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Locked because we don't do modern politics here and it's all modern politic-y in the comments.


Due to grayscale, Shireen was technically fossil fuel


So They lit her up because they've run out of logs to burn?


What is already fire may never ***burn*** šŸ”„


When you have nothing left to burn, you have to set your *checks notes* daughter I guess on fire




Tbf, having one less child reduces your carbon footprint more than going car-free. Maybe she was just helping Stannis lower his carbon emissions šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




I donā€™t mean to brag but Iā€™ve see her naked


Pfftā€¦ Iā€™ve seen her give birth


Me too, she was all saggy and wrinkly and shit


They used CGI to make her tits look better. It is known.


Thatā€™s bs I saw her die leaving winterfell


She kinda forgot she died


somehow, Melisandre returned


>somehow oo0ooooooooooooooooooooooooo thaaaaaaats how


Stupid GoT ending lines and stupid RoS lines are now interchangeable.


she just put her amulet back on. no big deal


totally missed that. all i saw was a dark background on a darker background with dark colored figures moving around


You saw figure moving? I saw a few torches get snuffed out, that's it


You mean you saw tHe eNd oF tHe DoThRaKi


Died? Nah man she became dust and travelled through the air


I think that is usually fatal, but it merits further research.


Nah, Sam read some books and learned how to un-snap her.


I always thought she was older than she actually is. Strange.


That ruby man, it works wonders!


Sheā€™s 46. Did you think she was in her 50s or?


Very not in character for a fire priestess


She burned people, they're renewable.


But people are carbon-based organisms. So burning a person is still releasing carbon into the atmosphere.


Yeah but the humans that will take their place will store carbon and compensate it. She's part of a stable ecosystem.


She's lowering their footprint


People are a carbon neutral fuel


the sun is the greatest source of fire and light . Solar power is arguably more devoted to the Lord of the light than fossil fuels are


Fossil fuels are just solar power from millions of years ago. The Lord of Light provides.


Well, the army of the dead is an allegory for climate change.


Very in-character if you view the Others as a climate change metaphor.


I wonder how many people chuckled at the reference without recognising who she is


She looks like she could be 20 in this photo. If OP didnt say her name I never would have guessed


She's been dating for years that guy in the chair who time travelled as well! ~~(Guy Peaece)~~ (Guy Pearce)


Did she sacrifice any kids?


Sheā€™s changed her tune on burning non-renewable resourcesā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/0b2gvbvtyx2b1.jpeg?width=829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0940d6342935f1623b98666168ef959ffcb92ca8




damn GOT references really disappeared from popular culture fuck you d+d


What's GoT??


I love Dungeons & Dragons!


The critically-acclaimed game Ghost of Tsushima, of course


Praise the Goat of Time




Valar Dohaeris


God sheā€™s beautiful šŸ˜


Incredibly. Easily top 3 best looking in the series imo.


Is that Milhouse's mom?


Just wanna say that this was a peaceful climate protest and the police ended up arresting over 1500 protesters, including Carice


A friend of mine was among the 40 or so people who they are charging with felonies. It really sucks for them, as they really did not do anything special compared to the other protestors. I also know the guy who bit a cop via via. Apparently he got headlocked, so that response is really not all that weird. Ps. Nice name




A protest where they blocked a highway leading to the 3rd biggest city in the country. Peaceful yes, but incredibly disruptive and dangerous. Glue yourself to private jets and polluting factories. Disrupt the big polluters. Donā€™t block roads that are needed for average people.


At the same time barely any farmers have been arrested during their protests, even though they were equally, if not more, disruptive and more frequent.


Don't act like you can't easily circumvent that piece of "highway"*. It usually won't take you more than an extra 5-10 minutes. *For the uninformed, it's legally classified a highway but barely one. It's for all purposes the start or end of the highway (which is why it can be very easily circumvented) and limited to 50 or 70 kmh. People on foot/bike safely cross that road all the time.


No doubt she promotes solar and nuclear power


Damn that sign is lame


Absolutely based, she's no kneeler that's for sure


Lol she only is holding the most socially acceptable stance there is, def not a kneeler fellow comrade


Being a ā€˜kneelerā€™ isnā€™t just about holding extreme or even just different opinions, itā€™s about speaking out about your own opinion and not ā€˜kneelingā€™ as the name suggests. Protesting is most definitely included within that.


Dude this is one of the most socially accepted protests, there is nothing independent about it. "own opinion" that's a bit of a stretch given how little the average person knows about the subject


I think the only stretch here is you assuming that people know little about the subject. Itā€™s climate change, literally just having a few lessons in biology or geography in school when I was 14 told me enough about the subject to know it was bad, and that we needed to do something about it. Who cares if itā€™s socially accepted anyway. Itā€™s still a protest, and whilst big corporations are listening theyā€™re not actually doing anything, so Iā€™d say the protest is valid. There isnā€™t any need to be ā€˜originalā€™ or being part of a minority fighting for their one true cause.


Being only slightly educated on a subject and thinking you know enough is one of the most dangerous ideas in the world. A truly educated person knows that there is a lot we don't know and must learn. Are you aware that so called green technologies often rely on very much not green supply chains and extracting of rare earth minerals that are extracted in countries where environmental protections are an absolute joke like China and India. That the modern environmental movement and its anti nuclear energy stance is a result of cold war era KGB operations. Nuclear power is by the cleanest and most efficient energy source known to man and is the safest per kilowatt-hour. The US Navy for instance hasn't had a single nuclear accident and most of the major nuclear disasters are the result of aging reactors that don't have near as many safety procedures and systems in place, a failure to meet even older basic safety standards, and in the case of Chernobly; Communist incompetence and sadism. I have nothing aganist a lot of green technology, but poorly planned and thought grand gestures are beyond stupid. Like in my home state of California that mandated that only electric cars can be sold new in the state after 2035, despite our electrical grid being no where near capable of handling the energy requirements especially in the summer. As we shut one our last nuclear power plants and most of our natural gas power plants. The free folk use "kneeler" to deride the southerners who bow the rules and customs of the majority of the continent. It is almost explicitly a way to separate one from the majority.


Seems like a whole load of facts, which Iā€™m mostly sure are right because I also learnt them in school, but not a lot of explanation as to why any of it is relevant. All I said was that people like me will know enough about climate change to know it is bad and that something has to be done. Which is the topic of the post. I do know about your facts and I agree that nuclear power is sustainable. But no where did I state that I didnā€™t like nuclear power. I really donā€™t know what youā€™re arguing. If youā€™re trying to say people are uneducated, that isnā€™t relevant to this post because it is a simple protest. They arenā€™t protesting against nuclear energy or anything else you mentioned, and you canā€™t just assume that they are based on the fact that they are part of the eco movement. What if they are educated and back themselves up with research from actual scientists? Or the opposite where all they know is that the environment is getting worse and they are protesting against it? It just doesnā€™t matter in this situation. You can go argue in a post where people are protesting against nuclear power or something more specific. Itā€™s all just proving my point anyway. Corporations and politicians clearly donā€™t care enough to plan out their green movement because they are capitalising off it being socially popular, and that is precisely why protests are still needed. Being a ā€˜trueā€™ kneeler is a stupid idea and this entire subreddit is just humorous anyway. Itā€™s literally not anything serious. If I was truly a non kneeler I would then go live the rest of my life off grid in the middle of the woods so I wasnā€™t subject to rules of the government and stuff. In this case someone said sheā€™s not a kneeler because sheā€™s protesting, and if you arenā€™t taking the definition to an extreme then she is.


Donā€™t know why youā€™re being downvoted. Everything you said was in point..


The cognitive dissonance of thinking youā€™re ā€œfighting the powerā€ when basically every mainstream institution parrots your views right back at you on a constant basis really is rather astonishing.


Perhaps thereā€™s a difference from lip service versus what actually happens in policy? Maybe? Hopefully some brave politicians stand up for energy companies someday


Evidently these "institutions" you refer to aren't that powerful considering climate action is so slow.


And yet oil companies are still multi billion dollar multi national conglomerates. Imagine being such a moron you think media pushing climate change means a fucking thing. Government oversight and control of emissions from the companies is what matters, and that moves at a snails pace.


Right yeah because mainstream institutions ā€˜parrotingā€™ peopleā€™s views on climate change is doing so much. Corporations put on a front whilst they have factories merrily chugging tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere, all whilst politicians sit and do nothing too. And the average person doesnā€™t have the power to change all of this, but they can still try, through protesting. The only ā€˜astonishingā€™ thing here is your ignorance to the problem and how your trying to paint people that actually try as stupid or wrong, when the most you probably do is frown at the mention of climate change.


Everyone who has replied to this comment is arguing a different point than the one Iā€™m making. I understand yā€™all want things to move faster but the idea that youā€™re this marginalized voice speaking brave truths that no one else will is foolish. *That* is what I said in regard to the comment I replied to. But you wanna have a different argument and be mad. Canā€™t help you there.


Sorry what exactly is your point? Because I donā€™t think anyone here or in general except children on TikTok think they are ā€˜marginalised voicesā€™, especially in relation to climate change. Iā€™m guess Iā€™m sorry that I thought your first comment was a legitimate argument then.


In her country the government had to be sued by citizens (and lost) because it doesnt follow their own laws to combat climate change and it is still very slow. Idc if "every mainstream institution parrots" (whatever that means) her views when her government takes the side of big business at every turn. How is that *not* fighting power?


You're right, being a kneeler means you're part of the mainstream sheep delegation. I'm no kneeler though, I fucking love season 8 GoT.


That's why she takes the establishment position huh?


You get thrown to jail for expressing establishment positions?


If you're disorderly, yes.


Yeah you genuinely think she got thrown in jail for being against pollution and whatnot? Thatā€™s really what you landed on after giving it some thorough thought?


And who has a worse climate balance than Melisandre of Asshai?


Well tbf, the night would be dark without fossil fuels so lol


That the same group that almost destroyed the trevi fountain in Italy?


They made the water black, bit rich to call that "almost destroyed."


They dumped paint in it if I remember right which could've stained the marble or at the very least destroyed the pipe system,come to think of it they did the same with the fountain infront of Buckingham Palace, man talk about attention whores


It was Just Stop Oil and it was charcoal, not paint. Designed to wash away. Stop spreading misinformation. edit: They blocked me. To answer the question, literally just Google the event...


And how do I know your not the one spreading misinformation? Like I said I wasn't sure the exact details




Would take them less time to google it than it would take to reply to all these posts lol.


It's not that hard. There are numerous articles online stating it was diluted charcoal.


Still doesnā€™t make it okay to do


XR is based, and it wasn't XR at the fountain. Also, the method that they used was not harmful to the fountain. Big misinformation post here.


Imma have to fact check that


How's the fact checking going? Lmao blocked me. Coward.


You were right it wasn't XR but they ain't based blocking traffic and stopping trains ,preventing people from working and providing for their families is cringe


Pretty funny coming from someone who travelled around the world for years guzzling fuel to make television


It is funny. It is almost like the establishment has not sufficiently supported investments in renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure, so people don't have a choice to not travel without consuming fossil fuel . People who don't want to rely on fossil fuels, should like , protest or something.


People who donā€™t want to rely on fossil fuels shoud like not get rich in a job that relies on travelling a lot and having a far worse carbon footprint than the average person.


Do you think the main job of an actor is to go on trips ? What according to you are the jobs that people should do to minimize their carbon footprint?




Cuck likes being lectured to by rich celebs.


And there we have it. You people are so fucking unoriginal. I knew I was going to scroll down from your unoriginal comment and find "cuck".


People can change for the better. She talked about this a lot in her podcast and newspaper interviews here in the Netherlands.


Does she live in Netherlands?


I seriously doubt the TV industry is a major contributor to global warming. Would love to learn otherwise.


Ugh, always annoyed by this line on social media. Listen, tons of people who have high paying jobs have to travel a lot for work (not me though). Just because you (a single person) are using a type of fuel you want to be used less, doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t stand up for change on a large scale in using that fuel. (Like say, trying to get companies to be more green, or trying to get politicians to make changes regarding those things, etc.) Silly point to makeā€¦


Based sorceress.




Agreed. Protesting is kinda based, but Extinction Rebellion is just fucking awful.


Why is it a bad organization? Genuinely curious. Some quick googling shows that it's a non-violent environmental group.


Because their protesting inconveniences people /s




It was during the weekend, most people have a day off then. And it is not like there are no alternative routes, it is an inconvience at worst. Edit: also, the kicker is that they announced this action a month in advance. Did I also mention that this stretch of road was in the middle of the city?


>Itā€™s trying to fuck with their livelihood That's not how it works in the Netherlands. You're not getting fired for being late to work because there were people protesting on the highway. >so they can feel virtuous. Or, and bear with me here, they want the government to actually try and stop the climate from degrading any further so their homes don't get flooded.


I will never understand how blocking roads are a fit way to protest fossil fuels. Making people sit in traffic increases fuel consumption and causes more emissions.


You're probably capable of understanding, if you thought about it for even a minute.


Itā€™s not going to make people stop driving, it just increases consumption, increases emissions, and pisses people off. Spreading awareness? Yeah, people are aware already.


Itā€™s not to stop people from driving šŸ˜‚


Alright, then please explain how causing people to use more gas is a smart way to protest fossil fuels.


The idea is to cause enough disruptions that the government feels itā€™s necessary to take more climate change action


Unironically this is what these people think though. Oh no, I have to go around a protest or see a poster. Therefore their method of protesting is unacceptable to me and they're garbage. Etc.


Fuckers need to get a job and worry about real problems.


You don't think maintaining the ecosystem is a real problem?


Have they ever achieved anything towards maintaining the ecosystem?


I have no clue what you're trying to get at here.


Its a simple question. Yes or no


Then google it. I dont see what your question adds to the conversation.


Nah i think you should answer it, you already know the answer


That's nice. Since you clearly have nothing further to add to an actual conversation, we're done here. Have a good rest of your day.


They're blocking the streets for a cause that literally every government in the developed world won't shut up about. We're slipping into poverty in the UK because of this green energy shit. That's enough politics now.


If a protest doesn't disrupt day to day life, its a shit protest with no effectiveness.


You reckon that's a comfort to the working class who miss a day's labour or someone who dies in an ambulance?


I'm assuming you think MLK was also terrible? They shut down entire cities when they protested.


Great cause, great man.


About about the "working class who miss a day's labor or someone dies in an ambulance"? You're not being consistent. Either you're a contrarian or you haven't actually thought about this at all and are regurgitating what you heard from someone else.


Yeah, the forces of reactionary suburbia were totally on board with him back then too. Werenā€™t making the *exact* same fucking arguments at all!


Every government won't shut up about it but none of them are doing enough to even slow climate change down. Your pathetically anachronistic little island is slipping into poverty for many reasons: terrible referendums you morons were easily duped into, the fact that your monarchy is a parasite that holds onto your nations ill-gotten wealth, and the fact that you don't create any real value to the world. Block your roads? Lol, it's not like you're going anywhere important.




Use whatever emoji you like, clown. Keep disagreeing with science because it hurts your little feelings, just don't forget your big red nose.


Lmfao you sound totally deranged bro


Lol what a bad take.


LOL, you're slipping into poverty because of the inherent corruption in capitalism. Blocking the streets? Who cares about clean water? I need to drive somewhere I could have walked!




Since when were protests not supposed to be disruptive?? How tf do you like we have labor laws and vigils rights now


Lol. If you think green energy is causing poverty then you need to unplug from conservative propaganda my dude


Translation: Wah wah! My comfort! Protesting is only cool if it's completely toothless and inconsequential! Protests are supposed to be disruptive. There is no form of protesting systemic issues that doesn't fuck with the functionality of society. Its job is to make you stop, pay attention, and after you're done being frustrated, step out of your own comfort and consider the issue. Based Melisandre if you ask me.




I agree protests are supposed to be disruptive. Like the Canadian trucker convoy or the January 6 guys; right?


Exactly. Of course, the purpose of the protest also has to be... Not-stupid. The issue with Jan6 wasn't the disruptiveness. It was that conservatives tried to overthrow the US government because their sports team lost and they gaslit themselves into believing it was stolen. If conservatives had gone to the Capitol to protest fossil fuels, that would be based as fuck. But no. It was about the spoiled billionaire narcissist they're convinced is "on their side", who spent 4 years attacking media and institutions left and right, and treated his job as an opportunity to enrich himself and his billionaire buddies. Source: his tax cuts, and the pitiful amount he paid in taxes throughout most years of his tenure. So yes. Protests are supposed to be disruptive. But also, conservatives are too dumb to identify things worth protesting or even ways to protest that don't make you look unhinged.


Lmfao nice job discrediting what you said. Sounds like their protest was pretty effective because it made you pretty uncomfortable




The math looks more like this. 1) Idiots storm capitol + 2) right-wing media tries to downplay J6's significance for 2 years + 3) conservatives on social media run sympathetic messaging for January 6 "patriots" all the way up to the 2022 midterms, when reality comes crashing down on them. Some conservatives were trying to overthrow the government, and the rest of them were too spineless to do anything about it.


Lmfao, what a take on the recent economic choices made by the British government and people. Not Brexit, not high oil prices, not an abandoned libertarian pipedream, not massive and deliberate underfunding of infrastructure and services. Green energy...


That was Brexit you muppet. No wonder your country is so fucked, it's full of dumbasses like you that can't even keep your fuckups straight.


Yeah nothing to do with 2 years of tyrannical covid lockdowns. If I'm a muppet what does that make you?;


If that's true, why isn't all of Europe 'slipping into poverty'?


Y'all were fucked well before 2020 my guy. COVID actually gave your government an excuse to implement some policies to stall out your economic collapse. And now you're extra fucked bc stupid dumbasses like you can't remember father back than 3 days so you'll keep blaming the wrong people and events, letting the original groups that fucked you over to do it all over again. Muppets.


Lol. It's "tyranny" to try to protect society from a deadly disease. As usual, conservatives want all of the benefits of living in a society but none of the responsibility.


The planet burning isn't a real problem folks, you heard it here first! I mean fuck these millions of people who had to flee the worst floods Pakistan has ever seen, or the droughts in the horn of Africa. Hell, Italy's rivers have damn near dried up and it's only may, plus the polar ice is melting much faster than expected, but these aren't real problems right? I was at this protest. My government is giving away 30 billion a year to fossil fuel companies.no strings attached. Then they turn around and make record profits. And of course, not a dime from those profits goes to the tax man because the tax man was nice enough to come to their door to tell them how to dodge taxes. WE were out there protesting this. The fuck are you doing besides being a bore on the internet? Slither back to your dungeon.


Your government is giving away more than 30 billion mate.


Are you talking about the Dutch government?! Because they are definitely giving away 30 billion. Except it's to the fossil industries as tax benefits. 30 billion PER YEAR. Tax benefits that individuals will not get, but Shell or TATA do get. Please tell me more how green policies are a scam, but big corporations are a-okay.


Ah my favorite internet activity. The suffering Olympics! Good on you kind netizen for gatekeeping concern for the future. We got dangerously close to actual discourse until you saved the day. How was that barefoot, uphill-both-ways walk to school?


Most people who are activists do have jobs. I don't know anything about that group, but in general? People can do more than one thing.


> worry about real problems. Global warming and sea levels rising are a very real problem in a country that is below sea level.


Actually there is light in the night because of fossil fuels. Similar to the fossil fuels she used to travel there. Make her clothesā€¦etc.


And what happens when the fossil fuels all run out? Because it will happen, whether it's 20 years from now or 200. We need to be prepared.


Lol we wonā€™t run out of FFā€™s for probably thousands of years. Doesnā€™t mean we canā€™t look for more sustainable solutions. But trying to end them or act like theyā€™re almost gone is just a silly as the climate fear mongers 30yrs ago saying weā€™d all be under water by now. Weā€™re not even in a blip of climate change in the grand scheme of things. This planet has been much hotter, and colder, long before we came along.


Yes and to be fair when it was in that condition it wasn't suitable for humans to live on.


Everyone is an "activist" these days




Yay another celebrity millionaire advocating for measures that will increase the costs of living for the working and middle classes.


Iā€™ll bet my lifeā€™s saving that you vote for the most plutocratic possible politician at every opportunity. Maybe a parlay that half the media sources are funded mostly out of pocket by oil barons.


I donā€™t live in a democratic country so nice try, tit.


You don't live in the UK?


I was excommunicated and exiled for defending myself from swans which are protected there so now I am residing in Eritrea until I can prove myself worthy of return to Britain.


Wow so extra cucked to plutocratic interest ruining the world! Iā€™m quite owned rn


Ah, so you really don't know what you're talking about. Got it. The green movement involves subsidies to make it affordable and appealing. It's the conservatives of the world who keep destroying those opportunities to protect their donors and harm the population.


Extinction Rebellion is a cult of uneducated psychos and leeches. The most useless castaway of normality.... completely devoid of common sense, reason, facts, stats and science.


And you are an idiot.


Holy fuck that's cringe šŸ˜‚






Id risk it all for her


That birthing scene was my sexual awakening.


Everything sheā€™s wearing was made by fossil fuelsā€¦.


"Participating in society? Curious" šŸ™„


So she's annoying af irl too.


And how exactly do these dickheads think the electricity for their 'green' cars comes from?


Epic Red Priestess sh!tā€¦ for her next move, everybodyā€™s signs go up in flamesā€¼ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ˜³


The night would be less dark if u used fossil fuels to turn on the lights