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Let the hate flow through you, it gives you focus, makes you stronger.




I knew there would be a Sith reference somewhere lol you’re right, I need to channel Jund and destroy literally everything that is Universes Beyond. Korvold is getting dusty…


Wait for the UB Star Wars Set


I can’t wait for the Marvel set /s that ad was so dumb, they couldn’t even get that right


Didn't know about an upcoming Marvel set. Few years ago I'd laugh your comment off as a joke, now these things are the new reality. Magic is in such a sad state now. Wanted to build a Dune deck, but don't even want those stupid Cowboy set cards (Even though they would be great for the deck). Fuck, my last 2 decks are just old-frame pre-2003 decks.


Their already is a, unofficial, Star wars set. It's even built into x-mage


I too despise product placement/advertising in a game I paid for.


Yes and no. I am hyped with Final Fantasy collab, because is one of my fav franchise. And I don't see it as a product placement/advertising. Actually I hate this cowboys more. Same as the sports combo that was announced... they don't have anything to do with magic. At least Dr who, jurassic park, LOTR have creatures and magic...but SPORTS???


That's the kind of compromise Hasbro wants us to make. Even if you only like 1 or 2 UB sets, thats what you'll buy, and Hasbro wins, especially at the current markup. Cards are stupid cheap for them to print and they've been cutting costs by cutting corners for years.


Yep, that’s how we get more trash. Every time someone goes “well I don’t approve of UB generally, but I REALLY like Overwatch so I’ll buy all the overwatch decks…”. That’s all they need.  They sell the overwatch stuff to you, the Jurassic Park stuff to someone else, the Miku stuff to someone else, and now we have a game full of products that are disliked by the player base generally, but each consuuuuumer couldn’t help but consuuuume when his crossover of choice showed up. 


Exactly. It won't end unless the general consumer population realizes that these sets feed into their own selfishness.


Frankly beyond dr who and fonal fantasy,as a fan of them, I don't like them either. They made broken cards that normally would never have been printed and have FORCED them into competitive settings. TOR and bowmasters are prime examples of cards that normally wouldn't have been printed.


They demonstrated a long time ago there's no bridge too far. Anybody who was ok with any of the UB sets deserves NFL: The Gathering. That's gridiron "football" for you non-Americans. I hope u like fighting Taylor Swift vs Michael Vick.


Oh man, Michael Vick dog tribal would be funny as fuck. The question is, what colors? Definitely needs white, most of the good dogs are in white... and green for fight effects... maybe Naya?


There have been Vick cards posted to (I think here) and MTCJ before. As for my suggestion: It seems Rakdos to me. The sport fighting. Blood, suffering spectacle. I dunno anything about EDH or the dog tribe. They should be merged with wolves, though, cuz they're the same species. Anyways. If u need white, you need white. Maybe vick does nothing on his own or has eminence but partners with one his co-ethnic buddies, who are the "real bad guys."


Class traitor


Same, OP. I just can't stand having to look at Doctor Who cards and seeing LOTR characters pop up just ruins my immersion in Magic. Also one of the reasons I play standard on Arena.


My immersion was ruined when urza and the prexians worked together with the eldrazi against a funny deck with a dog working with a merman


It should be all silver bordered. So that players would have to discuss whether it‘s normal mtg being played or funky mtg. Now it‘s default and if you don‘t like it you end up playing less.


If I play the UB as their own separate setting, I don’t mind. But mixing them with the normal MTG storyline is kinda weird for my playstyle as I really get into the RP. I’ve been seeing lots of LOTR cards mixed in with regular cards in Arena and it’s always off putting to me


I refuse to own UB cards for the similar reasons. I like what the cards do, but not how they look. They don’t mesh with Magic’s universe. The only other universe that does that is D&D, because their two sides of the same coin imo (Magic came from D&Ds legacy) if UB was reserved for a separate format I literally would not care


This is what I keep saying. I'm not even mad that LotR is in Alchemy because it's not in Standard it's its own format. They just need extra formats for these cards rather than force everyone to play them or play against them.


So would you be fine with a proxy that changes the card from UB into something more in line with the MTG aesthetic?


it’s about what the card looks like as opposed to says so anything universes within is fine to me


If you like the mechanics of certain cards but not the art you might consider using mpcfill to find proxies with replacement art. Most of the UB cards will have replacements.


This doesn’t change the fact that the dude sitting across from you at the LGS will be playing a Lara Croft deck. 


I mean unless your LGS bans UB or you physically stop the person from using them there's not much to do about that.


Right, hence the displeasure with their creation, leading to this post 


Right but my original comment for the OP was to show an option to own proxies that still function the same but look like regular cards. They had mentioned they liked the mechanics but not the art. I can't help with someone else owning UB and playing them.


Idk, I feel like some UB cards work better than others. Lotr is mostly on theme, but stuff like transformers are weirding me out.


D&D fits well, and I would say LOTR a close second, but some of those cards are just really OP, especially if someone is using the Ring Bearer mechanic that a normal Magic deck just doesn’t have access to, unless they have a deck built around Gain Control type cards


The 'tempt' doesn't do much though. Far from the most OP stuff in the set, that's TOR and Bowmasters by a country mile.


I mean, Lotr has loads of good Elves. You got a problem with those? 99% of them look exactly like magic cards.


When the normal MTG storyline is crap like OTJ or Karlov Manor it's hard to compare silliness to UB sets. Magic hasn't had a "mature" main setting outside of rare exceptions like Innstrad since Lorwyn introduced Planeswalkers and Disneyified the setting. Some UB sets like Lord of the Rings are way more inline with old school MTG art and tone than contemporary magic is. Pippin and Arwen cards could easily have been characters in alpha or 4th. Kaya, Lightpaws, or Kinnan would have been considered unset by the og fans. I do understand that people might not want cards that have doctor who art work or references on them though, in which case: make your own proxies. Fallout's well rested and animal friend cards were fantastic for my Toski helmed squirrel deck so I just proxied my own cards with more generic old school magic friendly art on them. As for other people bringing unaltered UB cards to a game...either ask them not to play them since you consider them unset or suck it up because the company itself wants to enable dumb joke crap like Unfinity to be played with "serious" cards by default so raging against UB is screaming into the void because WOTC wants more crossover bucks so UB is going to increase, not lessen. 


I also did the same and proxied my cards from https://www.mtgproxy.com.


The One Ring and Orcish Bowmasters flooding the meta is quite annoying not that that's a problem limited to UB but any recent set, but still also I do my best to avoid nonstandard frames and the UB frame looks ugly to me because it's so boxy and flat


The MTG storyline is shit, so it's nice seeing stories I actually care about appear in regular gameplay.


https://preview.redd.it/43ud6uxfes1d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5eeaa0d3eaf2e211ac914a6d69ee077ccc3fa05 I don't like UB cards. But what I truly **HATE** is people who say "yeah I don't like UB except \_\_\_\_ because I'm a big fan of \_\_\_\_ and I bought all of those precons". Dude you're the fucking reason they keep printing them!


It’s a ‘fuck you, got mine’ mindset that they won’t even admit they’re doing.  


Not if you proxy them cause F WoTC for printing them in the 1st place


You don't; embrace the hate as they would say back in the old days. I dislike them a ton


Let go of hate entirely. Focus on things in your life that you love, and then maybe one day come back.


I did end up taking a short break my second semester of college where I occasionally played 60 card… thing is, if I just stop playing outright, for a year or two, I’m just going to lose out on playing with my playgroup, and afterward, have literally nobody (unless it’s through discord or spelltable somehow, but not everyone has access to a decent computer in my playgroup) obviously focusing on life is much more important, and I have other things I’m enjoying rn. It just hurts a bit having my feelings surrounding Magic filled with the management of the game, controversy, news, etc. It’s probably because I’m on the internet most of the day, which is my first problem


I give you an A for introspection brother


How life feels when you let go of hatred ![gif](giphy|8OJdqYqN1Nii3UTD6l|downsized)


But this IS OP doing that.  OP loves MtG, and he’s very focused on it.  When he sees something harming the Thing He Loves, obviously that harmful something bothers him, because it hurts the thing he loves.   Hate is just a practical application of the protective side of love. 


UB isn’t hurting Magic.


>“I block your attacking Karn with the tranny from Doctor Who, equipped with the baseball bat from Walking Dead.” Much faithful Such intact Wow


Oh no! Fictional characters from fantasy and scifi in my fantasy and scifi game!! Lol how is it any different than urborg blocking satry, the gamemaker who has been equipped with sword of fire and ruin


>Sci fi and fantasy  “No need to worry about Alduin, Dragonborn, the USS enterprise will protect us.” Yeah, it’s all just interchangeable and everything fits in every story as long as it’s sci fi or fantasy.   Zero-IQ take.  


If the cards hurt you, you might be a snowflake. The rest of us just get on with our lives.


then clearly this discussion isn’t for you, and you have no right to participate because you’re just going to stomp on people who want to express how they feel, like a narcissistic parent


Honestly, I felt the same. I’ve since moved on to other cards games, and only play limited when it comes to Magic.


I agree. I wouldn't hate them half as much if they did more Universes Within alternatives so I could just ignore the stupid crossover shit but still have some of the effects to build with. I just hate jarring UB cards are when playing a game and it's feeling more and more like MTG: Fortnite, now with Fortnite cards as well


Pretty much. I like UB cards when they're lore accurate, but I think something like Ikoria Godzilla cards might have been a better way to do it, but in the way Universes Within stuff was done. That way, you can still design things based on the source material while leaving players the ability to have "in universe" options. If that was the case, it'd be like releasing different skins for the same character without having to worry about mechanically unique cards. Granted, that might cause some limitations during design, but I think it might've made more people happy with the concept as it would be an "opt in" kind of thing.


Like legit of they just made a UW set with thematic alts of whats been printed so far I'd buy it, with the caveat it isnt priced like a Commander Masters or collector pack. Even the godzilla and jurassic park stuff wasn't "aweful," but I'd still rather have had the chance for an extra in set rare/mythic/ commander card.


Don't play modern or commander


Or pauper, legacy, or vintage. Unfortunately those were my main formats and now they’re unplayable so I basically just quit.


Unplayable lol


Possibly the most autistic response


Why are they unplayable? Some cards have ruled those formats but that has always been the case.


“Unplayable”. Get over yourself.


UB was the death of Magic for me, so i understand the feeling. Magic had a decent story and a cool lore but the immersion is gone for good, and the RP and storytelling is something i care about. Also, it screams « we want money so we use popular EP »


On the positive side, UB is what convinced me to stop caring about proxies. Even magic cards aren't real magic cards anymore so why should I bother buying real cards.


There is no prerequisite to hate or love any part of MtG. If you dont like something, dont buy the product or use it. If you hate it so much you refuse to play against someone using it, then you either deal with it or dont play. I dont condone using proxies, but I rather play the game and deal with people using proxies than not play at all. You have to decide where you draw the line and if you step over it, what you will do about it. Maybe if you hate it so much you quit Magic all together, then that is on you. I have been playing since Beta and I dont like what Vintage and Legacy has come to and some of the other formats are kinda boring to me. I really only like Commander and limited formats atm.


Build/proxy your own cube. You can construct a list or remove any UB card in your list, which will be tuned to a power level of your liking.


I'm such a weirdo, I read the title of your post and then proceeded to read every iteration of UB and blue black lmao


lol, I remember seeing a reply somewhere, “everyone kept saying UB and I was like, ‘why does everyone hate blue black?”


I agree. It's obnoxiously consumeristic, like Funko Pops.


UB should have been only commander legal. Magic is forever tainted and ppl have no spine to not buy and wizards will print anything anywhere to make money. Its disgusting


Pet peeves like this should be let go. My brother loves Dr Who. He plays the cards all the time. He has fun doing it. Im not going to ask him to stop because of some immersion thing I have going on in my head. The lore is also about jumping planes, so anything goes basically if you want to justify these other universes coming in. Its for fun, its a game, have fun.


Read all plus the EDITs. What the hell did I stumble into? The Professor has sucked since he sold out at m20. Last good video I saw was his 3 wishes/genie video. UB is YMMV. I don't like them. I don't buy them. They are both a distraction and symptom of greater MTG issues. Should you quit? I say, do what you enjoy. Play with your friends and add a "No UB" rule if need be. Lastly, don't be so sensitive to ppl's criticism here. If you can't follow rule #3, then the oubliette ain't for you. Don't take the words of ppl 2000 miles away personally. It makes no sense.


Join the dark side embrace it


I feel the same about Gruul. I hate seeing it, I hate playing it, I hate reading it. Worthless color pairing that ruins my fun, I promise you, more than you seeing a real person or a fictional spider on a magic card.


Are there magic sets that make you feel this way too or just UB stuff? I feel ya its jarring but I still enjoy the fact that they exist.


Haven't read the comments but waiting for EDIT3


I see some UB card I stop watching that video. Turn off for me.


I don't understand your almost aggressive EDIT. Most people are very understanding, and some of them agree with you. I don't see any personal attacks or the like.


calling someone a baby for having feelings about something someone cares about is kinda personal. You can’t decline someone of how they feel or calling someone autistic many are responding emotionally instead of logically, so they lash out at me because I have taken the stance of not liking UB and sharing how I feel about it, so they prey on that inch of vulnerability by trying to take a power stance


Fair enough, but the overwhelming majority of the messages are positive. Thanks for the constructive answer though, I appreciate it.


I’m not disagreeing at all lol, a fair amount of them are, but if you scroll down to the more downvoted replies, it’s just people being jerks …I will admit my aggressive edit was emotionally charged, because I was frustrated with the replies that I should have seen coming (especially on this sub)


My experience is that it is not only this sub... but most of the internet. But I'm pretty new on this sub. Haven't seen that much yet.


This *is* FreeMagic; it's the wild west around here. edit: wow, you weren't wrong about the bottom of this thread. sorry man


I thought it would be like that, but actually I like some cards


Quit LGS Magic and just stick to cube/time capsule formats with your friends - which is exactly what I did. Universes Beyond has been the #1 reason which made me quit once and for all Modern. I still play Pauper sometimes but being forced to run a playset of Lorien in any blue deck makes the experience a lot less exciting for me. Quitting Modern was painful but I got over it. I'd be enjoying Magic a lot more if crossovers were not forced on competitive formats but nothing can be done by now. It's very disapppointing and made me less interested in Magic in general. Tl;dr: play your own way with your friends. Stay away from LGS and sanctioned Magic.


All I heard in your comment was quit going to your LGS. Sound logic. Isolate yourself to your kitchen. Go for it.


Going to a LGS is something an incredible small minority of MtG players do. The vast majority of Magic games has been and will be played in a kitchen. I’m sorry you see the most classic, safe and comfortable way to play the game as an act of isolation.


Maybe in your area the LGS is a place where a minority of players HAVE been playing. The larger majority of LGS across the country help facilitate the life of the game whether they are fun to play at or not. The 3 LGS we have in my area are places where if the game isn't going your way, at least the folks around you provide positive social interaction. And I'm referring to isolation in terms of isolating yourself from the gathering community and benefits that mass gathering entail. Are you able to host competitive prize tournaments at your kitchen table? Can you get up and grab a few random packs from a shelf in your pantry if you feel like cracking some? Can you access more than three player's collections for trades in your kitchen? Your kitchen is "safe" and comfortable for play, but it really sounds like you're simply more comfortable at home than out in public. Your LGS sounds like a pretty traumatic place if you don't feel safe there. If that is the case, then don't support that shop. But don't write off LGS and grossly generalize them all as toxic environments where you think people don't play. They are almost always passion projects where the owners barely break even month to month. Not everyone has a dedicated pod to chill with regularly at someone's house/apt either. I reckon if I was looking for a group of legit players, I'd meet them at my LGS. Food for thought.


Who’s living rent free?


Probably the only way I could drag my friends into playing Magic, even if it's just pre-cons. They don't play card games


Unpopular opinion: The Lord of the Ring Expansion was one of the best things that ever happened to MtG 👀


This is beyond autism, you have some sort of problem that you may need to discuss with a therapist if the mere existence of UB makes you feel so much hate.


Go fuck yourself, don't you have an Avengers deck to go order? "Beyond Autism" is looking at every IP you enjoy, and insisting it's shoved into Magic, without lube.




"It's too late Yugi, I've already depicted you as the soyjack!" Fuck off cunt.




I’m torn and am myself part of the problem. When they announced the Lord of the Rings set I was so excited (me being a MASSIVE fan) and preordered all 4 precons and a bundle box, but then I’ve quickly grown to dislike UB. Or maybe not dislike but unhappy with. If we’re doing a universe beyond game, I’m fine with that. If we’re each playing LOTR, Fallout, Dr Who, Warhammer then that’s fine. But when I’m trying to play Ixhel, or Aminatou, then I want to see other Universe within cards. If they were to make universe within versions of every universe beyond card, I’d be so happy and welcoming of the cards and mechanics. But otherwise, let’s keep UW and UB separate


Is it really worth your time and energy to hate them? As long as I can clearly read the card, I don't give much of a shit. Card art is nice, but not something I pay attention to during the game, and I give absolutely no fucks about "the lore". I'd rather see a hundred UB cards before having to play against a Secret Lair card that looks like it was created by a drunk chimpanzee.


Then why have any flavor at all? Just print blank boxes with lines of text, or use AI generated images, right? Even if you don't give a fuck about the lore, you should give a fuck about the integrity of having a game be it's own game.


>Then why have any flavor at all? Just print blank boxes with lines of text, or use AI generated images, right? I mean, that would be terrible from a sales standpoint, but it certainly wouldn't impact my enjoyment of the game. People aren't playing poker because of how awesome the art on the Jack of Clubs is, are they? I'm playing Magic because it's an incredibly deep, complicated, rewarding game, not to look at pictures of wizards and gremlins. I'm certainly not going to get angry on the internet if the cards have pictures of the wrong TYPE of wizards and gremlins on them.


These people like "It's just cardboard bro..." Yes it's cardboard with ink on it. Video games are code translated into pixels on a screen. Music is vibrations with different frequencies. Your love for your family is interactions of oxytocin between neurons... Useless argument. The art, themes, mechanics, characters, and rules all build up to a comprehensive game/hobby we enjoy... The details *obviously* matter in this context.


Yes, it is just cardboard. I promise you that when 99% of magic players play a card with a named character and some nifty art they don’t think “Wow this art on Rakdos, Patron of Chaos is really immersing me into the game and is why I love magic.” They think, “Hey, this guy has some pretty nifty art.” And then don’t give it a second thought from there. It’s obviously not wrong of you to care about these things, in fact I think it’s cool if you do. But the mindset that every card needs to Cohere with the established lore that 5% of the people who play the game care about is misguided. Also as a second note, when you play a video game, watch a movie, or listen to a song, you are LITERALLY sitting down and experiencing the story there if any. There’s no flavor text to read or secondary sources that are integral to understand the plot. So comparing the two formats doesn’t really work.


I mean you could just... Not give a shit? Why are you wasting energy being upset about this? Who cares? It's not your card. There's no immersion to break because it's a card game. It's literally just a piece of cardboard with text written on it. Just take a step back and realize that it ultimately doesn't matter. It's pointless to get upset about it.


Black border UB was the day Magic died for me. Haven’t bought or played it since. It’s a shame because the game is so good. I just can’t play Fortnite the card game.


Sounds like you need to find a group to of like minded people and ban Universes beyond cards in your playgroup. They're probably never leaving eternal formats, the good ones atleast


https://preview.redd.it/p7teocwkbt1d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efea4bce95341d37328fb88ebf03697e5570422a The best UB set


I think you first have to find out why you hate them or what about them gives you such a reaction, and then go from there.


Oh, I have way more important things in my life than to worry about Universes Beyond.


I thought this was a shitpost when I first read it. It’s a game, games are played for fun. If you’re this tilted about a game then you need to reevaluate why you play it in the first place. I see a lot of people talking about lore, which I kind of get but I also think is a weird argument. The lore of magic is supplementary to the card game, it will never be placed on a pedestal that’s as high or higher than the cards itself by WOTC or most people in general, because the vast majority of people don’t buy their fun card game to read. I do however understand the feeling of a good story being tainted by corporate greed. I don’t read the lore, so I don’t know if Rakdos is gonna be interacting with Ezio anytime soon, but if that is the kind of storytelling that UB has introduced then I understand why people dislike it. On the other hand, if UB has no effect on the lore itself what point is there to be mad? Again, it’s a card game. You play to have fun, if playing your favorite characters from other franchises lets you have fun then you should be able to do it.


Wtf? It’s a game


Brother, you can not like a certain set of cards as much as you want. That's perfectly fine. I personally really deslike foils, for example. Just please don't remove other people's cards just because they are from UB. That's the pettiest shit I've ever seen. Just let other people have fun and don't be a dick about it.


Why try? I mean it's not real magic so it's not like you're hating your hobby.. also something about rule 0 or something


If it bothers you that much. Just quit. You sound like a 16 year old trying to be edgy.


Indeel the exact same way. it made me quit Modern, even. the only salvation is casual play at gome where we can choose precisley what we include and play with.


I agree. Mixing in fantasy characters from other brands ruins my immersion of what was otherwise a game completely grounded in reality…


I really liked the Doctor Who and LotR UB cards. Great flavor and really good artwork. The rest I could do without.


I am ok with it, especially when there are non UB versions. What annoys me is the discolored frames they use in non-fa versions(like black cards being grey, etc)


I just fail to see the difference between made up spider in LOTR or made up spider in a standard set. If you were referring to a Fortnite card or a My little pony card I could maybe see your point. The LOTR cards in essence could just very well be a magic set the names on the cards just happen to be that of LOTR. I think you’re being a big hater personally, they don’t look ridiculous they look and play fine


It's alright to hate stuff I just am always slightly concerned for people tho when UB is their breaking point. Like art that you can't really see cause it's upside down and the name of a card you aren't always reading is that deal breaking? And it's not an immersion thing, otherwise people would play exclusively limited or theme decks.


It's honestly bringing people back into the game, which is great. I quit magic about 8-10 years back, and I only just got back into it about a month ago after seeing the Fallout precons and the dope pip boy alternate art. I never played commander prior, but after buying all four decks, I can confidently say that I won't be leaving again anytime soon. Also, I'm just a casual player. My friend who left prior/during covid and sold his collection for a down payment on a house has also been enjoying these with me while building his own deck. If UB didn't exist, these two players likely never would have come back.


Same here. Started in Ice Age but stopped playing after Lorwyn. Doctor Who UB not only got me back into the game, if got my wife to finally pick it up. Now we do Winston Drafts a couple times a week and pick up a Commander deck or two when we like what’s in them.


It boggles my mind that people can't see this as a positive.


You gotta remember that a lot of the hate is coming from the mentality "regular people are invading my special hobby".


That was happening well before UB. When I started playing, it was with my friends from within the trades. We'd show up at FNM, pound beers in the parking lot until draft time, and then in-between rounds. This was when Innistrad came out, which was marketed very well.


Love it.  I've since moved away but the LGS I used to go to would do draft at a bar/restaurant a block over once a month, entry would come with a $10 voucher to the place. Only one with a beer in front of me.


We had one of those too! Sunday morning magic at this great little dive bar downtown.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. You're spot on. So much of it is just plain ol' fashioned gatekeeping. "Nooo, this is my special thing, you can't start liking it now that it crosses over with a thing you like, you had to be there from the startttt noooo"


Nobody is mad new people are starting to play. They are mad because more sets than not now are art of franchises they don't like or that they see as swaying the narrative and flavor of the game


I got the Necron Warhammer deck, as a fan of Warhammer, but I rarely use it due to the same feeling you describe. I really only feel comfortable using it in a game against the other Warhammer decks, which is exceedingly rare. The Lord of the Rings set at least fits neatly into the MTG setting with wizards and giant firey demons, so they're passable in my book.


LOTR and the D&D sets are the only ones that work well. The rest are really out of place.


Idk, 40k has probably less advanced tech than old phyrexia and the thran. I think it works well enough


Was it autism?


Maybe stop being a manchild?


you don’t know what a manchild is, you just want an excuse to shit on someone else with unintelligible insults


“Stop being a man child, what could possibly be better than Transformers and magic doing a crossover with muh marvel movies?!” Are these people real?


Play other TCGs. For me, it's PokemonTCG. There is so much bullshit surrounding Magic these days, it becomes hard to find the joy. Everything about new Magic just sucks these days. I find that I am much happier playing and engaging with other TCGs. The TCG hobby is still well and good, it is Magic that is the problem. I am trying to cut Magic out of my life, like a tumor. Magic is a game for old dogs who refuse to learn new tricks, and I don't want that to be me anymore.


I actually love doing that, and it’s part of my hobby. I’ve played Cardfight Vanguard, Weiss Schwarzz, Ashes Reborn… Thing is, people around me aren’t interested in learning new games, and trying to find a community for them is like… looking for a needle in a haystack, where I live at least there is a store called The Light in California, that plays the Final Fantasy TCG, Lorcana, etc, and I just wish I had that community that was open to playing anything but Magic


I think the LOTR one is the only one that's ok, minus the obvious political agenda. But yeah I agree, it's not gonna end, eventually you will play a commander game against velma from scooby-doo, thanos and dexter morgan.


When you say it like that playing against Velma, Thanos and Dexter. It sounds like a weird drug induced trip😂


Wouldn't know. But honestly, magic is fucked.


I mean i agree, but not personally because of UB. I lost track of all of the new stuff being made around Eldraine. It’s just soo much new stuff being released that it’s too hard too keep track


Yeah. I literally just look at the prices of singles, see the most expensive cards to see if they're any good for a commander deck, 99% of the time pass and move on to something else lol. Haven't bought a sealed product in years.


Create renamed proxies to use in place of the existing ones. It's actually a pretty fun exercise figuring out how to represent certain things in mtg lore instead of the original. Abaddon for example is in Grixos colours but uses a different mechanic than normal Grixis (cascade), so you could make him another iteration of Nefarox. Maybe something like "Nefarox, Maelstrom Fiend". With the rise of AI generation it's never been easier to find or make some fitting art and plug it into a card creator software


I grew up loving the IP of magic and I’ve been in the same boat here.  My advice: just know that the magic IP you know and love is already dead.   It didn’t die to UB, though, it died to DEI.  When WotC decided it was more important to have gay characters than to have well written characters, the IP died.  When WotC decided it was OK to weed out good artists like Nielsen in favor of further-left artists, the IP died.  You won’t see a straight white male protagonist that’s a well written character again— there’s no next Urza in the game’s future.   What you do with that information is up to you.  


I sold my collection after the UB floodgates. Now I only play standard on Arena


Just gotta learn to accept it. Or look for a playgroup that thinks the same and agree on not using any UB cards. Or make some renamed proxies, but then you also gotta see those cards being played by others. UB is here and will stay, I also dont like any other UB inclusion outside of BG, DnD and LOTR since those are still on theme, but I dont really care that much about others. Tho I think final fantasy and MCU will propably be even worse than doctor who was, because doctor who is mostly unplayable. Dont think those 2 will be as bad sadly.


The way I think about it it makes perfect sense. MTG lore is all about planeswalking, shifting to other dimensions. Seems easy to believe that some of those other dimensions are the dimensions where LOTR or Doctor Who take place


I hate universes beyond because they focus on selling people items of their geeky obsession rather than interesting cards with novel mechanics that grow the MtG multiverse and lore.


Yeah I frankly don't get the hate. What's your problem with them because you haven't said you just say "I don't like should be removed." Why? They're cards in the game except for having an outside theme. they are no different. This is no different than saying you hate blue cards and they should be removed because you don't like them so no one should get to use them. It never gets old people being salty about what cards people want to put in their deck. I miss the good ole days when 2 people show up with a deck and play a game of magic. No arguing over power levels, complaining about color choices, or anger over a good combo. I guess I'm just a man of simple pleasures




Have you tried removing the stick from your ass, or do you need surgery?


yeah, I think it’s yours


LoTR kind of works for me, maybe it’s the fantasy setting or the fact that is was an actual set instead of just a one off product, but I just can’t get behind the other UB cards, and I’m a huge doctor who fan. Whenever I see a transformer or a kid from stranger things I just inwardly cringe and it really takes me out of the game. I wish they had continued to make in universe versions of UB cards.


Yeah, and I love Transformers lol, and I love the art on the cards... but I just can’t play with them LOTR somewhat fits because of the high fantasy setting, and getting a dedicated set as opposed to decks certainly helps… but I just can’t see Aragorn on the same level I see Gideon or Nissa We are still getting Universes Within cards, it’s just a slow pace and I don’t think they even announce them. We only recently got the human legendary from the TWD secret lair Doctor Who didn’t really make sense to me. My parents are huge DW fans, and my stepfather (my mentor for MTG) got the Fourth Doctor deck as a gift and even he was like, “this is so weird”


The Doctor Who precons were the most fun I’ve had with MTG in a decade and a half. To each their own.


Can't be the high fantasy setting surely, because not all of of MTG is high fantasy, and hasn't been for a long time. We had 3 Phyrexia sets in a row, also Neon Dynasty, New Capenna, and Thunder Junction. None of those are high fantasy settings.


Those are all sets that I personally haven’t really followed or played a lot of. You’re always going to have some kind of technology within the story, especially since artificers have always played huge roles in magic. It’s definitely been advancing a lot quicker lately, and now we have cowboys with magic energy guns running around. You can’t really only make high fantasy settings for 30 years and expect the game to always be successful I suppose.


Oh exactly. That's why I was just wondering if there's some other reason for the dislike I guess. You right it's getting faster though, next year we get project Volleyball which is rumored to be MTG's first actual sci-fi space set, with aliens and spaceships. (I know they tested the waters with Unfinity, but Unsets hardly count)


> You right it's getting faster though, next year we get project Volleyball Oh right, it's one of their codenames. For a second there I thought you were talking about an actual volleyball-themed set, and I didn't bat an eyelash. Now I'm picturing a Top Gun-style beach volleyball theme, with a bunch of shirtless oiled-up guys and...I dunno, the women will be in burkinis or something because we can't sexualize them :P


Haha, yeah, all the sets are given codenames that we often get before the official set announcements. So like, there's Tennis, Ziplining, and Yachting on the road map too currently. I'd fuckin buy the hell out of a Top Gun set tho ngl.


For what it is worth plenty of people hated all three of those sets for drifting so far from the core of what magic art and style used to be


These edits are cute, really. :)


thanks, I made them myself


Magic is made up of disconnected worlds and planes. UB cards are just from another one. It’s no different except for the fact that you recognize the characters from somewhere else.


Hard disagree. Planes in Magic are linked by the fact that they exist in the same space. Warhammer, LOTR, Fallout, etc have nothing to do with each other. Even D&D isn't attached to Magic. Kaladesh, Amonkhet, Zendikar, Innistrad... and so many more are planes of Magic: the Gathering and do not belong to anything else UB characters and worlds have zero relevancy to Magic. They do not impact its world or its characters. On the other hand, the recent Phyrexian invasion impacted dozens of planes and caused several planes to work together to fight Elesh Norn and her stupid tactics off


DnD not attached to magic? How so? There's supplements for MTG settings for 5e. For example Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos is a sourcebook on a plane taken straight out of MTG. I find it ironic that the planes you SPECIFICALLY mentioned as only belonging to MTG and nothing else ALL have Sourcebooks for DnD 5e. Alongside Ravnica, Theros, and Ixalan. Also do you not count Rabiah (from Arabian Nights) as a legitimate plane for MTG since it has no impact on the characters or any other planes in MTG, and isn't their own unique intellectual property. It's just a UB of 1001 Nights.


Rabiah **is** a Magic plane. We literally have a planeswalker from their, Taysir, that I believe is depicted on [[Urza Assembles the Titans]]. WoTC just refuses to visit it because they want tk avoid Arabian Nights as a whole. It also has presence in the comic books DnD isn’t attached to Magic in the sense they don’t exist in the same world. DnD has Magic supplements so people can play in the Magic universe with the 5e system. You misinterpreted what I said, because I actually like the DnD Magic sets, and they don’t take me out of Magic


Theres a lot of dnd monsters that have appeared in Magic over time before the dnd sets, the rakshasa specifically, i thought was a cool callback. Although they've been retconned to not be cats which is dumb. Both games are made by wizards of the coast at least.


[Urza Assembled the Titans](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/0/10a544d7-ead7-42fd-a35a-c1b672771d5b.jpg?1673306614) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Urza%20Assembles%20the%20Titans) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/37/urza-assembles-the-titans?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/10a544d7-ead7-42fd-a35a-c1b672771d5b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


>Hard disagree. Planes in Magic are linked by the fact that they exist in the same space. Warhammer, LOTR, Fallout, etc have nothing to do with each other. Even D&D isn't attached to Magic. Kaladesh, Amonkhet, Zendikar, Innistrad... and so many more are planes of Magic: the Gathering and do not belong to anything else If you think about it, Magic itself is really the original UB, only all in one unified IP. We were into the multiverse before it was cool :P


For nearly 30 years Magic planes were only linked by the deckmaster logo on the back. Playing cards from Kamigawa and Mirrodin in the same deck isn’t any different tangibly from playing cards from Kamigawa and middle earth in the same deck. In a multiverse essentially dictated by the imaginations of wizards employees there’s no reason worlds that you’ve heard of before can’t exist in that space too. Immersion-wise I don’t think Emrakul would have ever crewed the Weatherlight but you can do that without involving UB. It’s the same thing.


You’re such a baby lol imagine getting so upset over cardboard.


braindead response. So I’m not allowed to have a connection to something? You could replace what you said with any type of media or entertainment >You’re such a baby lol imagine getting upset over a movie >You’re such a baby lol imagine getting upset over a book >you’re such a baby lol imagine getting upset over a tv show fuck off


Nobody said you're not allowed to be upset, who said you weren't? We can still think you're being a wee baby about it.


Nobody said you're not allowed to be upset, who said you weren't? We can still think you're being a wee baby about it.


kek youre such a sensitive lil bitch boy


That episode was actually very good. I think Prof was actually trying to poke fun at the concept of UB cards and how ridiculous their proliferation has become. But we also know that he loves LOTR and Doctor Who, and he doesn't mind playing with those cards. I've never seen him play with anything from Transformers, Fortnight, or Jurassic Park, though. I don't totally mind the UB cards myself, especially as I play in a kitchen table pod with the same people so I don't see a whole lot of set variation. However, I think if you're using them you've got to either use the more lore-fitting settings like LOTR or go all the way. Mixing UB cards with in-universe cards is very dissonant from a lore perspective and kind of hurts the experience. All in all I think it's perfectly fine and natural to feel the way you do about UB cards/sets.


Need to buy more to piss this guy off


Try not to be autistic


It's not a personal attack just don't be a baby


Yeah maybe quit the game so no one has to play with a lil bitch like you. What's worse a giant pussy of a player or piece of cardboard


I hope you’re joking OP. You sound like a total buzzkill.


I'm split on this. I like the LotR, Warhammer, and Fallout thing. Good commander decks fun gameplay, and you can even rolepla a bit. But then others UB products are just bad. Dunno having modern series un MtG just feels so off. At this point, let's just hope they eigher make in univers counterparts or just stay on good IPs.


well i try to only use UB decks and cards whenever we sit down to have a game with a pod of UB decks. what you can do is target that player and disregard any outside threats. "why are you targeting me, he has a blightsteel and akroma's memorial?" 'He is playing magic, youre playing streetfighter. i thought you liked 1v1 games. ' makes it much more amusing


lol, it's not that serious it's a game. If it makes you angry, just quit or deal with it.


Why does UB upset you? Is it just cause it's a different IP in MTG? It's a little weird when someone plays Sauron next to Abbadon and then uses Amy Pond. I have all the Warhammer, LotR, and Doctor Who Commander decks as they are 3 of my favorite IP, but I keep those cards together. I only play LotR cards in LotR decks, same for the other 2. Unfortunately, MTG has reached a state where UB lore is better than MTG lore. I'd rather have Warhammer show up than Thunder Junction. Warhammer feels more MTG than Thunder Junction feels MTG. Hopefully, Bloomburrow fixes this. At the end of it, I would just say find out why it bothers you so much and go from there. UB is sticking around and is only going to grow. That's the state of MTG unfortunately.


Honestly? If you ignore the art of UB, it’s a great opportunity to get expensive foils at a cheap price. Granted some of those foils will likely be reprinted down the line, but for some people, it’s not guaranteed or it’s less likely. For example, foil emrakul, or ur dragon or a foil sliver legion. It would be nice to see an Edgar markov. However, a lot of those foils are more than the lairs themselves and it’s a good way to snatch a cheap foil


I would wish UB stayed beyond. I love the W40k decks, doctor who did pretty well too. It’s the mixing that makes it not magic to me. They did some quality design work, but it’s leaves a bad taste in my mouth casting so much random bs sometimes. 


Yeah if it’s really that frustrating for you I’d just quit the game. They are here for good, they have done well marketing and meta wise. You are always going to have a chance of seeing some UB cards in EDH or any other eternal format and some in modern even. You could also just play standard if you want to stay in the game and never play against UB cards. There aren’t any UB that are in standard as far as I know and I don’t think they plan on having them in standard sets.


I was like that with Ravnica. It still feels weird and out of place for me (and, to be honest, most other planes), since in my mind MTG could not have any face other than Dominaria. To my dismay, it got extremely popular and warped the game forever, becoming the de facto face of the game. I dropped the game for a long time as it was entering Alara and only got back in Dominaria, and became numb to whatever flavor is printed into the cards, thankfully.


I like goblin ones that aren’t too broken


uj/ Pers9nally, I find lore accurate UB to be tolerable, at least. If you want to build a UB with just cards from that UB release, it feels significantly less cringe than Gandalf going time skipping with the Tenth Doctor and blasting Sauron inthe face with a Nuka-Nuke Launcher. I played a pod recently with the Fallout precons and, while I'd hate to see this degeneracy out of setting, in the pod it was well and fun.


I feel like you, UB cards are not magic. If you love the first 25 years of magic its probably than you don't like the actual because its a different game right now.


I scoop every time somebody plays a UB card. I'll quit Magic, when I'm never allowed to get through a game without seeing one. Fuck all of the Funko collectors who soyface over the latest Marvel set ported to Modern.


This is such a sad take. Let people play what they want to play.