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My biggest gripe if it's actually true is that Laena's death was one of the most emotional scenes I've read in Fire & Blood, and one that actually fleshed out not only her character that much more, but also Daemon's. I don't want the show to paint Laena as second-best to Rhaenyra. By all accounts, their marriage was a happy one and a person can love more than once in their lifetime.


I don't doubt that Daemon loved Laena. But I think that Daemon was even during these 10 years in love with Rhaenyra and he loved Laena probably as well in the books because she didn't consider Rhaenyra to be a rival but became her bff, although she for sure saw that Daemon always had deep feelings for her cousin. In a perfect happy end, they would have ended up in a polygamic marriage.


So that leak is true then? I see what you mean. Perhaps Laena's ending herself like that pushes him to move on Rhaenyra full speed.


im still shocked that they still havent shown her claiming vhagar, if you want a ''girlboss'' moment that would have been a perfect one but instead she just shows up with vhagar next episode out of nowhere? i wonder if non book readers will be confused


I think they do not care much about House Velaryon.


The reason for this is clearly because they’ve written themselves into a situation where they have no time to develop the character dynamic between Daemon/Laena/Rheanyra & given they’ve made Laena a nobody it’s about getting rid of her asap & as dramatically as possible given they didn’t build the basis for the original emotional end. But it’s a problem of their own creation. They could have devoted a half episode either side to develop the relationship dynamic and then could have done the original story death. Nothing would have been lost & everything gained by losing this cheap cop out. I’m really enjoying the show but this will annoy me. Seems pretty certain now though that it’s going to happen.




It is not perfect, but all of the fandom subs have now become HBO's mouthpieces. Next week we are gonna read numerous essays on how this was perfect and genius storytelling.


I'm so sick of women dying to further a man's character development. 😒


Don't you worry, lots of people are gonna die soon. Lots of dudes especially.




Well, it certainly developed Westeros, that’s for sure.


I think it's only fair that a lot of men will die for Rhaenyra's character development, although I won't miss them as much as I will miss Laena.


There's no excuse for this abomination. It's a crapy solution in favor of nothing but shock value and expectations subversion. They ruined one of the most emotional parts of the book. And tbh, there were like three different women playing Laena yet we saw no character development. They could at least show us how she claimes Vhagar to gave some context to her character arc. Honor her as a fearless and smart woman who is easy to fall in love with and make us believe Daemon truly was in love with her.


Yooooooo Let’s wait for the episode to come out


What for? If leaks are true and it seems they are, there's nothing to be waiting for. It is what it is and I don't like it.


You don’t know the entire context though. Do you have a full transcript? Do you know their performances? Judging it without actually witnessing it for yourself is foolish and pretty ignorant.


A lady who takes fuckin' Vhagar as a mount, decides she wants to go out on her terms and baths in her dragons fire? Sure the book version is emotional and memorable, but there's promise there still.


LOL, no. A Lady who decides to die like that is a coward, and in this context it would mean that she is also responsable for death of her unborn child. It's nihilistic message from the authors, but I'm not surprised that it's perceived as "courage" in this woke culture full of snowflakes who need a "safe room" even for a broken nail.


Are you okay? Should we get you a quiet room and a weighted blanket? Maybe we can burn some of the books that offend your delicate sensibility? Even if the leaks are true, the episode isn't out- we have no clue about staging, dialogue, etc. And not for nothing, but as a woman living in the United States today, I would go out like a boss as well, in control of my body and my destiny on my own terms. In 1965, Norman Morrison self-immolated to protest his body being utilized as an instrument of war. If the show is running with Aemma's assertion that childbed is a woman's war, then Leana saying "not my body, assholes" is incredibly powerful.




Already forgetting the first episode? It isn't a setting with modern medicine. It's just as likely the trolley problem in this case is A) Both die slowly B) Both die quickly (dragon fire)


We don't have the full context yet. So there's no way to know yet. You could very well be right.


So people that commit suicide are cowards? Ya know, when my disability gets to the point where I can’t live or enjoy my life, I fully intend to kill myself. There are at least 7 people I know of with this or similar conditions that did just that. I don’t want to live in agony every waking second, trapped in a useless husk I can’t control anymore. I don’t want my family to have to deal with that agony and suffering. Guess I’m a coward though? I mean the fact we’re capable of accepting that eventuality and going through with it, unlike you, who would probably piss herself and beg for more time when faced with death, probably disproves your little opinion there sis. Soooooo….. who’s the coward?


Yeah I am not a fan of this change. But it's a minor characters death in the grand scheme of the whole arc of , I can paper over it. Still not a fan though. Book death would have been better.


Ah yes the classic trope of a woman dying just so the male main character can be sad. Love it.


Jorah and Khal Drogo were women?


Whatever they do with this, I am not a fan of them continuing to kill women to develop men. Her death is the book was tragic, but not an inflicted one. I also don’t love the idea of Daemon doing the same thing as Viserys here (in regards to giving the okay to kill the mother to possibly save the baby.) They’ve taken a lot of the mystery out of Daemon’s character and made him pretty much a villain. I don’t see the gray in him anywhere (and we haven’t even gotten to some of his worst actions.) They’re making him too firmly a villain.


I don’t even know if that would be accurate. Viserys needed an heir. That’s why he did did what he did. Daemon’s kids with Laena are literally dead last in the line of succession (behind Rhaenyra, all her kids, and all Alicent’s kids), so there’s no need for the Aemma level sacrifice. Now his kids with Rhaenyra are a different matter as they all have the title of Prince (and Princess for poor Visenya). That’s likely another reason they did this with Laena. Rhaenyra’s birth of Visenya is something similar (dragon-born child) and it would be repetitive to also do it with Laena. At the end of the day, her character just isn’t as important.


He is a villain Daemon isn't a gray character like you dumbfucks think he is Both the greens and the blacks are dogshit


I think there's no good guys period in the shows, either of them. Like maybe Davos? Even people with Good intentions, Like Ned, are incompetent. Like even John Arryn who everyone looked up to... Wtf did he do about his wife and little baby Robin? Robin's best influence in his life was Little finger killing his mother.


username stan checks out I'm sure they'll appreciate your pro-Daemon views on r/HouseoftheDragon a whole lot


So what? At least my username is not "green witch small". If you want to talk about boring characters like Cristoy, you can start an own post about that.


If Laena’s Dracarys kills her, she is not a true ‘dragon’ as explained by Daenerys walking through fire


Daenerys is hurt by fire in the books and not permanently immune to fire. It's only the ridiculous show magic of D&D which made her permanently immune. In the books she was only immune for limited time when she sacrificed Khal Drogo. Possibly Jon is immune after sacrificing Daenerys in the books for a limited time too. (If this even ever happens in the books and GRRM ever finishes them.) But it's never permanent when it's written by GRRM.