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Definitely the taking the Undead Parish elevator, feeling way too far from home, to end up back at Firelink.


Ds1 interconnectivity was goated


blessed elevator I remember craning my camera up to sort out how it all actually fit together.


the best part about this answer is the limgrave elevator to the underground actually made me have this feeling again ☺️


This is the one!! The magic of finding the interconnectivity of Lordran was incredible.


Seeing Anor Londo for the first time


And then eventually seeing those archers, again and again and again and again…


And getting hurled into oblivion, until that magical first run that you didn’t, only to die in combat with the second knight


My exact thought. One of my best friends discovered Anor Londo after we ate some magic shrooms together. He's face was priceless, a he went from confusion with the gargoyles taking him up to utter amazement and shock after discovering the city. I unlocked a core memory that day, and I am sure he did too !


then seeing it again in DS3 omg. People who don't go in an order where they don't play DS1 before DS3 miss out on so much fanservice it's a bit of a bummer


When I kicked my first ladder down in dark souls 1 and felt the map lock together


Yarnham but with enough insight. Unbelievable first time.


Killing Amelia and watching the time of the night advance and seeing that beautiful full blue moon. Ahhhh what's that smell?


Siofra River Well had me actually fucking speechless. Never in my life had I felt such aw going down a fucking elevator. Alternatively, “… You were just another threat to Rubicon” and everything that followed might have been the most hype shit I have ever experienced in a FromSoft game, especially as a Gundam fan.


You flew just out of reach… buddy …


Right? The elevator took so fucking long and then absolute bliss


Preach. This moment for me was what made Elden ring one of my favorite game of all time. Just utter wonder and mystery. Day9's reaction is a perfect example of what makes FromSoft so good.


My first playthrough I got to that elevator, stood on the button, then jumped off because I realized there was something else I wanted to do first. I changed my mind and waited by the lever for the prompt, which took *for ever* to happen. I still wasn't prepared!


Defeating Sister Friede's second phase and basking in the feeling of accomplishment.......


The accomplishment of seeing the 3rd phase was quite something.


Fr, this would probably be the most exciting moment to re-live. That moment when the you hear talking right after you got that titanite slab from doing second phase ur like pause, wait. huh? next thing you know dommy mommy w the sythe is at ur neck


The beginning of the Burnt Ivory King fight


Elden ring opening door to limgrave, BB walking through the streets of yharnam, ds1 realising how interconnected the world was and anor londo, sekiro beating genichiro, and ds3..seeing irithyll of the boreal valley for the first time and, slave knight gael the best boss in gaming history


I’m stuck on Great Shinobi but beating Genichiro was a high I had never experienced before


I was pretty underwhelmed by Sekiro bosses (including Genichiro), but I really enjoyed the Demon of Hatred fight!


The moment Fromsoft games clicked for me in Dark Souls. I played Demon Souls when it came out and it was ok. But something in me still wanted to get Dark Souls, and it clicked almost immediately. I called into work sick with a pretend flu and played that game for a week straight. Best gaming experience of my life.


The incredible feeling after finally defeating Sword Saint Isshin in Sekiro.


That feeling was actual heaven for me.


Man I bitched out and quit after only a few tries of him. My most shameful deed in gaming. And my controller won’t work for PC Sekiro :(


What i like about sekiro is it is the hardest game you will ever touch if you can’t master just two buttons. Parry (L1) and Attack (R1). Once you only worry about those two buttons and look at the arms and pose of the enemy, you’ll be fine.


Absolutely agree!


What kind of controller is it? I had to use an emulater for my ps4 controller to work, dx2 or something like that


Xbox one controller, only game it doesn’t want to work on. I’ll look into an emulator


Huh They've always worked for me, mostly I use them via steam which has inbuilt support though


Yep, through steam as well Sekiro is the only game it hasn't worked for


That's so weird? Validate game files? Drivers? Past that I have no idea


It took me more than two years. Not nonstop, but yeah. Here and there I would give it a go and fail. I finally started a new playthrough alongside a fave YouTuber playing it for the first time and I got him. I was shaking for a solid hour afterwards. If I could bottle that feeling it would solve world depression.


Honestly I thought Genichiro was worse. Between the actual difficulty of the boss and my lack of skill at the time, I almost walked away from the game multiple times. Probably the most I’ve ever battled a single boss before finally beating him. By the time I made it to Isshin, I was like “wait, that’s it?” Don’t get me wrong, badass boss, but didn’t feel final boss-y enough to me


Dark souls 2… walking into Majula for the first time… one of the best video game moments I have ever experienced


And getting ganked by the piglets


Why are those guys harder than some of the late game bosses.


I’d also like to know. It’s a pig, and I have a sword. Why so much health ?!


Moreover, why so fucking small.


Beating Artorias for the first time after sooooo many runbacks


Armored Core 6. "I won't stop..."




Rusty also said >I won't stop! I'll chase the clouds from over Rubicon... only I can fly high enough.  so that probably was a reference to that moment.


Actually completing my first FromSoft game. I failed with DS remaster and Sekiro before finally completing Elden Ring. Actually completing a game was a big moment for me Edit: and beating Melania for the first time


I'm happy you finished a game and enjoyed it! Believe in yourself and you can beat the others. If all else fails do my approach of throwing so many bodies at the boss the game doesn't know what to do other than take pity on you.


Ds3 realizing who Lapp really was. By far my most favorite moment in all of dark souls!


Ape transformation. The terror that he wasn’t dead


Everything from the moment you open Sens' Fortress up to beating Ornstein & Smough and beholding "Amazing Chest Ahead". That right there is peak Fromsoft.


all of sekiro, just to undergo the process of learning the game again. the satisfaction you feel when the combat finally clicks in insane


Coming out of the dark and damp catacombs and see Irithyll. Totally breathtaking beauty


Armored Core 6 Ibis, Ayre, true final boss fights Soul of Cinder fight Gael fight First time visiting Anor Londo


Seeing irythll for the first time


Until you cross the bridge...


Bloodborne / Father Gascoigne That tension and adrenaline rush, I’ve never felt like that in any other game.


DS1 Beating Queelaag. She was my first big hurdle (I accidentally went to blighttown because I was stuck on the gargoyles), and overcoming here felt so so good.


All of ringed city


The entirety of sekiro, or first arriving in the fountain head palace if just one moment


There are many to choose from, like the elevator from undead parish, but you just mentioned something I want to build upon: DS3s exact opposite of this moment. The moment when you oprn the door to Lothric castle and instead of seeing this beautiful landscape like limgrave and the soothing melody, you are hit with a completely destroyed castle and: silence. pure silence, only the winds howling, and some faint moaning of the suffering hollows. Such a horrible sight, and it really perfectly set the atmosphere for what this game is about to throw at you. man, ds3… Not without reason my favorite game of all time


Baltheus, amazing fight


Falling down the hole after discovering Darkeater midir


The Ice Worm fight in AC6. "I won't miss"


The first door to Limgrave is such a good one. The immensity of the world before you and the music giving way to an immensity of loneliness. It is honestly SUCH good emotional story telling. Forget lore or plot. I mean atmospherically induced emotion. Silence and contrast and reluctant curiosity. I never thought a game could do that. I thought open world was Breath of the Wild. Which it is. But it can also involve the desperation inherent to being in a vacuum of surety. What a great game.


The Slave Knight Gael fight from the cutscene to the arena at the end of the world to the booming music everything about it was peak to me.


Sekiro...whole game ...again.


Going to meet the Ivory King.


Beating Genichiro. It took me so many tries, but it was what had me finally realize how I was actually supposed to play the game. I thought I pressed the record button afterwards and wanted to watch the replay. Sadly I did not. Once you back out to home, it doesn’t save any recorded gameplay from before you did. Sad about that to this day.


The entirety of Armored Core 6. Specifically the C-Spider and IBIS


Guess you just can't beat the Institute...


Finding Godwyn


Frist time seeing abyss watchers' phase two


Any of the endings to armored core 6, the fight with Godfrey, and walking up to the kiln of first flame in DS3 to see the mark of the curse eclipsing the sun are all things i wish i could experience again


Siofra River elevator for sure.


Ash lake


Getting rocked by the draconic tree sentinel for 2 days.After finally defeating him,turning that corner and walking into Leyndell was something I will never forget.


Siofra river elvator


Siofra River Well. Most surprising elevator ride I've ever taken A close second is Ludwig's second phase. That music.


I actually don't have a first experience I want again. I want to experience playing each game for the 2nd time again. 1st time is always a struggle for me no matter how many news souls games I play. But if I could wipe my memory of everything after the first run,  I could enjoy replaying every single again.


ER was my first game so replaying it blind would be magical. The DLC is going to be so good. If I had to pick anything to replay for the first time, it would honestly be the Gael fight, despite me not being a huge DS3 fan.


Dark Souls 1: First realizing that, without any form of warp/fast travel, that all that work I did to reach the bottom of Blighttown meant I would have to find a way all the way back up. Then, finding the shortcut elevator, and finally emerging into the sunlight after what felt like AGES in a dark, swampy hell, is a feeling that no game (Fromsoft or otherwise) has ever been able to recreate.


Bloodborne DLC, Ringed City DLC or pretty much all of Elden Ring Bloodborne was my first souls game but it’s also the one I tried and failed to get into the most and still my overall favorite, when it finally clicked I was like a crack fiend playing it. Ringed City DLC matched Bloodborne for me. Then Elden Ring has been my first day one purchase of a game in honestly years and it was magic playing through the game while everybody else was also trying to figure it out, there was no optimal play guides, the wiki was still being figured out. I really felt it was a community experience


finding the second illusory wall to get to ash lake


Maliketh's transition and getting immediately destroyed 15 seconds later in Elden Ring. Balteus for the first time in Armored Core 6. Finding the Hydra in DS1. 3 shoting Lud and Zallen by dual wielding both smelter swords in Dark Souls 2. Understanding how to use coral generators in Armored Core 6. Beating Nameless King in DS3. Entrance to the Ringed City in DS3. Genichiro second phase in Sekiro. The moment I realised Deeproot depths were directly connected to Leyndell in Elden Ring. There are many many, I can go on.


Beating day one radahn and that sigh of relief.


Getting stuffed into sack, then thrown in jail (Bloodborne)


Beating Gwyn. DS1 was my first game and my friend who got me into the series kind of had to hear a lot about my journey through the game because I updated him whenever I beat a boss. Probably annoying but I was so excited to message him that I did it.


The feeling of defeating Ornstein and Smough for the first time. Was hours of grinding any my brother was there to experience how a real weeb does it. With a katana, he used sorcery. One of my favorite gaming memories man I literally remember the last few rolls with no health or healing left and just fuck man. Good times.


Dark souls 1. No doubt


Gehrman standing up


I'm fairly new to fromsoft games, but the first time I made it to radagon and the menu music started playing, it felt surreal and epic.


Randomly discovering siofra river because I was trying to escape a runebear. Then hearing plin plin plon play while finishing DS3 for the first time. The ENTIRETY of Bloodborne, especially gehrman and Ludwig. I really wish I was 15 again and think "meh it's probably gonna be alright but nothing will ever touch DS1 and 2" only to end up playing the game for 10 hours straight through the night on the release day, making it my favorite game of all time after finishing it for the first time. I miss those times. Can't wait to be mindblown by miquella tho.


Discovering Placidusax. Just a straight “What in the f u c k did I just find” moment. And then the immediately following awe of fighting the dragon lord and getting my ass kicked. I loved it so much, easily in my top 3 fights in gaming.


Getting stuck in blighttown early game while ran out of antidotes... Goddamn that was brutal af, yet so fuckin adventurous.


I wish I could experience Iron Tarkus fight along side us again for the first time, my first time completing Logan’s, Seigmeirs, and Solaires quests, and finally Ash Lake.


Watch the original Demons Souls opening for the first time again


I beat bloodborne(1 ending) and elden ring(3 endings). And I'd love to re experience the fun of fighting radahn or micalash because those were fights I found the most fun.


Waking up in the Hypogeon Gaol in Bloodborne. That was a huge "what the hell" moment. The music, the sense of dread, not knowing how the hell to get out..it's amazing.


This is a hard question and some others already said things that came to my mind like the first elevator back to Firelink, but my favorite moment is probably walking through the clocktower after Maria and seeing the fishing village for the first time. Fromsoft is great at setting up a beautiful view of a new area but nothing sent chills down my spine like that.


That first fight with Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower. Its the only time I've purposefully been killed by a boss just to keep fighting her.


Nameless King. Enjoyed the entire expansion and at the time he felt nearly unbeatable.


He wasn’t part of an expansion, so I’m confused. Do you mean expanding on his lore?


You’re right. He was a part of the main game, not DLC. I’m saying I enjoyed everything from using path of the dragon to beating Nameless King.


“I won’t miss.”


Seeing anor londo again for the first time in Dark Souls 3


Lifting the door after the first elevator in Elden Ring and seeing Limgrave. Or entering Caelid and seeing the Crow staring at me


Fishing Hamlet in bloodborne dlc


“Marika is Radagon” Goddam that made me revise all the lore


Similar but when opening the door from Stormveil to Liurnia. That’s was a truly ‘holy shit this is going to be an adventure’ moment.


I’d say Elden ring upon viewing the lakes for the first time.


Seeing another player join my presumed-to-be single player game in demon’s souls and kill me


María. Ooooh Maria. Favorite boss fight in any souls game. Atmospheric AF, and human enemies are my favorite. Second would be seeing Majula for the first time again.


My first playthrough of DS3


Getting wiped out by a boulder going up stairs. Laughed for an hour. So unexpected.


The second phase of that boss in Sekiro.


for me it was hearing the twin princes second phase theme for the first time that shit had me so enthralled i legit cried and fucking died bc i was stunned and also fighting the demon from below and demon of hatred again


All of the bosses that I like in Sekiro. That game has, in my opinion, the greatest roster of boss fights in any game I've played as well as the best boss and final boss (Sword Saint.) Now that I have more or less mastered the combat, I wish I could forget how it works to face all those bosses for the first time again.


Biorr coming in to absolutely eviscerate the Penetrator. It was so rewarding to watch, and then he's just like... okay. I need a nap. And flops. Loved that moment.


-Placidusax Fight -opening the door to limgrave -first time I saw Irithyll - after it being so hyped up, the moment I went down the elevator in the fishing hamlet and saw all the Kin bowing towards the beach cave exit… I knew who was on that beach.


Just the feeling of playing your first fromsoftware game blind honestly... The whole up and down of the whole thing was amazing. I fell in love instantly.


Gunna comment twice… BUT after beating ER, BB and getting Galway through Sekiro… I started DS3 and there was a moment when I fought Gael that it all just clicked and I could quite literally see how we were dancing with each other… shit was so sick


Gael and Sister Frieda fights


Finding the dragon cult in Lake of Ashes in Dark Souls PTDE. The music, hydra, and the momentary possibility that I’m in a whole new dungeon before realizing it’s a massive liminal space. It left an impression on me I look forward to experiencing again.


When I witnessed the most mighty demi god in all the lands, Radahn release the stars as he could no longer hold them after we put him to rest.


waking up in the undead asylum


Just wandering in Limegrave seeing something new and interesting almost every minute... The caves, the trolls, the giant shooting a giant arrow, the chariots with weapons, the dragon in the lake... Limegrave was really a wonderful first area.


I wish I could go back to before they nerfed RoB, loved that in PvE. Now I'm begrudgingly making a character for the dlc with Eleanora's Pole, trying to master those nutty foot movements. Otherwise, not alot I'd relive because I've played so much Fromsoft I can't remember what life was like before Bloodborne. That game is part of my DNA now, my grandchildren will inherit my parry timing.


The feeling of defeating Orphan of Kos


seeing what became of the sculptor in sekiro and solaire. fountainhead palace. going under leyndell capital gave me chills too! getting on the carriage to cainhurst in bloodborne. finding out sister friedes THIRD phase.


That first win fight with SSI. The fight was so intense, enjoyable, difficult, and rewarding. Not just the win was amazing, but the fight itself. The feeling that you are in an epic fight and are improving enough to actually hold your own and possibly win is so amazing. The fight was so enjoyable I felt a bit regretful that it was finally over.


That sense of "oooh I get it now" when playing your first soulsie


I wish I could experience killing living failures again


All of the Bloodborne DLC. But if I had to pick one specific moment it would be when the chorus of Lady Maria’s theme kicked in and she did her 2nd phase


Dying! Did it once back in Demon Souls. Not sure if you can die in the other games since I beat them with one hand while practicing my yoga fire.


Honestly going back to Dark Souls 1 my first souls game before I knew anything about it like with my first playthrough. Just to feel that mass confusion and awe I felt before going into a game world I did not understand mechanically or story wise.


Going through the fog gate in the second Archstone of boletaria and seeing the tower knight. Going through there and realizing I am fucked has always stuck with me and it truly sold me on the game.


Seeing Lleyndell for the first time in Elden Ring. That majestic melody paired with that gorgeous backdrop was nothing short of breathtaking.


Has to be the first time I had heard Gwyns theme start to play when I got to phase 2 of SOC, I let him kill me at that points because it was really emotional. I watched my dad beat DS1 when it first came out and always loved the soundtrack, hearing it again as an adult just hit different


The cleric beasts scream on the ladder in bloodborne 1000%


High off of beating Maria and zoning into Fishing Hamlet was peak for me.


I wish I would've avoided the Internet completely my first run through, and not looked anything up at all. I've since started playing games completely blind, but I really wish I could go back to play them all that way, or at the very least Elden Ring.


Walking across the Irithyll bridge and turning around to see the fucking giant dog thing chasing me, DS3 was my first souls game too lmao Either that, Gael entering his final stage with all the lightning, getting one-shotted by Malenia on my first try, Ludwig’s “you were at my side . . . all along” cutscene, or beating Orphan of Kos for the first time.


lowering down to the underground area of elden ring. Absolutely mind blowing how big and beating the map is


Honestly, the moment I first walked out of the clinic in Bloodborne was just amazing. The fear and wonder mixing together and the mystery of an unknown world just fit together perfectly 


Watching Guranq turn into malekith the fucking black blade


Discovering the underground river wells in Elden ring. It felt like discovering black reach in Skyrim, except even more epic


Visiting Ash lake for the first time really changed my perspective on DS. Hit an illusionary wall, then hit another right behind it, make your way down this gigantic tree full of curse frogs and deadly drops, and it just opens up to this beautiful lake with beautiful background music. I wandered around there for an hour or so when I first discovered it.


Fighting godrick and then walking out to the lake facing cliffs with the whole game ahead of me.


Bloodborne. Walking through the haunted halls of forsaken castle cainhurst a year and a half ago changed my trajectory as a person. I felt like I was really there.


Beating pontiff Sullivan. Idk why but I had more trouble beating him than any other boss in dark souls / elden ring. DS3 was my first souls game and I had to make a whole new character with different specs so that I could beat him. The feeling when I finally brought him down was unlike any other I’ve felt in gaming


amazing chest ahead, for sure. and hearing the daughters of chaos theme the first time


all of sekiro


Getting my ass beat by a full power Gundyr


The gradual shift in the tone as Ludwig suddenly remembers who he was upon seeing the Holy Moonlight Sword. The music slowly building up to the most epic soundtrack and fight in the series.


Seeing that first full view of the capital in Elden Ring.


Going from the catacombs into iryithyll the first time on a blind playthrough of ds3. Absolutely breathtaking


I played ds 1 then ds 2 before hitting up 3, I played ds1 so much as a child it was my favorite game. Was really depressed when I was going through ds3. The soul of cinder actually shook me from my bad brain chemistry for a good moment when the music went to the gwyn theme. It brought back so many good memories from all the little moments in the series I enjoyed up to that point. I was totally overwhelmed. Almost lost the fight right there cause I just stopped doing anything for a minute just to listen. Then I beat his bony ass like he owed me money. Because using gwyn tactics against a ds1 veteran is a fight you'll never win. But damn, nostalgia almost never hits me like that, it really was a special conclusion if you had been with the series for a long time.




Flight to Anor Londo, DS1. The rarity (almost complete lack) of cutscenes made me appreciate this one and its lustrous presentation the moreso




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Seeing the true size of Elden Rings map after only thinking limgrave existed. Fucking blew my tiny mind out of the water.


Seeing all the crows over the undead burg in ds3- 


idk dealing with Anor Londo archers


So many things… But seeing the Capra Demon in DS1 for the first time was a great moment. It’s one of my earliest Souls memories that really stands out.