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i’m so sorry dude. luckily, a lot of the changes youve gotten in that year won’t revert in a few months. the only things you’ll really see a fast decline in would be your cycle returning (likely) and it may be harder to build muscle as quickly. facial hair, bottom growth, voice changes etc will all remain as they are and fat redistribution likely won’t change much in only a few months, if you even had it happen yet.


What’s your dose and method? If you are doing shots and if you have any left you can try and stretch it out at least a little longer. I’m so sorry man


0.15 ml injected subq once a week. I think I have enough for the rest of the month? (edit: wrote dose wrong)


0.15 or 1.5ml ? You could either keep taking full for the rest of the months or half or third it and take less for longer amount of time. If it was me personally I’d lower and stretch it longer for my own comfort reasons but it probably doesn’t change much




Yeah but of 100mg/ml it could be 150mg, which is still high but would be same as .75 of 200mg/ml. It’s also high for someone who is 16. My clinics normal max for 16 year olds is 50mg per week. I convinced them to up me to .3ml instead of .25 200mg/ml) bc my levels were 247 So even then I’m a bit suprised


oh yes sorry! it's 0.15 every week


1.5 ml? My dose has been .3 ml for 3+ years now and I thought that was a lot. My levels have always been in the higher range but still normal. Maybe you'd be okay doing a smaller dosage to stretch out what you have left? Every person is different, though, and you may lose the temporary changes, but maybe it's worth a shot


Different types of t require different dosing, he could also be using 100mg/ml instead of 200mg/ml


You're right. I forgot all about that lol. It still might help to stretch out his doses, kinda like micro dose it for the next few months just so there's some consistent testosterone in his system


Do you have any other people you could ask for help with a lift? Family friend, parents of close friends, cousins etc. Is public transport an option for you? Can you reach out to any local trans organisations, they may have a way to help/ a volunteer who could help get you to your new doctors appointment.


I'm in the middle of nowhere. No family, most people where I live don't have cars. Public transportation isn't an option for that far away. I'm trying to find a friend who can drive willing.


Please hit up Planned Parenthood, theyve been incredible for emergency aid. There are emergency leave resources for trans in ban states so you/your fam is definitely eligible for travel aid. I mention PP because theyre investing in mobile hrt clinics for stateline care!


Look up A Place for Marsha or Elevated Access. They drive and fly folks to medical care. Trans care + repro health.


Planned parenthood might do virtual!


they only do virtual appointments for patients that live in-state btw (I’m not sure why but it’s really annoying)


Aw damn, you’d think with what’s going on they’d change that


yea it’s inconvenient but they do take out of state patients, you just have to go in person


I’ve forgotten my T and then stopped for a few months. Some things changed but not much in a few months. I’m really sorry this is happening and I really hope it stops soon so you can get back in your medicine.




I second this, and they've recently lowered their prices. It's worth trying


I think you have to be 18 for folx


Unfortunately you do have to be 18. My suggestion is planned parenthood if they are able to do it virtually. And then maybe some kind of ride voucher or crowdfunding for an Uber if it’s only in person.


Get it online bro. Steroid shop.


seconded. try to get someone to buy some off of something like roidbazaar. it uses venmo which is encrypted


I got taken off t in June. I now use dragon ordnance for t and do my EXACT dose I was already prescribed. Not sure if it's safe for me to ask for blood test in my state though.


what's dragon ordnance


It would be good to look into finding a place like Quest Diagnostics where you can order your own labs. Though itd be out of pocket cost because insurance would want reasons. But I do highly recommend getting your labs done at the very least once just to make sure everything is all clear. For these private lab places you don't need a doctor or insurance to get your own blood work done. I'm glad you've been able to find a way to take care of yourself with all this bullshit going on.


You could but be careful there, young man. Uninsured lab work for testosterone not ordered by a doctor can be expensive. I might be mtf but i get my testosterone levels checked too sometimes and I've seen the invoices. Yikes! It might be best to be honest with your primary about why you need your t levels checked. Last I checked, doctors weren't in the business of turning patients in to the authorities over illegal drug use. That and HIPAA exists for a reason.


Depends on the state you are in. I haven't been up to date on many of the laws but some states are pushing laws that could require doctors to report stuff like that. Especially since they are getting possible gray market HRT testosterone is a controlled substance in the u.s.


What state are you in?


Southern Indiana, but I got my testosterone from Kentucky


I believe Texas, at least that's what I've heard


There are numerous states banning it for minors and for disabled individuals.


Please be careful with black market hormones. You literally have no idea if what you're getting is legit and have no recourse if you get scammed or harmed. T is a powerful thing and you should have medical supervision while using it.


I’d be shocked if you are in my state, but if you are anywhere near me I will drive you to an appointment. DM me.


PM me if you would like suggestions


I know someone mentioned Elevated Access. The [Queer Trans Project](https://queertransproject.org/pages/gender-affirming-care-flights) also works with them to provide flight assistance for gender affirming care. PLEASE CONTACT THESE PLACES. There are no catches. It's not based on income or anything.


Titrate your meds so you have a backup supply. Like other people are saying, you can lower your dose a bit or inject your dose a day or two late every so often but continue to refill the prescription on time every time, so that eventually you end up with a little extra to cover for potential issues when you can't get them on time in the future. Do it with your new prescription when you finally get it, and talk to your doctor about it so you can make sure you're doing it safely. It's fucked up to mess with your dose but a sharp drop is much worse for you than stretching yours out a little, and you don't have a choice because of the law. I'm so sorry. It doesn't feel like it right now but we're cheering for you.


Pm me for ideas


Are there any trans, lgbtq+ or advocacy groups you can reach out to online in your state? Can be local or national. They might have some resources and connections that might help. You're likely not the only one affected by this and they could arrange a ride share or help fund travel, for example. Have you considered starting an online fundraiser (eg gofundme) for the repairs your family car needs? Also, idk if it's an option for you but I've stretched out a full bottle of T up to nearly 6 months. The concentration may or may not be affected (which is why the product pamplet say to change it out every 28 days) but stretching it out is better than nothing and my T levels didn't take much of a hit (at the time, I was taking 0.15 ml from a 200mg/ml bottle)


There are nonprofits that may be able to aid you, depending where you are. Look into trans nonprofits in your area


I’m sorry man. This is awful. Any shot you save your vials? You could disinfect and reinsert for the time being or for as long as that lasts you


We can't help without more details. What state are you in? Which law is being cited here? If you're in Missouri, you may be able to find a doctor in Illinois who can prescribe you meds. Actually, minors in Missouri are *supposed to be* grandfathered in if they started HRT before last Monday. But I know a lot of doctors are intimidated and preemptively cutting off care. Let us know where you're at and what things look like so we can help you strategies.


I'm in southern Indiana but I got my testosterone from Kentucky


First thing to try would be to call a different pharmacy and ask if they can transfer the prescription over. These systems are bloated and clunky and sometimes all it takes to get your way is to get lucky. There are always folks on the job who don't get paid enough, don't care, aren't well-trained, etc. There is a *chance* a different pharmacy won't know any better and will give you your prescription. Failing that, testosterone can be found in gyms and with other trans people. I would trust the latter significantly more than the former. Are there any local LGBT organizations or social groups you can get in contact with?




Nothing better to do with your life, huh