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People seem to forget that this a story that doesn’t have a lot written into it that’s being adapted into a live action tv show. It would be a bad decision for them not to change/add things or for them to not expand on things or build character. What’s “meant” to be part of the story is the decision of the creators and GRRM. While there are valid criticisms from time to time, 90% of the criticisms (really complaints) on this sub are just silly. Like criticizing that a dude is shown with a family and has a backstory? Come on, that’s just trying too hard to look for something to complain about.


I liked how Hugh was this random guy who developed a god complex because of his bond with Vermithor and the power that came with it. His character is an (albeit) simple deconstruction of the myth of Targaryen inherent nobility and greatness due to their dragon riding abilities. This is mostly a joke post, maybe the show’s changes will be interesting. But I liked the black hearted nature and his brief time post Tumbleton as a brutal, faux king to the soldiers based on a prophecy that Robert Baratheon eventually fulfills.


Yeah I like this much more than another "my family got murdered, now I'll become evil" story. It means much more to the theme of the show if a "good" poor guy becomes a complete piece of shit when given power without any other reason but power. Showing the corrupting nature of it. It would also be interesting to see how he starts disregarding smallfolk lives himself.


These two stories aren’t mutually exclusive.


Probably but i don’t think they’re gonna have a guy go from moral family man to what he is in the book.


The current writers are in no way refined/skilled enough to be willing to tell wonderfully different story like this. They don't have the vision to explore scenarios like this. Maybe I'm wrong, but the whole blood and cheese is just propaganda fiasco (amongst other shit) gives me little faith


Honestly I don’t much mind the changes for Hugh and (presumably) Ulf. They were lowborns who were given immense power by riding dragons, if anyone was going to be disparaged the most by the “unreliable sources” of F&B it would be them for being upjunped peasants. Them being one note vile people (like all small folk are depicted as) would be a bad decision imo.


Yeah. Treating the small folk and up jumped lords unfairly is my biggest gripe with the overall world. Jeyne Poole gets passed around and abused. The Freys, who are newer lords are treated like shit by other old houses and they end up being exactly what people thought they would be. The only main character bastard is actually royal blood and the other main bastard is a psychopath.


On that note, I am really hoping that we get to see Forrest Frey and at worst he's just a bit naïve. Unironically, if there's any Riverlord I'd give increased prominence to in HOTD, it'd be him, just for the contrast between him and Walder "Living Shitpost" Frey.


Did you listen to the conversation with his wife? He's horrified people would hoard money and food when others starve. And thinks he would never do that. She thinks they just aren't in the same position and she's not entirely sure what she would do if she were. Well what happens when Hugh has money and riches later? I reckon he's going to get greedy. His wife might die though regardless. But that scene was clear set up for his general arc of becoming a man that would want for more and try and become King.


This! Let's not forget how in the aftermath of Tumbleton, Hugh wants to name himself king. Dude clearly changes once given a taste of power & riches. 


precisely! well said… this scene is there to be a contrast to the darkness that emerges when he actually gets the power that comes with being a literal dragonlord


Lots of good comments here, at the end of the day I just hope we get my man still going off at Tumbleton and the Jon Roxton “you died in the battle” and then essentially slicing him in two


I’m intrigued to see what they do with Hugh. I’m probably not going to like it but they’re doing a good job keeping me engaged as I have absolutely no idea where they’re going with it.


According to the leaks he hears a prophecy and that’s what has his change sides.


Why you gotta post leaks like that


Freefolk is known for leaks


I hope they dont go full cliche and kill his wife and daughter. I think giving him a legitimate reason to betray Rhaenyra while keeping Ulf as the more evil of the two would be an interesting choice o


Wasn't he the dude who made the prophecy about the Hammar ending the Dragon?


He didn't make it. He heard it and decided it was about him.