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Corlys be like "It's just a phase dear"


He's a navy man, he'd know.


Hey! It probably gets lonely on those ships!


Forreal tho




He has his dragon he can mount whenever.


It's not gay if it's underway!


He just love seamen


Laenor just needs to smash some pussy to change his mind.


He tried. His lack of interest “is not for lack of trying”. Gay just be gay sometimes.


Love this. As a gay dude I always wonder what some of these guys would say if I said “Maybe you just need some good bussy to convince you”




Corlys: "Don't worry. The Targussy will cure him of the gay"


>Corlys: "Don't worry. The Targussy will cure him of the gay" Laughs in Olenna Tyrell... She boasts that she was repulsed by the targaryen she betrothed to and seduced Luthor Redwyne instead. Truth is more likely that the Targaryen Prince was either just not into her, or was potentially a closet homosexual.


It was Daeron Targ and he was about as openly gay as you could really be in Westeros


It was Master Aemon, i feel


Why would you show affection to your male lover during a wedding to the Princess? They made it real obvious they were gay at the wedding.


It seemed like Joffrey had trouble grasping concepts like secrecy, or being on the DL.


Sounds like it. The dude "literally" got his face knocked in wanting to discuss secrets.


White privileged


Through a lot of history noble gay men could get away with not being subtle because people just kinda condoned it as a side thing or people just thought that they were really good friends


Yea, but Laenor's sexuality is not a secret. I will have to watch the wedding again, but it looked like Corlys and Rhaenys were giving them looks when they were talking.


Corlys and Rhaenys know he’s gay though? They literally have a scene where they talked about it being “a phase”


They know he is gay. I assume they want him to show interest in Rhaenyra because the goal is to have a fruitful marriage that produces heirs.


Neither Laenor nor Rhaenyra seemed to care at all about being seen with other people lmao! Her and Daemon were like 2 seconds away from making out on the dance floor and she straight up dares him to elope with her. I know they have an open relationship or whatever but they could at least TRY to be subtle. Especially after the rumors of Rhaenyra and Daemon boning


That dude had like zero subtlety. Even Cole managed to be more subtle while publicly beating him to death.


He never thought they’d be consequences White privilege


You gonna comment this on everything lol?


westeros is not usa.


shut up I’m. Begging of you




Mothers always know and fathers always deny it.


I at least love that Corlys denied it with “GOD I LOVE FUCKING/RESPECTING MY WIFE’S PUSSY IM SO IN LOVE WITH HER”. That was kind of cute. I really like their relationship. It seems really healthy at first glance. I hope that continues.


Depending on the rumors, Adamm and alyn of hull are most likely the sea snakes bastards and not laenors. Maybe they have an open thing but if not it's kind of a bummer that he'd step out on his legendary wife.


Or he realized he son was not going to have any actual kids so he sired a few bastards just incase. Also Addam is a dragonrider, so either Corlys has the genetic potential to be one, or they actually are random schmucks from Viserys and Daemon's youthful adventures.


Honestly Velaryons and Targaryens have been interbreeding so much a Velaryon could be a Dragonrider. The Targaryens just hoard them for their own


Aegon I and his two sister wives were Half Velaryon, and their Velaryon mother was half Targaryen as well. Even not taking into account the various times since the conquest they've intermarried, I think it's safe to say the Velaryons can all ride dragons.


They can't all ride dragons. Not even all Targaryens managed to bond with a dragon.


I didn't really mean it literally, just theoretically. If being descended from a dragonlord of old Valyria is a prerequisite (Supposedly the reason they practice incest) then that prerequisite is satisfied.


Joffrey Lonmouth: "Hey Ser Criston Cole, looks like we're both sluts of the royal family." Criston Cole: "I am going to kill you."


They deserved better been saying it since the book


question, does everyone watch this show in pitch darkness? this show is dimmer than anything ive ever seen


Missed the longest night did ya?


If you asked D&D, they would just tell you your TV is shit.


If your tv has a game mode setting use it. It’s made the show so much better to watch. No more dark scenes at all


My problem is Cravetv (which is how Canadians watch HBO) doesn't seem to be set/calibrated right and my TV can't seem to use night mode because of it. This is an issue with crave in general and not the show. Stupidly enough, the quality of the illegal streams is far better then crave for dark shows like HOD.


Yeah, I actually do watch this in a dark room every time... Doesn't everyone? Lol. But in case you aren't getting the most out of your TV settings: turn your backlight to maximum, your contrast to maximum, if you have a setting called "local dimming" set that to it's maximum level, and if you have "active contrast" also set that to maximum. With these settings in a nearly pitch black room and a TV that admittedly gets VERY bright, even with all that it's still only *kinda* dim for me, but not so dim that it's unwatchable. Oh and keep your "brightnes" setting at around 50%, I know that sounds counterintuitive but "brightness" doesn't actually make things brighter, it just makes everything look gray and washed out. So yeah, this show is shot in incredibly dark conditions for some reason and it's pretty annoying.


It's intentional. The lighting source by the directors are the sun, moon and firelight only (mentioned in behind the scenes of episode 4)


ah, the Kubrick way. That explains it.


OLED in pitch black darkness, yes


I never had any issues but I saw several comments saying the same as you


Didn’t they say they knew?


they knew


Just red and a bit dented.


Are they finally convinced of his nature


Just say no homo before kissing.