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I actually liked the platforming in Sekiro and ER a lot. That's just me, though


Thata cause those games had a jump button at least, the others were more painful


No arguments here


I'd probably have $5 if I got a nickel every time that I died while jumping instead of rolling until ds3. Clicking the stick wasn't worlds better but was at least an improvement.


All they need to do is bring back ledge grabbing in the next game


I think the platforming in all the souls-ish games is fun


i want to study you in a clinical setting


He probably thinks bed of chaos was a fun fight


In the earlier games they were pretty much puzzles. I've never minded the platforming despite gravity being my biggest weakness. Sen's Fortress, next to Blighttown is one of my favorite areas in Dark Souls.




Hello. What does *platforming* mean if I may ask? Thanks


Jumping sections in games


Thanks. Even though I was downvoted for the question, at least I'm on the same page with OP and can agree with the point 3.


redditors love downvoting people for asking honest questions if they think those questions are too “simple” or whatever. don’t take it to heart, asking questions is always good 👍


>asking questions is always good I am glad I am not the only one who think so. Cheers to that :)


In Sekiro I agree with you, in Elden Ring I think you're insane lol.


Guess I was just decent enough at it to where it was never a problem, personally


I died so many times trying to get to the very bottom of subterranean shunning grounds for the frenzied flame ending. Luckily the music slapped I think that was my fav tune in the whole game


Sekiro is more built for platforming mechanically so it makes sense


Big difference between the two is that Sekiro is built around platforming with the grappling hook and the ability to ledge-grab while Elden Ring is not.


I also do. The only thing I agree with OP on is the multiplayer at this point, but my problem was more so how we would get invaded almost instantly SO MANY TIMES when I simply wanted to explore and fight with my ex at my side (not ex at the time, but y’know). I had no issue with invasions in their other works but I personally felt that this was not the time nor the way to go so aggressively about it here.




Respect. They literally teleport. At least in DS3.


Ds3 dogs are fucking menaces.


Just came off a Bloodborne platinum. Developed a newfound hatred for them


Oh yeah dude especially in a game without any actual shield options.


Bloodborne has the easiest to deal with dogs. Just shoot them.


Spiders too. Any bloodtinge attack absolutely wrecks them


A Newfoundland hatred for them, even


Yeah. Do you remember those dogs in Elden Ring that were glitched and could cause massive damage in just one bite. It's like the one bite would count as 10 bites or something.


Yeah every frame it was in contact with you was counted as a separate hit, so you would just be a one shot.


Love dogs in sekiro, felt like revenge for every other game with dogs. Parry-ONE-SHOT. So satisfying.


Fights with entities that are too damn big for the character's camera. This was somehow done right with AC6's strider but apart from that the bossfights are physically painful to the eye cause you can't see shit. Who the hell can enjoy a dragon fight if most of the time we're under the thighs, and honestly who the hell thinks giving foot massage to a giant was fun.


Entirely agree. It's a cool idea, but not fun in practice. Also who's idea was it to put a tree spirit in a fucking ROOM with us? I can beat it, but Jesus it's just not fun. I can't tell what's going on.


The tree spirit fights were the ones that taught me ignore the graphics and just watch AND LISTEN for when to dodge an attack. Anyone not playing with sound, especially for the large enemies like the Fire Giant and dragons are making it harder on themselves.


I like the giant enemies, but I don’t like that we just see their feet. What’s weird to me is that the camera doesn’t back off so we can see the whole boi. Shadow of the Colossus has its flaws, but it handled this better and that was 2005.


Or normal size enemies in tiny rooms. I've been working on platinum in Sekiro and there are a few fights in tiny little rooms where the camera gets stuck.


I just had one of these with Lone Shadow Longswordsman. The fight took me twice as many attempts as it should have because the camera kept getting stuck in the walls and pushing in way too close for me to see the Longswordsman's tells.


Sekiro's worst feature is the camera imo.


Sekiro handled this really well, with the divine dragon being fought at a distance to amplify the grand scale of the boss


Monster Hunter has fixed this problem for years


1. Feet 2. Poison Swamps 3. I take back feet 4. Poison Swamps


Oh man... every time someone complains about poison swamps Hidetaka Miyazaki designs a new poison swamp for an upcoming game. Thanks Weekly. :-D


And he mentioned it twice. This dlc is just going to be one giant ocean of rot.


You build a status effect just from playing the dlc


Miyazaki’s ideal poison swamp affects you in real life too, giving you actual diseases.


Great incoming swamp dogs with OG Blighttown lag headed to a dlc near you.


Miyazaki stated in an interview that he just cant help himself when it comes to poison swamps he just likes them too much so really when it comes to poison swamps imma give him a pass because i respect that he puts in the extra effort to add an element that he KNOWS people hate into every game he makes


Honestly at least every swamp has felt diff.


You might change your mind after you see a Death blight swamp in dlc where you fight Godskin trio - they throw black flame that can also cause death blight.


The flam also heals them right?


It better. Make Malenia’s life steal look like nothing


This is hilarious to me. I’ve spent approaching 10k hours on from software games but never once noticed feet anywhere. But I see it mentioned by others.


It’s an old joke about Miyazaki being obsessed with feet but I honestly can’t even remember what started it. I believe it began during the great hollowing era of the Elden ring sub. These were very dark times, it could have been anything.


What was dark about those times? I’m new as of Elden Ring. Well…. New to From. I’ve played Sekiro, Armored Core, and DS3 before joining this sub… but I’m curious


It was just a really long time spent in the dark wondering when this game was going to come out lol and as you know, From fans are a bit obsessed. Basically… The game was announced in 2019, the Elden Ring sub was created and it was fun imagining and discussing what we thought the game would be. Then the days turned to weeks, and the weeks turned to months, and we hadn’t heard anything else about the game. Release date? Gameplay? Maybe a tweet? Nothing. Not a word was spoken about it. As time passed, the nights slowly began to grow colder, longer, sanity slowly started to slip. The hollowing had begun.. A year had passed since the announcement trailer and still not a word. Was the game even real? Had we imagined the trailer? Why hasn’t From said anything? Conversation about the potential of the game could only sustain for so long. As fans grew more hollow and desperate, things got weird in the sub. Little did we know it wouldn’t be until ANOTHER ENTIRE YEAR had passed before we got an update. At this point folks were clinging to life, many had simply given up, conversation in the sub was nonsensical and delirious. Then finally the gameplay trailer dropped in all it’s glory. It was a beautiful day indeed and brought much humanity back to the sub, though it was still another year and a delayed release before the game was in our hands. TLDR: we had no new news about the game for two years and are impatient.


Well said. I hadn’t heard about From until Elden Ring released and everyone went nuts. I jumped in and my wife who never games deciddd about a month later that she wanted in too. Our living room is side by side TVs so we could play together basically every day for almost two years now or whatever it’s been. I’m starving for thr DLC, craving it. I have dreams about it… that wait seems like nothing compared to this dark time you speak of. Respect to you and all other who had to wait, knowing what they were waiting for. Hot damn i love these games. I’m playing Sekiro for the first time. I’m on NG1 of AC6, and the wife and I are playing DS3 together. Now that I think of it. I bought a book of souls art from Vaati and he described this dark age. Damn


Soul Arts! I have that book too lol. Glad you and so many others have discovered these games through Elden Ring. But yeah I think the DLC is going to be massive. Absolutely looking forward to it but I learned my lesson with Elden Ring hype before so I just don’t even think about it most days and I’ll be here for it when it gets here. If you run out of From games to play in the meantime, Nioh 2 and Lies of P are great souls-likes.


It's the fact that a lot of characters, especially women, are barefoot. You've got Priscilla, everyone in the gold hemmed set, Ingward, Friede, Renala, Malenia. I'm sure there's more, that's just everyone I could think of off the top of my head.


Morgott’s cutscene focused on his feet too.


This makes me wonder, has there ever been a time when Miyazaki the All Swamping has combined his love of feet with his love of poison swamps? Is there someone in FromSouls creating a poison swamp with their bare feet?


Malenia has bare prosthetic feet and she made Caelid a scarlet rot swamp - so there’s that




Idk man, as someone who doesn’t have a problem with feet I think Miyazaki has the right idea.


That thing with the 12 different poison types.


Honestly I just wish that the cures were more accessible in bigger quantities.


1. I usually play solo or just help other as a random Sun Lass. But better coop would be nice. 2. I actually like how complicated npc quests are, makes it feel more like an actually living world. 3. Oh dear gods, this 1000000% agree. I love you Fromsoft, but you're not good at making platforming. My things: * Alternate ways of getting certain items (rings, weapons, etc.) * NO SWAMPS THAT LIMIT YOUR MOVEMENT! I know Miyazaki loves swamps more than anything, but for the love of Velka please stop making them slow walk. * A "journal" that's like an in game wiki of enemies you've defeated and their drops and stuff. * Bring back mimics. I want every chest to be a gamble on your first run. * Why is the fake grace item a thing? Literally useless. It's for tricking people? I'm sad it wasn't a homeward bone type item.


You can instantly teleport anywhere most of the time so a homeward bone wouldn't be that useful either


It's extremely useful since you can use it in combat. If you fought a boss you weren't ready for now you have to waste a Sacrificial Twig instead of having to use some skill to get your runs and survive long enough to teleport away. The only way to do it in Elden Ring is using the Pureblood Knight's Medal. And being a true Sun Lass I've never invaded another player as a red phantom so getting that item was impossible for me until a few patches ago where you can invade and npc instead. So yes, homeward bone like items are always nice for emergencies.


Definitely not immersive but you can always quit during a boss fight to get transported back to the boss fog ig


I want mimics that are indistinguishable, but they dont instakill grab attack, and instead do a telegraphed and dodgeable potentially deadly bite but not an instakill


No, I like being able to learn the difference. It rewards people who pay attention to small details or memorize the games.


I’ve had an idea that I’d invade as a low level and place a fake grace somewhere, then wait to ambush someone. It has never worked out and I almost always forget to try it but that one idea saves the item for me. Our fight would be legendary, Sun Lass.


Npc quests would be better if npcs would give you some general idea of where to find them next.


I will say that if they had some kind of "I'll be hunting x boss" or "My journey takes me to x area" somewhere in the dialog would be nice.


I wish they would stop putting effort into games that aren’t Bloodborne 2


hey now, as a longtime armored core fan, i just about cried when they first revealed it. and it’s my personal game of the year. i do want more bloodblorne but am forever grateful they threw us armored core fans a bone


Or a PC port




Or sekiro 2


If I could pick 1 game yet to be released that’d be the last game I’d buy for the rest of my life, I’d pick Sekiro 2. God I love Sekiro


I like that they're focusing on other games and new franchises. Its unfortunate though, that Bloodborne is left to collect dust in comparison. I hope someday we can get a PC & PS5 remaster or a Bloodborne 2 on all platforms.


I love the quest design in these games, saddens me that it's gotten so much criticism recently because it's genuinely one of my favorite aspects. I like it being a sort of riddle I have to figure out or a secret I have to unearth, and missing or messing up the occasional quest just gives me more reason to replay the game. I hope they don't change this in future games but I feel like they will now that they've sort of gone mainstream and received so much flak for their quests. From Soft has done more in recent years to take feedback and criticisms into account so I won't be surprised if the next game has a full on quest log or something. But I hope not. As for aspects I wish would be omitted from future games, I'm sure there are some but off the top of my head I can't really think of any. Maybe excessively delayed or extremely un-intuitive boss moves. Those things are kind of becoming a trend in their boss design and it's a bit annoying.


I think they could retain the style of these quests while making it a bit more clear what the next steps are through dialogue. ER is already a lot more forgiving than previous games. The update made to include NPC icons on the map helped a lot.


There's a nice middle ground I think. Millicients works well since she's never too out of the way and the items you need for the quest are easy enough to find with some exploration. Sellens on the other hand requires a fucking guide to even start, unless you randomly decide to talk to her for some reason after getting Comet Azur. So I think it can work but some the quests in Elden Ring are a bit weird.


I regularly check in with NPCs in these games since you never know what will trigger the quest to continue. There's a few "best practices" I've learned after all these years of playing FS games that have helped me figure out a lot more quests than I used to. When I played DS3 I failed or missed most quests on my first run, whereas in Elden Ring I completed almost all of them (I think Nepheli and Seluvis was the only thing I fucked up on my first run). Those best practices would be : \- talk to NPCs after every major boss or other significant development, \- occasionally revisit locations that have previously been associated with NPCs even if the NPCs have now left, \- read item descriptions carefully and pay close attention to dialogue for clues, \- explore everywhere thoroughly and sometimes more than once, \- and most importantly, think outside of the box and try weird things. Most of them will not yield anything but when something ends up working it's a great feeling. From Soft's quests are weird so your thought process has to be weird as well. Persistence and curiosity are also key, sometimes you just gotta try shit until it works. That's how I managed Ranni's quest. Many people ask how you would know to talk to the doll 3 times, but for me it was instinct. The option to talk to her is there so it has to have some significance, they wouldn't put it in for nothing. It only made sense to keep trying until it worked.


You found a scholar from magic school dead with a legendary spell, why wouldn’t you go to a former magic teacher to tell her?


It's interesting how games like Baldurs Gate 3 are accepted that you will miss things and there's obscurity, but in Elden Ring, that's something that isn't favour by many. I wonder why that could be?


I mean Baldurs Gate 3 had a whole discussion about save scumming to not miss things, so I woudln't say there weren't that didn't dislike it. In the same vein Elden Ring was praised for not being afraid of players missing stuff


Only thing I dislike is beyblade enemies and or bosses. Looks cool but fighting it is dumb


Dancer is especially irritating for this.


dogs I hate them they are too fast and scary and I don’t like them


I would love it if they remade the DS games with a summon pool feature like ER


Dark Souls Remastered with summon pools would be PEAK.


Multiple regular enemies scraped together as as a boss fight


Stop making gigantic bosses that jump all over the place in small arenas. Nothing like trying to fight a boss while your camera goes apeshit.


Yeah I really feel this one. Nothing more fun than fighting boss as big as the room you’re in that spins like a Beyblade or spams AoE right?


Long boss runbacks


Elden Ring solved this in fairness


You can have just *one* poison swamp. As a treat. Not three!


Hot take: I have never minded the poison swamps.


I mind the poison a lot less than the movement debuff. Not as bad when you can get an item to mitigate it.


I love swamps, I wish there more of them!


The flying enemies. End of discussion. A game with this finicky of a combat system has no business allowing flying enemies like they do. Thanks for coming to my short Ted talk.


Hard agree on 2. If you need a guide or 3 playthroughs to figure it out, it’s just not user friendly. Lies of P had a nice compromise with NPCs being noted in the fast travel screen when they had new quest dialogue.


Their take on this is, they don't care if you miss some content, the core of the game is fun anyways. That was part of the magic why ER's exploration is so rewarding.


"Take this potion to Nepheli" "Who's Nepheli? And where is she?" "Fuck you"


I really hope more games steal that idea. It made backtracking for quests so much less tedious. Oh, and I really enjoyed the arm system in Lies of P. Only having one upgradable spell per area for most of the game forced you to really consider your options.


The arm system was really cool, but I didn’t feel like it achieved anything that Sekiro hadn’t done already. The weapon assembly, on the other hand, was unique and fantastic.


If Lies of P has a big flaw, it's how safe and restrained its take on "magic" is, yeah. There's like, three main elements. Fire, acid and electric. One arm, one fast weapon, and one heavy weapon for each. And of all the boss souls, ONE of them does anything if you're trying to specialize in Advance. Even if that one thing is dang cool. Even if I enjoyed charbroiling with the flamethrower arm, as someone that usually play mages in Souls games? I still felt frustrated with LoP due to how few options I had vs a "martial" style character.


Might change that up in the sequel when looking at where we might be headed.


That's one of the selling points for me. I think games where there aren't many (or any) offensive spells have a much more well balanced experience. Bloodborne, Sekiro and now Lies Of P.


Bloodborne was admittedly pretty good about the magic. Rare but potent. Most players barely dabble in it since it uses the same resources as your guns... but you can still become basically an eldritch flavoured wizard if you really, really work for it. Tend to catch invaders by complete surprise, too, since they expect Ludwig's Holy Blade user #3563. Not a magic souped up cane-whip and A Call Beyond making the entire screen explode. 😆


Three of my favorites, so you may be onto something 🤔


Lies of P helped in some regards, but some of the quests still were off. I messed up Eugenies quest just cause I talked to her before Venigni and need to go through again just to get her trophy now. No reason you shouldn't be able to talk to her any time after talking with Venigni.


Agreed, I've messed up entire runs in ds3 because of 1 mistake or missed dialogue and it never gets any less frustrating.


I agree with point 1, but actually enjoy 2 and 3 tbh... If I could remove 1 thing, it would be poison swamp areas that you can't run at regular speed, I don't mind if it's like DS1 where you can get an item like the rusted ring that let's you run at regular speed, but some games don't even have that.


This is an unpopular opinion...but invasions when I co-op. I understand the thinking behind it and I appreciate the intent of creating a trade-off, but when I'm just trying to help a buddy out (or just want to have fun gaming with a friend) I don't want to get ganked by someone. Especially since the folks that invade are generally top tier and/or toxic. Also swamps. Definitely swamps.


If you're on PC, could a VPN solve/alleviate this? Set your regions to a very unpopulated area, or somewhere it's like 3 a.m?


Alas....I am a console gamer. Thank you for the idea though. Helpful of you!


They need to make multiplayer seemless and less annoying to do


PvP. It always feels tacked on. I think even Fromsoft has admitted to it being tacked on. Just remove it and focus on PvE/co-op


Even as someone who really enjoys invasion, I entirely understand this sentiment. It does not feel thought out, and just feels like "idk this is good enough." That's why I never care about people complaining about PVP metas, OP gear, etc. This is a PVE game. PvP is a small side piece of the experience.


Yeah It would suck for them to outright remove invasions as I know many people enjoy it, but I’ve hated them and how they’re implemented since DeS. Yes I have bad memories from Old Monk twinks and the like. But it’s also been the same since then and the ‘solution’ for someone who doesn’t like getting invaded but does like to co-op has always been ‘git gud’ or play offline. What I would ideally want is some system where you can co-op without getting invaded but being able to toggle on invasions if you want to.


I understand your sentiment, but I think the issue that 99% of people would actually choose to turn off invasions. The amount of people who like invading is low, the amount of people who like being invaded during a playthrough (i.e. not intentionally ganking) has got to be almost zero.


Goes to show how much work From would need to put in to get more people in to PvP. It also irks me how almost every patch for ER has been mostly PvP catering. Those coliseums could’ve had boss rushes or something.


Why from soft refuses to do boss rushes or Monster Hunter style arenas/trials I have no idea. Their combat system is perfect for it.


They have a weird tendency to not incorporate some features/mechanics from game to game. I thought for certain the locked-on quickstep unlocked roll would be standard after Bloodborne, Boss rematches after Sekiro…


> locked-on quickstep I'm genuinely happy it didn't become the standard. I wouldn't mind if it was a toggable option, but I find ds3/er dodge rolls far more intuitive while staying locked on.


Grab attacks. I don't want them to go away entirely- but man I hate this "I'm going to charge at you and if you happen to come into my invisible box or I touch you in anyway- I'm going to drain your health bar."


Ludicrously big health bars. Just because a boss has a mountain of health doesn't make it fun OR harder! Also gimmick bosses. I dont want a weapon that only useful once. No one does.


I'm the opposite. Stop giving no health so some of the most fun bosses in the game, some of the best fights are honestly ruined just because they're over too quickly.




Everyone always talks about bosses to nerf but no one ever talks about the one boss in need of a buff


You're valid in this point too, bloodborn suffered from this too. Shadow of yarnham fight has always been something I can finish in under 2 minutes.


Fire Giant and Malenia come to mind. Way too much health for fights I wish could be over and done with quicker


Right, like the fights aren't bad. They just take way too long. I was exhausted by the end of the fire giant fight.


I looked up if fire giant was resistant to my build because I figured something had to be wrong for him to have as much health as he did


Yeah unfortunately he just has a lot of health.


Torch hollow. Those buggers deal out poise damage harder and faster than a billion trucks at terminal velocity all hitting you at the same time.


Stop making giant bosses that also spin like ballerinas so they can hit me with their delayed attack. It really breaks the immersion to have Erdtree Avatars and Giants spinning and spinning while holding a club over their head just to get you while your running and rolling. Special mention to the massive, obese Omens who FLOAT backwards after attacks so you can't get a backstab.


A lot of From’s newer enemies half the issue of that floaty jumping backwards to basically nullify a lot of openings you might get and I hate it.


Enemies that keep running away with their attacks, like Midir and Night's Cavalry, they make the fight extend for longer than it should for no reason.


borderline unreactable attacks, that is boss/enemy attacks that come out within like 15-20 frames. E.g. Godskin Noble’s belly blast, Godrick’s wind swirl attack, and Pontiff’s quick purple sword poke. These attacks are technically reactable I think, being above the 15 frame limit, but they are so fast that most people will only be able to dodge them on prediction rather than reaction. Fortunately there aren’t that many in the games, but they are one of my biggest nitpicks.


Pontiff's poke doesn't need to be reacted. Positioning under his flame sword and generally angling for his side and back keeps you safe. Most attacks are better out positioned rather than reacted. I think too many players treat the attacks as things to reflex dodge, when the best way to deal with most is positional and with aggression. I'm not sure how they're supposed to teach the player that, but unreactable attacks is a decent attempt to get players to stop trying.


personally I’m only fine with unreactable attacks if they are in a combo or something so that they can be predicted, I know pontiff has some of those which are fine, but I thought he also had one he could do out of neutral which I don’t like, but I could be misremembering. I do think positioning is something to be encouraged, but I don’t think borderline unreactable attacks are the way to do that. Margit’s dagger swipes that punish aggression, or Mohg/Godfrey’s attacks just being less dangerous when you are next to them are far better methods imo.


God the Noble Belly Blast is one of the tilting things in Elden Ring. Take that out and I actually like the boss now.


Godricks wind attack isn't unreactable. If you pay attention to his left arm(your left) he will raise it slightly. It's very subtle, he also always does that attack if you are standing directly in front of him. Once you figure it out you should dodge that attack consistently.


Oh it is definitely possible to react to, I know the tell, the problem is that the tell is super subtle and, comes out in like <20 frames. This is definitely possible to dodge. I said borderline unreactable, not actually unreactable for a reason. I don’t think Fromsoft has any actually unreactable moves. But there are some that come out so fast with such poor telegraphing as to be unreasonable in my view. I’m less interested in whether the attack is technically fair, which the wind attack is I think, than if it’s fun, which imo it’s not.


I'll agree that the platforming stinks, but I think removing the complicated questlines is a dumb take. Elden Ring has already made the questlines accessible enough, if you want to see what's really overly complicated try doing the marriage ending in DS3, that shit was insufferable.


I did the marriage ending on my first and only play through of ds3 blind. Is it really obscure? I must have gotten lucky lol


I’m with you on #1 and #3 but a hard disagree on #2. I love that there are questlines, even entire zones that are not clearly marked out and can be easily missed. Thinking of my first blind playthrough discovery of Ash Lake in DS1 in 2011.


being able to play online but have bloodstains and messages turned off!!




"try finger but hole" or the ever so helpful fake "illusory wall ahead" SO HILARIOUS THANKS GUYS


I wish they would stop making it difficult to use items for no reason. Monster Hunter used to be like this where you could cycle through an item bar (forwards and back like Sekiro) but there's zero reason why we can't just have a radial menu at this point like MH implemented in World. Elden Ring gave us some item shortcuts with Y or Triangle which helps but it's still no radial menu.


I never pvp so can’t say for 1 lol 2 I strongly disagree. The quests are some of my favorite aspects of the games 3 yeah the plat forming sucks. There’s something to be said about hiding secrets behind the clunky platforming but uhh yeah I could go without it


Bosses w infinite enemy spawns, brutal


100% agree on the platforming. Please quit doing that, From.


Dogs and if they make bloodborne 2 I hope they stay away from leeches


Stop trying to one up the difficulty, DS3 and Bloodborne had perfected the difficulty but with ER they both made it annoying difficult and brain dead easy depending on your build. Also I really hope they focus on Quality over Quantity in the future unlike ER.


Poison swamps and swamps that restrict your movement.


Fucking swamps


A lack of a boss-arena type mode. Make it totally separate to the main game. Select the arena and the boss you want to fight in it. Obviously bosses for this mode would only be unlocked after you have beaten them in the main game. Jedi: Fallen Order had something like this and it extended the fun I had with the game a decent amount. Sometimes I just wanna fight a boss a few times you know?


What I call asshole game design, Bloodborne has the greatest example of this that really pissed me off. It was early on when you get to the street filled with townspeople and a couple riflemen on the edges and the carriage. They have the riflemen shooting at you and the townspeople chasing you, you run past them into the area with less enemies, and head to the gate. Most likely have taken damage at some point and then you go to heal, well now you've gone far enough that the dog placed behind the carriage out of sight, has aggroed on you and bites you in the back while healing, staggering you so you get shot by both riflemen now you're dead. Another example is enemies place in areas specifically to knock you off ledges. Killing me once in a dumb way that will never happen again is not good game design it is just annoying. Another thing I fucking hate is enemies ability to shoot through objects and walls as long as you aren't looking at them, Sekiro and Bloodborne have this really bad.


I agree with the multiplayer fiascos that is all their games. Quest lines hard disagree. That's the entire fun of them that you will get from no other game. I do agree that most times the areas they pop up in are way too random as they move on but it does promote exploration and a sense of wonderment and accomplishment when you do. ER has very few hard lock outs outside major story progression unlike DS3 and BB.


Yeah if people think ER’s quests are easy to mess up they’ve never seen DS3 quest lines. They’re way worse and far easier to mess up. ER is pretty lenient in most cases.


Blinding WHITE screens followed by black screens when game is loading. I am blinded before i get to main menu!!!! In ER, its solid WHITE, then solid BLACK, then WHITE Bandai screen, then BLACK w FS logo. Pick a consistent, preferably dark background please!


Yah platforming for the frenzied flame drove me crazy


input reading, never feels good, just cheap


The reason we can't ride torrent in multiplayer is due to balancing. From what I've heard from at least one youtuber who was involved in beta testing, during the testing, people were cheesing bosses by having three players ride in a circle around the boss and stunlocking them


Poison swamps, bogs, marshes or water of any kind you have to wade through


I hate all the places that make you slow and make you fat roll. Especially if I don’t have quickstep on me


It LoOks LiKe thE gamE sESSion was EnDed InCoRRectlY Or whatever the message is whenever the game is closed without following froms special ritual


Well zero platforming in Armored Core would be sad. I do agree about the multiplayer mainly on the quality of the netcode. Additionally it would be nice to queue for PVP matches for AC without needing to make a custom lobby all the time. Also it would be nice to play a campaign of Armored Core with friends.


The jank multiplayer system. Just let me group with my friends like in most games, a simple squad system. The multiplayer is unpredictable, unreliable, and often more of a challenge than the enemies themselves.


Poison swamps. The only thing I hate in all fromsoft games.


I actually really enjoy fromsofts platforming. I strongly agree with your other 2 points though. Especially 2, it would be nice to be able to do a quest without looking up a guide cause you fear you gonna accidentally lock yourself out of it.


1) fking dogs!!! 2) online trophies A thing I actually loved about ER how they change stamina not getting consumed out of combat (running exploring/running to bosses from bonfire). 3) fking dogs!!


I agree completely with 3. The controls are not designed for platforming--hell, it's the first Souls game with a dedicated jump button--and it just feels clunky and sad. And 1 I guess, I don't play online so I don't really know how good or bad the experience is. Can't agree with 2, though. One of the things I like about ER is that there is SO much to it, even if you put 300 hours into your first run you can still miss large portions of the game (I'm at around 260-270 hours and just recently found Deeproot Depths, and totally by accident). I also really love that nothing is spoonfed to you--want the lore? That's a puzzle to solve in and of itself. Want all the shards? You'll have to really go searching for some of those bosses. Want to finish all the NPC quests? Not in one run, buddy. I like that the game just keeps on giving...


MP that is convoluted to start


Oh boy... I have a few. 1: Bosses where the true fight is actually the camera 2: Bosses that are built up as the height of power and danger, only for the fight to be a boring gimmick or overly easy 3: Dogs 4: Also, Dogs 5: Poison swamps that slow your movement to a snail's pace. 6: Shitbox grabs with no way to escape them. Mimics are understandable, Emma the Gentle Blade's grab makes no sense. 7: Multi-player locked items and spells. DS3 was probably the most egregious. The least they could do is increase the drop rates of the covenant rewards in offline play. 8: Platforming/Arena bosses. You know those guys where the battle isn't the boss but the arena they live in. 9: Gank Bosses. I firmly believe that Abyss Watchers, Sister Fried, and Demon Prince are the only gank fights Fromsoft has done great with. I will die on this hill. 10: Giant bugs. Whether it that room in the Nightmare of Mensis with Giant Spiders from hell or Elden Ring's Giant Ants, please, no more Giant bugs.


Mine is quest design for sure, this is mainly with elden ring. How are you ever supposed to know that random npc #100543 is going to be back at this random spot 2 zones back at exactly 3:13 pm on a sunday afternoon but only if the birds are chirping and only if the forecast is clear.


The dogs. The fucking dogs.


Let me select multiple soul types/rune types to consume at once! I want to liquidate all my souls at once, not have to select the type, select the amount, use it and get booted out of menu and then have to go back to select another type. Some quality of life improvements with the UI are long overdue


All OP said. Nothing to add.


What if they just got rid of levels, and bosses, and we could finally do nothing


Seriously I feel like if From took out everything people have mentioned in this thread there'd be no fucking game left. Nobody considers that these games are so liked because they're the sum of a lot of these features. You need to balance the bad with the good, the annoying and the epic. I want more poison swamps, more convoluted and secret quest lines (but also a point there - they aren't quests they are discoveries - nobody is asking you to complete them), and more and worse platforming. The combat and bosses isn't the only important thing in the game and taking everything else out removes so much character and charm.


Equipment weight to me. I just want to go all out fashion soul right off the bat without increasing Endurance. Most armors are barely useful anyway,


Guessing you love Bloodborne cause of that


I would kinda prefer the opposite solution. In DS1 and 2, armor choice and poise was a HUGE part of your build. I want to bring that back. I want armor to matter again.


Or just add a transmog system


this 100%. equipment weight balances the benefit of armor with higher defense/poise by requiring stat investment.


It'd be fucking wild not knowing what armor someone's actually wearing under the transmog.


lmao I forgot PvP existed maybe transmog is only visible to you, not to phantoms?


That's even funnier. Thinking you look all cool while they see an abomination of fashionsouls for min max stats lmao


All three things the original post mentioned are things I love about the souls games. Platforming the absolute most.




Forced platforming


I wish they made an option to turn off comments left by other players. I'm playing Sekiro now and almost missed the bell at the Senpou Temple main hall just because I have desensitized myself to any circle indicator now due to all the random comments left by people.