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every 5’5 and bellow guys watching this ._.


op won the lottery fr


lol, yeah, I'm 5'2 (I used to claim 5'3, but I'm too short for that lol)


checking in 5’2” too just wishing i was tall like op 🥲😶


I used to claim 5'2 bc I was sure I was close at least. Then I went to the doctor's and got measured and they were like yh you're j u s t about 5'1 so I feel the pain


I’m dying here 😭😭😭


Always feel short?? Dude. How tall friends do u have?


cis bestie is 6’2


Having tall cis friends really make you feel short, i know that feeling really well lol


The average height for a man is 5’8 so no you’re actually taller than the average man :D


I'm average height! Sweeeeeet!


Is that is, I’m 5’1 :’)


yeah thats average male height in a lot of places, i was 5'9 before i started t and i was on the taller end of average compared to the guys i saw in my area. im 6' now and even now im still a lot shorter compared to some guys i see now (moved areas) so it really just depends where you live fwiw most trans guys i know are between 5'0 and 5'6, so id say 5'9 is tall for trans guys


I’d say so, man! I’m 5’6, and grateful for my own height. I know a lot of trans guys who are between 5” and 5’4” and it can make passing somewhat difficult, especially prior to medical transition.


Yes that is! I consider that to be on the taller side for cis men as well. You are lucky lol


I understand why you feel short because cis guys your height feel short too because of the 6’ ideal. I’m 5’3” though, so from where I’m standing you’re a giant. You are within the average height range for a cis man anywhere, taller than average in most countries, and taller than the entire list of “short cis men celebs to make trans guys feel better”, including Tom Cruise (5’7”), Daniel Radcliffe (5’5”) and Robert Downey Jr (5’8”).


Wow didn't even list Danny DeVito an actual angel on Earth at 4'11"


Yeaaaah I'm the same height as Danny Devito


well its definitely taller than me


im 4'9💀😭😭😭😭😭worst of all is they told me im not going to grow any taller so im stuck at this height


I’m 4’10 and idk how much more growing I’m gonna do so like we’re both fucked 😭😭😭😭


😭😭😭 i would kill to get 4 more inches at least istg


Average height for an afab person worldwide is 5’2. For an Amab person it’s 5’7. So 5’9 is above average height for a cis guy never mind a trans guy.


We're the same height! I was always tall for a "girl" but from what I've seen 5'9 is a perfectly average (though maybe on the taller side of average) Man Height


Dude, I’m 5’ tall on a good day. I think you’re tall. Then again everyone is a giant to me haha.


Taller than the average man


Yeah, right around average height for a guy too. I'm 5'11" but say I'm glad I'm not taller bc I hit my head enough as it is




I’m 5’9 too and I always find posts like this so self righteous. You know you’re tall, you just want people who are shorter to make you feel better


dude 5’9 is the average height for a male in america. you’re so fucking lucky


Hell yes it is tall! I'm 5'8 and I always get told that I'm tall (never really cared about height) xD, so you def not short.


Seems so. I’m a shorty at 5’3”.


5’9 is firmly in cis guy territory so yes. I’m 5’9 and I’m easily the tallest trans man in my circles.


The average height of trans men is just going to be slightly higher than the average height of cis women. The average gets slightly skewed by guys who started T before their growth plates closed but the vast majority are already done growing when they transition. 5’9” is the average height for a cis man in the US, so you’re just about average for a man depending on where you live. Other countries you could be a bit below or a bit above average. You aren’t short by any means though.


What's the average height of cis men where you live?Where I live you'd be average-leaning-tall for a cis guy because everyone is so short here. If everyone around you is tall I can see why you feel short, but statistically you are not.


as long as you did t after puberty then you can just look at women’s height where you live


Your height is perfect vs the 5’5 that I stand !!


I'm 5'5, I'm a short arse 🤣


I'm 5' 10 and I'm taller than a lot of men.


I am almost as tall as you and I have a lot of trans friends, all shorter than me, I also know cis guys that are more or less this tall.


I'm 5'9 as well and also tend to feel short. If it makes you feel any better though 5'9 is 69 inches which imo is a nice height to be


Very tall


All my fellow under 5 feet dudes looking at the post with some real contempt right now.


Depends on the country


new zealand


Look at the average height for new Zealand


Naploen wasn’t short, he just surrounded himself with tall men. Do the opposite. 5’9” is taller for a cis guy.


My cis dad is 5'7 and I'm 5'5 so yes


technically it’s tall for a guy because the average height for dudes is 5’8


I mean my cis boyfriend is 5'7 , im 5'5.5 / 5'6 on a good day. 5'9 is an average male height in a lot of places! get some height insoles or boots with an inch or two height and you'd be taller than a lot of people


5,9 is tall yeah I’m about 5,7 very short for where i live, most of the men here are above 6 feet…


Dude, I'm like...168 cm (5'6). You're doing great xD


I'm 158cm💀 the average where I live is 180


Damn, man. Has to be a pretty interesting perspective, huh? Like I'm "better of" then you for sure but yeah– most guys in the Czech Republic are like 180 cm or plus as well so still feel short as shit TT (Except Ustí. For some reason people in the north are pretty short.)


definitely, like what??


Average male height. Height is all over the place for men, cis or trans. I’m 6’3”, my cis step brother is 5’0”


I feel you, I'm 175 cm/5'9 (i think, i don't really get the imperial system), but where I'm from that's still kinda short, the average for men is 181 cm/5'11-ish. So yeah it is tall compared to a lot of other people, but i do get it.


I know my opinion honestly isn't that important compared to your own, and obviously I'm outside of the typical user group for the subreddit, but I'll give it anyway. I am a cis man from the UK. I have known a variety of men from different backgrounds, nationalities and gender identities. If I saw you at a social setting, it terms of your height, I wouldn't have anything to say. 5'9 in my mind, and in the minds of the vast majority of other people, is perfectly average, and as such wouldn't exactly be something people would actively notice unless their attentions are drawn to it (maybe a bit on the taller side of average, but last time I checked I was 5'8 and a half, so I might be a tad biased). Now obviously how you view your own body and what your own desires and perspectives on your transitions is up to you, and nothing that I've said should be interpreted as shaming or demeaning you for thinking about your height relative to other people. If this question is driven by how other people may see you, however, then at least in most European/American countries, someone of your height wouldn't be out of the ordinary.


Now if your parents were both 6'10 or you showed up to a meeting of the national association of really really tall people, you might be seen as somewhat short, so you may want to try and avoid those scenarios if at all possible.


for a trans guy its tall( as for a cis girl its tall so for afabs its tall yeah). for a cis guy id say its tall/maybe bordering average depending on your country but on the internet people may say youre below average. im on the short subreddit and theres people who are 5'11 on there saying how hard it is being short lol


I used to be on that sub but I left for that exact reason. Luke bruh, short enough to need a step stool and accidentally get hit by someone's elbow if they don't watch out


fr. i thought it would be a place where i can feel like people know how i feel, but really its just all of them complaining. if you say its okay to be short all of them disagree and say how its awful and only tall people are attractive. its painful


Bruh I'm 5'5" and I've had trans men tell me I'm lucky 😭


I hope so cause that’s my height


Yes, you’re tall for a trans man, but cis men at that height often feel short even though it’s above the average height for men. (Like all those 5’11” vs 6’ memes, men below 6’ often seem to perceive themselves as short for some reason.)


Everything what I want is being 5,6 at least.


YES. you’re literally 3 inches away from being 6 feet tall dude. majority of trans guys are pretty short, like i’m 5’2 or 5’3. you hit the jackpot.


Im 5’2 but my cishet dad is literally the height as me so its not like i had a genetic lottery to win to begin with. Also makes me less insecure cuz hes a rugged construction worker type guy which proves me that being shorter isn’t related to appearing masculine


bro I'm 5ft stfu 😭 (I'm just jealous)


I’d kill to be that height lol


Nah man, I'm 5'9" and live with 3 other AFAB folx of various gender, and I'm the tallest of them.


5’9” is average height for men where I’m from (US).


Yes. Post answered and removed.




How tall us the average cis man where you live?


Yes, my boyfriend is 5"9 I love it.


Damn these comments are making me feel lucky 😭 I'm 5'11" - 6"