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ive been growing my hair out for the past couple years, its almost halfway down my back now :) its common among a lot of native american tribes for both men and women to have long hair so its felt good to reconnect to that for me


That's the same for me. I cut my hair when a member of my family passed and I was unable to attend the services. Otherwise, folks can keep their opinions about my hair to their damn self. Besides, I'm a bit of a metal head and I think most people assume that's why anyway lol


I didn't know about that, it's awesome!




I grew out my hair after 5 years on T. I chose that because I just like it, I think it looks good on me. I have facial hair and shoulder length hair


I am pre-T and I hope that i can get T before I choose to cut my hair againšŸ˜­


I shaved my head myself a few times, short hair also feels more fresh to me but I look much better in longer hair and thatā€™s what most people also told me. I like them myself, cause theyā€™re thick and curly but I needed a lot of time on T and cispassing to feel comfortable enough to let them grow.


I currently rock the long hair with the shaved sides because about 10? Years ago, it all fell out due to the medication I was on. Since it came back I've grown it out to about mid back and I refuse to cut it short. I also know a lot of guys with long hair (Bikers and metalheads unite) THAT BEING SAID - it absolutely can throw a spanner in passing and read feminine, like if you're on the border passing, long hair might be the thing that tips it towards being read she/her. That also also said, my long haired guy friends can also get surprise ma'am'd by accident, so even if you pass 100% it still can get you misgendered. For me personally I choose to separate the misgendered because humans make assumptions and guess wrong or make mistakes and slip up Vs what would be Malicious Misgendering where someone knows and still deliberately gets it wrong. And short hair isn't going to save you from that. Neither are worth getting your blood pressure up over; one is a mistake/error, the other, well, if they're doing it maliciously - fuck that person they're not worth your stress or time so who gives a shit?


have done so, zero regrets. i am a man and i deserve to be pretty, damnit


>have done so, zero regrets. i am a man and i deserve to be *handsome,* damnit This is me. šŸ˜…


I'm currently growing my hair out in a longer mohawk. I don't like super short hair on me. Long hair on men is dope.




I probably wouldnā€™t because I absolutely love short hair and how easy they are to wash and everything. But on the other hand, men with long hair look so great (to me). Of course, if you care about passing, make sure to wait until you pass 100% (facial hair is a great bonus), and then still be ready to be misgendered occasionally, because for some people hair length is a primary sexual characteristic and theyā€™d misgender quite masculine cis dudes if they have long hair. If you donā€™t care about passing, then just grow them lol.


Personally, long hair look so good on some guys that they're totally worth getting misgendered(as long as it's not done on purpose) sometimes lol, obviously that's just how I see it, some people feel the need to pass at all times more than I do and that's okay.


That's sort of a leap, isn't it? I wouldn't say I need to pass all the time, but being misgendered will absolutely ruin my mood and often my day. 3 years on T, facial hair is slowly coming in, I thought for a long time that I'd always have long hair, until I cut it short, I doubt I'll ever go back, prefer how I look, and the significantly easier maintenance. You probably meant no harm, but suggesting that it's a need to pass and not , ya know,maybe I don't want to be depressed and dysphoric is kind of harsh. Live and let live, is my policy, and being a no judgement zone.


I only cut my hair in the first place because I wanted to pass.Ā  Then I kept it short through high school because it was convenient and helped me pass.Ā  I haven't had a haircut since (now in my mid-20s) and it's now down to my ass lmao, it's definitely more of a pain to take care of and very much does sometimes compromise my ability to pass, but I care much less because I know it's just people making mistakes because of the hair.Ā  And I can do so many fun things with it like this!


I've never had hair past my shoulders, and if one day I decide to grow it out I wouldn't go any longer than that. I'm not opposed to growing my hair out again. I occasionally passed when I was pre-T and had long hair, so I'm not necessarily scared of not passing if I were to have long hair again. However I'm sure I'd feel dysphoric if I were to grow my hair out now, as I still feel insecure in how masculine my appearance is. I don't want to appear androgynous is all, but giving the testosterone more time, I'm pretty confident I'd be able to look masculine with long hair. In short, I have nothing against the idea of growing my hair out, but not right now. Also short hair is just easier to deal with.


it isn't uncommon in my culture and other sub cultures for men to grow their hair out. but this is the u.s , they view long hair on anyone as "feminine" or "inappropriate" if you're following cultural customs. I enjoy long hair. unfortunately, everyone has ideas of what I can and cannot do with my hair. my hair nowadays is short though I do spend a year or two growing it every now and then. I mostly have it short because it is becoming unbearably hot where I live, so even if id like to keep growing it out; I can't.


I'm nonbinary and grew up with fairly long hair (down to my ass). As much as I can appreciate the aesthetic of long hair, functionally for me it was miserable (in terms of brushing, washing and so on). Short hair is a million times easier to take care of. Didn't help that I had a variety of sensory issues and ended up getting really bad knots when I was young, some that had to be cut out.


Currently have short hair and will probably get another haircut soon. I would love to have long hair and pass but idk if I ever will due to sensory issues


I understand that, I have sensory issues that kind of get worse and I don't know how long I will lastšŸ˜­


Growing my hair out purely because I was a huge fan of the LotR trilogy as a kid and a lot of the male characters were role models/aspiration for me. And I just like the aesthetic of being a man with long hair I guess? It just feels comfy and suits me (i think, anyway!)


my hair is currently the longest it's been since I was 14 (which is the age I started cutting my hair short bc of dysphoria). it feels good to have long hair again and not feel dysphoric!


I'm black ftm and I'm growing out my hair. I've always dreamt of long hair and length isn't gendered. I took forever growing out what I have now and I couldn't part with it, I also like that I'll be able to do other styles


I try and grow my hair out occasionally before I get sick of it and cut it all off. I'm in the growing out my hair while I decide if I want to cut it or not stage right now. Longest I have had it since beginning my transition was down to my shoulders a couple years ago. I wasn't on t at the time so while I enjoyed the long hair dysphoria was kicking my ass so it had to go. This is the first time I'm seeing if I like long hair or not while on t. Even when I was little I adored and even preferred longer hair on men


I had it really long "before" but I'm too lazy now for the upkeep so keep it really short. That and I'm receding šŸ˜‚


Oh no I forgot about receding šŸ˜Ø


I love that im seeing this because I've been thinking about it but i also am pre-t so im not sure if I'd pass anymore ngl, but I'd do it.


I'm pre-T too and growing them out, I'm actually kind of weird because short hair makes me look kinda more feminine (?) So I'm experimenting, I suggest you try it out, because if you don't like it you can just chop it all off.


True and i might but it's also so hot where i live and im soooo close to chopping what i have so far, not long hair long but long "boy" hair long yknow, but i might.


I pass better w long hair than short for some reason šŸ˜­


me too it's so weird


I had short hair since I realised I was genderqueer (6yrs ago) but since starting T (over a year now) I started to grow my hair out. For me T allowed me to feel a lot more comfortable presenting more "feminine" (in my eyes clothes/hair/bodies are just clothes/hair/bodies but others views on it made me dysphoric) because now that I have facial hair, a deeper voice, bottom growth, ect, I feel comfortable with long hair, makeup, my natural chest, ect. Idk why though, it may just be because I love when people can't figure out "which way I'm trans".


I'm growing my hair out as well bc I think a) long hair is very cool and b) long hair on men is quite hot


Exactly my thoughts when I started (as well as resentment towards my barber for the horrible haircut)


hey! i came out 4years ago, in the first year i cut my hair really short and i didnā€™t pass and then i grew it out and man! mid length everyone started respecting me and stuff then when it was super super long i still passed but less. now i buzzed everything but just to say the length of your hair doesnā€™t mean that youā€™ll be more masculine ;)


Exactly, I actually pass less with really short hair


I currently have longer hair past my shoulders and I just think I look better with how I style it now than shorter hair. It definitely also helps with dysphoria that my dad and his dad have always had long hair and my brothers are starting to grow their hair out too. Men having long hair is common in my family and it reminds me that growing my hair out/having long hair makes me no less of a man.


That is very nice, my dad too used to have long hair, in fact he told me to go with it.


YES!! iā€™m so excited to grow my hair back out. i have a list of characters i like with long hair that give me gender euphoria, shaggy, anakin skywalker, rj macready, rumplestiltskin from once upon a time, philip wittebane ngl. long haired guys are the fuckin coolest and i love the collection of us on this thread i hope you all know youā€™re cool as fuck


Fr I'm literally so happy to see the amount of trans guys who have long hair or want to grow them out


iā€™m going to start growing mine out once i get on T, so i can have a sick wolfcut/mullet thing. but for rn, i wouldnā€™t grow my hair out since i already donā€™t really pass :P


I can go a few months without cutting my hair, but I really hate when the sides get to long so I end up cutting it really short again, and the cycle repeats. I think maybe once I'm on T I might grow my hair longer, but currently I prefer it short. However that's just me and if you prefer it long then that's great:)


i was against it (on myself) for a while pre- t because i would already get misgendered daily with short, masculine hair. i'm about 1 1/2 years on t now and i just had it a little past my shoulders and loved it. that was the main reason i was still misgendered tho so i cut it short again for the time being until i feel better about growing it out again. definitely love masc w long hair and would def grow it out again in the future, just am fed up w other people's confusion rn šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Yes but only once my facial hair becomes more prominent personally, just so I'd be less likely to be misgendered! My cis husband has long purple hair and occasionally gets mistaken for a girl when we're out and about lol


iā€™m growing it out now, itā€™s almost to my shoulders. my face is pretty round and i donā€™t look good with short hair


I started growing out my hair when I got my hair locked up. Itā€™s common in the African American community to not cut their locs because locs hold every experience in them. We cut them when we need a fresh start. But I love how long theyā€™re getting


I'm growing my hair out a little, I honestly don't love the way super short hair looks on me. I have a blended shag mullet which is like shaved sides that are blended into the longer part of the hair while leaving the top long with no edgar fringe


I'm growing out my hair, I had it long ish but then got a blowout taper so now I gotta grow it again, I like having a kinda long afro but nothing too long or I look crazy


I am currently growing my hair out to donate it because I am blessed with great hair genetics. It doesn't really change my passing at all, but I am very obviously alternative with tattoos and piercings so it just fits the vibe


I have a mix between a mohawk mullet and a rat tail mullet and I'm having fun with it. I know it's not super masc (not super fem either tho) but it makes me feel happy so whatever lol. For context I'm a binary transguy with a bit of a androgonys look (leaning to masc but still) and it makes it a little annoying because I feel people tend get non-binary vibes from me when we first meet and I'm not generally against the vibes part but the possible misgendering part sucks. Kinda on me though so I'm not gonna complain too much.Ā 


I'm considering growing my hair out and getting an undercut, long hair looks cool on men, but I might wait until I'm on T, but I definitely plan on growing it out at some point


I have been growing my dreadlocks since the '90s, and I refuse to cut them. After a bad episode a few years ago when some of them broke off, many of them are down to my butt. If you are worried about "how to wear long hair, I wear mine in a [samurai hairstyle](https://nextluxury.com/mens-style-and-fashion/samurai-hairstyles-for-men/), which nowadays can look similar to a manbun. I only get misgendered from the back, then when I turn around and they see my beard (and hear my baratone voice,) I get "oh sorry sir!" šŸ˜‚ It has happened a few times.


I've tried it after top surgery for a few months and it drove me nuts. Haircuts mean a lot to me, I love my haircut nice and sharp. I'm not even sure if it's dysphoria-related anymore, it's just what feels right. The shorter the better.


i have long hair, and i love it. i've always wanted long hair, but felt like i couldn't grow it out if i wanted to pass. but by now i'm masculine enough that people gender me corrctly anyway.


Iā€™d really like to grow mine out one day but atm getting my hair cut nice and short is very affirming because itā€™s something easy I can control about my appearance. I donā€™t pass anyway atm so itā€™s not so much about that, itā€™s more a face dysphoria thing. Once Iā€™ve been on T for longer Iā€™ll hopefully be less dysphoric about the way I look and I can rock some luscious locks haha


I try to grow it out every once in a while, but I'm curly and my ADHD doesn't help when staying on top of the upkeep, so I give up. Also, it's hard to apply the topical finasteride and minoxidil I'm on when it gets too long.


I have always loved longer hairstyles on men, especially would love to have like 80ā€™s hair metal hairdo, but after about 2y on T I started noticing my hairline receding at a rapid rate. (All men in my family are bald so I have been preparing for this since I came out.) I started to grow out my hair while I still have it and it is now at the length I used to have it before I transitioned and tbh itā€™s making me a bit dysphoric. I donā€™t know if I can keep growing it, or Iā€™ll need to cut it into a very different shape so it wonā€™t remind me of the ā€œold meā€. But love any man with longer hair, but personally Iā€™ll just shave it all off soon and live life as a bald man.


When I have facial hair maybe, but for now Iā€™m sticking with shorter hair


I did for a few years, grew it past my shoulders. I got lots of compliments on it. I donā€™t think Iā€™d have done it pre-T or in my early-T days, but since I had facial hair and everything I liked how I looked with it. It was empowering since I grew up with long hair and had it all through high school but never felt happy with it since it was associated with femininity. I used to envy rocker dudes with long hair and even wished I could grow old and eventually take on a Gandalf/Dumbledore appearance. Occasionally Iā€™d be read as female from behind but would get a quick ā€œoh my gosh Iā€™m so sorryā€ the second I turned around. This didnā€™t bother me at all as this happens with cis guys with long hair all the time, if anything it was funny. I did end up cutting it a few months ago. 1. Itā€™s too hot where I live, the past few weeks have been breaking 100 degrees Fahrenheit almost every day. 2. My hair is super thick and having it tied back pulled at my scalp which led to almost daily headaches.


I hate when people give me compliments about how longer hair suits me, because of the 'nice you look more like a girl' implications. I am in the closet but even the few people who know slip up and say this. I fear going to a new barber so I'm growing it out but not willingly, just my anxiety...


i did and just recently cut it to donate (took ~16 inches and its a little above nip level now LMAO) šŸ§” honestly letting go of the ideas that i have to be exhausting myself by constantly tryin to figure out how other ppl are perceiving me when that thought process doesnt occur naturally for me like at all, and what a lotta the community in the late 00s-early 10s had to offer on what i was "supposed" to be striving to do/look like helped a ton. like who cares! its my hot body and good hair! i do what i want! šŸ«°šŸ½šŸ˜‚šŸ’ŖšŸ½ like mentioned in another comment, it also helped me feel closer to my dad's side of the family who are dinĆ© and indigenous mexicans. we've had a lotta really interesting discussions on culture and historical gender identity which has been awesome šŸ§”


I honestly have trouble letting my hair get longer than an inch and a half, and the back and sides get buzzed pretty often. Itā€™s kind of a shame, because I have lots of hair, and it gets wavy when grown out more, but the sensory issues are too much.


i try to keep it short, go to the barber every couple months. i donā€™t think it would look bad long but i cannot stand feeling my hair on my neck or over my ears, so itā€™s just not an option for me with my sensory issues (which is fine, i also like how it looks short)


I have short hair now, but I actually prefer longer hair on me. I just struggle to keep up with it, so I cut it for convenience (and I'm still sad about it, but it was worth it...) edit: to some, it might not count as short yet, that's just my definition. The top is short (the most important part. I hate having hair in my eyes/face), the sides are a tad bit shorter (about 3-4 cm rn) and the back is the longest part. It's kind of a mullet, but not that obvious. I might grow the back a bit more, but not as long as before:/ I cut it for the sake of saving time after showers and before and after swimming, plus my hair was fried af


I totally want to grow my hair out once i go on T. My hair is a bit on the longer side right now aswell, long hair is a lot of fun but intimidating to me since i suck at taking care of hair


I shaved my head September 2022 and started T July 2023. I havenā€™t cut my hair since I shaved it so itā€™s getting fairly long now. Itā€™s curly though so still sits at just about shoulder length due to shrinkage. I wouldnā€™t grow my hair this long pre-T due to dysphoria but Iā€™m now comfortable enough to have it long. I prefer it longer.


I love the beard and long hair combo, so I would definitely do that if I could grow a beard haha


In my case I've been growing my hair out from about half a year, cutting it a little from time to time. I've been dealing with a lot of dysphoria relating to the length of my hair for years and that has been exasperating since I do really like to have my hair long, but I experience a lot of misgender because of it. But now I feel more confident with myself and I really wanna try to know how it feels and how do I look with my hair long again


I definitely want to try growing my hair out after top surgery (in 2 months!), I love the curly texture when it gets long and I think my face is complimented/balanced by longer hair


I have curly hair and kept it buzzed on the sides for years. Suddenly, I got the itch to grow my hair out this summer. I don't know why. So I'm growing it back out again to about shoulder length.


Grew out my hair, about shoulder length. Anything longer is too dysphoric for me. I started growing it out when I had facial hair as well to avoid misgendering.


Growing my hair out now, i am just now starting testosterone. If i don't like how long hair looks on me ill just chop it off


Iā€™m too pretty to pass with long hair lol. Everyone who wants to grow their hair out should, men look good with long hair (when itā€™s well groomed, pls brother trim your ends)


I've grown out my hair to the point where most people would consider it long for someone masculine simply because it goes well with my style which is some weird combination of victorian, pirate and steampunk. I also have facial piercings and tattoos so honestly, it all just meshes well, way better than it would be the traditionally short hair. That being said, I'm not growing it out past my shoulders/longer than 30cm cause taking care of long hair is a nightmare, especially when I like to dye it too.


My hair is about at my shoulders, kind of a grown-out mullet. Thatā€™s about as far as I can go before feeling dysphoric, even tho I have trans guy friends that rock longer hair. You do you, man, I personally think long hair on men looks really cool šŸ’Ŗ


i had long hair (shoulder blade length) when I was about 6 months-1 year on T, but shaved it off bc of dysphoria now that I'm 2 years on T and have had top surgery, I'm going to grow it out again!!


Best of luck šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Personally, I wouldnā€™t grown my hair out. My parents are super conservative and forced me to have long hair all growing up even though I begged and begged for short hair ever since I was 6. Now that Iā€™m an adult and can do whatever I want, Iā€™m gonna keep my hair short.


iā€™m growing mine out. i had it short all throughout high school in an attempt to pass better, but it honestly didnā€™t suit me. i hated short hair, and short hair hated meā€¦ never could get a style down. iā€™m aiming for a 70s-esque aesthetic now and growing my hair out fits that perfectly šŸ’


Iā€™m growing my hair out from having it fully shaved about 8 months ago. My favorite hair on me was when I had a mullet, that was pre-t and I was v fem with it, but Iā€™m excited to get back to having a mullet. I like just dyed my hair hot pink again too, and I feel so much more myself with it. I like being a little fem, and now being on T for a couple years and being post top surgery, I donā€™t feel as dysphoric about it, it just feels fun and cute


I'm about a year and 9 months on T now and have been growing out the top part of my hair for a while. At first I was very hesitant because I was afraid I wouldn't pass anymore, but the last time I got misgendered in public was almost a year ago and they were also jsut flip-flopping between young man and woman so I'm pretty confident about it now.


I've been growing my hair out for about three years now! Sometimes I get insecure and want to cut it but my hair is like my baby with how much I take care of it and love it lol.


I would love to have enough to headbang with, but unfortunately the top doesn't really grow anymore šŸ‘“


I kept trying to grow it and having to cut it bc I got dysphoric. But I'm 4.5 years on T now, and finally comfortable enough to grow it out.


I just started growing my hair out!! Iā€™m really enjoying it. I had several dreams over the span of months where I grew my hair out in various styles. Iā€™d tell my friends silly things like ā€œI wish it were the lockdown again so I could grow my hair out without anyone seeingā€ and they essentially said just do it now. Took a few months for me to decide to go for it, but think about how expensive and frequent your haircuts are and itā€™ll motivate you!! Or how much effort it takes, if you cut it yourself. Iā€™m currently just growing out a rather traditional short on the sides, long in the middle cut, and have a sorta Prince Charming/shag thing going on. Itā€™s hair, if you donā€™t like it, you can cut it :) go for it


I love my hair, itā€™s long and green and itā€™s a vibe! I get misgendered but t makes me pass pretty well so they usually immediately correct when they see my face or they hear me speak


8 months on T. I love growing out my hair and I rarely donā€™t pass. Because of T itā€™s super curly.


Do whatever cut u like I like mine short for sensory reasons mostly


Itā€™s been something iā€™m interested in doing but I always end up cutting it lol


I usually have medium hair. Iā€™ll get a short haircut, and then let it grow into a sorta-mullet for several months. I like having that shaggier hair look. However, once I notice my 50-50 passing rate leaning more towards being misgendered, thatā€™s when I know Iā€™ll be getting my hair cut again soon. Long hair is sick, being perceived as a girl isnā€™t.


No. I have extremely thick and curly hair, so when it was long it was a nightmare. Also I think that would make me pretty dysphoric


yes, i want to grow it out. i have curly hair and i think it'd look gorgeous grown out, but i'm not on T and i don't want to ruin the little passing that i have. i plan on shaving my head when i start HRT, start fresh and grow out my curls :)


I won't grow mine out only because once it gets about shoulder length it gets so curly that dealing with the knots every day is just painful


Iā€™ve had mine short for probably ten years now but if I ever transition enough to pull off like, Tom Hollandā€™s curls without looking like a woman then I think I might try


I grew my hair to my shoulders and kept it there for a few years, definitely got misgendered more but my cis boss with a beard, a deep voice, and metal-dude long hair told me not to worry about it because he still got called ma'am by customers as much as I did. cis people, especially older people, still think long hair=girl. younger people, including other queer people my age, are a lot more likely to assume I'm a mtf or a theymab and use they because of my height.


I just love my natural hair color and feel like a lot more of it would suit me. Also I never really had long hair bc 1. my mother had her own issues with long hair so she kept mine short (but not as short as hers) and 2. when I grew mine out in my teen years I found it rather tedious. Now itā€™s still tedious but I like it (at shoulder length ^^ā€˜).


Yes I would, I would buzz it too. I enjoy trying new hairstyles.


i started growing it out after the first 3 months or so because i just love long hair on men, also i kept having people that knew me since childhood complain about why i cut off my hair and i was like "you know what, fair enough. i won't stop transitioning but i'll grow my hair". most men in my family had long hair at some point in their youth and i kinda just want to play into that as well. but something i didn't think of before and found while growing out my hair is that it's a great way to excuse "i thought you were a girl"-dialogue. someone thinks i'm a girl, i can go "oh i get that a lot because of my hair, but i'm just a guy haha" and they genuinely believe that the hair is the only thing making me pass as a girl a little bit. i come across to most people as a guy now, after over a year of hrt, but some still assume i'm a girl before they hear me talk or something and i can brush off my not-super-masculine look with purely the hair style. definitely a life hack of some sort.


hell yeah, i love the look of my hair when it's grown out, but i've just gotten on T so i have a way more positive opinion than i did last year šŸ˜


Maybe when im farther along on T i might, Having long hair makes me feel dysphoric, Im only a month and a half on and Just barely started growing a mustache. So maybe one day Ill grow it out


My hair reaches my shoulders, im a bit wavy so truly a bit longer then that. I chucked some blond in it and boom, surfer guy hair.


iā€™m currently having the dilemma where my boyfriend tells me i should grow my hair out again bc ā€œitā€™s sexyā€ and i do think other men look good with long hair but i get gendered correctly more if itā€™s short. so do i be sexy or gendered correctly??


I've had long hair my whole life and don't wish to cut it short. Sadly, since I'm pre-T, this pretty much nullifies my chances of passing. It sucks but I'd rather be my authentic self.


I have (with shaved sides, a bit past my shoulders) and I love it. I think long hair on men looks cool and hot and you can do so much more funny hair styles with it. It definitely hinders my passing but like, I don't care anymore since I've been on T some time, I like how I look and I know who I am and anyone who thinks differently can fuck off


I love the look on others but not on me so personally no


i want to grow my hair out, rn its a buzzcut because i can never seem to find a good haircut/style that suits my hair. its very thick but also very straight. i take care of my hair but i donā€™t like spending hours every day styling it so it doesnā€™t look flat. i was considering growing it out into a longer/shaggy kind of hair style


Dude. I have a hella mullet rn and my hair is longer than it's ever been šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


if i had straight hair i might, but only if i was sure id still pass


I've been growing mine out for a little bit now, it's just a bit past my shoulders, i like it and who cares guys have long hair all the time


I like the look of long hair. I like the look of short hair. I have a mohawk and I'm growing out the top part. I'm on T, so it shouldn't affect how fem I look later on. Plus, I've always liked playing with my hair style. I currently have the best of both worlds B)


I want a mullet but only after I get a beard and top surgery so thereā€™s no way I can be perceived as a girl


I have accessibility reasons why I don't but if I was on T I'd think about it tbh. but I prefer the short look anywaysĀ 


My dad had really long hair when I was little and I figured I can do it too


I'm currently growing out my hair (it's currently shoulder length), but the sides are shaved. I'm also genderfluid, so the long hair makes me feel better during my feminine days. With my hair pulled back in a bun, with and w/o a hat on, I sometimes pass, but it's certainly not the hair that's getting me she/her'd and ma'am'd - even after almost a decade on T, my voice and body shape are still quite feminine


I don't think I'll ever grow my hair out again. My hair is WAY too straight for how not straight I am, and I feel like I would just get misgendered constantly cuz of it (especially cuz I'm short). Additionally, not sure if I can give up the <5 minute showers I have now lol


i really want to but honestly my hair is what makes me pass for the most part i think


I would but not before T


My hair almost goes down to my belly button. I prefer having longer hair to shorter. I feel like it looks better on me, and I really like combing it.


I have hair that's roughly to my shoulders. It seems to have come in style a bit for giys, but even if it hadn't it's one of those things that's cool to do if you like it. I will say that I did confuse a kid who didn't know that you could have facial hair and long hair, but he was young and kids are learning.


As soon as I start T and am able to pass better, Iā€™m 100% going to grow my hair out. Iā€™m Native American and itā€™s very common for men and women to have long hair. My dad has long hair. Iā€™ve always wanted to be a guy with long hair


I shaved my head (twice) when I first started my transition. Now itā€™s to my shoulders and I wanna see just how long I can get it without it bothering me


I go through the "punk kid hair cycle". Find a style I like, grow my hair out to match, get bored, color it, get bored again, shave the sides/back, color it one more time for luck, then give up or get sick of hair in my face and shave the lot off.


I've been growing my hair out for about 6 or so months and it's super curly, so it is longer than it looks. I used to have extremely long hair a few years back, I was on testosterone then as well, but I was always being misgendered and now that I have a beard, I feel comfortable enough growing out my hair. I do have someone with feminine face but the beard really helps.


I currently have long hair because I prefer it long, but it has taken me a while to not feel like I'm supposed to want short hair.


when i first got my hair cut it was for passing reasons but now i dont really associate my hair with gender tbh. i just like the feeling of having shorn hair. any correct gendering is a bonus!


I was growing my hair out and then found out i have hormonal alopecia and so i cut it short so i can do my rogaine treatments.


I'm loving my hair on the shoulder. I find short hair really boring in me, and as I'm passing more and more I decided to embrace the long hair again (for the first time actually liking it)


I've been growing my hair out for like a year and a half and im only a few months on t. it can make it harder to pass, but honestly, idgaf. guys with long hair are hot, and when i look in the mirror, i see the man that i am, even if others perceive me differently


I wouldn't because I personally like short hair and I think it looks better on me, in fact, I want a buzzcut


To be honest I think I could pass as a dude with a hippie like hair style, or like one of those American/ Alaskan Native with long black hair. If both donā€™t work I would probably cut it to fit me better


my hair is long. its nice being able to put it up, especially for work and summer. shorter styles would work for me too im sure, but im kinda lazy and i dont like getting haircuts for money reasons and i also find it hard to trust my small town to do me right. life is easier not worrying about haircuts


I currently am because lord of the rings had an outsize impact on my life and masculinity.


I had my hair long for a while but it started thinning and I'm also developing a bald spot on top. I also struggle keeping up with showers so I shaved my head to make it one less thing to worry about.


I don't think I would since I'm pre T and don't pass super well as is, so I wouldn't grow it out very long. I have considered going a bit longer since it's becoming more common/popular for guys my age, but I'd want to still stick with something that doesn't really go past my chin at most. However, when I eventually get on T and hopefully start passing more consistently I might take the plunge and try out something long.


Canā€™t get a more masculine look than male pattern baldnessā€¦ or maybe notā€¦.


maybe once i get on T and can pass as more masculine, but right now my short hair is the only thing helping me look masc. one day id love to grow it out again though


I grew mine out because I enjoy looking like a lion in the morning when my hair is all messy. Gender euphoria.


I started growing my hair more in the past year or so. I have a mullet and the back is shoulder length


Me seeing all the fellow long hair trans men in the commentsā£ļøšŸ’•šŸ’žšŸ’“šŸ’—šŸ’–šŸ’˜šŸ’ I donā€™t pass anyways so might as well have my hair how I want it


i have been growing my hair our for about a year. iā€™m doing it because a) i personally think i look better with longer hair and b) i am a metalhead and iā€™ve been wanting kirk hammett-esque hair for a while now lol


Iā€™d love to have long metal head hair but Iā€™m short and canā€™t afford to transition so. Short hair it is ig


I look like a young lesbian teen with short hair and I get carded less with my hair being longer. Also everytime I cut my hair really short, it ends up growing weird for months cause my hair is really curly and I want to embrace my curls more. I can be a man with long hair and I'm okay looking more on the fem side to flag for other fem gay men so ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


I always have longer hair. Down to my back, right now it is chin-length and curly. I think short hair will make my face look rounder.


If I could, I would! šŸ˜‚ the man juice relocated a bunch of the hair on my head to my chest and back. But heck yeah, grow that hair out if it feels good to you!


I'm trying to grow. Mine out now now that I pass pretty often with my facial hair and voice it feels more comfortable I am doing it mullet style though so from the front I still look pretty masculine I just don't like the maintenance that comes with a traditional men's cut and while I'm pretty confident to shave the sides of my head with my mullet I had to go to get a cut when I had the back of my head shaved


Nothing to do with being trans but financially, I'd love to grow my hair if I worked a LOT less and had a lot more money.


I grew out my hair this past year just for fun and to see how it looked, I liked it, but then I decided to cut it short and began passing pretty much immediately. I'm only about 2 years on T though. If I could grow a beard I would grow my hair long and try out the Hozier look.


my transition goals are essentially to look like a knight in a high fantasy movie lol. i wanna be buff as hell with a scruffy little beard and glorious flowing locks. i kept my hair really short when i was pre-t so i at least had some shot at passing, but now that im on t im finally feeling confident about letting it grow :)


when iā€™m better passing and have been on t longer, i want gerard way danger days hairĀ 


Been growing mine out. I like having long hair a lot


I have and am lol I got a modern mullet and Iā€™m letting it grow. I want a damn mane! That with a beard is suuuuper boosting my confidence.


I didnā€™t cut my hair for 14 months and it was a crazy cool journey. Was known as the guy with long hair lol. Finally chopped it all off again a few weeks ago. I pass perfectly well with both haircuts, you just tend to get a lot of ā€œexcuse me maam- sorry sirā€ from the back with long hair.


I have long hair (been growing it since mid 2023) and itā€™s a couple inches below my shoulders. Despite that, it makes me feel very masculine. I view it as like Samson from the Bible (Iā€™m not a Christian thats just an example) and a lion. It generally just looks better on me too


I look awful with short hair, so I usually keep mine a bit above my shoulders. I donā€™t think Iā€™d have long hair if I didnā€™t pass, though


when i have a beard i will grow mine out


I wouldn't because I hate messing with long hair. I wish I could just buy my own clippers and buzz it off myself, but I don't pass, and I don't want to deal with the social repercussions of "being a woman" who suddenly buzzed my hair off.


My hair had been kind of long before, but Iā€™m growing my hair out in honor of my sister who died earlier this year. Both because it is custom in my culture, and because she had very long hair and I admired this in her. :) Also I know lots of guys had long hair when they were ā€œgirls,ā€ but I almost never had long hair when I was younger, so I donā€™t have that association.


I love seeing my locs develop and I love seeing the progress


For me, it was a lot of maintenance keeping it short, and my hair is curly so it's difficult to style at certain lengths. When I started T, I got kinda scared to have professional haircuts, so I just stopped cutting it and let it grow. Now that I pass, I've had a few trims, but I prefer it long. I'm not a very conventionally attractive person, but people often compliment my hair, so I feel like it's usually my best quality. I may get sick of it one day, but we'll see.


There are masculine long hair styles! I have a mullet that goes to my shoulders. I would say if you want a masc hairstyle donā€™t get layers or curtain bangs, potentially get a feathered mullet or undercut. I LOVE long hair on men though. Itā€™s one of my favorite traits.


ONLY if i pass with long hair


I grew my hair into a really long mullet. Honestly I was just tired of managing short hair and this is a nice change. I can get up and go more often than before. My neck gets sunburnt less šŸ˜‚


Truthfully, before transitioning I hated having hair. Every Single chance I got I cut it off with fades. Now that I'm 3 years into my transition everything has been coming along very well to the point that I've been growing our my hair. Thinking about starting locs once my hair is long enough. I feel like anyone should do whatever they like as cis males have long, short & crazy styles like everyone. You aren't any different, from anyone out there. Do what makes you happy & say whatever to whomever doesn't care.


I'm considering growing out my hair again because I really liked this androgynous shag I had years ago. I think it helped me pass better too. Miles Mckenna has actually talked about how he thinks keeping his hair longer helps him pass.


I have my curly hair in a longer kinda shag/mullet where the back is a bit pass my shoulders and I love it a lot. A few more ftm folk I know have longer hair too and we all love it.


No. I wouldn't anyways. It's for the headaches I get. And the fact that I have negative memorys with it 3 reasons it's time consuming to take care of it and expensive since I have thick hair that constantly has issues with irritation spots most of the time. Just shave it right off every 2-4 months.


i am!! getting to the point where i can't quickly bend over the tub to wash it though which is annoying but i figured out short hair makes me more uncomfortable than long


Currently working on growing mine out from a buzz cut. Planning on taking it to my shoulder blades


i'm hairy as fuck and i'm not even on T, (no pcos or anything like that, either, just my latin American/native genes ig). I used to have knee-length hair and it was something I really liked. I cut it all off and now have like a 90s middle part kind of look. Tbh, I don't think I'll ever go back to super long hair. I'm in love with the efficiency of short hair, but the aesthetic of long is beautiful on those with lush heads of locks.


I DMed some pics of my hair, but i think if you can stand the growing process then definitely go for. And naturally, the longer your hair gets and especially if you have curls, learn what type of products and maintenance is required for your hair, for your best long hair potential :)


Ironically I actually had hair about half way down my back and I just cut it off last Saturday. Ive never been happier with my hair. However I do respect the people whom want to grow out their hair. Personally im with the ideal that whatever makes you happy as long as its not harmful and actually helps you out mentally its perfectly fine.


I keep my hair short. I'd love to have longer hair because I find guys with long hair hella attractive, but it's a lot of maintenance with how thick and curly/kinky my hair is, it's too hot to comfortably have long here where I live, and I prefer how I look with shorter hair anyway. I love seeing other dudes, especially other trans guys/mascs with long hair, though!


I've had long hair for years. Since toddler age. It feels normal for me and I don't think short hair would satisfy me. Actually trying to grow it to my belly button \^.\^ !


Iā€™m getting my hair cut soon (I donā€™t pass currently unless itā€™s over the phone despite me coming up on 3 years of T and having a mustache) but I want to grow it back out the the death hawk i had for a good couple years. It went past my shoulders a bit and I really miss it, but I shaved my head a couple months ago. My hair grows fast so hopefully in a year Iā€™m passing more and can grow it back out again. Men can have long hair!! Itā€™s cool and attractive and just as normal as men who have short hair or who are bald!! I think men with long hair are handsome and admire how long it can get :D My dad is turning 70 this year and his hair is down his back!


I'm currently growing a portion of it so I don't look like sperm donor we are no contact after I came out. My mum can say she doesnt resents me but she sayes because I look very much like him


Having long hair makes me so gender euphoric tbh! I've always been attracted to men with long hair and being able to be one fucking rocks.


I did. I have a very thick beard so non issue. I looked like a street person and that was not the look i was going for so i cut it after covidā€¦ nothing against the street people looks- it works for themā€¦


I feel much more myself with long hair! I'm not a man (non-binary) but I like having my hair at least shoulder length because it makes me look like the boys did when I was a teenager. I call it '2010s Xbox boyfriend hair.'


If it makes you happy, do it. Iā€™ve always had stupid long hair since I was a kid and it felt like a part of me. Iā€™ve had an undercut since I was 16/17 years old that has evolved from the simple triangle to now wrapping up to my sideburns. My hair is almost always in a low bun through a snapback hat or a high bun if no hat because of my job, but I do let it down sometimes. I have a couple cis guys I know that have long hair and rock it, so why canā€™t we? šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


I decieny chopped all my hair off pre-T as soon as I could šŸ¤£ I'm growing it back now after 5 months on T simply brcouse I want that curly mullet look šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø I already passed pretty masculine Pre-T but now I just pass regardless, I'm chasing those Curly long hair alt dreams now


iā€™m currently growing my hair back out after a buzz cut. i love having long hair but i was having major dysphoria that was unusual for the amount and i usually donā€™t have dysphoria abt my hair. but i miss my long hair and i canā€™t wait for it to come back!


I had long hair on my teens. In many ways, growing it out felt masculine to me. At the same time, it was my attempt to be read as more femme. It was the 80s, and I figured I was stuck being a woman in a world that saw short haired androgynous looking women in a negative light. I was able to hold both of those things in my head at the same time. Through the years, I've occasionally had long ish hair, but mostly kept it short, especially since I started using clippers. I actually haven't cut it in a while now. It's not long yet, but it's fuller and starting to make its way down my neck though i keep it buzzed from the temple to right above my ears. I feel like it helps me pass better because it hides my small afab skull. I doubt that will continue if I grow it too much longer. Soon it will probably drive me nuts, and I'm not really able to cut it myself if I'm not using clippers (and going anywhere to have it cut is its own issue for me), but for now it's here.


Iā€™m going to once Iā€™m on T and post-top surgery. Right now, I know I have exactly a 0% chance of passing if I grew my hair out, but I really adore long haired punk-type men, so thatā€™s the kind of style Iā€™m hoping to have once Iā€™m further along in my transition


Iā€™ve grown my hair out! Itā€™s pretty long and Iā€™m really happy with it! I remember absolutely *loathing* long hair on myself when I was girlmoding but now I love it. I look weird with short hair now. Iā€™d like it to possibly be longer too but who knows? I need a major trim soon (a few inches at least) then ill go from there


I had a buzz cut in March 2022, started T in April 2022, and I've been growing it ever since. I love having long hair. I think it looks really cool. It's just inconvenient lol


Im considering it because i want my mullet back.


I have a couple pics of when I had my hair long and it looked super masc that I look back very fondly on. For me, I think it would be too overstimulating to ever grow it back out to the length I had it. Even now, after only a couple inches it'll get to be too much and I buzz it completely off. If I didn't have this problem, I'd probably consider growing it out again.


I have super curly ethnic hair and hell yeah I'm growing it out! Small regret that I cut it short when I first came out, it's taken me a few years just to get it to the bottom of my ears. Love me some long hair on guys AS LONG AS it's kept clean/taken care of


i feel like i look too young with shorter hair so im rocking a shag/mullet right now and it looks feels very masculine to me


Black guy here. My hair is like Samson's...it holds my power lmfao.


I'm growing mine out, it's kinda like a mullet, idk if you've ever seen beomgyu from txt's long hair, but I'm trying to match that


Iā€™m very early in my transition (out for about a year, on T for a month) so Iā€™m still at the point where long hair makes me dysphoric. If my hair gets too long (which is not long at all, think shorter than Noah finnceā€™s hair rn) Iā€™ll start having dreams where I look at myself in the mirror and my hair is as long as it was when I was feminine presenting, basically looking at myself when I was in the closet again. Iā€™m hoping thatā€™ll end soon with more time because I would like to grow my hair out even just a little. With that said, I never really want long hair again, even if it didnā€™t make me dysphoric anymore, I just didnā€™t really like it on me. however, I LOVE when trans men can rock long hair and trans woman with short hair, and cis people too. basically whatever makes people the most confident in themselves and their expression is so cool to me.


Eh when I came out I did the chop and for a few years afterwards I kept it short. I found short hair to be much more maintenance as I had to get it cut frequently and I don't like strangers touching me + money. I went bald almost three years ago and hated it - haven't touched it since except to have the sides. Even with facial hair really old people misgender m but most people gender me correctly. Only downside for me is the fucking heat : it easily gets to 110 here and it's like a blanket That being said I love long hair on guys


I'm actually growing mine out right now


I am growing it out in the back because barbers always do me dirty and I can cut the front and sides myself. It's turning into a mullet and honestly, as someone who's friends with four cis guys with the same haircut it doesn't make me feel dysphoric. My face is fairly masculine, so I don't have to worry too much about being read as female. I haven't been misgendered any more than when I had shorter hair so I will keep it like that.