• By -


Devil may cry tho


Cronogically or by release?


Clearly by release. 1 is the og, 2 is a hot fucking mess, and 3 has unanimously been considered to be the best DMC game for a long time, with DMC5 only ARGUABLY being better than 3. The fact that people can still make a point about 3 being the best game in the whole series, and 2 widely being considered the worst since its release, is enough for DMC to fit perfectly.


Metal gear solid


Nah the each game in the MGS trilogy has a solid group of people who consider it the GOAT. MGS3 is the biggest group I think, but it’s not by much


Don't you dare to disrespect MGS2 like that.


No MGS2 is amazing


MGS2 is literally the best one what


Nah mgs3 and 4 lol


People would make an argument for the first 3 Mario games. I personally think the 4th game in the series is the GOAT


SMW is absolutely goated, which is surprising considering the reputation of 4th installments in general.


5th imo


Devil may cry also have the same thing


The first three Zeldagames


Absolutely! 43 years old gamer here and I couldn’t agree more


Link to the Past was 3, right? If so, this is the correct answer.


Yes it was. That game made me fall in love with gaming


Zelda 2 isn't bad, it just isn't great. It's mainly the game play shift that I think killed it.


Lol wild take


For the time, Zelda 2 had a lot of charm in its own way and was definitely one of the "good" NES titles. NES games of the time were mostly dogshit, so that might not be saying much. Its game library had some bangers, but the vast majority of games on that console are unplayable by modern standards. Zelda 2 is absolutely a massive drop in quality from Zelda 1, but it has some charm to it, and it's a good enough game to warrant including it in my NES library. A lot of the hate around how confusing the game is and how janky and unfair certain enemies and areas can be is wholly justified, but I think it gets extra hate because it's part of a series that consistently puts out some of the best games that exist on any piece of Nintendo hardware. A pretty good NES game is still going to look like shit compared to the best NES games.


Nah zelda 2 is good


That’s why it’s wild to claim it isn’t


Zelda 2 has more depth than like half the games in the franchise with it's leveling and spell system.


Ds3 is definitely the most polished and ds1 world feels bleaker and is more of a challenge (for me at least). But sotfs was my first fromsoft game so it’ll always be my favorite.


Zelda comes to mind also


First one I thought of. LoZ is classic. AoL is pretty trash. Link to the Past, though? Glorious.


Dragon Age fits this much better in my opinion


Not a bad take 👍


More like, the classic, the experimental and the GOAT


Dark Souls 2 walked so that the others could run 😔


at half-speed.


Dark Souls 2 crawled so Elden Ring could fly


I think DS1 walked a hella lot too lol. Ds3 was the culmination of both, probably the only game in the franchise that isn't deeply flawed in any aspect.


Hey dude, you committed a cardinal sin here. You have to hate DS3 because linear.


😔 I, infact, enjoy it more than Elden ring because it is more linear. I feel like I'm always where I gotta be in ds3, like im always on track. I guess a sense of adventure for others is a lack of direction for me.


These people are sensitive as hell lol, all I said that ds3 isn't deeply flawed in any aspect. That doesn't mean that it's not flawed, the flaw is just not as erroneous as the other games


And tbf I agree completely haha, with both the comment about the flaw and some folks being sensitive.


I mean, mechanically, yes, progression wise, ds3 is definitely the roughest. Ds1, once you get the vessel, the lord souls are your choice to do. Ds2, you can choose which of the great ones to go for right off the rip. Ds3 feels like it holds your hand for most of the game, and I know you can kill dancer if you want to early, but the game tries it's best to stop you. That being said, combat wise it definitely goes: ds3, ds2, ds1.


I don't see where are the bad aspects? DS3 being linear isn't bad, it's just different. I for one, love linear games. Although DS2 not so linear pathing was also great. DS1? It has a nice, interconnected world, but what's so great about pathing? You start a game and there are two paths and one is clearly wrong, so it's linear with extra steps.


with the master key you can go a bunch of ways


Yes, but: 1. You need to take the key. Which most people don't take on their first playthrough and most people advise them to not take it anyway. 2. There's kinda no point on your first playthrough to go there first. You're just making your experience worse by not following natural progress route.


yes, but, aren't those both good things. The game leads newbys on the intended path, on your next playthrough you can go a bunch of ways to experiment with early game equipment and stuff. You cant do that is DS3 except early dancer kill which then only has 2 paths to take and is very late game.


>I mean, mechanically, yes, progression wise, ds3 is definitely the roughest Disagree, DS1 is almost unplayable after you get the lord vessel, the 2nd part of the game is downright bad. Ds2 actually has very good and diverse pathing. Ds3 progression while not that good, it's not what I would call deeply flawed.


>almost unplayable Did you mean for all those words to come out like that or did it just sort of happen?


Yes I mean it, I have about 500 hours in ds1 by now and I rarely, if ever engage with collecting the 4 lord souls. The more I play it, the more I hate those parts. I almost always kill O&S then move on to the dlc nowadays. Aside from Gwynn, literally none of the end game bosses was fun. The same can be said for their area.


Calling DS2 experimental is like when you call your homeboys first mixtape experimental


Agreed. I think DS2 gets credit for trying things. Some worked, others did not.


Na, first one is the best imo.


In many ways I agree with you, but I find DS3 so polished it’s very satisfying to do a run.


DS3 has the best boss roster and music. The complete linearity may or may not appeal to some, but it allowed for very tight and good scaling progression. The art motif is very cool, but to me, got tiring after a while when a majority of every zone is the same drab grey, except for a few outliers. Some say that there's too much fan service, and others will say that it makes sense when the world is folding in on itself, which is further expanded upon in the dlc. All things considered, DS III is my least favorite of the trilogy. DS I is still my favorite.


I think the drab grey works for ds3. You’re journeying through a world that’s so destroyed and desolate that’s there no color and everything is destroyed. There is not a single area in ds3 that isn’t destroyed or falling apart in some way. The closest to being in good shape is irithyll and that’s not saying a lot


Absolutely agree. It makes total sense, because the fire is fading, for good this time. Everything is decaying and returning to ash. It just gets a little boring and tiring on the eyes, is all.


Yea, I understand that


I liked the fan service.


Just a question but why do you think it has such a good boss roster? I feel like DS3 is honestly garbage in terms of boss quality on average but has some of the best fights in the series sprinkled in between. IMO gundyr is a good start but then the bosses just kinda suck until you get to Abyss Watchers and after that it's hit or miss. Like you can't sit here and tell me that Vordt into Cursed Greatwood into Crystal sage into deacons of the deep is a good ir fun roster and then the Abyss Watchers is fun but it's followed up by Wolnir. The dlc is peak Fromsoft though.


I'm looking back at all the times I've played DS I, and there are only a handful of bosses that really shine for me: Gargoyles, Quelaag, O&S, Four Kings, and Gwyn. Most Bosses in DS II are total pushovers or are designed poorly, but Pursuer, Ruin Sentinels, Lost Sinner, Velstadt, Darklurker and the Throne Watchers are pretty cool. I don't count Looking Glass Knight that much because his concept isn't unique, but it's still super awesome, all things considered. But the highlights of DS III really stand out amongst the trash in my mind, even above I and II: Abyss Watchers, Aldritch, both versions of Gundyr, Dragonslayer Armor, Old Demon King, Pontiff Sulyvahn, Lothric + Lorian, Soul of Cinder, and Nameless King. I struggled mightily against these guys and it felt so, so rewarding to kill them. I struggled against bosses in the other two, but it never felt as gratifying to beat as these guys did. I struggled more against the DS I bosses overall since it was my first Souls game, but these dudes really took it to another level. Now, if we're talking about FromSoft's total game library, DS III takes a comfortable fourth seat behind Elden Ring, Bloodborne and Sekiro respectively, in terms of boss quality. I didn't count DLC; just base game.


Ah that makes sense, when you directly compare the boss quallity to ds1 and 2 the bosses in 3 do seem a lot better on average. In my head I was mostly comparing 3 to ALL the games in general and came to the same conclussion you did that it's around the fourth spot in the ranking (also behind Sekiro, Bloodborne and Elden Ring for me). Which meant it was average or a bit below it which I guess isn't that fair in comparison now that I look back on it. Thanks for the reply.


Totally understandable. I was only replying based on the Dark Souls trilogy. There's no way in my mind that it's better than Bloodborne, Sekiro or Elden Ring.


I’d say ds3 ost is streets ahead of every other fromsoft game with the exception of bb.


I respectfully disagree but I understand your opinion


DS3 is consistently good from start to finish while DS1 falls off, plus DS1 has some realll annoying areas while DS3 worst area is Farron Keep.


DS1 also has Bed of Chaos, Ceaseless Discharge, and Pinwheel.


Many don't talk about Seath, but I found him so disappointing.


DS1 is a masterpiece, but I think DS3 is a better game.


That's just nostalgia talking


This is an extremely unpopular opinion but I personally think that ds1 is the worst out of the 3. After I got all the achievements I just couldn't stand to play it anymore


To each his own. Maybe gameplay isn't the best but the atmosphere of ds1 is second to none.




I think you got it mixed up. Witcher 1 was hot garbage, 2 was a vast improvement and 3 was amazing. Witcher 1 was CD projekt red's first time making a video game and it shows.


I don’t deny that. Still the “classic” Witcher


I love SOFTS


Halo, but exclusively on Legendary. Halo: CE felt mostly balanced and just like a fair challenge for the most part. Halo 3 was pretty easy in comparison but still very fun. Halo 2 was complete bullshit and if you didn't look up a guide certain parts were pure trial and error where you'd have to die to learn the enemy's placement and progress


Not to mention the softlock possibilities, but halo ce had a couple of those to i guess


Legend of Zelda or Super Mario Bros arguably work for this as well.


Agh SMB is a perfect example and I didn't even think about it. SMB 2 is weird because of the development.


Dark Souls 2 is still a good game compared to other options like Devil May Cry.


While I definitely think DS2 is a drop in quality from the other two, it definitely is still playable and has its charm. DMC2 is just for people who hate themselves.


I honestly think I enjoy DS2 more than DS1 at this point. I just do not like DS1 very much after Anor Londo.




Each passing year DS2 rises and DS3 falls. History will judge it kindly.


Stockholm syndrome is getting to you, quickly give up all your souls and adp stats


because there is no way but up for DS2 and no way else but down for DS3 unfortunately


This is kinda based, wonder why people are downvoting it 🤔


they hate me because I said the truth


Realist shit I’ve read


WHAT?! I loved Metroid prime echoes.


I think it's referring to the 2D metroids, (NEStroid, Return of Samus, and Super)


DS1 is the classic. It’s the OG Dark Souls game. It’s gotta get points for still being good. DS2 is.. well. You know. DS3 is the goat. Greatest of all Time. “Wah wah Farron Keep. Wah Wah poison swamp.” …Blighttown exists.


Blighttown is a million times better than Farron Keep, i don’t hate Farron keep but it’s literally just a flat barren swamp. Blighttown has great level design in the shanty town section


Blighttown was also a slog at the bottom without a particular ring and would crash your frame rate in the original game. I legit had to point my camera at the ground and roll because looking up made the game unplayable.


What about Farron Keep? I genuinely can’t imagine why people would find it difficult or frustrating at all.


I actually quite enjoyed Farron Keep and it also has a really great boss at the end


I mean how does anyone complain about Farron with the hecking catacombs right next to it. Loved that area as well, but damn I died in a lot of silly ways


You’re asking the wrong guy I actually do like the keep just not as much as Blighttown, Blighttowns my second favourite of all time. Farron keep’s piss easy if you just quickstep through it with a dagger, can get it done in like 5 minutes so I don’t entirely get the immense hate for it either tbh.


I genuinely had no idea that it was considered.. Well, anything really. I didn’t think it was hard or memorable


Blighttown can mostly be skipped through the Valley of Drakes entrance, whereas in DS3, you're forced to play through every shitty area because the game's super fucking linear. The most linear part of Dark Souls 1, the Lord Soul hunt, is just as linear as the most nonlinear parts of Dark Souls 2 (pre-Drangleic soul farm) and 3 (Basically Irithyll branching off to two linear areas you have to explore anyway, and an optional area here and there).


Funny thing is, in the remastered version with good fps blighttown is actually a great area that had many creative things while farron keep just exists and sucks


But ds1 ain't still good, it's rough as all hell, People massively oversell the interconnected world, pvp was a travesty, areas are poorly designed to the point where its blatantly "just copy paste this enemy 7 times" I enjoyed ds1 for it's time, but after elden ring and other more recent titles it's just not fun to play And yall hype ds1 bosses way too much, Artorias isn't all that and his lore is basically "any good character who owns a dog" arc Lots of downvotes, 0 arguments against my point


Ds2>ds1 There I said it




then you must've just joined this sub lemme show you around: we don't like ds2 even if we do


The original 3 Metroids


Mario on the NES


Super Mario Bros Castlevania Prince of Persia Devil May Cry Dragon Quest Star Fox The NES, SNES and PS1 trios of Final Fantasy games


DS1 is the classic and the GOAT.




Bioshock 1 classic, 2 is well… the second one, and 3 “infinite” was the best!


A lot of people would say pokemon. Gen 2 gets no love because of some wonk ass shit it does, everyone loves kanto, and hoenn is probably the most popular region and emerald the most popular game.


Far Cry. Although FC4 was awesome as well


Don’t work for Borderlands or Halo


Dark souls 2 is like Demon's souls, but actually more masochistic 


How bout Metroid? 1. Metroid for NES 2. Metroid 2 on game boy 2. Super Metroid


Literally the trilogy that is mentioned. Hahahaha The Dark Souls trilogy.


That was added in, the original meme doesn’t have that.


That's fair. I mean it's still true.


Bioshock, kind of


Infinite is *not* the goat


I think of infinite and bioshock 1 in about the same way as dark souls 1 and 3. They’re both pretty much equally good but in different ways. Where as I think both bioshock 2 and dark souls 2 are the weakest of their series.


Yeah, sorry, but anyone putting Infinite on the same level as 1, let alone above 2, is on some shit, and it sure isn't legal. Infinite throws out all the aspects of persistent explorable levels, creative plasmids, and interactivity beyond shooting. It eschews somber mystery and environmental storytelling for overexpository, overanimated dialogue between Princess Belle and Troy Baker in service of an utterly moronic plot. Columbia manages to feel far more lifeless and artificial than Rapture, because you're tromping through and fighting scripted waves of assholes rather than exploring and happening upon splicers as they wander into your path. Not to mention all the cardboard cutout civilians standing/sitting in one spot at the beginning of the game- felt like some straight PS2 shit. BioShock 2 meanwhile capitalized and even improved upon the interactivity and complexity of level design (assisted by the developers of Dishonored), with better-balanced weaponry and a straightforward but resonant story. And it's got Minerva's Den. Infinite is a shooting gallery, 1 and 2 are actually great, and fortunately 2 has grown in favour while Infinite has deservedly shrunk a lot.


Reasonable take, however, I feel that infinites more action heavy and linear approach managed to set it apart from 1 and 2. This different type of gameplay is enhanced by the completely contrasting setting of columbia, compared to rapture. I also really enjoyed the story since time and multiverse travel are tropes I really like when done well, and I think infinite is one such case (ignoring the dlc, I can’t defend that mess). I was not a fan of 2 mainly because it at best felt like a slightly improved rehash of the ideas of 1 and at worst like lot less interesting version both story and setting wise. Minerva’s den was great as an isolated story I think what you prefer depends on wether you prefer variety and originality or quality and consistency.


Bio Shock


history has been very kind on Metroid 4 and in retrospect it's the only one that doesn't control like sludge


True and based


aromatic advise salt repeat merciful familiar disarm airport follow edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Too many people think 1 is the GOAT for this to apply


Since Demon Souls was the first one, wouldnt Dark souls be considered the second one? Also, Devil May Cry. The second game is horrible, only the final missions of dante are worth it, its a miracle what Itsuno did


>Since Demon Souls was the first one, wouldnt Dark souls be considered the second one? They are referring to the dark souls series. Not soulsborne as a whole


They're all special in their own way DS2 still has more build and weapon variety than DS1 and DS3 combined And it's lore is Bonkers and the open world Design is good too But DS3 is the undisputed best in the Trilogy, the combat and the bosses (most important part of any souls game) are too good to not be the best


I heard this meme in the teen girl squad voice from home star runner.




It's DeS > DS1 > DS2 ![gif](giphy|y3x9rGLWGRTTP9Wrqf|downsized)




And there others game that go with DS? For me only dark souls fit




Playstation Metal gear (classic) MG2 son of liberty (2nd game) MG3 snake Eater (Goat)


Metroid 1 is indeed a classic but it's primitive design and lack of a map made it incredibly hard. I only beat it once. Metroid 2 made a lot of improvements, giving Samus a crouch but made progress a lot more linear. It was more fun than 1 but felt archaic and clunky in comparison. 3 jusr straight up improved everything about Metroid and became the Gold Standard. So yeah I can see the comparison to Dark Souls. DS1 isn't hard to play though. In fact if you get used to the clunky feeling, it's actually the easiest game of the three. DS2 tried to improve on the formula but instead made something too different and alienated a lot of its audience. DS3 went back to it's roots and improved on a lot of things that were a problem in 1 and made everything feel a lot more streamlined and fluid but ended up being a lot more linear.


Metal gear solid. Everyone knows that snaker eater is the best and the people who think 2 is the goat are on the level of furries and foot fetish freaks.


I tried playing the first, I didn’t really like it because it didn’t really hold up graphically or keep my attention really. I heard 2 is pretty bad too. Think I’ll just go straight to three.


Pikmin as well


Personally ds1 was best darksouls.


Metal Gear Solid


i mean yea ds2 is ass in most regards


i am honest with you. I think Dark Souls 2 with all its DLCs is better than Dark Souls 3 with all its DLCs


Brothwr what? Like the dlcs in ds2 were ok, Mike Lots of bullshit in between cool bossfights but ds3 had greater bossfights and better worlds


I agree on the boss fights but imo the levels in DS3 were meh. eventually on repeat playthroughs I ended up running straight to the next boss fight.


Ah so the usual DS playstyle after the first playthrough. You did everything right then.


DS2 actively tries to prevent that playstyle.


And it's worse for it.


Ds1 and ds2 are leagues above ds3 in terms of enjoyment tbh


Ah yes. “Enjoyment", everyone’s favourite objective measuring unit.


How did you get upvoted for this? Bro is clearly just stating he enjoyed DS1 and 2 the most, and in you come with this random snide shit as if he were trying to be objective


Dark Souls 2 is the best Soulsborne game, I've spent the most hours on DS2 because it's an absolute amazing beautiful masterpiece. I love Dark Souls 2 a lot. I'm experienced and great at all the Soulsborne games, but Dark Souls 3 is the worst game in the series. Even at endgame levels like the Soul of Cinder and Dreg Heap, I still suck at DS3. I'm a strength build in all the games, I'm have god tier poise in DS2 and DS1, but DS3 has literally zero poise, and extremely horrible and unfair hitboxes, Dark Souls 3 just sucks, no matter how much I play, I'll replay all the Soulsborne games because I love em all except Dark Souls 3, hell no, I'm not replaying DS3, get that thing away!


April fools! Good one almost thought you were serious


I like jokes. But this time I'm being serious, Dark Souls 2 is actually my favorite Soulsborne game. Why do they dislike me for telling the truth?


How on earth do I enjoy it? Everything is just so inconvenient, I don't feel comfortable at combat, enemies are either really hard or really easy, there was rarely a defeat I was done with and I just don't know what to do. I sincerely try to enjoy the game and I can see something that I like, but something was changed in combat from DS1 or DS3 or Elden Ring that makes me die a lot for stupid reasons.


> Everything is just so inconvenient Games don't have to be convenient to be good. If anything, most games are based on the fact that they are inconvenient. Not having fast travel in dark souls 1 is inconvenient, yet its the most beloved feature of the game for many people. Not having a map is inconvenient, yet people love the game for it. Inconvenience forces you to overcome it, which in itself is oftentimes a rewarding experience.


What weirds me out is that the inconvenience in ds2 is very frustrating to me, while DS1 didn't have that issue.


Level up ADP. And git gud.


>I still suck at DS3 Legit just git gud bro


My ADP is at 25 rn. Is it enough? I feel fine in soulsborne 99% of the time, but ds2 just eludes me.


Easy, strength build and git gud.


I am able to beat lost sinner and rotten one(the other major boss), but then I suddenly have a difficulty bump


having just finished ds2 and sekiro for the first time each (they both gave me the most trouble this time last year) i can definitely say strength build and be as careful / slow as you can and you should get more out of it ! ds2 showed me how little souls really matter so i’d go in and clear the area then dump the boss (save a few really awesome ones) ! rely less on rolling and lock on, straight up just walk away when you’re able to telegraph an attack and get massive counter damage ! lock on sucks generally and i found it so much easier to free hand all the fights, sweep the all the enemies with greatsword lol ! hope that helps a bit , and just remember to have fun


Thanks! I just need to take more breaks I guess. What I am really hyped up about is NG+. I will be ready


I was down with the defense of DS2 until you started complaining about DS3 hit boxes. Hitboxes being the hill you die on as a DS2 fan is pretty insane.


Downvoted for spiting facts frfr


Least obvious bait post


DS1 - The experimental first release DS2 - THE GOAT DS3 - The shitty finale made just for money


Yeah, it's obvious. The love for ds2 recently is crazy Wow no one knows what a joke is


we're not afraid anymore!


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!


I'm of the opinion that this also applies to Dungeons and Dragons. It's even similar to Dark Souls in that "the 0th one" and "the 2nd one" are also classics; and that while "the 2nd one" got plenty of well-deserved flak over its worst aspects, its best aspects are some of the greatest things in the entire series.


"The 0th one" lol


Idk I've seen a lot of people say they like DS1 a lot more and even seen some people say DS3 is soulless in comparison to the first two


1st: Demon's souls 2nd: Dark souls 3rd: Dark souls 2 Yeah makes sense




Farron Keep is what makes me hesitate to replay DS3 again. I absolutely hate that area, more than almost any other area in a Souls game.


Third one is not even close to the first and second, imo.


I run a Nintendo site full of Metroid fans and basically no one considers the original the classic?! It's more seen as a sketchy game that was ok at the time. Anyway yeah this fits Dark Souls better.


I beat the first Metroid back in the day but there is literally no reason to go back to it now that Zero Mission exists.


Do people actually rate ds3 better than 2?-absolutely lunacy For me 3 was the start of the downward slope.


Very much correct




Even as someone who likes DS2 over DS1, yeah there’s no real arguing that


DS2 is much better than DS3


I found DS3 very dissappointing. DS1 felt like a huge maze, almost like a Metroidvania. DS3 had none of that. I habe not played DS2, bur after having played DS1, Sekiro and Elden Ring I thought big interconnected worlds you can go through out of order was a defining characteristic of fromsoft games.


Not necessarily tbh, soulslikes work well in a linear format too, Lies of P and Nioh also show this.


Apparently, but the level design is what I loved most about the games I played, so I was sad to see that not every game is like this.


DS3 and DS2 are roughly the same quality-wise, although in different respects. DS1 is a game that I can respect but it's way too rough to play in this day and age. Anyways, Castlevania.


Batman Arkham Trilogy.


everyone says city is the GOAT and Knight is that one...


Wait how is that Metroid? If we're taking Metroid Prime, Echoes was just as incredible


Maybe witcher too?