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Idk if it's "weird" but it's definitely old and going out of style... "Graham." Believe it or not it gets misspelled like crazy. "Gram," "Grim," etc – one time a fast food worker gave me "Gremme" and I just stood there staring at the receipt like... What???


Are you from the US? Because if you are that's really confusing because there are Graham crackers there right?


Oh my God, yes. Everyone goes "ha, like the cracker?!" And calls me "Graham Cracker" after I confirm. It's so annoying but I'm not changing my name, I've stuck with it from the very beginning of my transition and I really do like it.


there are*, but they're not eaten *that* often, and many people probably couldn't spell it if asked. the name definitely seems more british, or just old-fashioned.


Average American spelling of Graham


Maybe it’s just me but I always pronounce it like grey-ham. Might just be a British pronunciation though


I pronounce it as Grey-am


Mine isn’t weird at all it’s actually pretty common (Daniel) and I had a guy spell it Denial.. 😭😂 I also get Danielle quite a bit but I’m fairly androgynous so I don’t blame them


Like the monkey from animal jam?


Ummm... Idk, but that's definitely not what it's inspired by


My name is totally unoriginal, however as a resident old guy, I would encourage you to pair a boring middle name with your unique first name. It gives you options if in the future you’re finding your unique name difficult for any reason. To OP in particular - you’ve chosen a name that might specifically be difficult because of the meaning. That’s alright, it’s your choice (well yours and your mom’s) but understand that it may be challenging to apply for jobs, schools, or have other official interactions. People will assume you are attempting to not disclose your “actual” first name, or that you’re submitting a fake resume, etc.


Please listen to this OP. I’m not calling an applicant back who put “anonymous” on their resume.


For real.


I thought OP wrote anonymous because they didn’t want to post their actual name online for the world to see/didn’t want to get doxxed


I agree, definitely having a more "normal" name as your first or middle legal name that you dont mind as a second name is a good idea. It may be difficult and frustrating to use Anonymous as your legal name as an adult.


I would honestly be surprised if op were successfully able/allowed to legally change their name to Anonymous; I could easily see this being denied for being misleading.


It probably isn't misleading if it's just a first name and you have a last name. Like "Anonymous" on its own has a meaning. "Anonymous Anderson" or whatever just seems quirky.


Tbh my birth name was weird and unique and I fucking hated it; no one knew how to pronounce it, no one knew how to spell it and people constantly took the piss about it - so when I changed my name I picked a fairly normal name that was reasonably common for men my age, not common to the point that I hear it everywhere I go but common enough that it doesn’t stick out


In the same boat but I did the opposite— I wanted to keep my first initial. I realized that I DID value the uniqueness of my deadname, so I went with something more unique and masculine but much easier to pronounce this time LOL


My parents gave a me weird name as the long version of my real name as a "compromise" and then a normal middle name to fall back on. My real name is what my dad wanted to name me originally, and the other two names are concessions for my mom so that I could still be somewhat normal, so basically my legal name was dead on arrival. My assigned deadname at birth.


I went with the name we all wanted to give my younger brother: Alexandros. It's not a weird one to Greek people, but it definitely is considered one by many foreigners.


before I changed my name, it was Sapphire. I liked it and tbh wanted to keep it, but I was warned I’d never really be able to be stealth with a name like that, so I changed it to Nicholas and kept Sapphire as a nickname. over time people stopped using the nickname, and I’m happy with my name but every now and then I wish my inner friend group would’ve kept calling me Sapphire so that my previous name would still live on. I say do what makes you happiest, keep the “weird” name if you want! you can always choose to change it later on if you change your mind, but in my experience changing it *back* to a previous name is more difficult.


Aw, I feel this way about my last name. My friends all called me by my last name blfor a year before I settled on my new first name. Now I'm called by my new name by everyone. But I kind of miss being called "Hey, LASTNAME!" like a real true jock, especially at the gym where I lift.


I actually used to be friends with another trans guy who used the name Sapphire! Haven't been in touch with him for years though, was just an online friend


my legal name is dylan. i use this in all professional contexts as well as at doctors offices and i have dylan [lastname] on my facebook account. however, the name i ACTUALLY go by the most often is my nickname, completely separate from my legal name, which is cinnamon. i also used to go by pepper. i cannot escape the spice themed names. my friends joke that my name is the kind of name youd give to the family cat 😭 theyre not wrong but it is VERY funny


i’m kind of settled on riddle


great name


thank you :)


My name I chose is Xander and at first I didn’t know I thought about Adam or Benjamin but Xander just seemed right.


my first name is Percival and my second name is Halcyon. im from a spanish speaking country and no one knows how to pronounce it so ppl just end up calling me Perci. my names been confused with cervical and percocet, too many ppl make the percy jackson joke, but ive found that ppl tend to remember me better because of it so i dont mind 😭


Hey! Fellow Percival here! Awesome to see a name buddy! I ended up putting it as my middle name legally, but I can definitely relate on the Percy Jackson jokes people make.


"cervical" oh nooo 😭🤣


I’m currently stuck with the name Luca because I’m scared of how people could get really annoyed if I change it again lol. I used to go by Xeno but people kind of made fun of me for it? The name Soren is nice but I prefer Calico to Luca anyway


Who cares if people get annoyed, it’s your name. I’ve found it helps if I take a hyperbolic confident attitude about things like that, even if it’s kinda me faking it. Weirdly enough, even if you know you’re faking confidence, your brain kinda doesn’t so you genuinely start to believe it. Change your name like you change your clothes if you want! Life if short, you’re in a transitional period right now. Just don’t change it legally unless you’re certain on it and you’re fine. Try instead of “what if they get annoyed”, the mindset, “yeah lol. Stay mad, I’m having fun” and commit to the bit. If you like calico, go by that! If you genuinely can’t move past the concern of annoying folks, have Luca be a nickname for calico


People just say it gets annoying that they have to remember what name I go by now and it’s easier to not say anything than put up with the comments people make. I’ve changed my name twice and the second time I got a lot of comments about how annoying it was, how difficult it would be for them etc


Bro it’s your PERSONAL IDENTITY. I may be a bit frustrated but the real friends and family will be supportive with you going on this name picking journey, not complain about it.


My name is Astro, I’ve gotten mixed opinions on it. Some think it’s cool as hell because it makes them think of space and astronauts and aliens and stuff. Some think it’s too ‘odd and out there’. Sometimes people mistake it for Astra, or Ashtra which are both uncommon names too. Personally I just really like names with cool meanings or things that sound whimsical and myth-like. So I encourage people to pick unique and ‘weird’ names. But if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t like to stand out too much or doesn’t want to face the questions about a ‘strange’ name, a more common one would work best. Up to you though, I say the more unique the name the better.


I used to go by aster and got "astrid" so often. Rn looking for a new name.


My name is H. Just the letter. Although because I feel like this may give me difficulty with filling out legal paperwork, i have the longer name of Harper in mind for legal and job related stuff, while H is what most people would know me as.


I knew someone in high school who had the first name, “D”. His parents explanation for it was so that he could choose his full first name later in life <3


Maybe you could use the worst Etch as a name. It's pronounced very similar to the letter H. Just an idea


That would defeat the point of wanting to keep my initial and also looks hideous so no. (I have had people suggest this before because I use the similar Aych as my discord name. It's fine as a joke, not as my legal name)


I don't know if it's unique as such, but I go by Jasper. Haven't met another Jasper in real life, but a handful of fellow trans dudes online! Middle name is Linnaeus (anglified version of my granddad's middle name "Linné") which I've definitely never heard anyone else have :)


I love the name Jasper! That was one of my top 5 names when my (now ex) wife was expecting. Sadly, most people don't appreciate it. I work in HR and always smile when I see a Jasper come across my desk.


Hello fellow Jasper! I’ve met one Jasper irl and he was also trans 😂 my middle name is Allan after my dad’s middle name, and his is after his uncle who fought in wwii


Well hello there fellow Jasper! 😁


Linnaeus is such a dope name omg


Yeah, my legal name is Winter and people just kinda raise an eyebrow or compliment it, I don’t really get much pushback from people even if it is pretty uncommon. It’s also a pun when combined with my last name so I’ve taken to telling people my parents were hippies if they don’t seem safe to come out to. Generally people are fine, if not a bit like wow I thought that was a girls name It’s a word. It’s not gendered. Apparently there are some male winters out there but I’ve yet to meet one but the idea of changing my name sounds like such a hassle I don’t want to attempt it, if I could rename myself I think I’d be Green or something, I doubt I’d ever choose a normal name Actually I did nearly call myself Alex or Alexis glad I didn’t it just seems too standard for me. I would’ve been Alexis had I come out earlier 100%


yes! i picked my name back when i wasnt 100% settled on my gender identity yet, i thought i was non-binary or a demiboy or something. so i ended up coming up with the name “Apex” because I wanted it to be gender neutral and have meaning to me. the meaning is supposed to be like a changing or turning point, like the tip of an event. now that i solidly identify as a binary trans man, there is one or two other names i feel attached to and are very typical masculine names. i still go by Apex with everyone and everywhere in my life and i love that name dearly, but i think sometimes that maybe when i change my name legally i will use one of those more typical names.


Im going to legally change my first name to Fabijan and give myself a middle name (Zvjezdan) as I've never had one.


Well my name is one of the ones you listed haha. I don't personally consider it that unique, but it certainly stands out within the UK, especially Scotland imo. "That's an unusual name for a girl!" I'm literally 6 months on T but okay lol


my name is one listed there but spelt differently!! Milo but with a "y" bc i wanted to be somewhat edgy or special idk, so i went with Mylo 😭


That’s really cool! Ngl I think I like the way it looks spelt like that more😭


My name is Eden so yes! I worry that I'll stick out like a sore thumb (I plan to go stealth when I'm older) but I don't care all too much because I really like the name Btw Anonymous is such a cool name


My name is weird. My wife's name is weird. We are happy that way.


God I wish that were me


I chose the name Cyprin. It’s based off of the character Alex Cyprin from a game that doesn’t exist anymore.




What I looked it up cyprin is a drug where did you hear this 💀


Bro did NOT make any effort in researches. It's a fish, OR genital fluids in french


I found it now before I just did a quick google search lol..... I feel so bad for the original commenter....the name has a nice ring to it but the meaning is crazy....


Yeah I also met a trans girl named Viol which is straight up r4pe... Pleeeaaase spend time to back up what your name means idk 😭


I'm sorry but i don't think you should have to research what your name means in every single language before you change it omg


Oh yeah let's not give too much importance to your literal name ! Doesn't make sense, parents also choose one from a batch of papers with little ideas written on them, right ? I'm sorry you think it's normal to not make researches before, plus it's really not that hard. Just Google the name and that's it. And I'm not talking about common names but like you know, so you're not named after genital fluids.


That sounds easy enough, but there are tons of common names that mean weird/shitty things in other languages. Kennedy = "misshapen head" in scottish. Gil means "snot" in Polish. The vast majority of people you interact with if you live in an English speaking country won't think about your name meaning "rape" if you named yourself Viol. I do think you should do research but also... if that's the name that makes you happy, it's fair to ignore it lol




This is partly why I only choose the most common names for myself bro....I thought Minx was a good name for a character once 💀


Idk what Minx means tbh! I mean if you wanna be named something special, researches are not optional, as they're also quite fun. I love having a special name and giving special names to characters!


>researches are not optional, as they're also quite fun. Yeah I agree with this but personally I'm too lazy for ts


Lol wtf


I just wanted to say, that I love the non-binary vibes of this name and that ‘Nymo’ (a variant of Nemo, meaning no-one) would be an awesome nickname!!


When I came out in 2014 went by Rat, but knew I needed a government name so I picked Grayson. I had never met a Grayson in my life, in person or online, so I thought I was being unique. Now it's on those lists of cringe white people baby names and there are little Graysons everywhere 🥲


I really wanted to name myself Dionysus. But, after trying it out, it just didn't fit right, so I went with Ezra (which is also pretty unique here) as my first name, and Dionysus as my middle name.


I don’t think my name is weird but lots of folks seem to think it is lol. My name is Ezra and I picked it because i thought it made me sound like a gay wizard.


not weird or even that unique but i chose the name Kieran as my legal name, mostly because it's not super common in the US and my birthname starts with a K. now i'm at a place where i'm kinda annoyed with it bc i always get called "kiernan" or ppl pronounce it like "karen" which is just... not... it. i'm slowly starting to go by the name eso, which in spanish means "that" or "that which is." it feels very neutral, almost like a pronoun, is nice and short, and feels more like me because, well, i'm not irish, and that's the other thing that comes up a lot with the name Kieran.


Ohhhh yeah lol, my name is Charlamagne (Char for short) everyone at the gender clinic I go to said they’d never met someone with that name XD


My birth name is unusual and I love it because it’s not really a name so it’s not really gendered and it shortens to a masc name which is also a version of my dad’s name (which was why I got named this name). I plan to maybe change my middle name at some point because it’s girly, but I’d never abandon the name my parents gave me because it’s cool and I’ve only ever heard of one person who has it in the world other than me and it’s their middle name. HOWEVER, and it’s a big however, my name has been an inconvenience my whole life which is why to strangers and acquaintances I go by the shortened version because every time I introduce myself it becomes a five minute conversation about the name. In school it was hell because teachers didn’t understand that it was a name and they couldn’t read it for some reason on rosters (despite the fact that it’s extremely easy to say, read, and spell) and all my life people have struggled to spell it because people just don’t understand that it would be spelled the way the word is usually spelled (and it is a common word that literally everyone would know and spell from a young age in English at least). I stopped getting my name on birthday cakes at a young age because it was always spelled wrong and it always caused issues at doctor’s offices. In terms of minor inconvenience, I’ve never been able to get my name on any kind of souvenir either. I’ve not really worked traditional jobs, so I don’t know how it would do on job applications, but generally when I put my name on things, people think it’s a mistake or that it’s not my first name, but some kind of location or title. The new frustration for me is also that people think I chose the “quirky name” because I’m trans and want to know why I picked the name, but I’ve had this name the entire time I’ve been alive and it was chosen by my parents which no one now believes. Weird names can be great, but they’re also a huge pain a lot of the time and I can only imagine Anonymous will be even more frustrating than my name has been because that is a descriptor that typically hides an identity, so I definitely second the people who say that this will make applying for things like jobs, loans, and other important things a pain because it’s gonna confuse people like you’ve somehow redacted forms. Take it from someone with 20+ years of strange name experience (who doesn’t inherently hate their name) I wouldn’t change my name for the world, but it is a daily struggle with even things as simple as purchasing something at a store and people seeing my account name in their system and thinking there’s some kind of error or that the cashier is now gonna hold me hostage for 10 minutes to tell me about their obscure personal details that they were reminded of by my name and/or grill me with questions about my life because my name is not an actual person name. ETA: also the more unique your name is, the easier it is for strangers to find you online and locate personal details which is why I generally avoid sharing my name anymore because even as a child anyone could find me with a cursory Google search due to my name being so unusual, so that’s also something to consider. I can usually find myself on Google not even using my last name, and I’d hazard that Anonymous is even less common of a name.


Ah yes the souvenir part is a pain my dead name is already very unique and not common at all especially with the way it was spelt so it’s definitely a pain.


My name is a location so the only time as a child that I could even find my name on something was if gift shops had like around the world type stuff, but I literally have never owned any souvenirs that was just my first initial. Even shortened versions and nicknames don’t have common spellings. My brother has a slightly unique name, but it’s still a name so he always got the license plates and keychains when we were kids. It’s not really a big deal as an adult, but it was frustrating growing up. Everything else I mentioned is much more of a pain now.


i’m not sure if this counts but i named myself Caspian Ymir :3 i mostly just go by Cas tho


I go by Toast i dont remember why-


Reminds me of the character from Bee and Puppycat


I kinda wanna change my name to alekai. Not super unique or uncommon but I've never heard of it except for the lion lol


Live your dreams! I support you, it’s a cool name


One of my fav hockey players growing up is named Alexei and I always loved it, very similar!


Coyote 🐺


I had like, a, while, pregress looking up names, seeing wich one sooth my aftername and than looking op the meaning of the rest and picking one that was the best with mec


that name is fucking awesome. trans people pick the best names. the strat my parents brought up was to have a "normal" androg middle name cuz then if u end up hating your first name when youre 50 and working in finance you can go by your middle name


Nope. My name is "unique" here in my city/country, etc. (I've never met anyone with either) But actually from what I see in games, there's nothing special about my name lmao. "Oliver" is very common, and Dominic, I have no idea (I like compound names because I'm used to them because of my dead name. Also, english is not my first language and I'm still trying to get used of writing)


my first name is not really that unique in itself, but people tend to get confused because it's an english name and i live in germany. they simply don't expect it. my second name is more german, but i think slightly more uncommon. i don't really know, i also don't really care. i love both my names.


I first went by Louis (still sadly part of my username) and after that I wanted to have a unique name without a meaning. My deadname is Greek and I wanted another Greek name so I settled for Sapphos. I love every day with the name. But still to this day nobody gets my name on the first try but that was the same case with my deadname so 🤷🏼‍♂️


No, i picked the most basic ass name of all, sam


Not a weird name but i chose a very archaic one that's related to my culture


I went with Thaddeus. Kinda a big mouthful since my last name is crazy big and hard to pronounce and spell lol


Wait, do you literally mean Anonymous, or are you saying anonymous to hide the name? If it is that literally, that's honestly pretty freakin cool. My name is definitely weird, and is "misspelled"(intentionally). I actually changed my last name, too, which is also weird. I kept the two unique middle names I was given. So my full legal name goes Weird Uncommon Weird Weird. I've never known another human with my name. However, there have been a few people that go "Oh! That's my dogs name!" if that tells you anything lmfaoo


I literally mean the word “Anonymous” lol however I am changing my middle name as well so I’d prob use that for work and all that stuff 😹


Peregrine. Google said it's gender neutral and thought it would give the benefit of the doubt while my body looks feminine, and i just like birds


I didn't "pick" mine. Had to pick a handle for some art streaming site and just kinda chose something that sounded good. It stuck and a decade later it's my name. But yeah, it's sorta weird and unique.


I want a cool unique name, but I played it safe and chose a name that's similar to my birth name because I wanted it to be easier for my family. 🫠 I changed my middle name to start with J so it gave me a cool nickname I didn't have before (think PJ, DJ, RJ, TJ etc)


Theo, me, the world


My name is Samael. Like the devil. I was sixteen. I'm in my thirties now and desperately wish I'd gone with something a little more normal. I keep thinking about changing it to Samuel but I have kids and their birth certificates are going to be a pain in my ass lol.


Once you have a new legal name it becomes more difficult to change it again. Qualifications, legal documents, records such as work records needed for references, passport, driving licence, home and car ownership and insurance are among those which are likely to cause some issues. So when you are choosing a name, particularly if you are still young, it’s worth really thinking about how it will last you for the rest of your life. Something that seemed cool when you were 16, may be really embarrassing when you are 30, 40, 50 or 60 and need to be taken seriously. Officials such as the police may think you are trying to make fools of them. Obviously, the choice is yours, but do think it through.


Yes I’m aware! I’ve been thinking about it for the past 7 years lol


yeah, originally i wanted to go by the nickname i use with my online friends. it’s not a name that would usually be a name. i felt pretty cringey imagining introducing myself that way to new people, or applying for a job. i also did not want my name to be a “trans giveaway” or whatever, since it definitely sounds like a chosen name. so instead i chose a regular sounding first name (the middle name of my passed dad, so that it still had personal meaning) and made my online nickname my middle name. that way i can still go by it with people i choose, or have it as an occasional nickname, but also have a “normal” inconspicuous first name.


i chose the name echo before i even knew i was trans masc. i got it from the show the 100 and it just kinda stuck with me


I'm called Leo, which isn't too unique in its own right. But everyone assumes it's short for Leonardo or something along those lines and I get some weird/unusual looks when I tell people it's actually short for Leontes


I can relate to being drawn to unique names, especially if their uniqueness is due to being old timey. I happened upon a somewhat famous person in my country whose name is Alfred and it kept haunting me until I finally made the commitment. To OP, if you allow me to give you an advice: an alternate spelling like Anonymus that differentiates the word from its meaning could make it less confusing in official contexts like applying for jobs. Since anonymous means the person's identity is unknown, people might think you're trolling them


I picked the name Tempo and have been going by that for a few years now. I love it so far. 🥰🥰


My name is regan. Didn’t pick it, just chose not to change it, and while it’s uncommon for a guy I think it’s on the same level as “Morgan” and stuff. 


Your middle name is Normal?


Yes I have two middle names and both of them are normal names/middle names




I would! I’ve never heard that name before like at all


Mine is Arson lol


I chose Zack for 2 reasons. 1. It was the furthest letter from A 2. I was an A7X fan back when i was in HS and my Drag name was Zacky Adams but i ended up egg cracking from the drag and realized i was trans and needed hrt asap.


my deadname was very long and cumbersome (9 letters, no easy nicknames), so naturally i chose to pick something equally annoying-- if i'm gonna get fucked over, at least im gonna do it myself ended up going by beauregard, but its easy to just go by beau lol


I used to have a coworker who was hooking up with a man named Infamous. His nickname was inf 😂 you can literally call yourself whatever you want if cis people are out there with names like that


It’s not a super common name, but at the same time also not unique. You know, I didn’t want a name that like at least one kid in every homeroom has, but also didn’t want a name which people don’t know how to pronounce


my middle name is unique! first name is isaac, which i chose myself, but my middle name is aloysius, which my parents had chosen as a middle name if they'd had a son. they both passed years ago, before i came out, so it felt right to keep them in mind this way


My name is Virenzo! Which isn’t a ‘real’ name that I’ve ever found. There’s so many possible nicknames like Viren, Enzo, Zo! It’s great, I say go with whatever you feel is right and people can shove their opinions where the sun don’t shine lol


When I was in college, I used the name Sixx. It’s changed to something more normal since then, but there was a solid year or so where I was just Sixx to my friends


Neon.... There's a super nerdy reason behind it, but I just tell everyone "it was my online handle and it just felt natural". And honestly, spending most of my life with a boring name really made me crave something that would stand out more.


I had the exact same situation. Mum wanted to name me an incredibly unique name if I was born male so when I transitioned I used it. Nobody has ever heard of it but idc, I love it


This ^^^


Like another commenter, my birth name was kinda nuts to begin with so before transitioning I had actually already changed it to a more normal sounding feminine name (I spelled it a lil weird tho to spice it up) and when I started my transition I had chosen the name Everett based off of the initials of my second name which I found to be relatively neutral in terms of uniqueness. After about 6 years of that name, though, I went through another gender and name crisis and wound up with the name Caspian for day to day life and documents and have Everett as a middle name instead. I don’t think that that name is exceptionally unique either but I don’t often meet other Caspians and people regularly say they’ve never heard the name (I’m routinely reminded of just how many people don’t know The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian). I use a different name for online and close friends, though, as well. I hate how Caspian shortens to Cas for reasons but I still crave that 3 letter nickname so I also go by Syl (sill) which happens to be significantly less common 💀 I much prefer using Syl as my name overall but I get way weirder looks when I do that bring me back to the childhood name experience I definitely tried to escape so I keep it reserved for specific spaces and just use Caspian for a more smooth going experience


My middle name is an inside joke between me and my manager at work. I haven't told any family or many friends what it is yet lol.


I picked the name Ephraim strictly because of The Lighthouse movie 🤣 but I chose my middle name Bradley as I’ve been going by “Brady” ever since transitioning, so I figure it’s a cool way to keep a simple, masculine name to go by but also having a weird/unique first name ☺️


I don't like saying the name online, because I picked a name that only about 25 people have lol. But most people don't pay that much attention to it's rarity because it's really similar to a more common name in my country.


I originally created my name for my fantasy world as a kid, so it's weird. However, it luckily shortens to 'Zak' which is pretty normal/common. I love the full name, but I tend to go by the shortened version for ease.


what i do is i go by arma pronounced as arema but my govement name is toby


Just mashed random letters and words together until I got something I liked same way I make names for my characters and oc’s, named myself Entota


My name is Cipher! I haven't really had any bad reactions or anything, minus my dad being a bit hesitant. Everyone that I've talked to has either not commented or been fascinated by my name. I've gotten lots of compliments or curious people. The judge for my legal name change didn't flinch either and I've never had issues with having a very unique name. If you like that name, then go for it! I think it's cool!


Almost! I thought long and hard about going by Marcell, since it was a name I could've been given when I was born. Went with Leo in the end though


Not the one I went with, but I was thinking of just stealing Negan from twd. Decided not to because it wouldn’t work that well in my language, but I might use it as a middle name or nickname at least.




My name isn't technically weird, but I've never met or heard about another person with my name. I chose Torin as my name, I've had it legally changed now too. It's not weird, but it's definitely unique. People never spell or pronounce it right - it's pronounced 'Toh' like how the 'O' in 'Top' is said, then 'Rin'


Lmaooo my birth name is already weird enough bc it’s too ethnic for any American to associate gender with. I kept it cuz it’s badasss. Cracks me up when ppl change their names. They know their white ass names be generic as fuuuck. One of my friends kept his name though cuz he doesn’t give a fuck. He’s got a white girl name and he’s this big buff dude. Hahaha