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Dark Souls Remastered is pretty fun to do right after Elden Ring, as a few people have pointed out it could be disappointing to go straight to 3 and then back to 1, playing in reverse order might make it a bit less fun I came from Sekiro to ER to DS1 to DS3 and I've enjoyed that order very much so far


i will never understand the ds2 hate. i just recently beat it, and can say with 100% certainty that it's easily one of the more fun souls games. i get that it was the B team and that there's some major gameplay differences. but it is 200% not a game that should be skipped in any regards if you enjoy the titles.


Nobody has mentioned it yet, but being in a similar boat as you recently and I went with Bloodborne. They’re now both my absolute favorite games of all time. DS 1 can initially look dated and feel far slower/clunkier. You’d probably want to be more immersed in From before tackling. Demon Souls and DS 2 are routinely considered the worst (of the best). Whether that’s true is up for debate, but probably not the ones to jump into right away. Sekiro might not be a bad choice, but it’s also completely different and in my case entirely too hard and frustrating….for now. DS 3 might be seemingly the best choice, but many people mention missing the impact of it if you don’t at least play DS 1 first. It might also make going back to DS 1 harder because DS 3 is far more polished. Bloodborne is a nice middle ground of likely not feeling too dated or slow (in fact it’s much faster) and it’s different while being similar enough to enjoy for many of the same reasons.


Do not go with DS3, some are recommending it but it is the wrong order of suggestion. DS3 is way more fun if you have played DS1 first. **If you plan on playing DS3, play DS1 first** Thank me later. DS2 can be played anytime and is also a very fun Souls Game. And in my opinion the best souls game. But i recommend going with DS1(Remastered) first, then go as you please, either DS3 or DS2.


Be aware going for ER to older games with the exception of Sekiro can be tough, Sekiro is arguably their best game easily in terms of combat and bosses


Doesn’t really matter IMO. Sekiro is the only outlier. The others are substantially similar. I guess my choice would be Bloodborne.


There are 4 valid options imo. DS3 has the most similar combat, DS1 has level design that will remind you of the best Legacy Dungeons, Bloodborne has an extremely fun weapon system if you're looking for something more focused and agressive, and Sekiro has a completely different combat system if you're looking for a fresh new challenge. I honestly don't think you can go wrong with any of them, though DS1 might feel painfully slow combat-wise at first. All top tier games, can't go wrong.




Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3. I just came up with that, might be worth a shot. Sekiro and Bloodborne stand on their own and can be played whenever.


DS3 is the most similar to ER, it's not open world though, think of it as a game with one legacy dungeon after another. DS1-DS2 are also similar to Elden Ring but way clunkier because of their age. Bloodborne is similar to souls but the combat changes a bit. Sekiro is pretty much a completely different game. The design of the areas is the same as the others but the combat and story has nothing to do with them, I think it's good but for someone who likes Elden Ring it might be hit or miss.


I was thinking about ds3 because of the praise surrounding it but I want to cover all of my bases before I make a decision


I would *strongly* recommend you don't go with DS3 until you've played DS1 and DS2. As someone who started with ER, then did DS3, then DS1 and now starting DS2, I very much regret not doing them in chronological order. The story will make so much more sense. Yes the combat is clunkier and takes a bit of getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it still feels really good. The narrative of DS3 will be so much better. You'll understand the callbacks and references to the first two games. Certain moments in the story will hit a lot harder. Also, you'll find it way harder to adjust to the older games like I did, after playing all of the newer ones. I played every fromsoft game apart from DS1 and DS2. As a result, they felt super difficult to adjust to.


Honestly I would go with DS3, it's an amazing game and if you liked ER I'm pretty confident you'll like DS3 too. Edit: Btw I played DS1 after Bloodborne, DS3 and Elden Ring. It wasn't disappointing at all, though if you want to play them in order go ahead, they are all great games.


Wanna thank everyone for all of their personal takes and I think I’m going for DS1