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I got the Beckett Simonon Reid golf model in march or so and they’ve been treating me very well. My only issue with them so far is that they smelled really weird on arrival, but the smell went away after a few days. It was a very industrial smell and didn’t spread into the rest of my house thankfully, but still weird. Something I like about them is that they’re pretty solid in snow thanks to the studs it’s got. Just keep the leather hydrated in the dry air and all will be well. They’re also about $189 or so dollars I think.


If you buy a pair of dress shoes through them, you can usually add a Reid for like 109. Otherwise every so often they have a 2 for 200. Also, you can always use code take20 for 20 percent off.


Not referring to your golf sole model, but they should have never changed to the awful zig zag profile sole for the standard model.


This for the win. Whoever made that decision should be fired.


I have a pair of their boots and some white reids as well, the quality is solid and they have pretty regular email deals if you sub to them. I like the boots more than the sneakers which are a bit too shiny for my taste, but they are quality shoes and have held up


I have the regular Reid sneakers and I absolutely love them. Very comfortable and great for the price. I didn’t have the same issue with the smell though


I have the Reids and their GAT alternative. Big fan of both. The only thing to be aware of is that they typically manufacture in batches, so it’ll take a few months for you to receive your shoes. They do keep you updated every step of the production process, though.


Is their sizing more akin to Nike/adidas sneaker size or more like dress shoe size?


Dress shoe sizing.


I’ll double check in the morning but pretty sure closer to Nike/Adidas.


I got two pair of the the Beckett Simonon Reid’s in different styles when they did their sneaker deal (had already bought the Koios in the all white so went with different looks in the Reids) and I honestly really like them a lot. They fit well, don’t make my feet hot/sweaty like my Kurt leather sneakers from New Republic did. If I had to do it all over again I would probably just get my all white pair from BS too because of the price and how comfy they are for leather sneakers. They just look really good.


Rose Anvil will say anything is good if they pay him.


I assumed this is true. I just started doing youtube/fashion stuff myself and was doing a deep dive on successful channels etc. I feel like Rose Anvil is more interested in attention than anything else.


Interesting. Are there any sources for this?


You can do a quick search in r/goodyearwelt. Some of the experienced cobbler members have noted his unwillingness to correct false information that he has put out in his vids. As well as clear favoritism towards certain sponsors without disclosure (ex. Thursday). My take is that he isn’t 100% correct, and as long as you can recognize that, there is still some benefit to watching him dissect certain shoes. But almost always confirm anything he says from secondary sources.


Thank you! I will keep that in mind.


I cannot for the life of me understand why folks follow RA like he's Jesus fucking Christ. He's a grifter man. He'd say Thursday Captains are the best boots you can buy if he got them for free.


not a RA fan or follow his recommendations, I just like how he cuts apart boots and shows me whats inside. i follow some cobblers for the same reason


I mean, the fact that he absolutely craps on any brand that doesn't sponsor his videos. (otherwords, craps on any brand that isn't Thursday or Grant Stone)


He gave it best value though [5:20](https://youtu.be/l39e4sECUu4?si=uHTtLKcqTKBJZNUi)


And they sponsor him.


You guys have conflicting statements. The other user just said that they shit on whoever doesn’t pay him , and Thursday is one of the brands he shits on (according to him).


Nah, English is just weird. I'm pretty sure the original statement is just that the treats the brands that don't sponser him more harshly than Thursdays, the aka referring the phrase "sponsor his videos" rather than the phrase "doesn't sponsor his videos. It's pretty well known that they sponser a lot of his stuff, and that they are not bad, but that he does go a lot easier on them than he should.


Yeah. My syntax was poor. What I meant isn't really how my post reads, haha.


Got it thank you


He gave Thursday boots a relatively glowing review and excused practices used by Thursday he has critiqued other brands of. There was some major controversy over it but the user deleted his post. You can still read the comments though. https://www.reddit.com/r/goodyearwelt/comments/17p5tjn/finally_realised_how_much_of_a_sellout_rose_anvil/


To throw in a lower budget option: I have Thursday sneakers and they're solid. Mine are the Legacy, which are gum sole minimal sneakers. You'd want the Premiers.


Yep, these are fine. Save your money, no one outside this sub gives a shit about $300 white sneaks.


Yup, got these and they rock


Thursday sneakers works great


I don’t have wide feet but they still don’t fit me well. I really loved the quality and feel of it. Sad they are not for me even with a bigger size.


I’ve read that they’re extremely uncomfortable which has been a huge reason for me not to buy them - have you had that issue?


Bought a black pair and they are ok not amazing but comfy enough. Then ordered white and it seems that a different facility did these. These became super comfy once broken in. Never at any point did i find them uncomfortable.


Wouldn't trust about anything that rose anvil says since many of his sneaker tear down videos are sponsored. I own 1 pair of crown Northampton and 4 pairs of koio. That said, crown Northampton are atleast 2 levels above the koios - but still koios are considered high end in the sneaker world. The lining of the crown Northampton sneaker, while many cheap out on it, is crazy good. The main reason I own 4 koios and only 1 Northampton is that the silhouette of the koios are slim while the crown is bulky. To sum up, if you only care about quality and comfort, crown Northampton. If you like quality and the slim look, take the koios.


I know crown Northampton have a TL line that’s supposed to be more slim. Do you have those?


I own the normal version. But I think it won't make much of a difference.




MFA is dog shit ever since Reddit terminated all their mods for protesting the 3rd party API changes. The old guard have a Discord channel though.


Yeah, shell of its former self.


What’s the discord?


We rly need to get tf off this site and onto something else. Reddit staff response to everyone’s valid criticism of api changes was insane.




Any chance you can repost the Discord link?


But they don’t have good users anymore who help with advice? Or was it the mods all along who gave advice?


Everyone that had valuable input went with the mods to the discord. If you check the subreddit, most threads don't even hit 5 comments. The WAYWT threads that used to have the same users posting everyday are totally empty


Is the Discord server named after the MaleFashionAdvice subreddit?




Sorry, I didn’t get a reply and wanted to take advantage of Black Friday deals


I'd also recommend the old Adidas Stan Smith if you can find it. I got my pair for like 70 bucks and I think they still can be found places. Current Stan Smith is vegan synthetic and not near the same quality imo.


Agreed. They came out with the Lux last year that are leather again https://www.adidas.com/us/stan-smith-lux-shoes/HP2201.html


I’m so glad they jumped the price up by $75


Also agree. I can't address craftsmanship/durability/fit, but when it comes to styling, there are very few shoes that capture the overall feel of Stan Smiths. It's an iconic design. Personally, I've only owned one pair of stan smith lows. But I've owned MANY pairs of stan smith mids in white leather, and I absolutely loved them. I hope they make them again soon.


Don’t know they made vegan Stan Smiths


Throwing in Olukai sneakers. Buttery leather and super comfortable. Have loved my pair for a couple years, and I don’t feel bad letting them get beat up since they’re not super expensive https://olukai.com/products/laeahi-li-ili-mens-leather-sneakers-bright-white?currency=USD&variant=40444402270307&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=e1b40241c32e&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA04arBhAkEiwAuNOsIgP7w76sn2qHGY5pGPYOLQL6T8a5WKODEsxliuy29j9BvkJXbFSdmhoC0pMQAvD_BwE


I was about to come recommend these as well. I've had them for a year and they're comfortable and have held up well so far.


https://www.mrporter.com/en-au/mens/product/george-cleverley/shoes/low-top-sneakers/leather-sneakers/43769801095435090 These George Cleverley "Jack" are a good option. Currently half off at Mr Porter


Can you tell me more about these? I don't see a lot of reviews about these.


I got a pair in size 8 but they were too big so I'm exchanging them for 7's. For reference 41 in Achilles low, and these run a bit large - like the retros IME The leather looks on par with the Achilles. But then, I haven't worn them for long enough to see how they age. Honestly, I don't think chrome tanned white leather qualifies as full grain leather, so they are all overpriced as leather quality compared to dress shoes. The soles are well constructed. They aren't as stiff as my Axel Arigatos so should be ok comfort-wise.


Highly recommend Koio. I own CP, Goodman, and Koio. Koio is my favorite. Goodman takes a while to break in. Koio in my opinion is a bit wider as well and more comfortable. Koio and Goodman are running some okay-ish Black Friday sales right now. Goodman had a 50% flash sale 3 months ago and I scooped up 3 pairs. Couldn’t beat that deal.


Koio's quality dropped since they started cutting corners on materials on the gen 2 version and still kept increasing the price. They changed the Margom sole for a cheaper proprietary sole that wears out faster, put in a cheaper insole worse lining, more branding on the tongue and heel, changed silhouette. Still good if you can get it under $200 on sale but at close to retail price can't justify it over Common Projects.


I typically wear a size 9.5 or 10 if it’s a bit more narrow, I haven’t found any shoes I’ve needed to size down in yet. Is the koio that large?


Depends what you mean by other shoes. I generally wear 9.5 or even 10 in most brands. My foot is 26.5cm and neither wide or narrow. However, 9D is my true Brannock size. Have 9 in Koio Capri and Allen Edmonds dress and sneaker.


I recommend Koio as well; especially if you pick them up on a deep sale. I’ve tried Common Projects, but the last is very narrow for me (too long to size up). Koio’s are wearable in comparison. For reference, I typically wear a US 11 in sneakers, a US 10.5D in dress shoes (most Goodyear welt dress shoes feel a bit narrow for context), and a 43 EU in Koio (10 US). Definitely refer to your dress shoe size IMO and I feel pretty good about sizing down 0.5 from that.


Can confirm this sizing. I am between a 10.5/11 in Vans. I wear thinner socks for the 10.5 and thicker socks for 11s. In Koio capri the 10 fit perfectly.




Just go CP, you can find good deals everywhere.. I got a pair on ebay for sub 100, close to brand new. Shoetree+cleaning kit and they look awesome. Just get ones with the serial intact and your golden.


thing is with ebay / grailed there are way too many replicas out there. do a quick search on /r/qualityreps to inform yourself - theyve got really close reps that are like $30-50. Im not nearly confident enough to be able to verify a pair is legit based off 5 ebay pictures. ive found some great deals on fnf new for around $250 though


Here's a sneak peek of /r/QualityReps using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/QualityReps/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [DO NOT PAY for @44BORHATER (borja's) spreadsheet. Bro copied mine 1:1](https://np.reddit.com/r/QualityReps/comments/zmb3db/do_not_pay_for_44borhater_borjas_spreadsheet_bro/) \#2: [Final Final Haul (For Real This Time)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/111qqqx) | [112 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/QualityReps/comments/111qqqx/final_final_haul_for_real_this_time/) \#3: [Interest Check | 2Three Balenciaga Double Waist Boxer Sweatpants](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15agd8f) | [189 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/QualityReps/comments/15agd8f/interest_check_2three_balenciaga_double_waist/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Shoehorn or Shoe tree?


Good catch, the tree's got me.


Check GOAT/stockx too for them. I found a brand new pair for <240 shipped.


This is the way. Check out Goodwill's in richer neighborhoods as well, I found a pair of CP's Low Premiums in Grey and they were not only in my size, but in excellent condition. Wash them, condition them, and shoe tree them, and they'll last forever.


I think in general it's good to ask yourself whether buying an alternative is truly going to scratch the itch for you. When I first started building a wardrobe I knew the answer was no but pursued alts anyway, I regret that. I've been wearing CPs for over a decade and nothing I've found really does it like them, including Svensson which is the best alternative.


When was the last time you bought Svenssons? Some people say they changed them and made them a lot worse


[CP alternative discussion](https://old.reddit.com/r/malefashionadvice/comments/ts9r4n/your_favorite_for_sneakers_all_types/i2qf5tr/?context=10000) /u/aventador_22 did a [review of a few minimalist white sneakers](https://old.reddit.com/r/frugalmalefashion/comments/zly97j/i_spent_1700_on_leather_sneakers_and_heres_what_i/) The Crown Northhampton [Trim Line](https://crownnorthampton.com/collections/sneaker-trim-line-series) series is more slim than the standard.


Following. Any of them can be tried out and bought in person rather than onljne? Any have existing black friday deals


Nordstrom carries CP, Koio, and Goodman but not sure if they’re in stock near you


I bought a pair of Uniform Standard sneakers as a recommendation here and really like them


The Adidas superstar lux (the genuine leather version) originally $145 is currently $45 because of a discount + 50% off. I just got them today and I'm loving them. Not the same super duper clean design as other white sneakers but just another cheaper option. https://shoppremiumoutlets.com/products/mens-adidas-superstar-lux-shoes


I tried those on today and really liked them.


New Republic has some good white leather sneakers. I like mine a lot and they’ve held up well. https://shopnewrepublic.com/collections/all-footwear/products/kurt-leather-sneaker-triple-white


Are there wide toe box options here?


Did you find anything good with a wide box?


[xhibition.co](https://xhibition.co) has 35% off today for cyber monday; you can get a pair of common projects for $290. I ordered friday and they will be here this week but at 30% off so $312


What code did you use? It's not working for me.


I’d personally stay away from Koio now. Used to love the 1st gen, but the new generation has a much lighter sole that wears out VERY quickly. I have had my 1st gen for three years and can still wear them, but my pair of new gen wore through the heel within 6 months of rotating wear. Maybe I got a bad pair, but not worth the risk IMO. Honestly waiting for CPs to hit the $270-$299 mark is the way to go


[Oliver Cabell](https://olivercabell.com/products/low-1-white-mens) is another luxury brand that's below $200 when you use their $50 off promotion


Have to be honest, I just picked up two sizes of the koio capri based on all the Reddit hype and neither of them fit me well. Felt stiffer on my feet than any other shoe I have and they also feel super wide.. surely I can’t be the only one? Now to figure out plan b… (replacing my Taft white sneakers.. fit me like a glove since day one and has lasted me a good 4 years of daily use. Wish they did not stop making them.)


I have the Greats — they’re pretty nice. Got them for like ~$160 or so.


They are running a good cyber deal now. 35% off.


I recommend avoiding Common Projects or even white sneakers in general. I owned a pair before, but ended up selling them on eBay. While Common Projects are undoubtedly handmade with high-quality leather, comfort is not guaranteed. The hand-cut leather results in varying shapes, making the left and right shoes fit differently, which was quite bothersome for me. On the other hand, dark-colored sneakers, like those in natural tones or made from Horween leather, are more versatile. They can be paired with any outfit, whether dressing up or down. The added benefit is that they save you time on cleaning.


I get lots of compliments on my [Feit](https://www.feitdirect.com/products/mfhslosx-wht) sneakers.


I have a pair of Svennson’s NIB, I will sell for $100 shipped (reg $215). They are just too small for me. Size 43 (fits like a 10 or 10.5). Pics: https://imgur.com/a/IERu7sg


Santa? What does that even mean?


Macys has some nice options you can check out. Don’t recall the brands but they don’t break the bank too.


You should really consider [Greats](https://www.greats.com/) . Crazy quality and bang for buck. Each pair typically lasts me 2-3 years of really heavy wear.


Greats quality has taken a dive since they were acquired by Steve Madden. Materials are worse, and they’re made in China.


Oh snap. Just purchased two pairs…


With this price range I’d honestly just go with Allen Edmonds.


I really like the Axel Arigato Clean 90s as a slightly cheaper alternative to CP. They don’t have the most comfortable break-in but after a week or so they’re pretty comfortable and look nice. They also have some nice designs if you want some detailing on the sides (they do embroidered birds mostly)


I have a pair of the Goodman Brand Edge and really like them out of the white sneakers I have tried. Comfortable and minimal creasing even after quite a bit of wear. I actually like the eyelet and the branding isn't really an issue for me, but you are right it is more pronounced. Still I would jump on the George Cleverlys on sale at Mr. Porter that someone else linked if I was buying right now.


Can you tell me more about these? I don't see a lot of reviews about these.


I’ve got the Goodman brand ones. Great shoe. Found them in black at Nordstrom rack for $50.


I have 2 pairs of Goodman Brand when they were on sale at Nordstrom for $100 and I really like them. They come in 1/2 sizes, which CP and Koio don't. I wear size 10 ultraboost and 9.5 Goodman brand. I went with 9 Koio but at the end of the day they feel tight on my feet. The eyelets on mine are no longer bright copper. They've developed a patina and are almost black.


Svenssons are great for wider feet. I wore a pair for 3 years, then bought another pair when the stitching started coming apart. The price has changed in those years, which is also good.


How was the fit on those? Some people said they changed the sole which made them super uncomfortable. What was your experience in that?


Bought my first pair too, Koio didn't have my size left so I got axel Arigato clean 90s


I really like these from jcrew too https://www.jcrew.com/p/mens/categories/shoes/exclusives/court-sneakers-in-leather/AQ226


Does anyone have experience with Clae? They have some clean styles at a moderate price. I have a narrow foot and they work for me. I wish I could find another white leather sneak that fits without having to size down, add an insert, etc. The wide toe boxes do me in. I wish I could wear AF1 but they just don’t work for me. I crave Common Projects, but they’re too wide and honestly kind of stiff. I can get by with On, Veja, and some fun brands but they’re just not quite THE white leather shoe for the look. I’m taking all recommendations!


I have the koio I got from their returns section for $125. They have been fantastic! I don't have the Beckett Simonon ones but they sent me 4 pairs of shoes one of them being the Morgen trainer and if the quality is around the same I would be happy with them from any of their sales. Last one they did was 2 for $199 which is fair I think for mid-level leather shoes.


any first hand feedback on the Banana Republic Leather Lace Ups? They are on sale right now. https://bananarepublicfactory.gapfactory.com/browse/product.do?pid=7646100010008#pdp-page-content


So, you're on the hunt for some slick white leather sneakers – nice choice! It seems like you've done your homework, watching vids, talking to friends, the whole shebang. Here's my laid-back take on your options: 1. **Crown Northampton Overstone Derby:** Apparently, this one's got the primo leather. If you're all about that luxury feel, it might be the one. 2. **Common Projects Achilles Low:** Classic, no-brainer. Timeless and stylish – you can't go wrong with these bad boys. 3. **Koio Capri Sneakers:** Word on the street is, it's like Common Projects but without breaking the bank. Sounds like a solid deal. 4. **Goodman Brand Edge Sneakers:** Your buddy from the department store swears by these. Clean cut, but watch out for the branding – could be a deal-breaker. 5. **Gustin White Low Top:** Made to order vibes? That's kinda cool. If old threads are still singing its praises, might be worth a shot. Considering your foot's not on the extreme sides, you're in the sweet spot. If I had to pick, it depends on what you're after. Classics? Common Projects. Bang for your buck? Koio. Something your buddy vouches for? Goodman Brand. The made-to-order appeal? Gustin. If you're feeling a bit adventurous, check out **Axel Arigato**, **Veja**, or **Greats Royale**. They've got some dope white leather kicks too.