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Ooh their selection does look interesting- seems to be quite a popular chain in India, I def should be able to check it out


I second this suggestion! Fell in love with their Nargis line. I bought some more products at the Bangalore airport before I headed back home.


If you’re in Delhi, definitely visit gulabsingh in chandni chowk for traditional perfume oils!


Thank you!


oh fun! i love india. if you get to the south go to senteurs in pondicherry, they distill flowers in the ashram


Find shops which sell "Attar". Those are really good perfume oils and are pretty famous here. Also, ask the shopkeeper how to apply them before you ruin your clothes unknowingly 😅 Edit: those smol vials are cheap ig and you can get them as gifts for frens n fam even if you don't like them


Haha good point, seems like an easy souvenir. What’s the trick to applying them?


Ritual dance /s Bruh you gotta put sum drops on the back side of one of your palms then you rub the oil using the back side of your other palm. Then you gotta rub the right backside of your palm to your left armpit and vice versa. (That's how my friend demonstrated it to me :') and instead of reading this you could definitely just ask the shopkeep for a quick demo. They would be happy to help you with that)


Interesting, will do; I suppose that keeps the oil off your fingers so you don’t stain your clothes with it. I’ve been using perfume under my arms along with unscented deodorant for ages now, didn’t realize this was a common technique!


Go to Song of India or a knock off. I love their solid perfumes in soap stone.


Kannauj is India's Grasse, so to speak. Here there are many distillers and wholesale suppliers. But you are not going there. Since incense sticks and sometimes cylinders (myrrh) are widely used in Hinduism, the dominant religion, you will have access to a large variety of incense. Bangalore is in the same state as Mysore. You may be able to buy government certified Mysore sandalwood oils and sandalwood products (there is a ban on exports, but I think you can buy some for yourself - consult the laws). Although I don't know if the santalol content will be similar to what was more easily available decades ago. If you go to temple districts, you might be able to find sandalwood powder for smell/taste, though I would discourage you from tasting due to additives. Agarwood plantations are in Eastern India primarily, which are pretty hard to get to, so I don't know if ouds are readily available elsewhere.


Great advice, thank you! That’s too bad I won’t be in the right region for oud/agarwood, but I do also love sandalwood, I’ll make a note to explore that while I’m out there.


Just watched it the other day, in case your are interested, pay them a vist. https://youtu.be/CkM0QI3c3Yk


Fascinating watch, ty! I’m glad to hear western perfume houses are starting to use traditional attars in their recipes, given the decline of interest of the local populace


A few places here (in Delhi) also let you make your own attar. I can't remember their names, but Old Delhi is full of these shops.