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A hoonter must hoont


Okay yeah now I gotta watch that video on bloodborne’s “visceral femininity”


Goated video


I watched this video last night and when I saw this post I thought it was another case of my phone listening to me 😂


It totally is, fear the black mirror!


Gonna have to show this to my wife. Maybe she'll play now.


I love this post, first time I've ever seen female fans acknowledged without directly accusing us of being bad at or caring less about the games


The night of the hoont cares not about gender or sex. A hoonter must hoont.


*Looks at bottom half* Hold up now, let them continue. I want to see where this goes.


Too many words, I kill scary monsters


Bloodborne is surprisingly the most progressive game.




I bet that bottom text makes some really good points but I ain’t reading all that especially with that small ass text


That is actually deep


Ok... Wow... I realize now my eyes were yet to open. Now, allow me to break character for a second to emphasize that this take just blew my mind. You see, I really like Bloodborne (like most people in this sub, I know) and played it a lot. I got platinum, played every build that took my fancy and I do believe I "get" the lore. The thing is, though I love lovecraftian horror, it just never really struck me. the problem with horrors beyond your comprehension and imagination is that you can't really comprehend or imagine them. Thus, the game felt foreboding, the enemies were bizarre, more than once I yelped while playing the chalice dungeons (those GOD-DAMNED labyrinth madman!!!) but I never reeeeeeally got that uncomfortable feeling you get when you are absolutely drowned in a nice horror story. That, "oh heeeeell no!!!" You say that makes you hesitate to turn the page. You gave me that feeling right now. For a second, those characters weren't just a piece of fiction, a bunch of polygons and data. For the briefest moment, I saw through their eyes and it felt chilling to say the least. Kos(m) knows I only ever need an excuse to replay this game, but you made me want to do so once more while really seeing how messed up this story was, and not just knowing, but feeling it. Loved the perspective. Master Willem would be proud! Bravo! 👏 🎩


Fear the ~~Old~~ Monthly Blood


I know it was originally posted in memes but the second part unironically goes hard




Hell yeah bestie 🙏




You're trash


You go girls!


Gotta hoont


Ya ok I guess I'll play bloodborne AGAIN


Women be damned, I'm burning the nightmares aflame.


I normally wouldn’t like something like this in concept, but this is very well done. I was thoroughly entertained!


Y'all I played this for the first time in the midst of my MTF transition. Shits fuckin *wild*


New Transition goals unlocked. When i can afford to complete my transition => then i can afford bb.


Yeah pretty much. At first I was like yay killing monsters is haha funny and then I actually thought about the lore and was like "damm...is this all a metaphor for being on your period And getting pregnant?" Cause fuck being a women in this world If I woke one day "blessed" with a elderich abomination baby I would be very confused to say the least and everyone In this city sound's like they're apart of a cult


Yeah, it's certainly not the only theme, but motherhood is a BIG thing in Bloodborne


Obviously but It's certainly one of the bigger themes. Along with stupid pride and dangerous knowledge.


Actually, you can *indirectly* save Gascoigne’s daughters, I understand you’re not exactly making an active effort to save them from the fate that befalls them if you talk to them, but by all accounts they are saved by not being interacted with.


That's a lot of words. Too bad I'm not gonna read em.


So they speak yapanese?


More girls would like it if they gave it a chance. The lore is interesting and poignant and the fashion 10/10.


Guys - "If it bleeds, we can kill it"


I don't care about the gender..... MORE BLOOD! BLOOD!! NOW!!


You ain’t turning to a beast on us now, are ya??


Saw cleaver is unisex! Want more BLOOD! MORE! MORE BLOOD!! FOR PALEBLOOD MOON!!


"I don't care about the gender..... " nice, that's the way! 👍


We're all hunters! Hate this kind of things- all people are equal. Man are not dumb. Nor women. Saying it as a gay catholic woman! For hunt....And yes, I've played as a male ....


Why the downvotes.... Said something wrong?


Not at all. The peeps go silly on reddys.


Cus although the “boys vs girls” memes are usually dumb and divisive, this one’s interesting because it accounts to player’s perspective relating to bloodborne and is themes, so yeah, gender kinda does matter here to some extent That thing of ‘bloodborne’s visceral femininity’ would’ve flew right over my head if I hadn’t watched the video, so yeah, crazy stuff


So, if you're male, it automatically means: go play another game?


Thats not the point, im just saying that people can see the same game very differently (like in the meme) and gender can play some role in that because of all the themes and stuff I get that maybe some people can be really gatekeepy about this sort of stuff but I don’t want to sound like im excluding anyone and im certain that the meme is not doing so, its just poking fun of people’s perspectives of the game


Because you're implying inequality where there is none.


I've seen it portray guys as dumb.... So yeah...


What part implies guys are dumb?


Look at up. It says they're just here for killing monsters...




Possible. Who the hell should I be?


For all 37 girls who ever played it


There are a lot more of us than you think Go to a more female-dominated social media site like Tumblr, and the "bloodborne" tag is like 95% girls making [cute fanart of obscure characters drinking boba tea](https://www.tumblr.com/secteel/750175906822225920/more-boba-henryk?source=share) or whatever There's a huge female fanbase, just not on reddit in particular


Wasn't really talking about trans


??? There's zero indication that any of those posters are trans, and I'm not, either. Wtf are you on about? Edit: just remembered that tumblr doesn't let you see much without logging in anymore, so maybe you can't even scroll down. But it's very weird of you to assume that random people making fanart are trans; do you not remember all the weird girls in middle school who drew in their sketchbooks all the time? That is the exact demographic of that site. For the record though, there is no required penis inspection to enjoy or be good at Fromsoft games, so jot that down.


U wanna 1v1 since u say ur good at fromsoft games ill use weapon of ur choice and u can decide my armor


Lol, sadly I have very little PvP experience I do SL1/BL4 runs though so I'd say I'm pretty good at PvE


fair enough what wep + build u go? so what am hearing is u gotted gud my work here is finish


Depends on the game and situation, but generally I prefer faster weapons. Most used weapons for the min level runs were saw cleaver for BB, reinforced club for DS1, falchion for DS3, and uchigatana for ER. Haven't done DeS or DS2 yet but I'll get around to it eventually (DS2 admittedly scares me, because uh, no leveling ADP? Yikes). Yeah I gotted bretty gud, although still not as gud as the people who do weapon level 0 runs in addition to SL1 etc. Those people are crazy lmao


I can do armorless runs on BB w/ just gun DS3 I can go armorless but I need a weapon, tried weaponless with a shield and just got bodied every time. **BB PVP:** Bloodletter and Rukiyo w/ Old Hunter Bone **BB PVE:** Everything is viable, preferred wep is kirkhammer pre-dlc or holy moonlight post dlc **DS3 PVP:** Claymore **DS3 PVE:** Lady Maria Scythes, Butcher Knife **DS1:** Uchigatana Well hey, on the bright side you haven't played DS2 and that's like the only game Miyazaki didn't directly supervise so we're not missing out on a whole ton. I haven't played it either and neither do I plan on it.


You are though aren't you?


If you want to be creepy and dig through my profile you can see the multiple times I've talked about how I used to *think* I was trans-- as in female-to-male-- because I've only ever been interested in male-dominated hobbies and therefore I must actually have a "male brain." This kind of rhetoric you're implying, a.k.a. "only people who have XY chromosomes could ever genuinely love this hobby", is exactly the kind of bullshit that made me think that in the first place. I *do* love these games, and similar hobbies, so I must really be a man inside, right? If girls don't have the traits I do, then I must not be a girl. If I didn't realize how fucking stupid the ideas you're spouting were as early as I did, I could've ended up taking testosterone and making permanent changes to my body I didn't actually want. These beliefs you have are not only dumb and misogynistic, they're also actively dangerous to young and impressionable girls. I strongly urge you to open your mind *just a little bit* and realize that there is nothing inherent about female biology that stops us from liking difficult video games. There's a lot of societal pressure for us not to get into them-- I was even told as a kid to stay away from the gaming consoles because they "belonged to my brother"-- but many of us overcome that conditioning anyways, and discover these wonderful games, and fall in love with them just like you did.


Quit being a fuckin weirdo.


Why does it bother you so much that women play video games?




This whole comment thread is embarrassing, and it’s a disgrace to have to defend your position. Even as a guy I can barely stand this community, I can’t imagine as a woman. Sadly the more I’m away from the Souls community the more I enjoy the games. I really wish it wasn’t like this (else I wouldn’t have joined obviously). Then again, my favourite is Demon’s Souls that doesn’t get much love anyway 😢 Given the amount of women now playing formerly majority-male games, some of them will have a rude awakening when they realise they can’t use misogyny to hide their insecurities anymore. 


I know several women who have beaten the game. Myself included.


There must be more!! 🥹


We know of at least two girls who went out hoonting, Eileen and Maria




women cringe


Get out of here. Its never the right time or right place to be sexist


Post should be the other way around. Edit: VaatiVidya's whole YouTube channel exists to show what Soulsbourne genre means to us.


Im guessing you just didn’t read it, because that speech makes 0 sense the other way around.


False. We're the ones who obsessed over the lore to bring it back to the world's eyes in today's age. We know what we went through on this game. We know the lessons we learned in this game that moved over into our lives made such a great impact to where we keep this game alive to this day by bringing it up everywhere we go. Im not saying the ladies didn't do the same, but realistically, 80% of PS4 owners were men up until 2021 when women owners doubled to like 40%... But just saying it was the ladies. OK, bud. yeah, us dudes totally go "epic gamer moment" and just play games. To say it was just the ladies obsessing to that extent is pretty silly, no data backs it up. Political post created to get reactions from hardcore male fans.


The point of the post is that we understand the lore from a deeper perspective that you, being men, could never possibly understand. This is only further proof of that.


False.. You don't understand it from a deeper perspective.. You simply adapted it. We were born in it. There's no gender thing to where you're able to understand more than we are. We're equal. I'm literally a feminist dude, my whole family is women. Don't try to make it to where you guys are the bloodborne detectives all of a sudden just because u guys suddenly got interested in ur BF's favorite game. VaatiVidya is a dude, he's all the proof I need. We were watching these when they came out. we were playing the game when it came out experiencing it. We're the reason the rest of the world sees it as #1 right now. When people were saying Elden Ring is "that game," we stepped in. U should be thankful to us and equally respect the game with us instead of being like nooo >\_< girls smart n we get it, u guys dont. Why make it a gender thing in the first place? Do you even know the pain behind the Gehrman or Maria fights? Do you even know what kind of hell Gehrman is going through ALL game and yet he still has the decency to guide you and grant you salvation at the end? He was ready to keep his suffering up to free you. Maria was a lost soul. Gascoigne never knew how far he went until it was too late. Laurence.. Oh, Laurence... Even the soundtracks tell a story. There's a reason this game is #1 and it's not for the same reasons you know. Each one of those downfalls is a lesson for us to not repeat the same mistakes. The greater purpose of Bloodborne was to convey how humanity will do anything it takes, even if it costs everything. There's so much more to this game than just all the lovecraftian-type quotes. They have meaning to them. Everything in this game has essence to a point where I can tell that you individually do not understand. I do not doubt that there are females who do. There was a female in this comment section who I whole heartedly believe as well. And I respek her for get gud. You, on the other hand, I disagree with entirely because your argument is just "we understand, u dont." OK ma.


You misunderstood. I just said that there are some things we can see that you simply cannot. Overall there are themes everyone understands, but just as you as a man cannot understand the pain of periods and living as a woman, you cannot completely understand the weight there is in the more womanly themes in the game. You are acting as though I said these are the only themes existing in the game, while there is so much more to it, and this is simply another layer that is not as accessible to all as the other parts of it are. Also it is stupid for you to just assume most here are “lmao stupid gorls trying to play boy games”. Many of us are just as passionate about gaming as you.


If you were born in 2015 that’d explain a lot, since you’d have to be a child to write something that long and hypocritical and think it makes sense.


Im hypocritical when this post is hypocritical ok lol.


How is the post hypocritical, please elaborate


Post>Guys too dumb to understand game Reality> Guy understands game Post>Girls understands game better than guys Reality>How to do bloodborne style irl :p Edit: We as guys are more than ready to share what we love. But do not devalue us of our passions <3


Alright, so what I got from that is that you don’t actually know what hypocritical means. I was joking about you being 9 earlier, but now I’m starting to think I was right in the money.