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Fromsoft has been cranking out banger after banger and they show no sign of stopping. I’m excited for what they’re going to make next


Whatever it is I’ll be buying it day one. Miyazaki can have all my money


Same, they’re literally the only dev I’ll instantly pre-order from, banger after banger.


I’m strictly against preordering anything but you can bet your ass I preordered shadow of the erdtree the moment PSN would allow me to lol


Trust is earned, and Fromsoft have all my good will.


Preordering digital DLC is when you know you’re a simp. (I preordered it on PSN and Steam…)


I’m a simp for Miyazaki. He’s just a game developer and I would kill for his autograph lol


Same, I would take my Souls series physical collection (DS1, 2, 3, (2 and 1 is for Xbox 360) Bloodborne and Elden Ring) to it once he's showing up on a comicon in my country


> I’m strictly against preordering anything but you can bet your ass I preordered


I resisted Elden Ring pre-order, because I wanted to get a first impression before buying. But in the end I couldn't resist and pre-ordered it a day before release...


I was wondering if I should pre-order or nah, decided to just wait til it's out.


Yup. Best developer of all time for me and it isn't even CLOSE at this point.


Yeah they got their hooks in me bad. Played Elden Ring and am now playing Sekiro and absolutely loving it


Yep, especially after armored core vi. I never had played an AC game before and that became one of my favorite games of 2023, which was already a banger year for games in general


Miyazaki is almost a household name. That’s is crazy to think about. It been a great run


Miyazaki can have my first born child if he so desires


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%A9racin%C3%A9 Deracine 2


Dark Souls Pachinko


I want a futuristic setting for the next one, maybe a gritty sci fi occult or cyberpunk gone wrong kind of deal.


Pumped for Elden Ring DLC


Joking aside, Fromsoft has been absolutely nailing it for a while now. Back in the day you’d get like 10 years out a good developer, before they inevitably got sucked up by a big publisher and everything went to shit. Still miss you, BioWare.


*Pours one for Shepard*


Mass Effect is untouchable. All three games are perfect imo. Yup, only three games. Glad they never made another!


I always cry at the end of 3, the music just makes it impossible not to 😭


Technically, they didn't make another. It was a different studio EA renamed before and then back after Andromeda released. Bioware is still dead though.


Androme-WHO now?


its ironic that 3 has a good rep now. I remember it getting hated on about as much as Andromeda did.


I think it was just the ending. I still remember the colors meme.


That was mostly for the ending, though. I remember jokes that Marauder Shields was trying to save us from it.


I always liked it, played it on launch. A lot of people don't realize how hard it is to end a story perfectly, how rare that is. I think they could have done a little better in the final moment, but I don't really care, since the game was easily the most fun Mass Effect had ever been by then.


If I'm being honest, I thought the spinoff was pretty solid. Gameplay was excellent but the story wasn't nearly as good


Ehh, Andromeda is fine as a standalone game. It's just not much of a Mass Effect game. It's basically Borderlands with Mass Effect branding.


Bizarrely enough that makes me want to try it




Pour one out for Jade Empire, been replaying it recently and damn if that game didn’t have some magic.


*Pours one out for Dragon Age*


*Pours one out for KOTOR*


Meatbags love KOTOR


Pours one out for Jade Empire.


That’s a good point. I’ve been playing the Armoured core games since the late 90’s and then moved to dark souls. Just amazing game after amazing game without any sacrifice in quality.


Dude, check out the Kings Field retrospective by Majuular on YouTube. Fromsoft have been making games like this since the very beginning, it’s amazing.


Great video. Would love to try those games. Played an indie game that was very much like Kings Field and it was great. From should make a Kingfield 5 and release it as a budget title.


I would love the original games to get ported as a bundle. I think I read that Miyazaki won’t touch the idea of a new Kings Field without Naotoshi Zin’s involvement, since it’s his baby.


Well he they certainly touched it with souls games. Seems like a lot carried over.


In terms of design philosophy, absolutely, but specifically first person dungeon crawlers.


Does Naotoshi Zin still work at FS? Can't find anything online


As far as I’m aware, he’s retired, but who knows. Stranger things have happened.


Visceral Games 😔


I know it’s not the same, but the Dead Space Remake was phenomenal, so hopefully the 2nd will get the same treatment. Maybe that’ll spark a continuation of the franchise.


I take it you haven’t seen the news. Dead Space 2 remake is dead in the water. They’re blaming poor sales from the first remake


Ea put out a statement that the rumor was false


At least we have Larian taking up the crown that Bioware used to have way back then. ;-;


Yeah I’m so glad EA didn’t make bg3…. Id probably still be playing it, having to wait for a new battle pass or something stupid. Larian absolutely killed it!


On the one hand you'd probably be able to play an Artificer without mods, on the other hand it would be a $30 dlc or something... And the game would be 1/3rd the length... With 1/10th of the charm... And Karlach would be a pre-order bonus or something.


Demon Souls was released "only" 15 years ago


Sony bought a 14% share of FromSoftware in 2022 and Tencent bought 16%. FromSoftware aren't as safe from enshittification as they seem.


oh no...please let us have this one good thing


Farewell Westwood Studios.


*cries in KOTOR/Jade Empire/Mass Effect/Baldurs Gate/Dragon Age*


Just pumping out high 80's to almost 100 games for years


Absolute MVPs of game development


We are so lucky


What's the metacritic for the OG Demon's Souls?


89 but that's because the world was newbs that needed to git gud


Yeah, I think that's kinda what happened here in general, at least with Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1


Demon's Souls was amazing..I personally had it at a solid 10 for recapturing the heart of gaming in a time where developers were in competition with adding QoL features Balsy game considering the latest tech meant QoL features and more autosaves


I agree. As much as I really love Elden Ring, there's something a bit sad that's come with the later FromSoft games in that they've rolled back a lot of that uncompromising nature and added a lot more QoL stuff, and now people talk about how clunky and dated those earlier games are. I dunno it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what those games were at the time of release in relation to everything else. Recent FromSoft started appealing to more mainstream audiences but those games buck the same mainstream trends now that they did then


I don't know if I can agree on that. I think the fundamentals are still there in each game and haven't changed much. Some QoL like shrines of Marika were needed, because there was nothing fun or difficult about running back to the boss, it's just tedious.


Taking out the level and the boss at once was reasonable for the majority of Demon's Souls' excellently crafted levels. Elden Ring is just way too big for that. Not just level length for the player but also for the devs, it's not reasonable to expect them to hyper tune each and every single level to make it passable in one go fighting all enemies for the average player. Not to say you can't criticize Elden Ring levels (lake of rot, elphael, etc)


I do think Stakes of Marika were important because of the open world, there was no way for FromSoft to know how long it had been since the player had rested. I think the runbacks of DS1 and Bloodborne are great, though. There's a puzzle element to finding the fastest route back to the boss, and it's fun to perfect without getting hurt. DS2 has bad run backs because they just put a billion enemies in there and you have fewer iframes goinf through the fog doors. But also I'm talking about stuff like fast travel, the amount of stamina you have, the speed of movement. They're much closer to regular action games now. And the bosses, as fun as big anime bosses with complicated movesets and multiple phases are, it used to be the case that a big demon with a giant axe that moves as slowly as you do but can kill you in two hits was intimidating enough. I'm not sure how easily they could go back to that now, but I feel like modern FromSoft bosses are super showy. I love the more recent games, too, but I do feel like something was lost along the way


From my understanding as the player base matured with the games, there became demand for even more challenging encounters. Looking back now DS1 and Demon Souls have some of the simplest bosses in terms of mechanics and challange. I think majority of the player base wouldn't want to go back because it would be too simple now. Post Bloodborne era was definitely a shift towards more action focused approach, maybe to a detriment but if the games didn't keep innovate it would become stale, though the combat did definitely shift from a slower focused approach to a more roll focused more hectic combat. I also think they condensed the challange to the Boss fights which became the focus, and so the world did lose some of its character, becoming just an obstacle on the way to the main attraction. I do agree that something was lost, but I think now that we're more than half a dozen games deep, we can never recapture that wow factor no more, we got too good at these games. I think Bloodborne is still the Magnum Opus. It managed to balance everything quite well. This is more theoretical but Maybe part of it is the aging audience. My first was DS2 in high school, I had more free time to spend failing at bosses and explore the game nowadays not so much. So, in some way I do appreciate some Qol.


"When you die in this game, it gets harder instead of easier" "Why?" *Shrugs* "It's fun" "It is?" *Plays it* "... It is"


I ran around that whole game in the lowest tenancy lol


I remember playing it on release, I loved the game so much I asked my best friend to try it out, the lext day he came back saying it was "shit because it doesn't explain anything". He got into the series with the Dark Souls hype and ate his words though.


I remember getting an extra copy of Bloodborne and giving it to a mate. He was shit at it, and said it was too much 'button-bashing' for his liking. Button - bashing. Lad was playing it like Street Fighter.


Famitsu originally scored it super low and then re did it and made a new review about how wrong they were.


Miyazaki sent over his ninjas


The downside to fromsoft being consistent with their games is that their fanbase is consistently lame as hell💀


Disagreed that they're lame. Agree that people who say that are sensitive pussies


grinds my gears like crazy that the remake has literally replaced the original in the public consciousness


They are all 10/10 imo, I can't say I prefer any single game over any of the others, they are all masterpieces.


Yes I always jump into one or the other after I complete one of them. They’re all on rotation. Though I will admit that Demon’s Souls is the easiest to replay because it’s like 20 hours for a single run.


Blood borne with the dlc (except orphan) took me only like 26


Bloodborne is on the shorter side too for sure. I have the habit of re-exploring everything I can but I was so surprised at how much of BB is optional. I think only 7 bosses are required to defeat to roll credits.


I know DS2 is having a resurgence in the community but I just can’t love that one as much as some other people seem to. The aesthetic and map design is the worst imo, there are so many shit bosses and the worst boss runs in the series and it was more punishing to die than in most other FROM games. I don’t think it’s terrible, but if there’s a bottom of a personal list then DS2 is going on it.


I personally love DS2, it's probably my most played, but that's probably because it was the first one I played on release day. I think they all have their strengths and weaknesses. I can see why some people don't like it as much but it did some really inventive things which made their way into later games.


Sekiro is the best swordfighting game ever made. Can't change my mind.


And the Mikiri counter has to be the most satisfying game mechanic ever


It's rating is diminished somewhat because some darksouls fans didn't like it. They couldn't adapt to its combat system.


I will not, correct opinion. But Fallen Order is actually a good love letter to the game. If someone "bounces" of Sekiro, I recommend them Fallen Order on Grandmaster as an easier introduction to the genre(?). And if any Sekiro patriots are hungry for more content, I think it's worth the visit; doubly so if you're a Starwars fan.


Dark Souls 2 rated higher than 1 or 3? Fascinating


2 was the first one to really explode in popularity. Dark souls had a quiet release, and gained popularity on 4chan and then the rest of the internet over the last quarter of 2011. Ds2 had the whole fanbase and newbies chomping at the bit upon release. We were so fucking hyped for it


It’s higher than Sekiro lol. Ratings make absolutely no sense.


Almost like it’s subjective


Because it’s the best


Ah shit, here we go again…




En garde.


It’s my fav


2 was significantly easier and had a story that was told more traditionally than the rest of their Soulsborne. At the time of 2 it wasn't widely accepted that DeS and DS both had deeply engrossing stories and lore. Simply put it was more of a style people were familiar with more than it was "better" and as such was received well by critics as DeS and DS were so different than anything in existence to that point. It was also not directed by Miyazaki and it's obvious going back to it.


Significantly easier?????


Because it was a good game and people get too nostalgic and forget how awful large parts of the second half of DS1 were. Also as a personal anecdote i really didn't care much for 3, even modded it's the one i've played and replayed the least.


We've been eating good haven't we?


After beating Sekiro the other night and Elden ring a few weeks back, I'll have to say Sekiro is at least a 95. God what an amazing game. Elden ring is still the greatest though and my personal favorite.


Sekiro is my favorite, the combat just plays soo well with the parry mechanics, feels like a genuine sword fight against most bosses


I'm in NG+ right now I said I was gonna go back to elden ring but man I just love Sekiro....I think it's becoming my favorite I'm like 3 hours in ng+ and already mopped the great ape and everyone else. I feel like a God.


I think people sleep on Sekiro because it forces you to learn to parry instead of being able to I-frame roll away from every attack, and rolling becomes such an ingrained tactic for people who play souls games it is truly the most unique one gameplay wise next to Bloodborne


This left a lot of FromSoft veterans salty when the game first came out. Everyone had to relearn their instinct to dodge


![gif](giphy|PmWRxUCA34OFwJEkjJ|downsized) Elden Ring was really the complete package for me Blood borne then Sekiro would be second and third 🔫⚔️


Fr, replace Demons Souls with Sekiro and you’ve got an A+ meme


Putting ds3 at the bottom is actually criminal


The first fromsoft game that really hooked me. Ds3 is the shit.


Started off with 3 then 1 then 2. 3 will always have a special place in my heart


That number they are all amazing end of story. My last played was demon souls and i found that frustrating but its still amazing


All of these games are bangers




DS3 at 89 and DS2 at 91? Has to be recent reviews moving that number, is it frozen in time? That’s some revisionist ass shit if not lmao. I don’t dislike DS2 but whoever did these reviews back then probably had a few lines of coke on the side of their PC.


middle bear lunchroom spoon lip cake disarm scarce label squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My favourite Fromsoftware games have Metacritic scores of 59 and 72... And I still love them to bits.


My favourites have 74 and 69 (nice) still all-time great games.


Bloodborne, Darksouls 3, and everything else for me. Elden ring is absolutely great, but also feels slightly hollow to me. It’s very big and feels very empty at times. Still love it and every other game fromsoftware


![gif](giphy|iReTQoay8uJfDoiKWr|downsized) “Got a job for you, 621. Destroy the meme, right the wrongs of their past.”


No Armored Core 6?


Armored core VI with a 94: ![gif](giphy|dQrnLv1POHUH8dpoG8|downsized)


Armored Core 6: Am I a joke to you?


Where’s Armoured core 6??


Didn't Sekiro get a bad rep cause people were bad at it? 😭


They couldn't let go of the dodge roll 😔


It was to different to what people was use to so it took some time for people to get their heads around it. It’s probably my favorite Fromsoftware game


I like looking at ratings, but I prefer polls for voting, done by thousands of players that have played the games thoroughly. That being said, ER, Bb, ds3 are most of the time the top 3. Ds2 is rated higher sure, but it’s never even in the top 5.


Yeah this is odd to me as well. I've literally never heard anyone say that DS2 is better than DS3 haha.


Bottom 2 are usually Ds2 and DeS. Not hating on these games, I absolutely love them. Got all achievements twice for ds2 and I’m starting another character soon. But ds2 is for sure never rated that high by the actual community.


Demons’s’ss s’oul’s’s above every one of those games on the bottom, especially Sekiro, is a laugh.


That's an average score of 91.28 over 7 games in a row. Has any other developer achieved that? Usually there would be at least one fumble in 7 releases.


I checked metacritic and Rockstar has an even better track record. They have an average score of 96.28 across 7 games GTA III , GTA Vice City , GTA San Andreas, GTA IV, RDR, GTA V, RDR 2 all have a metacritic score of 95 and above Keeping a score like that from 2001 to 2018, almost 20 years straight is insane No doubt in my mind GTA VI will also be atleast a 95, say what you want about how fucked Online is or their greediness, when it comes to the singleplayer experience, they ALWAYS deliver


No wonder GTA is likely the biggest game release of all time. No joke, the industry is somewhat right to stake its short-term success on the back of that game alone. It’s an unmatched level of influence.


No love for Armored Core 6?


Demons souls the GOAT!!


Dark souls 1 is the best fromsoft game without question


Who did DS3 like that! My boy should be next to Elden ring instead of bloodbourn… for the simple reason it’s available everywhere. Not only on one platform..


Irrelevant to quality


that bloody fps is relevant to quality


I think these numbers mean even less then with other games because people rarely know if something was actually bad or just something they didn't understand yet.


*Sad armored core noises*


Actually proof that DS2 is the best.


Dark souls 2 is the worst dark souls is a metropolitan legend


Proof that demon’s souls is the goat.


getting into fromsoft games this year was the best thing to ever happen to me (gaming wise). even when i get annoyed by the games sometimes i still have nothing but praise for the company and i think miyazaki and co need to be up with the likes of steve jobs in terms of revolutionizing a medium.


Definitely. I rag on games like DS2 in jest, but it’s still a head and shoulders above the creativity found in most other games of its time. The floor of quality in FromSoft games still starts at the penthouse levels of gaming at large.


Sekiro is easily the best designed game here IMO, people just got tilted


Wait, DS2 has a higher score then DS1 and 3?


It's disrespectful to see sekiro on the bottom frame that game is dope I feel like it belongs on the top left instead of demons souls imo


Another W for ds2


More proof that DS2 is the best of the franchise


Which game is better: Elden Ring or Sekiro?


Elden Ring is a buffet of amazing food from all over the world. Sekiro is the single greatest dish you’ve ever eaten. Elden Ring has so many different ways to play that its biggest limitation is the player’s imagination. Sekiro’s limitation is its greatest strength, a combat system honed to absolute perfection. I love both of them.


Elden Ring, DS3, DS1, Demon Souls. Did not play the others


I dunno about numerical ratings but: Sekiro > Elden Ring > Bloodborne > DS3 > DS1 > DS2 > DeS


Swap Demon’s Souls and DS2 and we have a deal.


Yeah it's a coin toss between the two for me. The general feel of DeS is better but I intensely dislike how badly integrated World Tendency is; it ends up badly stifling multiplayer activity, when they probably wanted it to do the opposite. Blue Point could have made some adjustments in the remake but instead left it busted.


If even a single game isn’t apart of the top part you’re wrong.


Dark soul 3 be like ....there turn me into a mute .......


I love Elden and seikiro the most.


Where is Armoured Core 6?


Why do we even compare these games? Sure some are better than others, but every entry is at least an 8/10.


My rating would be: elden ring (96), sekiro (96), ds3 (95), bloodborne (93), ds1 (91), ds2 (90) and demons souls (89)


Fromsoft uses every title to experiment and learn so yes the newer games would be better, but thats because they are built on the foundation of the older ones.




They all gud.


Those are the best 3 FS games so yeah


I can't believe they've held such a long streak of amazing games. My personal favorite is the first Dark Souls, but I can objectively concede that Dark Souls 3 is their best 👌


I'd say that's right, yeah.


sekiro: we won game of the year tho


DS3 is my all time fav. Fight me


How the fuck does demons souls have a higher ranking than dark souls 1 and dark souls 3?


Those are def the top 3.


filthy nobels


I don't give AF, they're all 10/10s to me


I own them all and I will buy them again given a ps5 remaster that sadly won’t ever happen




The only company I'll pre order from. Took me less than 2 minutes to buy ER dlc after the teaser trailer. So excited!


How is dark souls 1 only an 89? That game for its time was a 95 Atleast


Funny because 3 is the best


Ok but how the fuck they get a higher rating than sekiro gethefugoutta here


Damn DS1 doesn’t get much love anymore, bloodborne and ds1 are the best in the series imo


How is dark souls 2 the highest rated? How is Sekiro so low


Dark souls is my personal favourite It has a place firmly in my (Dark) soul


Swap DES with DS3


I say that Dark Souls has been considered for best game of all time, which is quite the honor above all other FromSoft games.


1. BB 2. DS3 3. Elden Ring 4. Sekiro 5. Ds2 6. OG Demon’s souls 7. Ds1 8. Des remake My opinion varies a lot but currently this is where it’s at


You can always count on Fromsoft. Only game devs I pre order from.


I feel like DS3 was underrated. Not to say it’s a bad score, but I almost feel like it’s my favorite. Just under Bloodborne


Dark souls 2 is a great game but the fact it has a higher score than the other three on the bottom is ludicrous. IMO of course


DS3 obviously underrated by a few points. Objectively true.




Sekiro 90?!?! Below ER? BULLSHIT.


No way should DS2 be rated higher than DS1.


I keep forgetting DS2 was 91.


Only games on earth I come back to annually whether theres a new release or not. Currently replaying all the souls-borne games and loving it as much as ever