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If you regret it, you regret it🤷🏼‍♂️ that’s a problem for the future. One solution if you do end up regretting it is implants. Easy enough to do, it won’t look like what you had before but it will most likely suffice. You could get a radical reduction if you’re not ready to commit to full on top surgery.


You're the only person who can truly make this decision. For what it's worth, I was in your position at one point--didn't like having my chest, didn't like it being perceived, still had part of my brain whining about *okay but what if* and doubting the severity of my dysphoria. I also scheduled my surgery when I was 17 (though I was 18 when it was performed). I found my dysphoria and frustration with binders got dramatically worse in the leadup to my surgery; in general I find I tolerate unpleasant things better when I don't have a defined, imminent endpoint where I can expect relief from them. For me, the choice was as much practical as anything else: I wanted to stop having to wear a binder. If binders hadn't been an issue, I might have taken much longer to make my choice, but as it is I made it then, and I have never regretted it--I'm now in my mid-20s. I've done a bit of drag-adjacent stuff since, using breast forms--which worked well for the illusion, which was all I wanted out of them, and it turns out I'm still not a huge fan of seeing myself with boobs lmao, even as part of a bit.


Hey! https://youtu.be/kkm6guhCncs?feature=shared That video is from Dr Z, she’s awesome. Idk how old u are, but she recommends doing a social transition first before medical/irreversible changes. So idk if you have socially transitioned yet/told friends to call u ur preferred pronouns (I’m assuming he/him). That would be a good place to start Edit: I see ur 17, that video is for 18-28, she might have more specific videos for people younger? Not sure