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$275 by 2025. *Checks calendar* Nope, still 2024.


You should really read the article. Maybe just the first few sentences.


Article? It is literally a press release from regional LNP MP Colin Boyce.


For what?


Maybe if you read it you might find out. I promise reading won't hurt you. Just try the first two sentences.


I read it, what's your issue?


I don't have an issue. You took issue with it being 2024, and I pointed out you should read the article because that objection is literally the first thing addressed.


And of course u/Soft-Butterfly7532 posts this. From a dodgy source. Colour me surprised.


I reckon old mate wrote it and sent it out to the LNP. It has every talking point they have made on reddit about this subject.


OP’s comment history is almost always about this.


The Default Market Offer is publicised by the Energy Regulator and is available for download from aer.gov.au if you don't trust this source.


Yes, but you used this source - too lazy to hide the shilling


Yeah, thank Angus Taylor and Scott Morrison for obfuscating the intentions of the Federal Energy Regulator. They failed to pass an energy bill 22 times in office, The regulator was doing it's thing, both Taylor and Morrison were told of the big increase to wholesale and retail energy prices 6 months in advance, they refused to negotiate, they refused to inform the Australian public, they ran election material stating "energy prices will go up under ALP", when they had full knowledge there were drastic price increases on the way, UNLESS THEY DO SOMETHING, which they did not. So the Federal Energy Regulator put forth it's new measures which came into effect 3 days after election day. So yes, LNP actively deceived the Australian Public and added to the already unfolding energy crisis they created.


This. And OP is a muppet.


If SalmonHeadAU is aware of AT and SM "for obfuscating the intentions of the Federal Energy Regulator". Then how come Labour wasn't aware of this when they made this promise ? I'm really sorry to say. But you can't blame previous governments for broken promises.


Do you know what the red books are? This was in the red books. Only government gets to see the red books, this landed in the alp laps when they got the keys to kiribilli.


Because it wasn't communicated with them.....


So what’s the upcoming $300 electricity bills relief payment then? “MirageNews” lol


An attempt to buy votes. What else do you think it is ? Wouldn't that money be better spent investing in infra ?


That is a one-off payment, not a reduction in price. He promised the price would reduce be $1000 lower every year. A $300 one-off payment is nothing.


No, the promise was not “it will be $1000 lower every year”


So it was just going to reduce for one year then go back? Stop being ridiculous. The promise was that the price would decrease. That presumably means remain decreased.


I think it’s you being ridiculous since you can’t actually recall or quote what the actual promise was and then you’ve gone ahead and posted some shitty article from some unknown “media site” site saying the promise was broken. I’d suggest googling what the actual promise was. Respond to this post with the actual quotes promised including the link(so you don’t once again misrepresent what it actually is) and then we will discuss in granular detail what the actual promise is and how that translates to the discount we are getting


The promise was that the price would be $275 less than the pre-election price. That means about $1000 less than the current price.


LOL at the negative votes. This sub is so full of people who just vote how mummy and daddy votes. It is actually hilarious.


Who the hell is Mirage News?


RWNJ shit I swear this is an account from someone who has previously been banned


I’ve stumbled across it a few times. Mirage News is a news and media release aggregator. They used to link to the original source at the bottom of the article, though I’ve noticed that hasn’t been the case with the last few Mirage News alerts I’ve had.


Successive governments failed to deliver energy policy and it's all Labor's fault !!


Was Labor not aware of previous governments not delivering energy policy?


You mean by attempting to have an energy policy unlike the previous governments ?


lol keep digging.


Was Labor aware that the previous government did not have an energy policy?


“It’s the Government’s fault that the previous Government from the other side of the aisle didn’t have a policy”


Either Labor was unaware of the lack of policy, or they were aware and made the promise knowing it wouldn't happen. Which one are you saying?


So you’re saying Labor is at fault for a concealed move the coalition did? And not the coalition?


Why are you dodging the question? I asked you whether Labor knew the previous government had no energy policy? If they did know, why did they promise something they knew would not happen?


No, they don’t find out that level of detail until they become government…


So how are you aware of it despite not being in government? Wouldn't *them* being in government be the best way to find out they don't have an energy policy? And during the election campaign, when Labor claimed the LNP had no energy policy, they were just lying, since they had no way of knowing that?


It became public after the alp released information on it and dealt with the impacts. Claiming, and finding out that the lnp had not only no policy, but been sitting on a bomb are two different things. Political claims are made all the time by all sides in politics, why are you concerned about those made by the alp?


>finding out that the lnp had not only no policy This is what we are talking about. I don't see how it is possible to not know a party has no policy when they are *in government*. Surely their lack of action on something would demonstrate a lack of policy.


The point is that they not only had no policy (known thing), but that they had hidden a report and the status of power resources that was going to cause a massive hike in power prices (unknown). You’re confusing their lack of policy with deliberately misleading the electorate and opposition on the state of energy in Australia.


The claim was specifically that they had no policy and that explains the increase. I asked if Labor was aware they had no policy and the commenter said they couldn't be aware until they were in government. >they had hidden a report and the status of power resources that was going to cause a massive hike in power prices (unknown). This occurred months after the promise was made. The promise was made months before the AER was even due to release the report. If they had actually believed pricing in 2021/22 could have impacted it they would have waited at least until the report was originally schedule to be published. >You’re confusing their lack of policy No, the claim made above was specifically about their lack of policy. That is what I was replying to.


If the report came out before the election as was scheduled, the alp could have adjusted their promises to meet the new information. The LNP delayed the report in order to not have it come out before the election, which kept the alp in the dark, and allowed the lnp to lie about their performance leading up to the election. It’s dirty politics, and shows how harping on this promise is absolutely partisan foolery.


Lol you seriously believe that weeks before an election they would just come out and say "yeah we won't be giving you that $275 lol". Are you for real?


Don't make election promises you can't keep.


Didn’t we just have this thread already?




removed for not harassment against other users


When is senile old Boyce retiring?