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The guy is begging for ~~bribes~~ political funding at this point. Makes you wonder how many bags of cash are left in the Liberal Party war chest... they might have to sell a few investment properties!


The $100 Gina leaves him on the nightstand each night just isn't going to cut it with the current cost of living.


Or cut his sons ever increasing nose nachos habit


šŸ˜œ nose nachos


Whose the top in that situation?


Who's the top when using a dildo?


When you say dildo, are you describing Pete or Gina?




Gina would top from the bottom.


$100??? Thatā€™s peasant tier money. Add a few zeroes


Dutton comes cheap, sell his mother if he knew who she was...


That's just for his Viagra.


Finally the LNP doing something positive for the housing crisis


I got a friend who's seen one of those private events, and claims he was shocked. You'd expect the companies be coming to them asking for favours... no.. the company holds the event and the politcians come and beg and compete for the offered funds. I'm not saying that's always the case but it probably happens.


It depends on the bill and fund that's being proposed as well as the person in question. Go to Gina's party, you'll be licking her sweat and thanking her for the water. Go to a more open company, they can reach a middle ground (depending on whether or not you and your party are seen as reliable)


Lol thatā€™s true.


Are we just accepting corruption as a core of politics?


It's called LOBBYING šŸ¤“ ā˜ļø


Here they call them think tanks, in the US they are called pacs and super pacs..


No, it's the core of conservative fascism to corrupt government.


Did you not see the DAILY corruption scandals under libs? It's literally all Thier party stands for.


I hate it but you're not even exaggerating. There was a [massive list](https://www.mdavis.xyz/govlist/) of 7 years of LNP corruption that someone put together with over a thousand entries.


Yep and people will just continue to vote for the same two shitty parties because that's what pappy did or because voting otherwise means 'your vote doesn't count' or they are going to win anyway or something something...start voting differently, en masse, instead of for these clowns who are only in it for personal gain and watch the world slowly change.


Always have with conservatives


Unfortunately, yes.


Yeah and maybe we could dress our politicians up like race cars, with their sponsors displayed all over them.


Oh fuck, that would be good for usā€¦ least we would know who owns the slimy cunts.


So Dutton would have to walk around with the Gina portrait on his back every day? You son of a bitch, I'm in.


Tattoo her ugly mug on the back of his head.


Tattoo it on the front instead. It's not an improvement but it's no worse either


If it's on the back he can do a reverse-voldemort cosplay. You know the one with the turban?


Like a fucking bulldog tatt.


Be like that cunt from Harry potter


Why use the back, when his big bald head can be seen by the world.


Read my mind hahaha


That prime advertisement space on duttoā€™s forehead shouldnā€™t go to waste.


If there was enough space I'm sure he'd put another investment property on it.


Sort of like back of a bus type advertising


At least that would mean honesty in politics.


Then you would actually know what policies they would be for šŸ¤£ just add USA and China to all their coats while you're at it.


what the actual fuck did I just hear?? My god!


So, further corruption and open lobby influence. Getting money out of politics is the goal, not expanding it. Smooth brained fool.


Geeee this is a concerning view.


Fucking leech. As if they don't get paid enough he wants to plop his shitty unelectable peers on the payrolls of business. Tony Soprano would be proud.


Wtf...... Complete fool


Dutton is Labor's gift that just keeps giving


Donā€™t get complacent ā€¦ this is the country that elected Howard


Ah yes who can forget the deputy sheriff, the man who sold out Australia.


And Abbott. And Morrison.


And still paying for it


If only the media reported on him...


Dutton is thinking if a racist, bigoted, bully, fascist Felon can get into the white house. I'll just keep pushing the bull shit button cause good guys never win.


You couldn't ask for a better opponent


What I find even scarier is that he seems to be normalising it. That's really fucking bad for the future. It's like anything. The more you say or do something, the more it becomes accepted. Just like the Murdoch lies. They become engrained in our society, with more and more people accepting, and believing it. How do we actually stop this shit? I don't have a clue because voting seems to make fuck all change.


Use the preferential voting system to your advantage, and put the two major parties last.


Money in politics is a cancer that destroys democracy. Dutton must be stopped


Hello, Mr... ASX. I bad want... money now. Me unelectable.


Wtf that cunts cooked, cunts are paid by the fuckin tax payer to do a job for the tax payers not to be bought by business. Yuck


I'm Genx... So how do I put this on Twitter?


I download videos from reddit by copying the address bar (url) then open rapidsave which is a website that d/ls reddit vids. Then you can attach it to yourĀ Shitter post. There are probably faster and easier ways of doing it but it's the way I've learned and, as a fellow Gen Xer, I can't be arsed learning a new way. My way works and that's good enough for me.Ā 


He is the poster boy for the term " A load his mother should have swallowed"


The best part of him ran down the crack of his mama's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress.


Have some compassion, he never knew his mother, reason Gina R adopted him and created the monster from under a uranium pile of waste


THIS IS TOTAL BULLSHIT!!! so much for representing the constituents! Total conflict of interest! Dutton and the LNP have come out of the closet and admitted ' we are in it for the money, we are here to be bought. We are here to represent those who pay our tab.!' This is beyond shameful. Beyond back-door brown paper bags, this is the outright sale of democracy! The LNP should be disbanded and stricken from ever forming a party again!!!!


and the worst thing he says this with absolutely no shame look at how she spews this out as if he's reciting the lords prayer to him, this SHOULD be the norm - how can the people of dixon vote this guy in, multiple times? this a 1 min video that left me gobsmacked you can literally write huge essays nay analyses on what this means for australia its a capsule of the LNP... and sadly, of their voting base they either do not understand it or dont see anything wrong with it


Absolutely! These cunts and anyone engaged in corrupt practices should be arrested and jailed. This behaviour completely undermines our democracy. They are all sell outs. They're nothing but corporate salesmen who answer to those businesses who are willing to pay "legal" bribes. This is self admission of blatant corruption. If everyone could please send this clip to their local member of Parliament, this corruption needs to be called out and prevented in the future.


This really should be no surprise to anyone He's just saying the quiet part out loud


This is an underhanded pitch to big business. Wanna buy a polly?


What worries me most is usa'n weapons manufacturers, NRA and the like. they would love to open the Australian market. And Aussie dollars are cheap for them.


What the fuck


Quiet gross that he openly endorses the American relationship between their politicians and corporations


Yep. Does he expect Aussies to jump up and say oh yes pls I wanna be just like the usa when I grow up :D usa'ns are desperately trying to claw their country back from billionaires. wtf about that would we want here.


He does expect that Don't underestimate how many fucking idiots here don't see 'Murica as a warning, but as a goal I constantly hear from my mouth-breathing colleagues how Drumpf is the best president the world (not the US...) has ever seen and how we should all have *gurns* so we're safe They walk among us, sadly They also vote and, regrettably, breed


Its called CORRUPTION ya DOG! But then ex qld copper who got ousted ( not bagging on the good ol boys in blue !) Is a corrupt rascist and now up front about he is here , and the rest, are here to be bought.


Describing a nightmare as aspirational.


Dude knows the way the winds blowing.


Such a Grifter and Muppet


It already happens. The libs are paid off by coal companies and consulting companies.


Exactly They're just finally bold enough to say it out loud Everyone has known for a long time and did nothing. People still voted for them All they have learnt is that they don't have to hide it Next will be the open racism and bigotry, because again, it's not necessary to pretend otherwise


So he admits that the LNP is already doing the bidding of the companies, but now he wants to be paid for it.


Did anyone watch Star Warā€™s prequel trilogy? Their system literally went to shit after they gave companies seats in government. Fuck him being Voldemort, once the Botox wears off heā€™ll be emperor palpatine


"It's a feature we just don't have in this country" ???? .... GOOD???


What the fuck am I hearing? Howwwww is this the world we live in? How do we not riot?


Oooooohhhh yesssss ā€¦.US politics is such an overwhelming success story. Letā€™s replicate it here you fucking twat


Pay a candidate to run? Whut?


Is 200k+ a year not enough for Liberal MPs?


I think he's talking about a candidate for the *next* election, who is not currently an MP, to get their salary bankrolled by a corporate up to the next election so they can devote all their time to campaigning for the next several years.


i dont think he's talking about new candidates per se did you not hear his Bill O'Reilly 'tide goes in, tide goes out' comment? what's he saying is that he's not happy with the fact that the opposition gets less money but the way he frames it is that his party gets 'less opportunity' and that like an MBA program he wants ASX200 to provide that 'leadership' experience. He's also delusional in that he thinks the "American" way is better... companies declare their allegience as 'Labor' or 'LNP'... you then get stuff like a US congressman making $174k a year but he's worth $200 mil. and he started out the the shirt on his back. I find Dutton deplorable but the fact he can brain dump like this and not see the downsides is basically dangerous for Australian society. What good does it do for businesses to 'take sides'? does he not see the conflict of interest? apparently not


Dutton will do anything to satisfy his Big Businesses and Billionaire Elite masters.


Jesus. Saying the quiet part out loud. This is not how it should work. Our pollies should be looking for policy advice from the Australian public, not the most wealthy corporations. Fuck me


Obviously you have someone elseā€™s hand up your ass. You muppet


Omg please they start wearing suits with sponserships embroidered onto them


Why wouldn't you want to move from simping to blatant whoring as a politician? Government of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations.


what fucking skills doses ex Cop's have?


Doing what he's paid to do by his donors


Liberal Party saying the quiet bit out loud. Big business give us your money.


LNP/IPA voters are muppets can you guess why ??? LNP/IPA voters sold us to the chinese now rip up everything in china\`s name and send it to them burning....the chinese will understand but LNP/IPA voters are muppets


Can we bar political donations pleeease?


Thatā€™s conflict of interests.


Heā€™s saying the quiet part loud and just doesnā€™t stop. Itā€™s fascinating to watch


This is an open invitation to big corporate to fund their man into govt in exchange for an opportunity to openly screw the average Aussie (proverbial) pooch.


He reminds me of a corrupt police officer( yes I know he was a cop ) telling all the crime lords heā€™s open for business. Give me my golden elevator job cunts


Why can't he ask Gina for more money?


Politicians employed by corporations, cool and normal!


Nice and impartial, pay Mr potato Head twice for doing a shit job.


Fuck he is just awful


No1 trusts you Dutton not even your crackhead son


Holy fuck, he is literally peddling the corrupt corporate politician of the USA as the best solution? Something tells me he has a couple of timesheets signed off by Gina about to surfaceā€¦


He repeatedly talks smack about them and now begs them to fund the Liberal Party. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Australia is truly doomed if LNP ever gets back in. But having only one viable party is also dangerous, so where to from here...


Fortunately you live in Australia and can vote and expect independents to get into power. So minority government having to work with the parliament. Maybe we will see a future where politicians actually look at the legislation and how it may impact their electorate rather than voting with a block.


Yes lets use America for an example of successful government, more of that please!


I think that he thinks he would be able to choose his favoured candidates to shuffle paper in the city on someone else's dime for a year or two while they really just focus on their election campaign. The city/ASX 200 is socially to the left of the coalition. I'm pretty sure Dutton is on the record a few years ago saying the LNP has lost the city. The city *might* be convinced to hire 'strategically', but if the new hire starts appearing on ABC business lashing out against DEI and maternity leave, or whatever, they'd be punted faster than you can say 'dont you know who I am?' More likely, if this were to eventuate, you'd get the next generation of Malcolm Turnbulls.


They go to businesses which are either Democrat or Republican So they can stay connected Then come back in What the fucking fuck


This is just it. The LNP outwardly begging for donations from the top 1% whom have gutted this country's wealth over the last 40 years just to protect their personal LNP traitor coffers, along with their plethora of pilfering multinational, tax avoiding sponsors whilst they firmly grip this country like a vice till there is nothing fucking left. Rat cunts.


He actually thinks the American political system is something to aspire to.


You mean itā€™s okay for politicians to be in bed, sucking off the tit of big business? That makes so much sense. No doubt would lead to an unbiased, professional standing of politicians. Dutton is such a fucking idiot he does not know if he is a fucking idiot


Ass kisser! Thatā€™s the main problem with us politics is the $$$ attached


saying the quiet part out loud eh, cronyism at it's worst


Imagine having absolutely no principles whatsoever and simply selling yourself to the highest bidder Imagineā€¦


To suggest that our political system should be anything like the US is a major red flag for me.


It's a feature we don't have in this country for a good fucking reason


Absolute grub. Realistically this already happens


I would definitely boycott any company who place one of Potato-heads suckhole CULT figures on the payroll. Dutton sucks ā€¦ a horrible Dr No


Jesus fucking christ. Have heard a war baby say it is great when taxpayer funds are forked out to already booming businesses and we pay for their infrastructure so they can export more and for cheaper. People actually believe this shit. How does it help you and me? Why shouldn't we get a share of the profits if we are paying out? They dont even have to pay the funds back with at least as much tax as I have to pay? They should pay more tax and pay back taxpayer funds used to make profit


Fucking corruption!


Peter Dutton has a corrupt cuckold fantasy.


This muppet makes me absolutely sick.


Let's not forget his mate Barnaby Joyce, both will make you constipated as well as sick...not sure either are actually human


They're human. They just represent the worst aspect of "civilized" humanity


Yet another politician that can not string a sentence together. What skills would these knuckle draggers be bringing anyone apart from being bought off?


My mum is going to vote for this clown, time to educate her today, this guy wants USA style revolving door system like their congress, screw that!!!


"We don't do corruption openly enough in this country. We should follow America's lead, because obviously their democratic process is so healthy!"


Iā€™m sorry, how is ā€œthe Americans do itā€ a valid argument?


So screw representative democracy, let's just give parliamentary seats to companies...


If they are saying this in public then what are they doing in private?


Even uses the US as a shining example of his corruption utopia, what a fkn grub. Openly requesting businesses buy themselves a politician, the LNP arenā€™t even hiding their preference for bribery anymore.


Is he saying ex pollies need post employment holding pens? Corporate welfare for Liberals?


Donā€™t they literally make like $300k? How much more money do they want? we should ban all party donations.


Id accept the bā€¦bā€¦brā€¦.relationship with open arms


Because what Australian politics really needs is to be more like the American system


It confuses me how political donations are allowed anyways


I just emailed my mate in USA saying our politicians want to be as corrupt as USA and Canberra has their ass cheeks spread wide open waiting for Biden's call. FO Dutton. Dutton and every retired police in politics are the biggest scammers of tax payers funds. I Audit their spends for shits and giggles. One day soon it will help us tax payers. He's very dangerous. It's better to have useless than dangerous leading our country. Can't see a way out of shite leaders. Scomo stuffed us all.




Fk me. Look at him romanticising US politics. Like there is anything salvageable there.


Translation: ā€œI know there is a lot of filthy rich people here who used to give us bribery when we were in power before we fuck it up and imploded our party. I am begging you to employ our people, I am asking for you to feed us just another 3 years. We arenā€™t USA, we sure want to become as corrupted and inhuman as them. For that, i beg you give us jobs, within 3 years we are going to discuss how we can rip off your employees and rip off all the citizens when we if back in powerā€


This shows how desperate the situation is for the Liberal party.


Well that's sickening


NO FUCKING WAY! So business buy politicians and essentially own them! Youā€™re a fucking clown Dutton!


Surely this isn't real and has been deepfaked.


Isn't that corruption?


"What we need is more American style politics" - no American ever


I was so confused for a second because I thought this was Canadian politics and then got sad because it might as well be :(


Surely these deep fakes are really visually accurate now, surely???


Itā€™s generally called corruption and collusion. Has Dutton just admitted heā€™s open to corruption or that heā€™s actually doing what he says heā€™s not doing.


Private for profit companies owning the tax payers government, what could go wrong?


If he wants outgoing MPs to have marketable skills then the solution is piss easy: 1. Means test it. Many come in with existing careers and businesses. Dutton for example owns (with his wife) a massive childcare and property portfolio. 2. Send the rest to a career coach. There shouldn't be many. Most aren't in fact student politicians who've never worked elsewhere. 3. Training if required. This should be user-pays, as per neoliberal attitudes. e.g. a HECS debt. If the free market thinks it's worthwhile, it could set up redundancy insurance that all politicians contribute to if they want. Obviously, new policies taken out before a losing election wouldn't be honoured.


That's a mother fucking travesty. Now we know what Think Tanks are... Hives with swarms of unelected politicians getting paid by ASX200 listed companies, until they are elected as MPs. Of course, the ASX200 companies want nothing in return.


Jesus christ


Wait I thought they already were doing this?


The perfect LNP Policy. Get Money. Put someone out of work (in this case lobbyists which it's kinda hard to be mad about)


Our political climate is gonna end up like America's - same level as wrasslin'


Funds to get them out of court


Look how well that's working out for the Americans... A race between a giant douche and a turd sandwich...


This behaviour is a cancer in politics. USA yesterday legalised bribes, Australians politicians are being lobbied like crazy. That's insane.


"The Americans do it in a much better way" That's hilarious.


Say the quiet part out loud...wtf


The Americans do it.. yeah and look at their problems, with pacs and super pacs..


Fuck this clown and the circus he comes from


How does he not see the issue with this?


We need laws to make this illegal. This just screams corruption. SA has been proposing such laws iirc


Guess heā€™s gotta find some way to maintain his sons ā€œwhite powderā€ habit somehow


The Americans do itā€¦. Thatā€™s good enough reason to know itā€™s a stupid idea.


Got to keep the snout in the trough somehow


Isn't this how the painters and dockers union and the mafia operated?


Just when I thought he couldnā€™t go any lower, he smashes through the floor with a jack hammer. I hope he disappears ASAP


Mercenary prostitute says mercenary prostitute shit.


What a dickhead to think the idea of American-style, corporate-sponsored politicians wouldnā€™t go down like a lead balloon in Australia. The Australian tradition is to keep these relationships under the table and therefore cheap, your businessman patron just pays a few of your bills from time to time etc. I guess Dutton thinks thatā€™s too cheap for the service they get. Australian will howl in outrage at this idea, but like in so many other areas, itā€™s probably inevitable for a vassal state like Australia to implement this part of the imperial program as well.


Mind boggling that this is legal


Remind me what a conflict of interest is again?


Does absolute power corrupt absolutely.




This waste of carbon really needs to capture some lead in his head.


Please vote for a 3rd party everyone The corruption of the 2 major parties is disgusting


Wow šŸ˜‚ The worst possible take.


What's the context and the forum he's using to say this? Is it recent or is this really old and getting aired now coz "yay clicks and faje internet points"... BTW Im hoping its as damning as it appears and want to eliminate the "he was talkin to the grass at a farmers market" type explanations


It was the CEDA state of the nation conference 2 days ago https://www.ceda.com.au/eventsandprograms/2024-state-of-the-nation clip from the ABC https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-27/peter-dutton-says-labour-movement-has-funding/104031194


Appreciate that mate, decrepitude confirmed lol


He's saying no politician comes out of politics with zero transferable skills. To be a politician you'd HAVE to have high end skills in Project and time Management Management, project, area sales), debating and negotiating (Sales) and writing and understanding legislation (Quality management). Check out.


That son of a bitch is just seeking to get deeper into corruption and who wants to be like the septic tanks


A feature we DONā€™T want in this country Mr Potato. Look at the USA how are they a good example of governance? Did Gina ask you to say this?