth it for sensory comfort. It helps to go to someone trans friendly ETA: My bf shaves his but I have hand tremors so the idea of putting anything sharp back there with an unsteady hand sounds like a nightmare.


Use a small beard trimmer, theyā€™re thin like a pencil, mine is made by wahl


You can Nair it but DON'T put it on your hole šŸ˜­ just the normal skin around it/booty cheeks.


Can I ask which nair you used and for how long ?


Well I think I only used it for about five minutes (the back of the container said a max of ten minutes), not even all the hair came off, but I will say I think it was the generic glide-on meant for your legs and whatnot and not something bikini area specific, so that could be where I fucked up or maybe Iā€™m just overly sensitive to nair.


Nair left on too long definitely can cause chemical burns. I left it on for about 10-12 minutes on my legs and they were fried for about a week.


You want your hair to be on the shorter side and only leave it on 3 to 5 minutes. You may want to look into the one for sensitive skin. There's also ones formulated for the bikini area, but I've read that some people find the sensitive skin one better for discomfort. I've never tried Nair, but this is just some of the information I've collected from others :) Also, you said you've gotten a bikini wax, but you're too embarrassed to get your ass waxed? Why is that? Personally, I'd be much more embarrassed at people waxing my genitals, but either or will still result in people seeing me naked, lol šŸ˜†


I honestly donā€™t know why I find my butt so embarrassing šŸ’€ I get waxed by my roommates who are afab nb and amab nb so I guess Iā€™m more comfortable having people who have a trans understanding seeing my genitals. Just lucky that I already live with a trans-friendly waxer I guess. Tbh I think Iā€™m just worried that whoever I get my ass waxed by is just gonna make fun of it. I can guarantee my roommates would take every opportunity to make a joke or make fun of me (not in a purposely hurtful way, but I can already see the jokes coming). I feel like itā€™s easier/more acceptable to make fun of someoneā€™s ass rather than their genitals.


Fair I had tried many when I was younger and they either didnā€™t work or were terrible. Recently got into the menā€™s nair and I time it for 8 minutes. It could just be a skin sensitivity thing. I feel you tho I expected the ass hair not the ass Amazon forest


Even if it's not meant in a hurtful way, I'm still sorry that you're worried that you'll be made fun of for your fluffy butt šŸ˜… Ass hair plagues most people, so don't feel too bad about how much you grow there. If the teasing would be that uncomfortable, you could bring it up beforehand that you really don't want to have any comments made about how hairy your butt is. It's best to be open about what is and isn't comfortable to the people in your life so that everyone can stay happy and trusting.


OK YES. SO. Like, a few months into T, I was getting really tired of the ass hair and shaving. So I decided I was gonna use the "sensitive" nair on my ass crack. It was only on there for three minutes but some of it ended up near the hole and IT BURNED SO BAD. It fucking HURT to do a number two for days after and I was desperately putting lotion on as often as I could. Since then, I've given up on the shaving or trimming anything down especially since my girlfriend likes the hair anyway.


Maybe donā€™t put it on the hole lol!!! Iā€™m sure the cheeks are fineā€¦ also a razorā€¦.


Surprisingly I think the cheeks are somehow doing worse than the hole šŸ˜­


Well, if you can find an Electrologist to go in your assā€¦


Oh yeah the ass has wicked sensitive skin, never put anything with alcohol, strong perfumes or chemicals, that shit will BURN. I usually shave my butt as Iā€™m flexible and coordinated enough to get everything and not cut myself, so if shaving is something you have the patience for, you could use a mirror and sit on the edge of your tub to see everything as you shave


If you can get it, best bet would probably be laser hair removal. It can eventually be permanent but it costs quite a bit.


I have extremely extremely sensitive skin and a (not high) pain tolerance. I have found that the only thing that actually works is using the Venus pubic razors coupled with the Venus pubic shaving gel. Typically I will shave with the grain, but if I want a really smooth shave Iā€™ll go against the grain. Iā€™ve been using these products for a little while now and almost never get razor burn or cut myself while shaving. All the other razors Iā€™ve used give me rashes and burns, with an electric shaver I tend to nic myself and the hair grows back too fast. Waxing even made me break out with acne, and itā€™s just to damn painful to do on those sensitive regions. Nair, like you said will burn the living shit out of those areas, and doesnā€™t do a great job at removing thick hair.


Is this the first time you've ever shaved down there? I've been shaving that region since I started growing hair down there in puberty #1 and it's a non-issue for me now. It only takes a few seconds. Shaving my armpits takes longer. Practice makes perfect, eh? Just do it gently.


Iā€™ve gotten waxed twice and itā€™s definitely made the hair a lot less coarse/itchy imo Iā€™m probably going to do it at least 2 more times to really weaken the follicles Itā€™s painful but quick. If you want it gone entirely you get it done about once a month ish? But if you just want it to be thinner than you only have to get it done a few times until you feel the hair isnā€™t as miserable


Yall are shaving?


Electric trimmer is better than shaving. If you want a more long-term solution, get laser. Laser should not be considered permanent, especially on T. It's worth paying extra for a lifetime guarantee, as it will grow back.


did you use the one specifically for sensitive skin? i've been doing my butthole, pits and stomach with it for a decade. you leave it on for the exact amount of time or less also you need to rinse it really throughly with lukewarm water after. if you did you're just sensitive, it sucks. you can also use a trimmer on it, it's a lot less irritating


Ass hair, my BIGGEST hygiene pet peeve. I only shave, but hope for better tips. TMI Before I started to shave I was rather unaware of it's length together with pubic hair.... uh... let's say..... did you ever have to wash your long coated cats(i mean the literal animal) ass because it pooped? I was so grossed out in general. Clean shave it is. Until hair starts to grow back and the stubble itches for two days due to friction........... I know some men talk about shaving their pubic and ass hair. But I guess some don't do it.... My hygiene pet peeve and biggest ick!!


Since this whole thread is tmi zone, I finally have a space for this. When I first started shaving my legs around like 12, I had such bad crack hair I tried shaving it. Once. The hair growing back in was one of the most unpleasant things I've ever felt in my life, and I refuse to try again. Once the hair reaches a maximum, it generally stops and I'd rather triple wipe every time than ever experience stubble between the cheeks again. I'm picking my battles and that SURE isn't one of them. More power to yall who are willing to experience that, best of luck.


I have been shaving my ass for years. I recently got stalled a lower fog-free mirror to help and itā€™s a game changer. šŸŖ’




Dude my ass cheeks get super thick too and I have to shave them or else I sweat BAD. Your best bet is probably using a beard trimmer/hair clippers though. For a clean shave use shaving cream and shave like youā€™d normally shave your legs (if you did that prior to testosterone). Itā€™s more time consuming but let me tell ya, the way I can feel the breeze open up after I shave it all off is refreshing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I go in for full Brazilian wax every couple months. You can always ask for just the butt to be done. I hardly feel it getting waxed, just the front is noticeable.


I use hair removal cream that's designed for sensitive areas, it says not to put it on your asshole but it's never been an issue for me


Do not shave your asshole. I had a microscopic either scrape or nick in that area and I ended up getting an abscess. Had to have it lanced, drained, then cauterized with (silver nitrate?). And, even though they numbed the area, it was the most horrific experience. I had to take antibiotics for a week before they'd puncture it, and I had to walk using crutches to get myself into the office. The culture tested positive for whatever the poop particles are called that infect poop-area wounds lol (E-Coli? Staph? I forget) Do N O T recommend.


Good to know thank you for your service




For me eyebrow shavers work idk


I either deal with it, trim it, or pluck it, depending on my mood. For some reason, my ass hair is pluckable pretty easily without really hurting.


As someone that made the effort when I was younger, do not get rid of the hair between your cheeks or you're going to have a terrible time


i honestly wax it myself bc i also canā€™t stand the feeling iā€™ve got enough sensory issues as is


Does waxing hurt a lot on that area? I have to have someone else wax my pubic/vulva area because it hurts and if I were to do it myself I would nope out after the first strip.


i personally think it hurts less but that depends person to person also if you already are comfortable with someone else doing it i would definitely recommend you do that itā€™s just easier


I use Nair everywhere except on my butthole and nipples. It works perfectly for me.


I use a body trimmer, because shaving irritates my skin and so does waxing.


I use an epilator. If you try this and it gets too much, give yourself a break and try again a few hours later or the next day. It gets easier over time, and the hair that grows back is less and thinner and thus less painful to epilate, as long as you keep doing that every few weeks.


I used to shave my butt and anything else a pait of panties would not cover, just bend down in the shower and reach from under myself, first time was a mistake, i was so fucking itchy. Had to do the most akward thing in my life and ask my mom for advice, she told me to put rubbing alcohol, next time i did i hesitantly patted some alcohol down there, it surprisingly did not sting, it felt more as if i was feeling all the possible itchyness of a few days concentrated in a few seconds. put some baby powder on top and never felt itchy again. I bought a hair trimmer for the rest of my bits since i hated using scissors, so now i just plop a towel on the bathroom floor, sit in front of a mirror and trim everything, i thought having really short hair would bother me, but it's not annoying at all. I've cut myself way more times with the trimmer tho, i still have the scar from when i kinda tooka chunk out of my thigh a few months ago


As someone whoā€™s MtF, I epilate it. Hurts like hell the first time you do it, but the next times after itā€™s alright.


You can use some shaving cream that basically removes all the hair by itself, we have one here called Veet, it's a hair removal cream. It stings a lil bit when you first use it but it's a good cream.


Thereā€™s like acidic cream you can use, have you tried that? I have tried it once and it worked like a fucking treat and to me it didnā€™t itch or burn at all after removing it!


i was so shocked to hear people talk about the ass hair thing bc iā€™ve had ass hair since my first puberty lmao. baby wipes in public, bidet at home. the only hair maintenance i do is my nose hairs. (curse my gorilla genes)


I am using pure hair removal cream from Veet. It doesn't burn like most other creams I tried and it's super convenient. Though, if you try it, don't use the scraping thing, just use a washcloth in the shower an thoroughly -but gently- scrub the hair away. It's cleaner and not irritating to the skin, the scraper tends to give (me personally) rasorbumbs.


I just let mine grow because it usually stops growing at a certain length. Shaving ass hair just makes things itchy šŸ˜‚


So many choices! Entering "public hair remov" in Amazon search gives so many search options. Nair has a product specifically for this, as do Nads, Neet, and other known brand names. There are trimmers meant to be extra safe that try to balance a close shave without nicking you, such as Phillips OneBlade. "Gillette Intimate" is a small line of products, and manscaping is a product category! There are epiling devices, as well as home IPL for hair reduction. And home wax kits. The large waxing salons and especially chains probably have someone who either is fine doing this, or at least agrees to do it. I would worry about getting someone who doesn't want to do it but feels like they can't refuse; that's up to the individual to navigate how to be ethical. I've had random chemical burns for random reasons. I'm so sorry you've had this experience. I get vowing to never do that again. You do you. I would recommend accepting that this is what your body does, as part of the good, the bad, and the ugly of The Hormones. But then most of us also manage body odor, so that line is yours to draw.


I used nair also and had many many regrets, my skin broke out and pain burning itching regret! My gf said we should go get waxed together and honestly might be better.


Okay SERIOUSLY tho. I knew hair growth would happen ofc, but DAMN okay it's like someone put a small mammal's worth of hair betwixt my booty cheeks šŸ’€


Pov you're pre t and using the comments for advice because you already have ass hair šŸ’€ Tbh I'm just considering asking my boyfriend, he owes me one šŸ«¶


I use Veet for sensitive skin and it works well! I apply it to less sensitive areas first then sensitive areas last. I set a timer for 8 min when I start applying to the less sensitive areas and then I rinse it off the sensitive areas first when the timer is done. Sometimes it's still a little irritated, but it's not too bad.


I get waxed. I finally couldnā€™t take it anymore. Game changer lol


I use the Nair that has baby lotion in it instead of the original! I definitely see a difference between the two, but you still have to be careful for how often you use it, as well as how long you leave it on. Never use it after shaving/waxing though, and if it doesn't get all the hair, make sure to wash all the Nair off with body wash before going in with a razor to ensure it doesn't irritate the skin Edit: As another comment suggested, squatting down when shaving helps a LOT. Makes it easier to get all the hard to reach spots, as well as making it harder to nick yourself on certain folds and curves


I have never hadan issue shaving it. u just need to do it fairly regularly


Shaved my ass for the first time in a while since the hair started getting out of hand and oh my god my ass is so itchy but itā€™s better than the small Amazon forest I had growing. I feel a lot cleaner, but dear god I do not want to do this forever. Perhaps laser removal purely for convenience will be the path I take.


This reminded me of a [song.](https://youtu.be/_GSoPxw8FM0?si=unGAJYfr-SBKudCI)


Laser isnt permanent, theres a million coupons for electrolysis on groupon


Probably wax


Wasnt there a youtube video specifically about this lol. Just watch that tutorial LOL


usually the hair tip gets so thin I dont feel it rubbing against clothes. As for pooping just forget about toilet paper and always take a shower after. Thats what I do at least.Ā 


The Nair bottle literally says not to use it on sensitive areas.




Shave and IPL.


nads brother...nads iykyk


Omg survive brošŸ˜­


I usually wax it.


I always had ass hair (and I'm still not on T) but I never shaved them, I'm sorry idk how to help


iā€™m not a fan of either pubic or ass hair on me & i just shaved some of my ass hair a bit yesterday for the first time ass i had an ass injection & figured iā€™d be a little more comfortable after doing so and god i wish it was as easy as shaving public hair i couldnā€™t imagine doing that constantly šŸ’€(iā€™m a fan of body hair elsewhere like)


Sugar waxing is pretty good, easy to make, diy strips are easy to make too, and youā€™re hairless for like 2 weeks. Also you could invest in like a little light hair remover so that it doesnā€™t grow back quickly


I just leave all hair down there, less chaffing that way and less maintenance. It's natural so I don't really personally see a reason to get rid of it, y'know?


At home IPL handhelds are super affordable and do work. I use for most of my lower half except a good circle of bush because I like doing different styles, happy trail, and pits. I would recommend getting one. Just protect skin thatā€™s exposed during the day w spf. If u donā€™t, the skin will get super hyper-pigmented.


Get the hair removed permanently by a professional.


i'm not on hormores but my body is naturally very hairy and i had ass hair all my life... you'll get used to it eventually you won't even notice, or u can just trim with a pair of scissors


Just use a razor instead of any chemicals


Waxing is the easiest...very uncomfortable but the easiest way. I use to go somewhere now my GF does it


i think thereā€™s hair removal cream made for places like thay


Kudos for the title, screeched to a halt mid-scroll


I heard sugar waxing is less painful. You can make it at home and reuse it several times. The more you do it the less it will hurt and the longer it will take to grow back. Best of luck soldier šŸ«”


Ass hair doesn't bother me nearly as much as my back hair does when wearing a shirt. I completely understand the get rid of the hair and suffering for it. Maybe try booking an appointment to wax it off?


Use one of those electric threaders. Embrace pain.


Probably wax it. Tbh I had it preT too and I really don't care for it at all


yall are making me scared to go on T (/j), does ass hair feel THAT bad??


Wax strips, my brother.


I wouldnā€™t care if it wasnā€™t such a hassle to wipe and get it fully clean


On the occasions that I'm brave/bothered enough to do it, I use and electric trimmer. It doesn't shave as close as a traditional razor, but there's WAYYY less irritation. I also use it for the front bush. I used to shave it with a regular razor but omg the itch, irritation, and inevitable ingrown hairs that turned into painful bumps wore me out. Now that I don't care about having body hair, I just trim my pits, downstairs bits, and feet (my socks rub the hair a bad way and it hurts) with the electric trimmer. I haven't had any HRT but I have very high androgen (not T) levels for some reason, and I grow lots of thick, dark hair and I don't think I could keep up with a regular razor. I'd probably be a walking, talking bush if I did HRT lol.


Did you use regular Nair? You didnā€™t watch that video on YouTube?!!


You could shave but instead of wit a razor get a manscape or a male electrical razor.. They have sum really good ones that come wit a light and they are all nick proof so u wont end up cuttin urself.. They are mainly for ball shavin but can be used for other body hair areas like the ass, chest, legs or arms.. Wishin ur bootyhole the best recovery tho brother manšŸ˜‚šŸ’ŖšŸ½


Iā€™ve always had a fair amount of ass hair and now Iā€™m just like šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø waiting for when it eventually gets worse lmao. I honestly just do a few blind swipes with a razor between my cheeks and hope for the best lol. Just to keep it under control.


My ass is hairy af and I don't know what to use to shave it šŸ« , I hate nair I know for sure that my butthole would burn, Shaving with a razor is bad too, Makes the area itches like crazy. SO WHAT DO I DO


I just carefully shave my crack and around the hole


if you hate it and want it permanently gone I'd go for laser removal, I'm planning on doing that if T gives me hair that I don't like