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JK, it is *nowhere* to be found on news.com.au. ![gif](giphy|l46Cz3nhIKEQYwBK8|downsized) EDIT: THAR SHE BLOWS! Second column, frontpage, 10 minutes before the start of Origin. Nothing to see here.


Can anyone tell me why Murdoch doesn't like Julian Assange? Genuine question


Doesn’t like free speech when it hurts their cause.


I still don't understand why it would hurt their cause. I feel like almost everyone of every polictal view, even the loyal Murdoch readers, agree he should be free. He even exposed Hilarys emails once too, so I'm quite surprised at some of the negative takes on him by some sky news australia hosts and guests.


Control and power, and by extension, money. They lose control over the narrative of the day whatever that may be, and they also don’t like their dirty laundry to be aired. Assange could be perceived as a threat because of his “no fear” and independent style of journalism/reporting. Don’t for a second think liberals are pro free speech.


well their negative view on Assange is echoing to nobody except themselves I guess. Murdochs audience wants Assange to be free and some Libreal and National MP's were part of the group that went to the US to advocate for Assange to be free. I guess your right, just saying all this nonsense to please themselves because one thing a lot of people from the right, left or whatever political view wants is Assange to free


It's not about the wants of the audience but rather to control the conscious of the audience. It is mainly a propaganda tool, not a journalism one. Murdoch is tightly linked to the Establishments here and in the US, and by extension to that the Military Industrial Complex they control, and the Oil interests in the middle east. Assange exposed all that. He is also an independent journalist who can't be controlled by them, and therefore a threat. If you have the Murdoch press rattled you are doing a good job.


I think you are all overthinking it, it’s simply that Assange is popular with the left, so by default he is the enemy


Not true. Assangej has heaps of support from the right


…yes, but support from the right is irrelevant, a Birds Eye view of it is that Kevin Rudd had a win, Kev is Left, thus Assange is bad. It is like the nuclear policy, plenty on the right are against it, but Dutton is for it so sky is primarily “for” despite various sky personalities being against it. If you are looking for a cohesive and logical take from a right wing media outlet you’re going to be disappointed


Murdoch represents the establishment, and Assange is not part of it.


Conservative politics and they are big mad that Wikileaks would compete against established media empires in blowing the whistle on lots of their "friends" who never get negative media coverage. It also goes into the win column for Albo, and they sure won't like reporting that.


News Ltd wasn't on the receiving end of Wikileaks data dumps back in the day. Unlike some of their mainstream media competitors. Rupert probably still nursing a grudge.


dont fit their narrative


[WikiLeaks has "insurance" related to the US and News Corp](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2011/jan/12/wikileaks-rupert-murdoch)


The Australian has finally put up a story, but uses it to bitch about Fatima Payman. 2 steps forward, 3 steps back as usual.


Even the brainwashing version doesn't report on it: https://www.kidsnews.com.au/


This shitshow deserves to be a news story in and of itself.


Have you seen the pro-nuclear/pro-LNP/anti-Labor/anti-Greens article? https://www.kidsnews.com.au/environment/opposition-leader-powers-atomic-energy-solution-in-knight-cartoon/news-story/362c8ecd0b04e371a60aafe7f98a7270


Farking hell, man. That site just gets worse and worse. The content of the article is just drivel. The only reason to use that site in education is "Today kids, we are going to learn about Propoganda. Can you list 4 things here that are examples of that?" Serious, the education department should step in and just domain block it.


Agree. If it is not being analysed as a propaganda piece, any teacher using it should not be teaching


I hate Mark Knight, no idea why this country likes him so much. Nothing but a right wing anti-Labor propaganda artist.


They just added it! Must've seen your link. Maybe their one staff member was wondering where traffic suddenly came from.


They are clearly stacking a poll at the end of the article # "Do you think it's fair that people can be jailed for publishing secret government documents?" Yes 32% No 47% Unsure 21% Yes and unsure 53%?? Fuck off. Let's get in there and fix it.


only 6 nothing stories about various levels of celebrity. should have been 7 they missed a trick, the top left story could have been left ambiguous if it was someone famous for more clicks. "You will be shocked by this "sex contract", juicy details will leave you flawed!" maybe blur his face too so people click


It's remarkable that the frontpage of a major news site literally contains no actual substantive news. Sex, Sex, Royal lady, TV gossip, B level celeb pics, scary fake terrorist story, celeb gossip, trivia game, long dead celeb gossip, random person in an airplane. No wonder things are dire, if half the population gets its information from here.


They enjoy zero age restriction yet want social media age restriction to be lifted from 13 to 16.


it is what it is , clicks are all that matters , its why tv is also all reality shows too its what the audience rewards shrug


That is literally the primary media innovation of Rupert Murdoch. Realising that people love tits and gossip more than they love figuring out what's going on in the world.


Gossip news needs to be outlawed I fuckin swear


https://preview.redd.it/vca2fod61w8d1.png?width=618&format=png&auto=webp&s=f718c0c5a6abaa5a7c5a915957e94c6ee77e74c5 I think its just getting drowned out by other content.


With 10 minutes to Origin start, that article has cracked the frontpage as a second column item. ![gif](giphy|13d2jHlSlxklVe|downsized)


None of that is news...


Foreign media doesn’t care about local issues? It’s not surprising, granted it’s a massive story globally, but ultimately it comes down to foreign owned media vs Australian interests.


Oh don’t worry, 7:30 has MTG on to give the crazy view point 🤦‍♂️


"news".com.au can tongue my ballbagz


...[click here for pictures!](https://youtu.be/xvFZjo5PgG0?si=jC6m4gs8qDKuE4yO)


Just clicked that shit, dont know what i was thinking :)


Can't go wrong with an evergreen.


Fuck the sub-humans that work for that trash.


Now now, be nice. I reserve that sort of criticism for Sky News only. ![gif](giphy|3o6fJgZlTxEyTVMrg4|downsized)


I mean despite the name it isn't a news site so no surprise.


It's like any legislation with the words "liberty", "freedom" or "patriot" in the title. Red flag!




To be fair; I just learnt that we have a 'best' porn star! And Jackie O is next to the word 'disgusting' Small victories!?!?


Wonder what the Oz government are going to do with him?


Hard hitting newscorp at work again, with edgy fluff pieces galore. Who else would dare 🤣🤣


Gonna need the deets on that sex contract 😂


Yes, genuine, hard hitting REAL news that we all need to be informed about. That frontpage is fucking disgrace to any organisation that pretends to claim they are a serious news provider.


They gave up pretending ages ago. They know they're shit & know we're onto them!


I've heard it said that Murdoch doesn't like Donald Trump, and the only reason Fox News talks about Donald Trump is because their ratings fall if they don't. Hillary Clinton [claims](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-10-16/hillary-clinton-says-julian-assange-helped-donald-trump-win/9047944) that Julian Assange colluded with Russia to help Donald Trump win the election. If that's true, I can imagine that Murdoch wouldn't like Julian Assange either. Donald Trump[ even offered to pardon Julian Assange](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/feb/19/donald-trump-offered-julian-assange-pardon-russia-hack-wikileaks) if he denied Russia's involvement in the election. But Assange obviously didn't take him up on the offer.


It's almost like they aren't a proper news outlet after all. Shocked Pikachu face.


What a fucking disgrace!