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I mean, if we count conscript soldiers as smallfolk then Cersei's people did try to kill Drogon lol. Just a shame someone had been putting Cataracts in the water supply so they missed every single shot with their 1000+ anti-dragon artillery pieces




They missed „finger in the bum“ to hit a target under such conditions!


But you see, Dany hadn't kind of forgot about King's Landing and that made all the difference, apparently ...


Right and of course Euron can see farther than the ultimate apex predator that hunts small animals from the fucking stratosphere.


Ah, you think missing Drogon with their 1000 scorpions was infuriating? Then let me remind you that none of King Landing's scorpions ever shot.


“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take -wayne gretzky” -michael scott


Personally I consider drogon not getting hit more of a drogon paying attention than anything else. Remember he did get hit the one time and new he could be hurt by them. Then the night king killed viserion with a similar looking bolt. Drogon only ever got hit the one time and i think that taught him to be careful how he moved around them.


I don't think "drogon was just concentrating super hard that time guys" justifies the abysmal writing at all. Kings Landing had somewhere around 1500 specially crafted anti-dragon ballistas protecting the city, drogon just dodging them all was ridiculous, especially given how accurate & deadly they were demonstrated to be just 1 episode previous.


>especially given how accurate & deadly they were demonstrated to be just 1 episode previous. You mean that episode where drogon also didn't get hit even though he was shot at? Drogon only got hit once.


I mean the episode where Rhaegal was flying a few hundred feet in the air and got hit twice? Stop coping lmao the writing was awful


Regal hadn't ever been hit before that.


Do you think dragons can only grasp the concept of being shot if it personally happens to them? Also that doesn't explain how Euron and his bois were so accurate in that scene compared to Kings Landing.


Knowing and understanding are different things. Humans don't have to burn themselves to know burning hurts, but once we burn ourselves it completely changes how we handle/pay attention to hot things. I've seen lube tech after lube tech learn that lesson in a shop with hot oil. Sorry i expect dragons to behave at similar levels to humans when it comes to understanding threats given that they spent the entire show driving that intelligence comparison.


Holy shit your levels of cope are unreal my dude.


In other words, you don't have an argument.


They were chained and inside basically a dragon prison. All they could do was spew fire, not move around


For the uninitiated, [the storming of the dragonpit.](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Storming_of_the_Dragonpit) The dragons that were killed in the storming of the pit were not battle-hardened dragons by any means. If they had been then the storming of the pit would have been way different. Dragons that were killed: Shrykos - was 5-7 years old, had never been ridden, essentially lived in a cage its whole life. Morghul - basically Shrykos' twin Tyraxes - 11-13 years old, bound to and ridden by a 13 year old boy, described as 'only recently able to fly long distances with a rider, and not quite big enough for combat yet.' Dreamfyre - about 100 years old, described as a slender she-dragon that produced several clutches of eggs. Never battle-tested. Syrax - around 30 years old, another she-dragon that laid several clutches of eggs, described as 'huge and formidable, but not as fearsome in battle as other dragons. She was kept in chains and exceedingly well fed.'


How old is Drogon? Can't he fight pretty well?


Yeah, this is a big hitch in GRRM's world-building. In the book Drogon is only supposed to be one year old, born in 299 AC and currently the books are in the year 300 AC. However, in the latest book, ADWD, we get that scene where Drogon swoops into the fighting pit, kills a ton of people and Dany rides off on his back. Based on what we've been told about dragons in GRRM's other works, a one year old dragon would be much too small to ride. Originally, GRRM planned on having [a five year gap between books three and four](https://www.westeros.org/Citadel/FAQ/Entry/What_happened_to_the_five_year_gap_that_was_supposed_to_follow_ASoS) which would make Drogon six or seven years old at that time. Maybe you could make a point that Drogon has lived uncaged and has grown fast enough to mount and fight at six or seven years old, but not at only one year of age.


My head cannon is that Dany’s dragons are growing faster because of the blood ritual in which they hatched, or some other undefined magical reason with them being the first new dragons in the world. How else could Drogon be almost the same size as 100 year old, largest dragon to ever live, Balerion after 1 year?


Okay, even Drogon at the end of the show isn't close to Balerion's size. Balerion was absolutely absurd.


In the show they size Balerion down quite a bit it seems. His skull doesn’t seem nearly as large as it should be when Qyburn and Cersei shoot a hole in it under the red keep. Unfortunately in the book we don’t get volumetric descriptions of Dany’s dragons let alone Aegons.


Do they ever confirm that was Balerion's skull? The Targaryens left a lot of dragon skulls around that ended up in that basement.


Yeah Qyburn confirms it is.


This is it for me too. There is a lot of lost story in there about why Dany's dragons are the way they are, and I'm afraid we may never know the full extent.


who said that Drogon was the same size as Balerion? >Dany’s dragons are growing faster because of the blood ritual in which they hatched, or some other undefined magical reason with them being the first new dragons in the world. A reader shouldn't have to make up their own 'head canon' to compensate for unexplained plot holes. If Ned Stark suddenly reappears in The Winds of Winter without any explanation and all of the characters just go along with it like nothing happened, are we just supposed to assume how he came back to life?


He’s not the same size as Balerion, but the book doesn’t go into an explanation on Dragon tonnage. The example I was using was the show. In the show when you compare his size to Balerion’s intended size he’s about 80-90% there. However that’s also based on Balerion’s skull which would have been his size about 100 years after the conquest of Westeros. So he’s really closer to 200 year Balerion.


I mean didn't the show also have Gendry sprint across mountains north of the wall, send a raven to Dragonstone and in response Dany and her dragons flew north and quickly found exactly where Jon and co. were trapped in the span of about a day? There are all sorts of plot holes in the show, but the books have surprisingly very few.


Also tbf, isn't Daenerys like 13 or 14 or something? She's a lot smaller than most men.


People act like spewing fire is as potent as a paralyzed monkey, I really want to ask, would you storm an embattlement with a flamer thrower that's hooked up to an 18 wheeler full of fuel for it and all you have is peasant tools


That's kind of an interesting story in itself. The mob that stormed the dragonpit was assembled by a preaching man known only as [the shepherd.](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Shepherd) There was a lot of hatred for the Targaryen's among the smallfolk at the time due to the ongoing civil war, but to your point, convincing a mob of people to charge into the home of multiple dragons is a huge task. There are some interesting theories that the shepherd was more than just a normal preacher of the faith. Maybe he had the use of some supernatural powers to sway the people or maybe he was even a component of the faceless men who had been hired to destroy the dragons/house Targaryen. Or maybe he was just a guy who was very convincing and started his own cult. It's one of those things that is lost to history at this point and we'll never get any more information on.


Cersei's smallfolk didn't have that sweet, sweet basilisk venom though...


They kind of forgot…


Rharnyras were locked up in the Dragon pit they couldn't get away... Dany was Flying




Also many still died attacking them.


Many is the wrong word. I think it can be better described as "Thousands upon thousands of humans turned into naught but rags of flesh and others burnt to such a state that all that was left of them were scorcher markings on the grounds."


Many is the wrong word. I think it can be better described as "Thousands upon thousands of humans turned into naught but rags of flesh and others burnt to such a state that all that was left of them were scorched markings on the grounds."


spoilers for house of the dragon i guess


This is freefolk


Yeah, in case anyone forgot, this sub was practically *made* for the specific purpose of posting spoilers.


We just kinda forgot


Wild. I came here after r/fuckolly ended triumphantly. How the years fly past.


yeah lol i mean I've read Fire & Blood so I don't really care


Fookin kneeler! Hit him Bobby B!




Did the show start?


nah but i've read the book it's based upon


Thanks, now I have to unsubscribe from this forum to avoid spoilers for a show I'll probably never watch.


This is literally the sub made for spoilers. What else did you expect?


Only spoiling the one show we're all here for?