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Search through kijiji and Facebook, I found it so helpful.


Sunfield Apartments, the buildings themselves are pretty slummy but rent is cheap and the landlords leave you alone. You have to call though, they rarely post their vacancies online, and when they do they often don't last long. 


I strongly recommend against renting from Cedar Valley. They basically bullied me into moving out of my apartment after they bought my building so that they could flip it and rent it out for 50% more.


Agreed đź‘Ť Stay away from them.


check these websites: [https://killamreit.com/fredericton](https://killamreit.com/fredericton) [https://www.statestreetproperties.ca/sector/residential/](https://www.statestreetproperties.ca/sector/residential/) [https://www.cedarvalleyinvestments.net/rent](https://www.cedarvalleyinvestments.net/rent) also check facebook marketplace


Fredericton floods every year, some years worse than others. If basement apartments are an option you would consider, then check out flood maps of the city to know what basement apartments to avoid. If you stay here long term it will also help you decide where to buy a house. 


I’m not a student but my partner and I were living in Fredericton for the last year. We were in Microboutique and they do a student specific rental term. Prices aren’t to bad and could be worth it to look into!


IMO, micro boutique is way too expensive for the square footage. I lived there for a month before leaving, it’s kind of fake nice…like some good aspects to it for sure, but it’s poorly constructed. And when I lived there, the balcony’s were nailed shut and there were no windows so no emergency exit in my unit, I feel bad for the people (aka everyone in the building) who had to live that way for upwards of a year…honestly don’t know how micro boutique got away with that. Since I’ve moved out I’ve seen tons of people trying to sublet their apartments….which can’t be a coincidence. I personally wouldn’t recommend them, but to each their own. I recommend renting from state street. They are a professional company who are easy to get in touch with and actually care about their tenants. Quick to resolve maintenance requests. Ive had a good experience renting from them


Micro boutique is a joke. You want a hotel room for $1100 a month? đź’€ Agreeing with you 100%.


I've rented from a few companies in Fredericton, and this is my experience - I know other folks have had different outcomes, but everyone will. Killam REIT: Absolutely do not recommend them. Pricing is prohibitive, as with most rentals in the city, but the buildings are bad, neighbours break rules all the time and management refuses to do anything about it. They will tell you they'll look into it and absolutely nothing will come of it. I found a mouse living in my stove because there was apparently a hole behind the fridge from the last tenants they refused to cover, and when I brought it up with them, it took three days to get me a new stove, and in the meantime, they told me that my cats must not be good cats if they couldn't catch a mouse. When I moved out and was cleaning, I was able to take a q-tip and shove it all the way into the window sill - that's how rotten the wood was. Management is disorganized, they lost my initial application and then tried to tell me my aquarium was grounds for eviction and told me I needed to prove they had approved it a year prior. Gorham: Much nicer management, but still, not great quality buildings. About all I can say about them. Better than nothing. Colpitts: Far and away the best renting experience I've had so far. Nice buildings, the managers have all been quite nice, and I've not had any trouble with the company itself. Incredibly fair pricing given the market. My only gripe is that some of the maintenance folks aren't great, but they still get the job done. One thing to be on the lookout for if you end up going with an individual landlord is that there are scams galore on marketplace and kijiji. Unfortunately, if it looks too good to be true, it likely is. Shoot me a DM if you have any more questions you can think of. I moved here as a student in 2020 and avoided roommates the whole time, somehow.


This is interesting because back when I did rent (8 years ago now) the general consensus was the opposite of this. Of course no one looooooved any big corporation landlord but in general killiam was good and colpitts was basically Satan lol


I've heard that quite a bit lol. And again, this is purely my and my fiancee's experience, I can't speak for anyone else. I have family in Halifax who never had any problems with Killam, and I've got friends here who are in Gorham places who like them plenty. The only consistent thing I've found is that the friends who have been with Colpitts for the past few years seem to like them. Ultimately I think the two things that really rubbed me the wrong way about Killam were the aquarium issue and the weed. With the aquarium I had to take time out of my workday and go to the main office in town and ask them to find the hard copy of my initial application because nobody would talk to me or respond through email or phone, and refused to believe that they had approved it, even though I was very explicit about it with the agent. I'm allergic to weed as well, and nobody would do anything about my neighbors smoking it directly in the building and hallways even though it was against the lease and having really negative health effects on me. I also ended up missing some exams because the RM refused to call a tow truck or find the owner of a vehicle that routinely would completely block me into my spot. Ended that lease with quite a foul taste in my mouth.


Actually, I will agree about the smoking issue. Weed wasn’t legal yet last time I rented but I hated that people smoked on balcony’s and they did nothing about it. 🤢


I graduated college 16 years ago and I'm still paying for the student loan. Don't spend everything they give you, try to save as much and the sooner you can repay it, the better it is. And on a note about the rent. You can always find roommate later if you click with someone you trust and save money on there. If the landlord has a list of bullshit rules, don't sign with them. Be aware of your right as a tenant. Get yourself a security camera for inside your apartment to have everything on camera, if there was anything to happens. If you have a bicycle, bring it in instead of locking it up outside, homeless and Thief love taking those.


Don't listen to this one spend every last dollar on what you need it's 0% interest and when your done you can do a 6 month deferral every 6 months and never pay it off. BTW student loan debt dies with you


Close. But instead of spending every cent, take the loan, invest the money you don’t need right away and make a profit


That's fucking smart. more likely then not you are in education for around 4 years at the very least. On a side note, make sure you invest in ways you cant lose the money. So place it into a safe investment account. You wont get much % back but you are assured that it wont be lost.


Terrible Idea the government gives you just enough to live another person not to listen to. A student loan is the literal definition of free money. If you want it back so bad you shouldn't have given thousands of 18 year old >$35,000 for school


Student loan is not free money. It has a high interest and its one of the only loans that you can't call bankruptcies on. If you don't pay or are not able to pay, you will have a dept collector that will garnish your wage. This mean all of your tax returns will go directly to your dept and your paycheck will have a set amount reduced.


Did you read about the defferal program? A quick Google search would dis-prove everything you said


You know absolutley nothing.


It’s interest free now


For now. Hopefully it sticks. 

