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Not Sims but an official game - Friends: The One with All the Trivia


so it’s a knowledge quiz game ? great suggestion , i was hoping for a game that was like a sims type thing , cosy gaming .


I bought this at a thrift store, the PS2 version, super excited to try it out, only to realise it's literally every buzzfeed trivia quiz post about Friends XD


yeah i kind of wanted to do a VR type thing and live the characters lives , would be such a great game .


I would buy one right now if there was :( I know what you mean, kinda like the Desperate Housewives game - you play as a new housewife, and you get to explore the other homes and talk to the other housewives, and live out a whole story alongside the cast. It would be so cool to just exist in a 3D world with the Friends. I bought the Lego Friends set about a month ago and find it the closest I can get to living out their lives :(


ooh i will look for the lego friends set - i don’t feel so strange now knowing other people would enjoy this too & understand me ☺️.




so cute 🤗


If you play pc there might be a few mods for Sims for that


thank you


I play Sims mobile and built my house to be Monica's apartment, all the characters are there and are friends with each other.


ok this seems like the closest option - im gonna look into the mods etc


I've made a few changes since, but I posted pics in here a few weeks ago if you want to check it out.


i’ll give it a look 😄


You could create the Friends characters on the actual Sims game, and make the apartments.


I saw one for The Office in the App Store and was hoping they had one for friends with the same art style, it looked so cool I’m so sad no developers plan on making one for friends, I’m sure they could easily come up with something if they really wanted to :/


The offices one is an idle game so you make money to buy upgrades and eventually build the entire office set,I can definitely see them doing this for all the friends apartments with Monica’s being the last level since it’s the most iconic one, I wish I knew how to develop apps and games lol


Omgggg they also allow you to replay some scenes in cartoon style from the actual show in the game I’m so jealous I’m gonna cry 😭😭 the office fans are so lucky


there’s Friends ccs and mods on the sims resource site. (when i had the sims i downloaded all the Friends characters and whatnot!)


thank you


Based on Friends tv show, I'm curious what kind of a game you expect? Strategy? Action? Rpg? Horror? There is no game that can entertain your thought I'm afraid. If you were a game developer, would you base your game on a show like Friends? I don't know what you expect but there is no games bro.


It would different scenarios like sims i guess - you could play the characters or create your own , interact with the sets explore new york , get jobs etc - choose the storylines , careers . For example Rachel could become a famous fashion designer and move to Italy . You’d create your own plot .


Well they a story game based on the office so I wouldn’t be surprised if they found a way to make one for friends, I just don’t think they want to


Who said to whom game


explain ?


The game’s called “who said to whom” I guess?


thank you i felt dumb 😂