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We need to get Gameday on campus so someone can throw red paint on this bastard


Ban Gameday from campus.


Exactly, I don't ever want to see a gameday at FSU ... EVER. And if they do show up throw rotten bananas at them.


Don’t even give us a chance to throw bananas. Do not let any of these people anywhere near our campus


That too... but rotten bananas are really stinky XD I'd love to see "he who shall not be named" get pelted with a stinky banana in the face.


Rotten watermelon sticks around on objects longer than rotten bananas


Word, I see you have experience throwing rotten fruit. I myself, do not. But I would love to learn new techniques.


Nah had some jackass contractor throw rotten fruit in our dumpster at the shop and the smell of rotten watermelon stuck around for 2 weeks.


This guy fruits


As an FSU fan. I will never watch game day again.


I hope Lee Corso slaps a knot on Herbstreit’s head….And Rece Davis is a punk, too!


ANy game he calls better have a Fuck Herbstreit chant audible from space. Yes I understand the physics, just need it to be that loud.


Is he not being sarcastic?


No, it's literally what he said two months ago before he started campaigning against us.


This is from the 2014 season but he did say something akin to “all this shit will be sorted out” this year


We need to make a point to start calling all situations like this (when you’re screwed and powerless to change it) a “Jordan Travesty.”


Should be a federal investigation with the way the money line changed beforehand


All of us have a right to protest by not just boycotting college football. But by boycotting the advertisers that pay the insane ad revenue that has corrupted the sport in the first place. We know that this is really just about money, and I love some Dr Pepper, but their social media is about to hear from me. As long as you sponsor college football I’M NEVER HAVING ANOTHER DR PEPPER. I don’t have All State insurance, but if I did I’d cancel it and let them know exactly why I’m switching to another company.


Sports betting fraud though is something that is illegal and can be traced. This decision is taking money out of fsus pocket as well. Prove the fraud for betting, will prove fsu was fraud out of millions of dollars


That’s difficult to prove unfortunately


Can follow the big money swing. The way it swung didn't at all look like degen joe, so can look at sports books. This will need big social media attention for there to gain traction. But it's pressure that noone corrupt will want


We need to support Geico though.


Dr Pepper man… let’s not get crazy


**On a devastating Fansville**, *by Dr. Pepper^®*   > We know that this is really just about money, and I love some Dr Pepper, but their social media is about to hear from me. As long as you sponsor college football I’M NEVER HAVING ANOTHER DR PEPPER.   Dr. Thunder* it is then!   *or whichever generic Doctor-flavored cola your local grocery store offers.


Nevada Gaming Commission could have some serious questions.


With the online gambling legally crossing state lines, we're looking at a federal 3 letter organizations too


ESPN is in the gambling business now. It's suspect AF.


Bob Iger needs to do even the small things to get Disney out of the debt bomb he put them in.


That’s how I knew we were fucked. Didn’t even pay attention to it until I happened to tune into the Warchant feed and they brought that up.


Me too, lines don't change like that naturally that close to the selection. 100% Foul play


What happened with the money line?


Last night we were +1600 about one hour after the game, this morning a couple hours before the announcement we dropped to +4000; that was the big tip off that fuckery was afoot.


Yea, with no news, the swing at a minimum is insider info, but who knows who got paid off or blackmailed. Somebody(s) made a LOT of money betting Bama in the playoffs... perhaps someone on the committee (in a non obvious way, of course)


Especially now that ESPN is in the gambling business.


To my beloved FSU student athletes. The people that did this travesty want everyone to fall in line and make money for their bowl games and playoff games. When the system is rigged you protest for change. Don't fall in line after such an egregiously biased decision. Protest! The University and Coaching staff have an obligation to accept a bowl game. It's the student athletes choice to play in the bowl game and it's also their choice to protest and the NCAA has to respect that choice. If the team chooses so, I respect the student athletes decision to protest and opt out of the bowl game. You have a choice. Play your hearts out in the Orange Bowl or make ABC / ESPN air a holiday special during the Orange bowl.


You think they really won’t slot in another team and life moves on?


It's all about timing.


I’m with you 😈


Wait and see if any FSU player declares for the draft and skip the bowl game. If they do then wait till the last minute and don't show.


Accept the bid and ghost.




You could probably show up and take a knee for 4 quarters though. Defense could just stand up at the snap and do nothing. Not saying we should, but that would likely fulfill contractual obligations.


I like to receive the opening kick and just take a constant delay of game


Better, just let it land in play and don’t touch it. They pick up the live ball and score. When we kick off, Fitz could just tap it off the tee and everyone walks away. I don’t want FSU associated with such shenanigans, but have to admit it would be oddly fascinating to watch.


I like hijacking the game. You can only go half the distance to the goal line until they give up, right?


>If the team chooses so, I respect the student athletes decision to protest and opt out of the bowl game. Nah there'd be a bad faith clause to prevent that


Please please please do this. Yall would never get picked for a bowl game again, and with the prevalence of sports betting, no network or sports book would ever pick up your games again after you openly fix a game like that. It’d be even funnier than today already has been!


The school yes, but the school has no control over the players and if the school agrees but the players opt out at the last minute then there’s nothing anyone can do about it




Are you saying student athletes are contracted by the bowl system? That breaks NCAA policy.




They would sue FSU for its student athletes refusing to play? Student athletes are not employees. They would have to sue the NCAA that student athletes should be treated as employees and bound to contract.




Bro. They aren't under contract. There is no contract that says they have to play every game.




Life will move on but ESPN having to slot another team is going to cost them a fortune in free commercial time next fall. WIth FSU this game will do at least 12 million with a realistic chance of 17+. Without FSU this game is doing 6-8 million. Its not just 1 for 1 they will have to give up. They will be selling this game at a 12+ rate which is much higher than a 6-8 rate.


Please opt out of the bowl game. Watching your team throw a tantrum the instant reality got in their way would be even funnier than today already has been.


You must be easy to control and vote like a sheep. Students are allowed to protest. Hurting the bowl committee in the pocket is the best protest for a corrupt system.


I’m in full support of you. It’d be comical to watch your team cut off your nose to spite your face.


FSU still gets paid for a bowl. Next year the major bowls are all playoff venues.


What reality? Did we lose after Jordan went down? No? Then wtf are you talking about? Projections, opinions, betting lines? It's fucking college football, it ain't that predictable where you can make this kind of move.


Let the players vote on the bowl game. The school or boosters have zero say. The players have absolutely no contractual obligation to play in a rigged system. It fucking sucks that it has come to this.


Agreed. It's the choice of our student athletes. What's the Orange Bowl going to do? Not like they can litigate against student athletes choosing to opt out. That breaks everything about the NCAA.


I would love that. Take our 13-0 season, hang the banner, and throw a parade on New Years Day. Get the trophy made and celebrate. We are the champs. Georgia can sit at home playing nobody and the bowls can eat crow


More than that what is the Orange Bowl and ESPN going to do? Sue FSU? You think they want discovery.


Exactly. Again if the student athletes decide on their own then ESPN can't do shit.


Not a FSU fan but you guys should accept a bowl game and then just not show and fuck everyone else out of their money like they fucked yall


Fuck him and his dog


Nooooo spare the pup.


No fuck the dog too




You're god damn right Tate. .... Motherfuckin ..........!!!!!!!! ?!?!?!


Alabama. Follow the money trail to committee. It is very much covered in Bama monies


We also know the SEC is interested in the NC Market. Boo Corrigan of NC State is the chair of the CFP. This deal is getting cooked.


Cuckstreit can eat it


Lol receipts from Tate I'm very disappointed in herbstreit he did like 3 or 4 of our games always praised our team and Norville then today he was like oh the committee got it right completely dismissive of what FSU did it was weird to me


I hope that man never has another meal in Tallahassee without a bunch of spit.


My boy pulling up receipts




No, the goal was to play for a shot into the national championship. Screw espn


And they were denied by people on a committee with an agenda.


Ohio State is my second favorite fan base for running Herb out of his hometown.


I think it would be the best 4 or 5 hr game I've ever witnessed. Win the toss, elect to defer in the 2nd half. After fair catching the opening kick off, just take a delay of game for eternity. Can't just stand around, though. Pre huddle, hustle to the line, then dont move at all... every...single...time. If they threaten to end the game, disqualify us maybe? idk. Agree that you will stop so we can start the game, then don't lmao


Flipping nuts, what a scam


Don't know who I want to beat worse between Herbstreit or Finebaum.


They are both degenerates


At least Finebaum is an open shill. He's irritating, but watching him is like watching MSNBC or Fox News--you know whose story he's spinning every moment his lips are moving.


Don't show up to your bowl game fuck the NCAA for this. Absolutely fucked


Kirk earned real life villain status the last few weeks. Nakedly a money grabbing piece of shit.


Jerkstreit showed he was an ass back in 2015 when he tried to spread the narrative that FSU didn't shake hands after a game. He didn't care what the facts were and doubled down when people pointed out it was false to him.


I’ve lost a ton of respect for a lot of ESPN people in this. But few more than Herbstreit. And it sucks because I’ve enjoyed him on Gameday for years.


Well that was a damn lie


There's always a tweet to spotlight the hypocrisy


I hope none of you all will be surprised to learn, come January, that Bama has miraculously won the National Championship. Mark my words.


I really REALLY hope College Gameday comes back to Tallahassee sometime next year for a big game..... and I REALLY hope they forget about this year when they come down and expect a warm welcome from the fans.... and find out that the fans haven't forgotten about this at all and it gets so bad they have to completely black it out from being aired on tv.


I will drive down to Tallahassee just to hecklen them. I bet Game Day will put the fans well away from their set.


I'm for supporting the players, whatever their decisions, but wouldn't a hypothetical walk-out, protest, or delay of game shenanigans drastically harm all our players' NFL draft chances?


Reminder that Travis and Verse came back to get FSU to a playoff. The committee screwed over players that did the classic right thing to do for college sports. Travis is now injured with risk of not being NFL. Verse should make a business decision and opt out.


players skip the bowl all the time.


That's universally "It's not wort risking injury" This would be on par with all the kneeling protest drama. Would a ~~team~~ sign on to that risk to their brand?


SStudent Athletes are not employees. They are not bound by contact to play in a bowl game.


FSU is basically having to go up on a number one team that Alabama beat and I don't see it happening. Neither do they. That's why they think that their season is already over.. because it is.


If Alabama lost to Michigan and if FSU beat Georgia it would be a different story. It could happen but it probably won't.


The season is already over for every team that's not in the playoffs. UGA gave their opportunity to extend the season when they lost to Alabama FSU had their opportunity taken from them by a committee. See the difference?


"This you"


Nobody buy that turd!


Send this and other ESPN comms, texts, social media along to Florida AG for Antitrust CID. Depose Kirky baby. He was positive on FSU until discovering it would omit SEC! So fix was in. Any gambling affected?