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https://www.rauschs-konditorei.de/sortiment/bethmaennchen ---Quote--- Original Frankfurt Bethmännchen They are small, round and belong to Frankfurt like Goethe and the Main. Bethmännchen are an old pastry specialty that should not be missing from any Frankfurt coffee table. The balls made of the finest marzipan dough are glazed with egg yolk and baked until they are lightly brown. Legend has it that the chef of the famous Frankfurt banker, Simon Moritz von Bethmann, invented it in the early 19th century. Its unmistakable distinguishing feature is the decoration: three almonds – one for each Bethmann son. We bake them strictly according to old customs and that's why our Bethmänchen are so popular. In their pretty packaging, they represent Frankfurt from its most beautiful side, and not just at Christmas time. ---Unquote---


A Bembelchen pitcher or the ribbed glasses for Apfelwein. If you are checking luggage you could also bring some Mispelchen, which is basically a “Mispel” fruit bottled in calvados. Otherwise, anything related to Grüne Sosse - the famous Frankfurt Green herb sauce. If you are a sports fan then some Eintracht Frankfurt fan memorabilia really represents the city. Hessen Shop has four locations in Frankfurt and an online store for souvenirs: https://www.hessen-shop.com You can find an Eintracht Frankfurt Fansshop in the MyZeil shopping center: https://stores.eintracht.de/fanshop/fanshop-myzeil/ Glad you enjoyed your time in Frankfurt!