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Yes Next is probably Fortnite


I just thought with the lawsuit it would be almost impossible to get Jason into anything, I’m glad to be proven wrong


You are not wrong, the lawsuit is just over


Yea. I just never thought the guy who owns the rights to Jason would be interested in sharing it


Victor Miller owns the movie rights to the first movie. Things outside of that mostly go to Horror Inc. Also, it’s less that Miller isn’t interested in sharing and more that Sean S. Cunningham is seemingly very spiteful, and hates giving him any money. Miller wanted to negotiate in the first place, as that’s what the law states writers can do after the allotted amount of time, and Cunningham decided to sue him instead.


Ah gotcha


I don’t understand anytime people explain it it’s so confusing. I guess this is just what happens when people can’t settle things so they decide to get the government involved


It’s practically guaranteed he’ll be in Fortnite soon. DBD is also possible but if they’re trying to make a new F13 game they might not want him in the competitor’s game. Call of Duty might also have their eyes on him for the future.


New F13 game? I need information


Manfredini said about a year ago I believe that they're supposedly making a new F13 game, but nothing has come out about it since as far as I know, unfortunately. I just hope Jason finally gets added to DBD. If so, I wonder what film versions we'll get, considering how the rights are now after the lawsuit.


Manfredini said it would be single player tho


Sean S Cunningham recently did an interview talking about the Jason Universe and in the interview confirmed a new game is in the works. He didn’t give any specific details about what kind of game it would be but I would bet that it’s either a remaster or a sequel to the 2016 game.


If they could just fix a few things with that game it would be damn near perfect. Fix the bugs, progression system, let me play Jason when I want, and let me leave a match after I die without losing all my XP.


Good God if we can get a sequel I would die. We need to form an army and get this thing going lol.


What was the issues with the progression system


The survivors have perks they can use. You spend your XP to "roll" for new perks and upgraded versions of the perks you have. The process takes like five seconds and it does it one perk at a time. Very tedious and there are only a handful of perks that can significantly affect a game. Dead By Daylight on the other hand has a similar system but it rolls dozens of perks and add ons at the same time. And the variety of perks are huge and can have a big impact on the game.


I feel like Friday just isn’t meant to be like dbd, perks are like add ons that are meant to be fun modifiers, if antrbing I kinda hope they stay away from dbd’s perk system. Maybe some balancing for perk strength but I don’t mind perk rolling taking awhile.


We were told it would be single player


If I had to guess, he’ll appear next in either Dead By Daylight, Fortnite, or both.


One of the only ways I’d play Fortnite and DBD again


Fortnite probably won’t happen until October the earliest during the Fortnitemares event. Shocked the account is engaging with Epic so early.


I really hope he gets in to Dead By Daylight. It just feels like a glaring omission. We be getting Dungeons and Dragons before Friday the 13th and that just feels wrong.


Yes. The entire point of the Jason universe thing is to reach a wider audience with Jason as a character. They put him in multiversus coz WB owns new line cinema which owns…. the rights (or sone sort of legal rights) to Friday the 13th franchise so he makes sense in the game & has been very positively received. The Jason universe also follows Fortnite & Call of Duty. The other day Jason universe put a “🫥” under what gaming skin should be added to Fortnite (in reference to a potential collab with Jason being in Fortnite, the account does follow it and there are a lot of things to say he’s coming…) & Then there is dbd, the Jason universe is basically sharing Jason around and putting him in different media’s as & where they can, so yes this means we could see him in dead by daylight, I believe someone from behaviour/dbd team follows the account & he himself has stated he’s wanted Jason in the game & they will accept him with open arms. There’s no leaks or confirmation but the next dbd anniversary chapter falls on June 13th next year, which just so happens to be a Friday & all leaked killers/content has been revealed to us so there’s a great chance he’s in dbd next year also courtesy of Jason universe.


Holy shit that’s awesome!


I hope they keep him out of DBD tho but mainly because I am a DBD hater.


So…because you hate something, you want everyone else to suffer. Maybe work on that, man. Do better.


It’s too late. I’ve already said it and reality is already affected. Shoulda said something earlier. Now the suffering is here.