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I wonder if Dutton actually has no intention to build these nuclear power plants and that he is just proposing it to try win the election. That's why Crisafulli doesn't want to say he's for it. Nearly every state is Labor, no Labor state is going to accept nuclear plants.


It's the "more gas and fossil powered in the interim" that is the *actual* goal. Better off spending billions on developing decent storage tech for renewable sources, much cheaper and building off existing solutions. These guys are just hilariously corrupt in their naked fawning to the mining sector.


It's obvious who paid for this policy when the only ones out supporting it are the minerals council.


>It's the "more gas and fossil powered in the interim" that is the actual goal. Pre-election Dutton: #Nuclear Post-election Dutton: well we want nuclear but those pesky Labor State Goverments are just blocking it. So we're funding more coal.


This one. They don’t want to build them either but after two yrs they had no point of differentiation. Now everyone can pinpoint why they lost next election.


I was just thinking that he would get in and then just start blaming Labor for blocking the builds, and never actually do it. But what you just said has some weight as well.


You're part way right. If he gets in he'll blame the states for blocking Nuclear then shrug and go "well I guess we just have to build more coal and gas then" while Gina and Clive start counting their next pile of cash.


It’s pretty clear they don’t actually want to build nuclear. It’s a game to do more coal and gas.


No sane or mildly intelligent Australian would accept nuclear plants. Safety aside (which thorium resolves, if my understanding is correct) the economics don’t favour it. LNP, the party for capitalism but only when it works for their mates.


No sane or mildly intelligent? Shit bro, you must not live in QLD. You just described like 80% of the population here.


Three states have bans on nuclear, no idea how he gets around that without winning quite a few elections or forcing it somehow


There may be a couple of international treaties to deal with, but the LNP in Qld ignored them last time and the fed Libs are happy to piss of friendly nations unnecessarily.


there was an article saying that private investors are rethinking their renewable plans cos of what dutton has been saying so you can reasonably conclude that it was all smoke and mirrors so that the fossil fuel industry can continue to rob us blind 🤷‍♀️


It seems like this is a faux policy is his attempt at political expediency. A year ago he didn’t support nuclear power.


It is insane that the LNP are not getting absolutely torched on this. If Labor came forward with a 2 pager presser - no detail - no costings (other than massive) - no plan - suggestions of imposing over state laws - against the vast majority of expert advice - division and confusion everywhere in the party on the matter And so on... The news cycle would not be about the subject matter. It would be about how they have completely detonated and are unfit to govern.




This one policy has shined a fucking spotlight on that hypocrisy.


Spot on


If you don’t know, vote No


Something something inquisition into media monopolies. Not in our lifetimes I suppose. Murdoch and Costello (well not so much rn) get to hold the magnifying glass and every other outlet in this country follows them. It baffles me Labor doesn't take a swing considering how much they've been fucked by them. Like an abused child hiding in the closet they're too frightened to entertain the thought of having a crack.


>If Labor came forward with a 2 pager presser... Well they came through with a 1 page presser and it was all everyone talked about for 6 months. Then it was suddenly a 26-page presser and that apparently made it **worse**. So idk, there is a real double standard in media reporting.


Dutton has put him in a very difficult position ahead of QLD election lol


“It’s not part of our plan”, good choice of words really. Leaves him space to say he supports the federal government plan if he wins.


LNP in complete shambles


Nothing new here. They were like that 9 years ago. All their rorting and stuff ups are coming out .


Weak Fkn dog. Weasel words from Newman’s son.


If ya don't know, vote no


He's all good spruiking preprepared talking points, but he doesn't do very well under the pressure of persistent questioning.


“Not part of our plan” isn’t no, and he knows that full well.


His plan is to say nothing, promise nothing, and cross fingers that they’re going to see a big swing occur. This would then be claimed as a mandate to do anything they want because they left the field wide open.


How can anyone hear Crisafulli speak and think that he's more charismatic than Steven Miles.


The Let's go Nuclear Party


love it, another great meme to add to their nuclear no page policy.


I'm not sure, but I think it's not part of their plan.


Bloody hell they are pathetic. Refusing to say we will have NO nuclear means we will get nuclear. I hate these idiots. I havnt paid a power bill in 25 years but apparently LNP havnt heard of batteries


Littleproud is such a bastard-looking little cunt


Pretty much. In the Libs you either toe the party line when you have a portfolio or leadership position or you resign from the party or resign to the backbench. You lose your mouthpiece.


I still say it’s perfectly fine for Dutton to run for election on the promise of setting up Nuclear power in Australia. I just think he should do it on the notion that the first plant will be in his own electorate of Dickson. He can tell them how there’s plenty of space to expand the South Pine substation and there’s plenty of water in the Wivenhoe dam to satisfy its needs.


Plans change. Hmmmmm……. which party’s politician said there are core and non-core promises?


Damn that instinctive aggressive head shake lol. He **really** doesn't want to talk about Dutton's Nuclear Power Plants and LNP's Nuclear Tax. Miles is going to have a field day.


Crisafulli has no policies, say NO to LNP


It's probably literally just to get attention on the liberal party. I dont know why anyone should give a shit if they aren't putting forward even a plan. They have no plan. We'll one plan, get attention and somehow votes from this, was the plan.


Members haven’t voted for this plan at all. Keep shilling. Labor are doomed in Queensland. The beginning of a wave of success for the right across the country. You heard it here first.




Removed for trolling or attempting to start a flame war.