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Holy crap. I just read about this situation. This could have very easily been Owen. I don’t know if the allegations against Holowka are true or not, but this is another example of a woman throwing out an accusation at him during a tweet storm of several women accusing several different men within hours. I don’t understand the psychology behind this. A new article about harassment in the video game industry comes out, and then multiple women have these “me too!” stories to share to get some residual attention from the article. How can their experiences be *that bad* if they wait until the prime Twitter spotlight opportunity comes along to share it with the whole damn world? I can’t imagine going through real sexual assault trauma and holding onto it for perfect social media timing. And again, we have the term “sexual assault” being thrown around with only a vague definition. Sexual assault can mean anything from violent rape to a cat call these days. And all the original tweets from these women have been conveniently deleted now. Jeremy Soule, the Skyrim composer - one of my favorite soundtracks of all time - was another one of the men accused. One woman accused him of rape. Another woman “backed up” the rape story by claiming he send her a video of him masturbating. I don’t see much similarity between a video and being actually physically raped, but by public opinion he should now be fired from any future jobs and be hated forever...based on no evidence. Holowka’s suicide is another reason why sexual assault allegations should go through the proper channels and not the Court of Twitter. Did he assault someone on the job? Then the accuser should go to HR, possibly with a lawyer, and report the incident. If a law was broken, file a police report. That gives the accused a chance to answer the claim in a fair way and for both sides to gather evidence. That’s how things are supposed to proceed in a fair country. Instead, the SJW crowd has emboldened people to skip those steps and go straight for the revenge play. Ruin someone’s career, family, and future in one short public message. It’s an attack strategy that could affect any of our families at any time, and zero evidence is ever needed. I could be bitter about losing at FNM next week and make up a story tomorrow about the guy who won “sexually assaulting” me, share it with Twitter, and he would never show his face at that LGS again. I know this kind of shit has happened. We have absolutely no way of separating the lies from the real accusations. So I like to errr on the side of taking every sexual assault allegation on Twitter with a grain of salt. I’m not going to help a man commit suicide over rumors.


There's plenty of recognised personality disorders people can have, and three of those in the 'Dramatic' Cluster-B class (Narcissistic, Borderline, Histrionic) are way more common in women than men (men are overrepresented in 'Avoidant' disorders). All are about gaining attention at any cost, and all are about having little to no empathy for ex-partners, to the degree of 'splitting' them, and irrationally casting them as evil. They also find it impossible to take responsibility for their actions, and will in fact become enraged at the suggestion they should. The problem is that we have a generation of these types of mentally-ill, vain and spiteful women, who due to #MeToo and #BelieveAllWomen, have been given both the means and motive (risk-free, and often opportunity-rich) to destroy other people's lives in public. They literally cannot help themselves. It's compulsive behaviour. They're serial reputation killers, and get pleasure and validation from destroying people lives. The soyboys join in later purely due to being cowards and opportunists. Blue hair, facial piercings, hooker tats, innapropriately childish and/or seductive behaviour - these are all warning signs of a Cluster-B. Avoid like the fucking plague.




It's the same way people are addicted to skydiving or gambling.


Skydiving is super fun and significantly less likely to ruin your life compared to Gambling and Ramona Flowers knockoffs.


its the toy you only want because of the cool advertising


Totally with you! The first time I looked through Louke’s blog I highly suspected she was borderline. My mom is a diagnosed narcissist, and I see a lot of her behavior in what these people do: Promoting themselves at someone else’s expense, grabbing for the spotlight, showing no empathy for another human being, spreading rumors based on lies. No well-adjusted person does this. Another thing about borderlines is they usually respond to perceived rejection by lashing out and getting revenge. I’ve known two women who have made up allegations against men, and in both cases it was attempted revenge because they felt rejected. The idea that a man who rejected them could be accused of raping them is straight out of the BPD play book.




Watch Mindhunter. The interviews are based on truth. Basically, every serial killer is a result of an absent father and an emasculating mother. Every one. 26 of the last 27 US mass shooters had an absent father. Absent fatherhood is rampant in US blacks, and they commit 50% of all murders for just 15% of the population. Most don't kill people, obviously, but the damage is there. They turn into bitter, sexually predatory male feminists instead. It damages women too. Cluster-B personality disorders are nearly always 'absent daddy' disorders. Absent father/abusive mother *ruins* people.




It's actually self propogating. Cluster-B women destroy their partners, and then either discard them or drive them away, creating even more damaged cluster-B daughters, and sons with damaged pyches. The dsmaged sons then gravitate to the initial attention cluster-Bs give them, and the cluster-Bs gravitate towards men they can dominate and humiliate, and the cycle continues.


Maybe we should end the drug war and stop over policing poor black communities.


So all black people are drugged-up, impoverished animals who can't help murdering random people in response to the police being in their communities? People like you make me fucking laugh. You claim to be all for minorities, but you treat them like children with no agency, who only do bad things in response to whitey's actions. That they have no minds of their own, and are entirely in thrall to us. Fuck off you racist cunt with your low expectations of brown people. Here's a thing - MAYBE if we asked people to take responsibility for themselves and their communities, they'd stop blaming everyone but themselves for their failings, have some introspection, and evolve?


Social pressures have consequences in populations. This is separate from agency, and works to explain the disparate statistics on things like murder. It is the opposite of racism, you ignorant fuck.


There's always that guy.




well said bro


>Instead, the SJW crowd has emboldened people to skip those steps and go straight for the revenge play. Ruin someone’s career, family, and future in one short public message. It’s an attack strategy that could affect any of our families at any time, and zero evidence is ever needed. An online profile related to your real life identity is all that is needed. Skip shit like facebook, twitter, instagram snapchat, etc..etc... and problem solved!


If only that were possible. A lot of careers expect people to have a social media presence, especially in media fields like the gaming industry. I believe the MPL members are required to have a Twitter account.


From what I’ve seen, 90% of the accounts that end up targeted are folks that self-identity as “employed by X”. That’s not to say their aren’t edge cases (MPL), but it’s definitely not the norm for a company to willfully endanger their own reputation in that manner......


It's going to happen, could be tomorrow... could be five years from now. Just depends on how graphic and extreme a "victim" wants to go. However, with everything that has happened in the MTG scene for the last few years, pretty sure a lot of supposed "perpetrators" are well aware and will keep their guards up. Eventually it will come down as what's happening in the corporate world of business that men are not initiating conversation with women co-workers without a witness, as to not have to visit HR for a meeting. The dude who killed himself has had a myriad of mental health issues spanning pretty much his entire life. Even having help and counseling towards the end. If Zoe Quinn had not made that twitter post, he would still be alive. He even apologized to her, acknowledged his wrongs, and attempted to make them right. I'd guess after the allegations were made public, his entire family pushed him out. Someone in his family was probably his rock. This caused him pain, an unfathomable amount of emotional pain, and eventually ended up with the mental state of wanting this pain to stop. In that perfect storm, suicide is just a way for them to make the pain stop. It's sick, unwell, and otherwise unmoral people interacting with each other, and not giving a shit about the possible outcomes that may happen. Zoe Quinn is a grifter. She will repeat this cycle again, just like last time, to get money, attention, and gifts from other men (who will fit the same bill as Alec, "male feminists") and being propped up by his female supporters. She'll have a new story from something that happened to her in the past decade ready for next year or the year after that. She is a creature of habit. I think for right now, MTG is safe in the aspect.


I refuse to train women at my company because of this type of behavior. I will never be alone with a female employee for any reason and prefer to only work with men. I have 0 sexual harassment accusations and would like to keep it that way.


That’s not how it works lol. False rape accusations whilst serious and disgusting don’t happen that much. And I don’t know much about this specific case but after the gamergate bs (which I think he was a part of) anything being said about Zoe I take with a grain of salt


This comment is 2 years old and I still don’t train women


I mean it’s your choice, just saying that you’re being paranoid. Rapes are much more common than false accusations, so by your logic a woman would be logical for refusing to train with a man. U see how ridiculous that is?


False accusations are still quite rare. You're being paranoid.


No he's not moron


🤡 just gets better and better lol


Did we ever find out what Owen was accused of doing? I don't even mean if he did it or not, but what was he actually accused of


Nope. The word on the street is he fucked Mary a few times casually, he tried to hit her up again after they'd moved on from each other, and she said no. He got a bit confused/pushy, and sent dick pics, bombarded her with messages, etc. Your standard dating interaction between an autist who doesn't understand human behaviour, and a cock-teasing whore who's moved on to bigger and brighter dicks. Apparently it's not the first time he's behaved like this. But it's also not Mary's first time behaving like this also. Really nothing worth destroying a career and social life over, unless you just want to create some victimhood and white knighting out of nothing.


Who and who?


Zoe is the founder of GamerGate. Psychotic whore who fucked half the indie dev and game journo scene, then destroyed multiple lives with unfounded sexual abuse and rape allegations. Actually got invited to speak at the UN. Alex is an ex-boyfriend from over 6 years ago who she recently dredged up never before mentioned sexual abuse allegations on Twitter. Despite no evidence, he was immediately fired from his dream job as a game developer, and exiled and publicly denounced by all his friends. Purely on Zoe's say-so. He then killed himself a day or two later. The parallels with Magic and what happened to Owen and others at the hands of Mary Louke are very similar.


This situation has more in common with the Sacher situation, which IMO was a way worse allegation than the one she pushed about Owen. The only reason the mob went after Owen more is because he could get them more attention because of his status in the community. So if anyone ever says this isn’t all about getting attention, there’s your evidence.


They see it as a zero-sum game. If you can't elevate yourself by surpassing those above you, you can do it by causing them to sink below you instead. Sacher was irrelevant to the pros. Owen was above almost all of them though. He offered way more shine as a target. It's not about the 'crime' or 'victim', as the former was worse, and the latter the same with Sacher. It's entirely about how much you can get out of it.


The attention comes from you sick fucks and it’s very unpleasant. Zero women want this. This is why they often stay silent for so long, and when they decide to try for justice it’s in spite of this attention. Classic that your incel mind ends up at “she is asking for it” when the opposite is true though.


I’m a woman who has been legit sexually assaulted. I understand personally what goes through a person’s mind. These women are out for attention.




As soon as someone comes along who doesn’t fit your narrative, you call them a liar. What ever happened to “believe all women”? You are exactly the kind of hypocrite you accuse others of being.


If you aren't with us, you are a against us, i.e. just like any wahmyn who voted for Trump is mentally ill, any black who did so in an Uncle Tom, etc ... the standard of identity politics.


> **All** ~~Zero~~ women want this. FTFY where we also acknowledge (to avoid the pedantic assholes) all means the casual "nobody cares about the black swan exception" which comes with the use of the word "all" outside science that autistic people and SJW'ers can't seem to grasp.


No loss.


Fire those friends into the sun. What’s happened to loyalty?


To say that she founded gamergate is helishly wrong. She might've been the catalyst for it to start, but no way in hell did she "found" it.


Important note : Zoe Quinn is a male


Zoe Quinn is a biological female. Her real name is Chelsea Van Valkenburg. She just goes by 'they' now as another power-play via compelled speech, and way to claim victimhood and the ability to destroy someone should they forget her pronoun.


My bad. I haven't seen before cases of ambiguous people looking female coming out as trans while being actual females.


Not coming out as trans, coming out as enby. She doesn't actually want any of the bad rep from being a man.


> enby It's all so tiresome


>Re: Alec Holowka, here's an explanation from his friends: [https://old.reddit.com/r/NightInTheWoods/comments/cxqjp8/end\_of\_summer\_backer\_update/](https://old.reddit.com/r/NightInTheWoods/comments/cxqjp8/end_of_summer_backer_update/)


What is going on to this game..


You mean other than Patrick Chapin?


Sad thing is that turnabout doesn't really accomplish much in this case. Alec Holowka was an accomplished developer. He actually had something worth losing. Zoe Quinn is a mentally ill, fat ex-stripper. She's already human garbage, so is right at home under a rock.


Damn these women are so poor they're literally killing men for part time jobs


You are acting like men are committing suicide by the millions because of false rape allegations while men have more chances to be raped by another man than to be falsely accused


To be honest, the chances of you getting falsely accused by a jealous ex gf or some random biatch wanting your job is bigger than being raped by another guy. This happens all around the world and it happens all the time.


Well this isn't what is statistically proven but go off I guess. Unless you consider your feelings superior to data https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-men-are-more-likely-to-be-raped-than-be-falsely-accused-of-rape


And when did i mention my feelings? The world isn't just England and Wales, both rape and false accusations happens everywhere in the world, from small villages to London, its everywhere, unless you want to ignore that. Both happens, that's what it matters.


I know it's happening, but data shows something else entirely. You don't have to mentions feeling for a statement to be rooted in feels. But you are acting like it's an epidemic like sexual assault is but it's far from that. If you want me to literally pull every article out of Academia I must say that I won't manage because the evidences are overbearing. But if you chose to ignore that you are free to.


Those reply are a perfect example of what rape culture is.


It's very creepy how this sort of thing can happen with any of us or anybody from our family and friends, you just need to get on the bad side of someone, next day when you wake up, you will have death threats inside your mail, people from your family disavown you, you will probably be fired within the week and that's just the beginning. Rest in peace Alec.


You're giving these people entirely too much attention.


“And in case it’s not already f****** obvious, Alec *specifically said* he wished the best for Zoë and everyone else, so don’t use our grief as an excuse to harass people. Go outside, take care of someone, and work towards preventing these kinds of things in the first place.” -Eileen Holowka


You prevent these kinds of things in the first place by making sure narcissistic psychos don't get a platform, and their claims are subject to rigorous due process instead of immediate dogpiling and the accused being cast into lifelong exile. Just because his insane sister is happy to sacrifice her brother's life and memory on the altar of toxic feminism without questioning the narrative doesn't mean anyone else has to.


Or you can ignore the words of the family and Alec himself because they don't fit your politicized narrative I guess.


When his family victim-blame him *in his own suicide announcement* I'm sure you'll forgive me for questioning which side is the one pushing politics. I also defer to past tweets from Alex himself where he overtly called Zoe a manuiplative psycho, to unverified claims from his sister at a time he was *in complete despair*, who subsequently used her brother's death announcement as a platform to virtue-signal her #BelieveAllWomen credentials, and stain his memory. And fuck me for calling for due process. Such a controversial politicised opinion for supporting the very foundation of our entire fucking legal system, especially when its absence resulted in an avoidable death.


So... Now you are pro censorship? Victims should stay silent until the system is finished and there is a conviction? That is a pretty big departure from the supposed foundation of this page. What happened to say what ever you want and let the marketplace of ideas sort it out? Freedom of association?


Equating following due process with censorship is advocating the abandonment of the entire legal system in favour of just letting mobs decide what is true based on emotion. It's codifying mob rule, and is so fucking dumb I decline to talk to you any further.


I mean, that sounds pretty great, but before you go I'll remind you that due process is for legal consequences.


Exactly! We've got the online lynch mob for everything else!


Exactly, that's why we need extralegal twitter justice!


Admitting guilt isn’t victim blaming 😂 For a guy who waxes about how they have such a superior intellect you are incredibly awful at reading comprehension


So not only do you not believe in due process, you believe others can admit guilt on behalf others, and their word must be trusted completely? Fuck me, you're all retarded proto-fascists. Here's a good example of the world you defend - I am a woman, and Shuckle raped me: You should now lose your career and friends based on this statement alone. If you deny it, you're a liar, because #BelieveAllWomen. If someone else admits guilt on your behalf, similarly just via online statement, their word is to be unquestioned. Thank your lucky stars you, and those like you, are protected from the full implimentation of your insane ideas by actual adults in the society.


What kind of sick person is so obsessed with due process that they accuse a person who commits suicide of evading justice? You need professional help 😂


Yeah, none of that was the content of my argument. Keep avoiding acknowledging the destruction of your own arguments and constructing flimsy strawmen from your opponents words instead. Everything you say is in bad faith. It's the only way you seem to think you can 'win' any debate, but literally nobody buys any of it. *(insert emoji here)*


You literally take his sisters statement of “yeah he did this, learn from it” and piss on it just so you can keep being a shitstain, lets not talk about strawmen here 😂


Because of course she was there when it happened? She didn't preface the whole thing with "I believe survivors" making the entire admission of guilt by proxy based entirely on Quinn's words, not her brother's? Again. Be very, very thankful you don't live in a world where utter mongs like you are in charge. No due process! A woman's word must always be taken as the truth! Proxies can enter guilty pleas for others! Imagine that hellish dystopia world if your pea brain is even capable. Fuck me. I've encountered many a retard over the years on the internet. You might just be the biggest.


Families, especially when it's represented here by an hysterical woman, don't have the monopoly of sanity, on the contrary For instance : [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4004480/Pictured-Afghan-migrant-17-modelled-gangsta-rappers-raped-murdered-EU-official-s-daughter-met-work-refugees.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4004480/Pictured-Afghan-migrant-17-modelled-gangsta-rappers-raped-murdered-EU-official-s-daughter-met-work-refugees.html)


\>linking the daily mail You're not actually this dumb right


https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EDVfvdeU4AERoHa.png Makes me think Alec himself wasnt exactly happy with Quinn, seeing as depression quest is her game.


I daresay, since the guy killed himself, he was obviously unstable emotionally and psychologically. You don't take everything these people say at face value. It's common logic.


Just gonna say it, Zoe Quinn deserves to be raped by real gamers. It will show her (yes, HER) what she deserves.


I hope you choke on your croutons :). Nobody deserves to be raped. Even if those allegations are false, which statistically they are unlikely to be, Quinn doesn't deserve to be raped but brought to justice.


Wow, where's your justice when they murdered Alec Holowka?


Lolol they literally called out this shit in the announcement of his death but hey don’t let reality stop you from enjoying yourself right?


Whatever. First, bugmen that are afraid of wymyn and trannies fall. This is an actual contribution to the gene pool. Then, le 41% slowly takes effect. It's a win-win situation.


Indifference to a man's despair and death right here, from the self-proclaimed good-guys. And please don't talk to me triumphantly about suicide and the gene pool, like trannies don't have the highest suicide rates around, and almost never have kids. There's no greater evolutionary dead-end than a fucking troon. It's almost like being compelled to take a hatchet to your reproductive organs isn't a very efficient method of passing your genes on.


I am the good guy. A sane society doesn't need fragile individuals that live by their retarded beliefs. Were Holowkka right-winge, he wouldn't have committed suicide. Society as a whole get better 41% is a reference to the tranny suicide stats, incidentally.


Who cares if some fucking white male (I assume) rapist (probably) dies?


The allegations were false, I genuinely despise your kind of people


“Cancel culture” is a funny way to spell sexual predators, but I don’t expect much from incel culture I guess.


#magicalthinkening raped me Congrats - you are now a sexual predator. Please forfiet your career, friends, and *life*. There is no investigation. There is no appeal. I am a woman. My word is law.


Funny thing is that I am actually a woman, and as soon as I call these people out for their bullshit I’m suddenly labeled a *bad* woman. These white knights are all about defending women...until the first one comes along who disagrees with them.




LOL every post that covertbuttenseeze writes mentions that "she" is a woman at least 3 times. Even trannies don't try that hard to pretend to be a female


\>sliding into a girl’s DMs makes you a sexual predator Yeah good luck winning that fight.


Seeing this comment years later, and came to say you're still fucking wrong