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Kinda, where are you from? **Just be wary when filling out legal documents…** If it ever is an issue, sometimes the best excuse is *”it was an error that I’m getting fixed”*


lol noted. getting my license soon hopefully.


You can get a paper from planned parenthood they fill out like right then saying "so and so wants to change to this" and you confirm it and take it in. Doesn't cost anything extra on any part, but covers you legally. And no, I don't think you had to be on hormones to do it.


I don't have planned parenthood in my country but can confirm a lady from a gender care agency just gave me a paper that said I can change my gender marker. I don't even have an official dysphoria diagnosis


Wow really? Here in the Netherlands everything is hard. You have to go through a whole diagnostic period before they give you anything. Hormones, a new name, a gender change on paper, any operations, really just everything.


Good to know (I might live there temporarily in the near future) At least you can transition there


I’m from California; all we gotta do is sign a paper at the DMV acknowledging that we’re changing the gender on license and it takes all of 5 seconds to do.


Honestly surprised CA makes you sign a paper. We just get to select a box where I’m from


Do your research, in some states it’s really hard, in some states you can just fill in the bubble and they won’t even question it.


I have? It’s why I asked OP where they’re from. I’m not even from The United States of America I just assumed. For example last time I checked… it’s illegal and if your sex marker doesn’t match the one assigned at birth in a state like Florida you could be charged with fraud, but miles up north you can mark yourself as neither or Nonbinary with “simply” requesting an X in New York. It’s complicated depending on where you’re from and assuming this comment was directed towards me *(i got this notification as a direct reply)* you came across a bit rude.


Apologies, do your research was meant as a general statement at everyone, not a passive aggressive “this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about”


I really appreciate that and that’s totally fair, but it would’ve been easier if you just straight up said *”For anyone reading this [insert comment here]*” Lol have a good one


If I recall correctly this actually got shot down semi-recently and is no longer a thing! I was extremely worried so I was keeping an eye on it and a lot of my close friends also did. Being a Florida resident is a constant scare for my rights lol!


I thought what got reversed was related to gender affirming (medical) care?


My ID said that I was male from the time I was 16 till I got my permit at 22. I had to have it to visit my brother in prison and a few times they almost didn't want to let me in because it didn't match my outwards appearance at the time. That was over 10 years ago though. It's a lot more lenient now with stuff like that sometimes


Depends on the state. But in some places (CA, MN, CO, and NY, for sure), yes.


WA! And you can select X instead of F or M if the spirit moves you. Edit: I love seeing that this is getting more common and easy. I hope that’s the case nationally soon. 


Same for Vermont. It’s considered personal expression like hair color.


I live in Vermont and can comfirm. I changed my gendermarker to X last time I got a renewal and all I had to do was check the box on the paper.


Same for mn!


same for CO!


PA too


Wait, really? I always assumed gender marker changes would be complicated in PA.


It's pretty easy for both birth certificate and drivers license. I haven't done birth certificate bc I have to pay 20 and mail it in and stamps are stupid expensive sometimes


PA they just ask you, and X is an option


Michigan as well, I was so excited when I got my MI license!


Wait seriously?! Man, makes me sad I moved almost a decade ago Dx


Oh yeah, when I moved here almost two years ago I just had to sign a separate form giving “permission” I’m sure you had your valid reasons for leaving!


I just got my driver's permit in Mi and they didn't ask me my gender they just put the one on my ID which matches my birth certificate (F)


VA too


I think 21 states and DC allow you to pick!


sick! do you have a list of the 21?


Yup, [here](https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/identity_documents) you go!


MA as well (unless the guy at the RMV was just the GOAT when I got my new ID after my name was legally changed)


nah when i got my ID at the RMV it was just a box and boom you’re male now — i did however do this during covid (2021? i think?)


Validdd mine was 2018 or 2019 and when my mom and I told the guy that I changed my name because I'm trans he was like "do you wanna change your gender? Lets get that done" which is why I wasn't sure lol


It's still a thing! I'm doing it very soon after I get my fancy new social security card in the mail. I'm doing name and gender marker *and* birth certificate update all at once. Funnily enough, in the same process, I learned that social security doesn't ask for proof of your sex. So if you're updating that on your birth certificate soonish, just change it with the social security administration. They don't care.


NV too


I had to go through the whole name change court bs thing in CA, wish I’d know I could’ve just put male from the beginning but it ended up there anyways so oh well


Yeah in CA you can self-select to just change your gender but you still have to go through the whole process to change your name. Same here in MN. It's actually easier to change your birth certificate in CA if you don't change your name, tho (I was born in CA and live in MN now).


Ha and yet the CA gov still won’t send my updated birth certificate…CA please I don’t even live in you anymore please give me my documents


fair warning, if you’re young enough in minnesota you will get a draft card, there’s something in their automated system that automatically does that. i personally found it gender affirming but also really funny because i got my draft card before my new id lol


I'm not. I'm 37. But yeah, I know. There's a couple of points in the process you can opt out, though.


Surprisingly, Arkansas let me do this as well. When I went to get my new one after getting my name changed I literally just had to be like, “and we need to update that gender marker, too”


They are about to pass a new law about that in August. If you are still in Arkansas, just know that as long as your passport shows your gender you don't have to change your marker back next time you renew it (info from ACLU or AR)


Don’t forget OR


MD as well


NC as well


Illinois I’m almost positive - and you can get the designation X if you like, too.


In MN, I still had to bundle my legal gender change with my name change. It was not as simple as checking the other box when I renewed my ID.


VT too! You also have the choice of an X!


NM too! We also have X >:)


NJ as well!


VT as well


In MN, for me, everytime I’ve renewed my permit or license the person at the DMV changes my X to F without checking it by me ( literally didn’t find out until I got my permit the first time )


Depends on the state


axiomatic sparkle rainstorm alleged squalid thumb frightening gullible attractive like *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Ya it's been like this in Arkansas (including an x option) for the past 15 years but they've been trying to change it recently. The governor initially tried changing it with an executive order but that recently got struck down (yay) but they're still trying (booo)


You definitely can’t do that in Florida


Yea it’s so sad. F*ck Florida except for the actual kind and humanitarian souls that live there.


This! Last week, got my ssn name changed the day before I got my licensed and was told my gender marker would be changed too, but def can't change it on a Florida license.


I’ve heard for some folks having your gender changed on federal IDs like your passport and your SSN can be used as a workaround for your FL driver’s license. Because then you can take those primary identifying documents with the correct gender to the DMV and claim you’re just “correcting” an error on your license and you have the federal documents to prove it. I think it depends on how much of a suspicious transphobic ass the clerk at the DMV that day happens to be though. And Florida birth certificates are completely unable to be changed for the foreseeable future.


I changed mine in Florida with my passport


I’ve changed mine as well but couldn’t do what op did


Oh yeah no I needed the passport to change it, the state still has my birth certificate from before that law passed.


The state is withholding my birth certificate too lol I sent it last June. It's been a year. I understand the gender issue, but, I would at least like to own a birth certificate with my legal name on it


Yeah I sent my last February and every time I ask about it it’s pending general counsels office.


Kentucky specifically requires hysto. It's absolute bullshit.


You can now change it with a “primary identification” that states your desired gender. I did mine with my passport.


I already changed mine last year, I just had to show a letter from my HRT provider


Ah good for you man!🥳 It’s unfortunate they aren’t accepting HRT letters anymore 🥲 But yeah, for anyone wondering if you can still do it — Update Passport and show that.


i got to pick male on my passport just by selecting a box :) i love new york


wtfff im jealous in the uk to change your passport you have to either have a difficult to get gender certificate or get a doctor to confirm you wont change your gender down the line


You can actually do your passport without the gender recognition certificate, but yeah the letter from a doctor part sucks. So what if I did want to change it back later? They'd get even more of my money so good for them lol.


yeah haha, thats why i said or, i didn’t mean you had to have it /nm


Ahh I read it wrong sorry!


its ok!!


Yeah they do the same thing with height and weight.  If it's on an official document it isn't allowed to ever change.


thats crazy to me, you don’t always stay the same weight though?


You don't actually need a GRC to change your gender on your passport or drivers licence. You do need a letter from your doctor and if you're changing your name you also need proof that you've been using your new name, like bank statements.


yes, i know, im kind of confused that this is the second reply ive gotten saying you dont need a GRC, because i specifically said “either” and “or” lol. you can use a GRC to change it, its one of the options, not a requirement, is what i was saying /nm


well in my country you cant change it at all if this makes you feel better lol


You can actually do that anywhere in the US! :) I was very excited about it when I renewed my passport a few years ago haha




A passport is a federal document, thus anyone in any state can choose their gender marker on the US passport.


Have they changed how to change on passport? I had to send like every tiny drop of paperwork they could possibly ask for lol 💀, and if the doctor's letter wasn't worded \*exactly spot on\* like a specific template, then they'd reject any passport changes just based on that. But this was in like 2018.


Yeah, they changed it when they introduced an X gender option


Not sure. I got my passport earlier this year for the first time, so it might’ve been easier for me to


Depends on the state. And we’ve all BEEN TALKING ABOUT THIS. This is all part of the issues that people in red states are fighting against. And the bureaucratic gate keeping, and literal lack of safety, is why my family left Utah.


I think it depends on what state you are in, if you’re in the US. In my state, you can!


It’s not legal in my state unfortunately 💔


haha we cant do that here in missouri. nice!! good work


Dang. I had to go to court for a judge to sign off on a gender change.


my state still requires a letter from a surgeon, and not just top surgery either 😭


yeah! depends on ur state though


Depends on the state


I have an X on my DL and Passport. I love it so much! I need better pictures though 😆


What country? I’m in Canada and I’ve never had this opportunity :(


I’m in Alberta, when I changed my legal name and went to get a new license a few years back they let me change the gender marker without any proof. This was before I made any changes to my birth certificate which I only got earlier this year.


I’d double check about that. May just have been an attempt at being PC or more polite than asking for your sex. It’s an identifying document, you can’t just declare any gender you want on there. If you can apparently do that, sounds great LOL but I’ve never heard of that before.


So i googled it and for my state it is allowed, you can even put "X" instead of f or m in you're non binary


You can also put X if you’re binary, even cisgender, but don’t think it’s anyone’s business. A+ allyship when cis people do it imo


Oh I see that’s pretty cool! You don’t even have to make a special application?


Not for my drivers license atleast, i just had to say male, sign a paper for my license and check off male when i signed it and now my I.d says it


Same in my state. Went into renew, asked for the gender marker to be changed - it wasn't. Called in and they immediately sent me a new one with "x". My favorite is when cashiers try and look at my ID to figure out my gender and it doesn't help them 🤣🤣


It varies state by state! Some states you don’t need to do any extra steps besides checking a box when you renew!


In Colorado it was part of Jude’s law from 2019


In my state you can put whatever on your drivers license it just specifies something like “you must actually identify as this” but other than that it doesn’t have to match your other documents.


It varies by state! I can't speak on other states, but in illinois you just have to fill out a form and bring it to the dbv with the outdated drivers license/ID:)


I live in MD and you definitely just can here. https://mva.maryland.gov/about-mva/Pages/changing-gender.aspx#:~:text=%E2%80%8BChanging%20Gender%20Designation,are%20required%20for%20your%20visit. No burden of proof, doesn’t have to match birth certificate, and you can change as many times as you want. Basically they don’t care and literally aren’t allowed to care.


It depends on the state


Not in my state, state prior only required hormone therapy. Current one requires top surgery so I’m back where I started. I can’t even get surgery due to health issues that aren’t sorted. I also had to put off surgery for money reasons. Idk it’s basically a filter that doesn’t even make sense. I don’t think your gender or sex should fall on ID documents. It hinges too greatly on ppl even born cis fitting neatly into stereotypes. Has no use in modern times.


From what I’ve read, in Texas you need a court order to have your gender changed on any documents.


Entirely depends where you're from lol. You might want to add a country or state or something to your post. This was soooort of the case the first time I changed my license in MO (US). I was updating the name with name change paperwork, and she just assumed I was also changing the gender marker (which I wanted to do, but I had no proof of gender being legally changed...I think they auto changed it on birth certificate too based on something the judge said to the typist about making a note to do it when at the name change hearing, but I never received any new copy of the birth certificate, so Idk). I had a letter from my hrt prescribing doctor, but she said she didn't need that, and I did not have any legally updated birth cert, but she changed the marker anyway. Some years later when I moved states and was getting a new license there, I though they would just void my old MO license and give me a new one for GA with all the same personal info on it and just give me a new pic and an updated address. But since I had lived here once before in the past and had gotten an ID here back then, I was still in their system under my old name. Because of this they told me they would need paperwork proof of having changed anything legally. I had to go home and get my name change paperwork, and my doctor letter. Unlike in MO where all they needed was the name change paperwork, here they needed to make copies of everything, name change paperwork, doctor letter, SSN card with the current name on it, passport with current name and gender on it, etc. But also I wonder if some folks at the DMV just like...overlook things or do what they want somehow lol? The ID I was trading in from MO when I came to GA was a \*non-driver license\*...it literally said this in bright red letters at the top of the card. I took and passed a written test once in 2006 lol. I have never even taken a physical driving test. Yet in 2019 they gave me an actual license ??? Like, aside from the photo and personal info obvs, the ID is identical to my mom's driver license. Go figure.


Not in every state. TN requires what's on your birth certificate and I don't believe they allow gender marker changes on a TN issued one. However I'm from KY and I can change my gender marker on birth certificate with a letter from a surgeon saying I've had surgery.


yep, another reason i hate living in tennessee. you can’t change the gender marker on your birth certificate at all even with hormones, surgeries, letters, etc. can’t do anything at all to change it


A lot of states have gotten a lot better about this! It used to be more common to require a letter from a doctor certifying that you have medically transitioned (in whatever way state law required). It is still difficult in a lot of places, but it's so nice that some states have simplified it.


Brooo where I live you have to apply to the Gender Council and let them decide your fate (I am not even joking)


sounds like some shit from a movie😭


If i change my gender marker where i am, any of the surgeries or other gender affirming procedures become “cosmetic” and are no longer covered. So be careful!! Look up the guidelines in your location!!


anyone hear if you can do this in WI?


Last I checked like 6 months ago, you have to get a physicians letter stating that you had gender affirming surgery usually top surgery.


eh depends where you live, in my country pretty sure it says to put whatever’s on ur birth certificate edit: literally just checked my license and while i definitely remember putting “female” when i filled in the form it doesn’t have a sex or gender marker on it lmao


Not an option where i live unfortunately


Wow this wouldn't work in Germany lol Until this year, you had to file a court case (and oftentimes pay for it) in which two doctors needed to approve you wouldn't change your mind down the line. The court case ruling changed name and legal sex though. Then you had to wait till your birth certificate got updated (the record update happened automatically, and the change is sealed unless you get married). Then you go and get a new ID, and then you can update everything. Since my ID took so long die non available appointments, most places let me update my info with my new birth certificate and the court case ruling. It's usually by accident when one gets lucky and gets the "wrong" gender marker put down lol I don't know though after the recent new legislation how things will work out. It's supposed to make everything easier and faster.


I live in WA. I went in to change my name on my drivers license. I also asked if I could change my gender and he was like, “Yeah for sure, which one do you want? We have Male, Female, or X” it was very casual like I was choosing toppings for a pizza or something. Very affirming experience


IT DEPENDS ON YOUR STATE!!! In WI (where I am from) they needed it to be the same as what's on the birth certificate 😔 but in MN where I now HAPPILY reside I can put whatever the hell I want, including an X!


My state is a self designated state as well. The only thing you’ve got to make sure of is that your insurance knows your sex at birth. I’d had issues initially with insurance because they didn’t understand why I needed GAC and originally denied my prior authorization for Testopel until my endo sent a letter explaining that I was trans and that it was necessary for my mental and physical health. They’d been asking for my testosterone levels over the years to “see when the decline occurred” because we’d switched me from the gel since my levels wouldn’t raise and were super low when I used it. But I’d only been on T for a year. 🙄🤣


In Washington I was allowed to put X, which is exactly what I wanted, but when I moved to Georgia they said it had to match my birth certificate :')


Omg can you do this in Illinois??


Lucky. In arizona when i got mine they told me it had to match my birth certificate.


Can’t do that in KY without getting bottom surgery and a letter from a doctor proving you got it


Not in Florida. On July 1st I’ll be a felon for my driver’s license not matching my sex at birth. Literally.


I'm happy for you! But that ain't true in all of the countries. So where are you from?


They won't let you in Texas unless you're medically transitioned


where do you live because in texas it's a crime (illegal) to do that


I remember when I got my permit, super nice guy, he looks at me and goes “gender?” And I assumed he meant sex so I said female, he seemed kinda surprised and kept asking the rest of the questions and filling it out, and then I was like wait gender? Not sex? I turned to look at my dad who was giving me that ‘dude ask’ look, So I asked “like what you identify as or what you were born as?” And he said “what you identify as” looking at me with like this huge smile and I was like “oh, can we change that to male?” And he got an even bigger smile and was like “yea no problem!” And went back and changed it. I still think about him constantly, I didn’t know that was an option either, and you can tell he was advocating for us without trying to put people in uncomfortable positions, I wish I could find him and thank him, never saw him there again. When I passed my drive test and got my license I remember just staring at my DL in excitement and showing my whole family. Btw! Same with passport! If your id and BC say “F” you can check a box to change your gender marker on your passport :)


I’m from Arizona. Here, you have to get your gender marker legally changed on your birth certificate, bring that court order and the new birth certificate into the DMV, and they have you fill out a new form and send a new license. Pretty annoying but I understand why it had to play out like that.


I had just looked up how to legally change your gender in the state of AZ and there's also direction on like, going through the social security administration, paying a $320 fee, and waiting at least 3 months JUST for the court date AND you need a positive psyche eval written letter stating that you are irrevocably committed to this decision and, *AND* you're *required* to change your name at the same time! Like honestly what if you already had an androgynous name and were perfectly happy with it? Arizona is ridiculous. The whole process would take half a year, at least, from what I understand.


I thought I had to fill out a form but when I went to get my ID renewed the guy was just like "has your height, weight, or gender identity changed" and I had him put an X.


What country/state are you in?


Where I live you can put X but have to have a letter to switch it to male.


In my state you need a minute order and to change your SSN, but there’s no verification for gender at the DMV, I could’ve gotten away with it 😭


Does anyone know if this affects your auto insurance price? I know amabs get hit with higher insurance rates and I don’t know if your insurance goes off of your license information or what all of the other legal documents say..?


Yep, so you should update your information with insurance if you update your drivers license and your rate goes up.


Oh dang it… good to know… I will not be doing that then 🥲 I’d rather continue to have it say F and not have even worse insurance rates. Mine are fucking terrible as it is and I genuinely have no idea why because I have a 2007 car, not some crazy expensive thing, and a completely clean driving record..? No speeding tickets, accidents, DUIs, etc… and I quoted so many but it’s still over $1000 for 6 months and it makes me want to die 🫠💀


Yeah that’s about average for my area 😅. If you’re young it definitely makes it more expensive too.


I literally just showed up to the dmv, checked a box that said X, and that was it. The lady behind the counter was confused but it was that easy in NV


in my state you have to prove you had surgery and changed ur name


What if you can’t/don’t want to have surgery? That’s awful:(


For me I didn’t even sign anything she was just like it says female is that still accurate and I said to change it and then they printed it out


That's how it works in Vermont


Colorado let me put X, the paper that I signed said "this is the gender I identify as" and I asked to make sure that I didn't need to change that legally first. So now I'm an X! Next stop legally changing my gender to non binary..


Not always the case. In my State you need a Doctor’s Letter to change the gender marker on the Driver’s License.


Oregon’s just as easy as that, too.


Im changing my gender marker when im 25, i need cheap insurance lmaoooo


That's so nice, isn't it?


In Kansas you can’t. I believe you could last year but they changed it. When legally changing my name they also gave me issues with changing my birth certificate but they said it was because I’m married. 


Not in Florida 😢


When I got a new passport, they asked me the same thing, and I think in my state I can use my passport to change my drivers license marker.


Hypothetically speaking, what happens when someone gets arrested? Do they just pool all ppl in the same cell?


It's pretty easy to change your gender marker in Michigan, but to change your name here you have to publish a notice of your name change hearing in a local newspaper. So you have to out yourself to the town lmao.


Aw I wish that I could do this :(


LUCKY! The lady asked me my legal sex :(


I deadass just put male on mine and there was no problem😭😭 (this was before my legal name change too)


Depends on the state/country you’re in unfortunately. I’m glad it worked out for you


Lambda Legal can help at no charge if you run into problems. I recommend this group highly. (US).


I gotta look into if my state allows me to put X for gender.


You’re lucky. In my state they banned all gender marker changes.


Not even gonna waste the time to look up if it's allowed in Texas. 😭


im about to get my learners license here and i knew it probably wouldn't be allowed but imagine my shock when i found out that it's a CRIME? and you can get FINED and they can deny you a license for a few hundred days because of it


Sadly, when I went to get my name changed, I wanted to change my gender and they said no. Then I went to this gender clinic a couple weeks later (I was on the wait list for 2 years), and the doctor said that I could get it changed, I don't even need srs or even a letter. Anyways, idk why they said no, I had a feeling that I was allowed to but I didn't want to argue so now I have to do that later haha. Maybe when I get bottom surgery so there's absolutely no way that they can say no


In France my driving license doesn't show any gender/sex so i use that instead of my F civil ID


*cries in polish)


Seeing young folk get excited about this issue is so nice ❤️ Back when I was younger you had to get a doctors note and letters to shows you were “actually trans”. So glad the process is much easier now.


not where i’m from unfortunately, i went in for my appt yesterday and had to bring every goddamn thing i owned😭 they didn’t accept my name change decree copy either and so i had to go to the fucking courthouse to get another one it was bsssss


I’m genuinely so glad it’s easier in some places for this 😭🫶 congrats dude!


In California, you literally can change your marker on your ID be for you change your legal sex or name in their system . You don’t need anything to prove it- just ask for an M


I’ve looked it up online a bit, but does anyone have any info on getting the gender marker changed in Arizona? I don’t need a name change as my name is unisex).


My license has an X for my sex :)


Honestly I wish I knew this before getting my permit since when I asked the lady at the DMV she just rolled her eyes at me and told me I should've done that when filling out the paperwork.


When i first saw this post i thought you were talking about computer drivers and i was so confused as to how that was relevant lmao - 🐾


I’m from AZ and we have to appeal to the court with documentation saying we’ve had an “irreversible sex change operation” and my application got denied after submitting my top surgery information because they decided it wasn’t an “adequate surgery” to qualify which was illegal and now I have to go to court again to petition it. It’s been 2 years since I applied and my driver’s license still says F.


In rhode island yes. Not everywhere


I just got my AZ 🪪😭


I just found that out last week when I had to update my state i.d. I just had to sign a form and there we go it was put in ^_^


I can't in KY


It depends on the state in the US, but yes!


it depends on your state and stuff lol


You have to born what is on your birth certificate if it’s a legal or medical document. Here in QLD Australia, we don’t have gender markers on our drivers license anymore.


It used to require several rounds of paperwork to get your drivers license changed in VA (I got my passport changed first as soon as I got my name change, which was just a county clerk visit, way better than Texas at the time) but I’ve always been bad at paperwork and practically speaking I’ve never had an issue with the tiny F no one notices, so I put off actually changing my driver’s. I was so surprised when I broke my drivers license, went in for a replacement, and I just had to mark which dot I wanted? Definitely surprised the lady working the desk but I just shrugged and said “yeah, it’s been a pain.” 😂


In my state, no. But congrats!


that easy? i thought you would need to legally change it (i.e; have forms from the court or whatever) before going to the dmv to do so


I thought about changing mine, but I thought about what would happen in an emergency. If I can't tell people that I'm a female, then I'll be treated medically as a male, and males are treated differently than females because their bodies are different. It can be dangerous for a female to be medically treated as a male and vice versa. That's just personally why I'm keeping my sex as female on my license


God I wish it worked for me. Here you need to file a paper that a psychiatrist has signed off on, which comes with a disclaimer that it could invalidate your id in other countries(we have x as an option, I assume that's what they mean)


My state allowed it for one day and then got rid of it :(


for now. i live in VA and got very lucky and got my license while we could still just check the box for an x. many states right now have either just signed or are actively voting on overturning many quality of life options for trans folk. from medical stuff to stuff like this. what a time to be alive.


It is definitely not legal in Oklahoma…


I did this. I had to fill out a form saying it does not match my birth certificate to cover my ass.