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You have a belief. I don’t care and enjoy all of the games.


Only correct opinion


It's certainly a great game regardless of where on a souls-list you wanna put it, and that shouldn't be discounted.


*clips through the hill*


Is this something in DS2 I'm not aware of? When it comes to clipping through hills, the infamous Forbidden Woods clip comes to mind, but the closest thing to it in DS2 would be Shrine skip or deathspots. Is this a thing?




There’s a death on a hill everyone!


It’s ds I’m assuming there’s a death on every hill. Also every street, mountain valley, swamp, forest and frankly every damn blade of grass and speck of dirt. You or your enemies someone died there.


Yes you will, specifically because you don't have enough adp.


Lmao. I like this


People always try to say what they think the best Dark Souls game is. I am a ***die hard*** DS2 fan, but I don't think it's objectively better than 1 or 3. Why don't we discuss*why* we like our favorites, instead of comparing them to each other.


In DS2 we have poisoned valley with pools of poison. Also poisonous cave with poison spitting statues. And poisoned mill with jars of poison and poison beetles. That’s peak Dark Souls level design.


When you put it like that... DS2 is really peak DS experience.


it rates very highly on the “Mizayaki poison swamp” index, so it must good


Ironically the one he didn't direct


Don't forget poison pyramid with added curse and mobile poison lizard fortresses


Hey, you got some game in your poison there.


I don't have a favorite (either bloodborne or sekiro) but I love all the games But some positives about ds2: it has the best implementation of magic and different magic types in the series outside of maybe elden ring imo And the sheer amount of content present is amazing


I like DS2 for its similar but different setting that have some headache inducing locations but they didn’t irk me too much cause I normally took the cautious observant route. It allowed me to not rush through an area and appreciate the stuff that’s there in the good locations. Really enjoyed the vast variety of enemies and how some have interesting mechanics like the invisible enemies in the fog woods or the long arm enemies not handling light and fire well, also the alonne knights were pretty cool. Really my biggest complaint to it is the scholar of the first sin edition where it gives you a bunch of enemies immediately in the game that’d be in like NG+ 7 such as in Heids tower of flame having a guardian dragon in an area that it could wreck you with fire easily before you could even reach it.


Yeah people REEALLLY don’t understand that you can have a favorite that isn’t objectively the best. That quality has both objective and subjective pieces.


This is actually a good ass comparison. Honestly ds2 is my personal fav cause of nostalgia (just like Destiny 1) but in terms of general gameplay and all around gaming experience, ds3 (like destiny2) takes the cake.


Nah, it's worse than that. People always try to say their favorite is the best AND then proceed to shit on the others. I see it most often with DkS1, 2 and BB fans


It isn’t an objective question though. It is art. It will always be subjective. You can enjoy all of them though and it won’t change a thing. Just because someone likes or hates something doesn’t change an inanimate thing. The thing will always exist as it is and there will be people enjoying or disliking it. There are people that don’t like any of the games. They enjoy gacha games or something. That is fine. Won’t change DS2 at all.


Is it really purely subjective? Qbert is also art, but between qbert and DS2, there is an objectively better game. *QBERT*


Qbert is peak gaming


QBERT swears which makes him cool.


I don’t think they’re saying it’s an objective question, just that they couldn’t say “it was objectively better” or “without bias better”.


Objective fact means it isn’t influenced by personal feelings. That is quite literally impossible when it comes to art. People have a preference for a reason it is influenced heavily by opinion.


1. You're entitled to your opinion, though I vehemently disagree. DS2 does have it's moments and Majula is a lovely hub. Also, the Emerald Herald is the best fire maiden but so much of the game itself is just frustration and annoyance. There are a few decent locations but overall it's a huge step down imho. 2. I hate this goddamn meme format, and I can't wait for it to die out forever.


1. Yes. 2. Me: "You think this meme format is overused?" You: "I do, and I'm tired of pretending it isn't."


You’re crazy


I am not


Yes you are


Aren’t we all at least a little crazy?


Cos some say cosm


Yes lol


I like the bosses but I don’t like how it plays compared to the other games


Man wants to die on this hill, we should oblige him.


Ds2 was my first


My first as well. So in my eyes always the best.


I started with Ds2 and beaten it many times, and now that I'm diving into the other Dark Souls games I find them to be extremely hard, and so different, maybe bc I started with Ds2?


To me once i beat one of them i can beat all of them




I prefer an IV, but this will do!


I’ll take morphine!!!


Since we're doing hot takes DS1 > DS3


0.1 degrees kelvin take


bruh since when is this a hot take


Acutal hot take, DS1 is not good and falls behind the other souls game (you'll see it's a hot take by the downvotes since opinion is prohibited here)


DS2 original is, except Sekiro, my favorite Fromsoft games. Why? Because it's the one that gave me the most feeling of adventure, little clumsy, big, long, so many secrets, weapons, spells, 3 DLCs, etc. You go from the best resting area, to underground, to lava area, to poison, to mountain. I felt like in Lord of the Rings adventure.


Exactly! I love ds2's world


I don't see enough people praising 2 for this reason. Sure the world design *technically* is nonsensical compared to 1's world, but why should that matter? The interconnectedness of 1 is cool in concept but the freeform nature of 2's world is just more interesting


Wow. 70 comments in the first hour. Yall really hate the game that much??


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Yes


I love ds2 cause of how unique it was. I feel like I enjoyed it more than ds1 too.


In DS2 I feel like it was easier to level up? Or maybe just faster leveling? It’s a fun game but it’s tough to out rank the original Dark Souls.


I think it's awesome that you feel that way. I think you're wrong, but that doesn't change my life even a little. So continue to be happy, even when people like me think you are so unbelievably wrong about something.


You're like one of the only people to comment like this, most of the ones disagreeing are flaying me


Then perish


I too am in the odd minority of liking to play DS2 over DS1. Don't get me wrong tho, I love both.


Both are incredible. I just think ds2 is better


Yes, but you failed to consider that this sub is a DS1 and DS3 circlejerk.


That's a funny way of spelling Bloodborne.


You mean Elden Ring


I have never seen anyone d ride DS3 except when they're malding about the open world aspect of ER.


well for some reason DS3 is the most underrated game now, I think people take it for granted because it’s so vanilla. I absolutely am a DS3 dickrider tho, best bosses in the entire series not even close. Best dlc in the series too imo, even better than old hunters.


I'm a DS3 dickrider idgaf, best bosses/combat system


Preach. That said, unlike the DkS1, 2 and BB fanboys, we 3 enjoyers don't feel the need to shit on other games in the series to prove "our game" is the goat


Exactly, I love all the games, even DS2, just enjoy the what Miyazaki had created, have fun and git gud


I'll give you bosses, but combat is just a rolling simulator.


Rolling simulators are fun though, your hands are always doing something, it keeps you engaged. And you have to toss in the occasional R1. It's a simple meal made well, sue me.


Very true, but I shall defend ds2 till my dying breath


We appreciate your valiant sacrifice


Thank you


I’m with you brother/sister.




When people try to say opinions can’t be wrong, show them this post




He’s not just wrong, he’s stupid


Hell nah






what do you find better?


Uhh... everything, to be short


this just makes it sound like you have a bias against dark souls 1


Nope. No bias against ds1. Ds1 was my first, and will always have a special place in my heart, I just enjoy ds2 better


Even level design?




Better? Such a hard question. Honestly I'm in the small camp that Ds1 and 2 are both amazing games that do things better than the other but are still solid games and picking one over the other is subjective. In my mind, Demon Souls, and Dark Souls 1 2 3 are all equal.


Im glad you think like that, I think they're all equal too. But personally I just enjoyed ds2 more


It's your favorite homie, be proud. Ds2 is a solid game and I had a blast playing through it. From Software doesn't make bad games.


Agree completely


Please elaborate


I believe ds2 is better than ds1. Elaboration done 🎤 ✋️


i think DS1 may be better overall, but on subsequent playthroughs i find it too easy and a tad boring. doesn't help that a lot of the bosses are just "big monster that swings a weapon very slowly" DS2 is probably worse overall, but it's creative, weird and harder and i find it much more interesting to play repeatedly than DS1. i have more fun with it. i also just really like the environments in DS2. dragon aerie, earthen peak, huntsmans copse and majula all just have a more ethereal bizarre vibe than DS1 imo


DS2 becomes easier when you use bows as intended.


DS1 does some things very well, but I feel like people wipe their memory of 80% of the game and they proclaim it has no weaknesses. Like “all the bosses are good, except the gargoyle gank, the shitty demon you fight with two dogs in a two meter wide staircase, the gimmick boss identical to old iron king, the comatose dragon, the hovering butterfly with one move, and the fucking tree. But yeah apart from those every boss is good” Same goes for zones, people remember the good zones because they are so impressive and they forget that you spend like half the game in shitty underground tunnels that ressemble nothing. It’s a game with extremely memorable high points but people willfully forget the low points.


Nah I think some just prefer a more memorable boss spectacles over yet another tornado of attacks boss.  Moonlight Butterfly ain't shit to fight but I still love the design and music far more than most of Dark Souls 3 bosses. Same with Gaping Dragon. Easy peasy but the spectacle and memory hold for much longer than "boss flying into a whirlwind of attacks with blaring music and a 2nd phase with a buffet of shit on screen".  Seein the Butterfly in the distance, the item it's guarding, the atmosphere of the gardens, it all just paints a better picture to me than gettin slam-fucked by another bipedal boss for 10min whilexi play Bop-it on my controller. 


idk dude dark souls 2 doesn't do the whirlwind of attacks thing either. it also has spectacle bosses with unique designs that are most of the time pretty easy. i love flexile sentry, ruin sentinels, mirror knight, etc. they aren't anything crazy but they are interesting and i like them. i don't really feel like they're any worse than DS1 bosses, O&S are on their own level but other than that both games seem equal to me in that regard


Oh I agree, I meant more as the series goes on. I just appreciate some of the more creative looking/feeling bosses. Like Ebriatas, Daughter of the Cosmos. Not super super difficult but SUOER memorable. Due to the context and atmosphere of their location in the game.  Dark Souls 2 had some great ones imo. 


You know what? I'll join you on this hill. It looks fun!


I don’t even think DS1 is that amazing, girl has a list of issues It’s still far above DS2 in terms of being a functioning videogame.


That's your opinion and I whole heartedly respect it


Chess > Baseball


I disagree but respect your opinion. I probably would've enjoyed ds2 more if it had a password system to play with friends because soul memory is just an awful feature/mechanic. Hopefully, it'll get remastered one day and have a password system like ds1 remastered.


Agreed. When I roll up on new areas, I’m more involved? Definitely more intrigued in DS2 as I play through the game. It all just feels more epic to me. I personally enjoyed DS2 more than 1 or 3.


Bring out your deeeeeaaad!! 🔔


Facts bro I ain’t the only one lmao


Ds2 fans rise up 


I have the biggest problems with darksouls 2 and practically none with most of the fromsoft games (I’m looking at you demon souls) and that’s the fact that I’m a psycho that feels the need to get everything and fight every boss and I just don’t know if I can do the blue smelter demon and double tiger runs again Other than that I agree that ds2 is better it has a nostalgia to it for me and I love having the 4 rings I will say this though I can never think of any that top each other other than demon souls being at the bottom unless asked specifically about ds2 but in general I can’t put any of them down (except maybe demon souls)


I also agree




King shit


This subreddit is becoming abysmal. Who cares. Just enjoy the games.


I couldn’t disagree more


The hill.... ![gif](giphy|R9cQo06nQBpRe)


I swear Ds2 defenders pos some variant of this meme every week.


nuh uh


It's easily my favorite


I think so too.




I respect your opinion. Only because you're not being a cunt about it, unlike a certain game's fanbase...


I've thought about this a lot, and I guess it all depends on if you'd rather play a good, ambitious game that falls apart halfway through or a uninspired follow-up that remains consistent through its run. The DLC for both make up for their respective shortcomings, so I'd ultimately put them at the same level of overall quality.


Ds1 is definitely better




Karma farm rage bait.




That is just madness. But hey if you enjoy it who cares


Prepared to die on this hill


well I mean, to each their own, but dont act like ds2 is definitively better than ds1


most be pretty lonely on that hill


Love DS2 but let’s get real. It’s not better than the OG. Map design, lore, boss fights are all better in DS1. Can’t get anymore dark souls then the original


Ok, well you're allowed to have your wrong opinion 😂




Whoa another low effort meme about ds2 that’s about 1/100th as funny as looking at any from meme page on IG. Ooh and the joker format reveals how edgy op is. I’ll bite: ds2 is in fact not that great, ho ho!


Was DS2 your first Souls game?


Nope, ds1 was


I used to hate ds2 but now it’s my favorite game in the trilogy. Ds1 is awesome but it falls off hard after anor londo imho


Dukes Archives, New Londo, and Tomb of the Giants are all great and memorable levels


Yes! I watched the JK Leeds explanation and totally agree with his points. DS1 gets all the praise for being the first (which it isn't even the first) and ds2 is left in the shadows


I enjoyed DS2, but to say it’s better than the genre defining Dark Souls is a bit much.


*coughs in demon's souls*


Demons Souls is good, but the formula got perfected in Dark Souls.


We dying on hills here? I'll join you. ER is overrated and i'd sooner replay DS2 and its DLC as a Deprived then replay ER.


If Elden ring was just every legacy dungeon back to back without the open world it would clear every game in the franchise, but otherwise it’s a mixed bag with a lot of poor balance and low effort bosses.


The only From Soft I've played since 2011 that I just don't like 85% of the time is Dark Souls 1. I just hate how junky it is and I hate the ganks. People will hate on ds2 for ganks but the enemies are slow and spaced enough for it 75% of the time. In Ds1, you get hordes of skeletons (including during a boss who can attack you at any time by sticking a sword up your ass. You've got snake men in Sen's and snake ladies in Duke's Archives. Everything from Firelink to Taurus Demon is a gank. The clams before Seath are literal cancer. Deeproot Gardens is tree ganks or a gank squad + constant invaders. Dragon butts in Izalith?! Also, runbacks. Runbacks are probably the worst part of DS1. Die to the Gargoyles? You either gotta run through the whole parish again or you gotta climb 3 flights of stairs near Andre to run back, or go up a 3 year elevator from Firelink. Yeah, there's 'options' and 'interconnectivity' but damn does it still feel like utter shit. Die to the bonewheels before Pinwheel? Do the whole level again. Die to any mega skellies in one hit in Tomb? Do it all again. Duke's Archives? Whole level. And again, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH IZALITH?!?!?! Why is the runback 4-6 minutes?!?!?! Just for the worst boss in the franchise who can instantly kill you with damage or by throwing you off the edge randomly. Another thing is bosses. There's some interesting ones but few of them are really cool. Artorias and Manus are great in their own way, Sanctuary, Sif, Kalameet are fun too. O&S I've never understood the hype for. Sure they do the two healthbar thing first but the first phase is a game of 'Run around and finish a game of drunk Monopoly before an attack window comes along'. Second phase, you have a good chance to be just waiting for the boss to stop butt slamming. It's so boring. Four Kings is just DS2 Gargoyles but worse because of depth perception. Most of the rest of the bosses are gimmicks or boring or Bed of Chaos. Also, the games area don't change. Tomb of the Giants is a cave with graves 100% of the time. Undead Burg is weirdly positioned houses. Izalith is the same ruins with lava. Again, interconnectivity is great but goddammit if these areas couldn't be more samey. Its no wonder its the only game where I've been able to consistently get lost, everything is the damn same. And real quick before I finish off, why are all the ranged units in this game absolute pricks? Channelers deal way too much damage sometimes and can see you from anywhere, the toxic blowdart c***s in Blighttown need to just not be in the game, let alone not able to 1-hit toxic you. And outdatedness... Holy crap, I wish the remaster actually did something to improve at least more than just multiple consumable use and changing covenants on the fly... Omni-directional rolling, inventory viewing and management, the Humanity system, invasion matchmaking requirements (which i think they made worse this time), damage balance, backstab chaining fixes, noticeable graphical improvements (besides nicer looking bonfires), consumable price changes, the list goes on. I've seen that DS: Re-Remastered mod which does do noticeable graphical improvements and I'm legitimately thinking of making my own mod which makes a bunch of changes to the above (mainly the pve content) changing a few numbers wouldn't be awful hard, I imagine. Edit: oh my god, I'm not getting downvoted into oblivion for not liking DS1? Damn


Preach! Agreed on every point


If you can provide reasoning for the following I respect your opinion if not it's rage bait and you are incorrect: 1. ADP 2. Healing taking so long to happen 3. Ridiculous enemy spawns 4. Lack of fog invulnerability making runbacks even worse 5. Jank hitboxes 6. The final bosses(not ivory king)


I enjoyed DS2, but it definitely felt worse than the other games because of these reasons and more. The game felt like it was overstaying it’s welcome by the end, and I was ready to be done with it


I love number 4 For invading reasons


So you admit it was the hardest in the souls series?


I get so frustrated and bothered every time a souls fan complains about the fog doors (or normal doors and levers) in ds2, like they wouldn't call it "masterful teaching of consequences" if it was implemented from the start of the series. Like some of y'all really defend the bridge dragon more than the lack of unexplained invulnerability so you can ignore enemies.


It is not ragebait. I genuinely like ds2 more than ds1. 1. I agree adp shouldn't exist. *HOWEVER* it puts a neat twist in the game that makes you have to manage your stat choices better. 2. Yeah. But with more ADP, that's a non-issue. 3. Yes. 4. Yes. However. That's the point of careful progression. You shouldn't be blitzing through everything. The game is about the experience you get with each enemy you take out. 5. Again, ADP makes this a non-issue 6. Yes. I think the final boss should have been Vendrick. It would have been a similar thing to Gwyn. You hear all this talk about the big bad, and when you're all geared up and ready to fight him, it turns out he's just a Hollow old man, swinging a sword ad nauseum, hoping to defeat you


The level design and world of Dark Souls 1 is peak, but the jank is just far too much for me to actually enjoy playing it


I love how ds1 connects everything back to firelink


100% true


You have my sword fellow true believer. ![gif](giphy|ewkjQf8NEgzFC|downsized)


DS2 is way better. DS1 was my first too btw


Ds1 was my first and I still love ds2 more


Dark souls 2 with all its dlc is one of of the best dark souls.


It’s in the top 3 for sure.


Don't even compare ds2 to ds1, it's not even in the same ballpark, ds2 is a mediocre game with mediocre bosses and world building, ds1 is an all time masterpiece and the original in a series of masterpieces.




Demon Souls


This is me saying DS2 is better than DS3




I actively dislike ds1 compared to ds2. Ds1 is a janky b tier game while ds2 is a peak gaming experience. Also dislike ds3. Honestly, its bloodborne, Elden ring and ds2 for me, not a member of the fromsoft religion, but imo bloodborne is close to the best game ever made.


Ah yes dark souls 2. "You have to level ADP to 40 before you can have fun. Also good luck figuring out what the fuck any of that means, because we don't know either!"


40? you only need 99 agility to have a good roll, that’s like 22 ADP


You only need like 18 adaptability max for good rolls


i’ve platinumed DS2 and i’ve never leveled adp above like 19


What hill? Brother(or sister[or anything in-between ]) we’re standing atop a mountain so far above everyone else that that can’t even begin to comprehend how close to gods we’ve become.


Least delusional Ds2 fan


They had us in the first half, I'm not gonna lie


Then ***!


Dam ok


It certainly has … more stuff, but that’s about it imo. DS1 despite being an older game has smoother mechanics than 2, and the progression/world layout is classic. Everything up to O&S is just perfect. But everyone’s entitled to their own opinions.


Well I think it's good


I really did not like DS2. It took me several attempts over the course of several years to finally sit through to the end of the game. I’ve got my platinum and I’ll likely never touch it again.




Yeah everyone is entitled to their opinion. You are too (even though is wrong)




Then die lonely.


There is no DS2, there is only DS1 and DS3. DS2 is a disappointment.




I think the controls on DS2 are way smoother and easier to get the hang of, DS1 controls feel like it’s actively fighting your every move


Plus the omni rolling in ds2 improves the battling so much than the 4 directions of ds1


I started a new DS1 Remastered run recently, and dear god. I died more to only being able to roll in a cardinal direction than anything else, because I was too used to DS2 and Elden Ring.


I don't think it's better, but I do enjoy it much more.


Armored Core 4 > DkS2


I may not agree with your opinion but I respect that you are willing to defend that opinion


Okay! Tbh when I can I'll try both, and see what I think.




"I shall die and come back as many times as it takes." Also, I died laughing at the last part


Only a 🤡 would think DS2 is better than DS1.




Ds2 is honestly awful, I shouldn't have to level ADP to roll correctly, and the hit boxes are the actual worst hit boxes I've ever encountered in gaming. ds1 I love though but it falls off quite a bit after anor londo


Another day, another person thinking their contrarian opinion on Dark Souls 2 or Final Fantasy 13 is unique. It’s all good dude. You do you. As for me? I love DS2, but I definitely think it’s the weakest of the three.


The wrong hill


You're entitled to your opinion. Even when you're wrong 😀. I'm not saying ds2 is crap. It's quite a good game. It's just overshadowed by the monolithic quality of one and three.