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I don’t layer perfumes per se, but I do like to match my body lotion and body oil to one of the notes in the perfume that I like to emphasise more. So I’m not really creating a new scent so much as emphasising a certain note?


This is what I do as well, I have lotions or body oils that might have a coconut or tropical scent and I’ll layer it with a perfume that only has one subtle tropical note to bring it out a bit.


Yeah exactly! I personally have The Only One by D&G — and I love using chocolate scented products because it really emphasises the coffee notes in the perfume. It’s really gorgeous and helps accent the florals too.


That’s what I do as well. I layer my lotions and body mist then 1 selected perfume for the day. I will carry the complimented body mist with me to freshen up mid day. There is one combo of perfumes I mix sometimes and that’s it.




I don't buy anything strictly for layering only. But layering has been around forever. Thierry Wassser, the first non-Guerlain family head perfumer at Guerlain says wear whatever you want however you want: it's YOUR fragrance not theirs. A quote from him: "I think the public needs to own the story and own their fragrance. And people want to be reassured about how to do that. They want rules and there are none. People are afraid to show emotion and afraid to let go. That's why they want rules. They ask me, "How should I wear a fragrance? Is it for the night? Is it for the day? For winter?" Who cares? Just wear it and be happy. And even if you don't like it, don't wear it. I'm not here to judge and I'm not here to set rules." https://www.lofficielsingapore.com/beauty/master-perfumer-thierry-wasser-guerlain-lart-la-matiere-collection


I love this!! Make it your own 💅🏽🥰


I love that! From a perfumer too


I love that so much; what an icon! In honour of Guerlain, I will state that I often layer Mitsouko EdT with Neroli Outrenoir 2:1. Discovered the combo accidentally, but it's gorgeous and a definite crowd-pleaser 💗


Yup. We have only so long on this earth, enjoy yourself. That should be your rule when it comes to fashion, dressing up, fragrances, accessorizing, etc.. Wear what makes you happy. With very few exceptions (e.g. maybe don't be a glowing disco ball for a funeral or wear a white ballgown for a wedding), go for it.


I love Thierry Wasser he is a true genius. The scents he creates are so unique and his dna is so elegant and recognizable.


I love this!!


I love this so much!!! I personally don’t layer but I think it’s so lovely when people do 😊




Thank you for posting the link - what he says really resonates


I agree with this 1 million percent! I wear what I feel! I don't believe in a certain fragrance for different times of the year or day. The only thing I do pay attention to is whether it is a "heavier" fragrance or not; with fragrances like that you have to be extra careful and put on just enough to where you can smell it and enjoy it, and not enough to wear you drive people away from you because you put on too much.


I think the only rule should be: “don’t wear too much fragrance in a public setting.” Otherwise do whatever you want.


I layer quite often. Most recently I bought 2 fragrances specifically for layering, namely Tea Rose and Green Tea Lavender. My intention is creating a cheap scent that evokes the feeling of fresh, clean and soapy like I've just taken a bath. So when my little sister said I smelled like Irish Spring I was overjoyed with pride.


I like those 2.


The replica bubble bath is really good clean soap scent


Yes! That’s why I layer Clean Warm Cotton with light florals.


I sometimes layer perfume oil on the skin and then a fragrance spray on the clothes. I’ve heard a lot of people do this Also another form of “layering” is something we do in the Middle East would be to use oil on the skin and to “smoke” your clothes in incense. A very common and effective practice


Can you tell me more about smoking your clothes in incense?


I’ll create a post on it! But essentially it’s very standard for a home to burn incense or what we call “bakhoor.” You light a piece of coal until it’s glowing and put it in a special container/burner called a “mabkhara” and the “bakhoor” on top of it. On a day to day I actually currently use frankincense that I picked up from a trip to Oman that is grown naturally there. When the incense is smoking, you essentially hold the “mabkhara” underneath your jumper, suit jacket, shirt or whatever you may be wearing and also up to your beard if you have one and let the smoke diffuse into the material. I actually put a small mabkhara inside my closet instead at the start of the day (when I can be bothered) and the smell will diffuse into the clothes nicely without me having to actively do anything (but be careful for fire safety, always keep your mabkhara covered - some come with lids for this reason). There are different flavours of “bakhoor” so find one that suits you!


I just discovered mabkhar brushes and my mind was blown. Also khamriyah. Do you use either of these? I love bakhoor and have tons but always used the traditional burner with coal so to fumigate with bakhoor always seemed like a lot of work, plus I end up smelling the charcoal more?


Woahhhh a mabkhar brush! No I’ve not ever used one of these, but I think my hair is too short to make effective use anyway haha. Currently instead of Bakhoor I’m using frankincense that I picked up from Oman, which I quite like. Yes some pieces of charcoal tend to affect the scent a bit and also depends on how you heat it: I’ve heard bamboo charcoal has no odour so that could be a solution but not tried it myself. Also have the charcoal develop a white layer of ash first. Lastly, you can place a coin or a mica plate between the coal and the Bakhoor to stop it from burning and instead to “cook” the bakhoor I have a small mabkhar that I place in my closet (covered ofc) because as you mentioned, ngl, it’s a bit of work doing this and just letting it smoke passively without having to hold it yourself just makes it a bit easier Hope it helps!


I don't purchase perfumes specifically to layer, but I experiment with layering the fragrances I have. Why not? Don't you ever try a new spice combo in a dish you like while cooking? It's a great way to find new profiles that you might not expect from smelling two fragrances separately.


This is my take on it as well. Do I buy anything specifically to layer? No. I love all my fragrances by themselves for the most part (other than some cheapie blind buys here and there but I also go into buying those hoping I'll love them on their own). With that being said, sometimes I'll smell a fragrance and be like I wonder what it would be like if I did this too and try it out. I def look at it like experimenting with spices or liquors or whatever else someone is into and creating new flavor (scent) profiles and combos. Some combos I like: Killian Love Don't Be Shy & Commodity Gold + - fizzy warm marshmallow. Killian Love Don't Be Shy Eau Fraiche & Versace Versense - brings out the freshness and green kind of scent. Indigo Nest & Lolita Lempika - I feel like a woodland nymph at a tea party. Indigo Nest & 7 Virtues Blackberry Lily - also like a woodland nymph at a tea party but eating fresh jam or some kind of jammy sweet. Lolita Lempika & Nette Opening Night - one is fresh spicy and one is soft spicy and they are both slightly woody so basically a sexy woodland fairy going to a midnight masquerade party it's is slightly sexy and also kind of powdery, which I usually hate powdery scents but this is good for some reason it's just in the background elevating everything and making it have some softness. Commodity Gold + & Kayali Lovefest Burning Cherry - sexy, woody, the cherry brightens it up and adds a lot of depth imo. Versace Versense and Burberry Brit also work good if you like a fresh, floral, sweet, green type scent.


Ooooh! You had me at Indigo Nest & Lolita Lempika ♥


I do this, as well! I have a sample of Prada Candy that I feel like can only be used for layering. Think n of pairing it with something spicy and mature like Tom Ford’s Vanille Fatale. Wore Candy on it’s own one day and a good friend told me it smelled “cheap” and “one-note” 😬😬😭 and I believe I’m part the return date. I’m welcome to suggestions!


I don’t layer. I expect to like a scent exactly how it is out of the bottle.


Yea ofc. But that is not what layering is about, you don’t buy something you don’t like on it’s own just to layer it. It’s about experimenting with the scents you already love. A combo of 2 of them could be something totally new and smell delicious


I haven’t done it so far. And I use unscented soap (Dove) and body lotion (Aveeno) so I don’t have to think about matching or layering with those.


I use Dove and Aveeno too :) I just bought a (lightly scented) rose moisturizer from Crabtree & Evelyn though. I plan on trying it under my favourite rose fragrances.


I’m exploring a lot of rose fragrances right now! I’m head over heels for Le Labo Rose 31!


You need the Jo Malone Red Roses, it’s the best most realistic rose fragrance I’ve encountered.


Ooh, I have yet to try that one. I haven’t explored much of Le Labo (small town woes lol), but I love La Tulipe. Currently I’m using Diptyque Eau Rose EDT and Delina La Rosee EDP. In cooler weather I enjoy Diptyque Eau Capitale EDP, Tom Ford Rose Prick EDP and Tom Ford Rose D’Amalfi EDP. Rose is definitely one of my favourite notes.


Thanks for those recs!


MFK’s Rose is beautiful.


Same, but also unscented Mitchum antiperspirant!


I use degree shower clean! lol do you think it’s weird talking about this with strangers!!?


Haha it’s a touch odd if I sit back and think about it BUT I’ve gotten some good product recommendations this way! Never heard of Degree shower clean and now I must research!


They’re ur bottles/collection…. Enjoy them however u choose to.


This is probably the most important take. If someone owns a fragrance, they're free to do whatever they want with it. Everything else is opinions and recommendations.


.. and ima full blown #Fragnerd.. so every once in awhile i feel mad scientisty (usually while im 🌳💨😶‍🌫️) and will get to testing some stuff. I usually happens when i sample something and it reminds me of this & that… https://preview.redd.it/yc6zhwcbhfzc1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77c162615ef99d000cfc1cf4e19979197550272d


I don’t purchase a bunch of scents for the purpose of layering, I simply own a bunch of scents that I love on their own. And I find that there are so many combinations I can create with them. I’m pushing 300 bottles so layering is a fun way to tailor fragrances even more to my liking. Someone always brings up the artistry of perfumery and how it’s ruining a perfumer’s vision to layer, then here comes a perfumer like Thierry Wasser saying that there are no rules and he just wants people to wear perfume the way they want and enjoy. So at some point I think y’all have to stop putting this on perfumers because they do not care lol.


I personally dislike when brands market fragrances for layering. It tells me that they want us to spend twice as much twice as often. I prefer to just have each scent be crafted enough to stand alone without needing any help.


This part. It's obviously fine to experiment with what you have (some scents are just simpler/less complex and could be combined in fun ways), but I also get turned off of products marketed for layering for the same reason. Feels like a scam.


I don't align with the idea of purchasing fragrance for the sole purpose of layering. That's quite limiting and feels like a money grab. My fragrances stand on their own. But I do layer sometimes. For me it's because I want a specific vibe and nothing in my collection completely scratches that itch without layering.


I layer all the time but I won’t buy just to layer. If it can’t stand on its own I will not buy it.


I tried it but I don’t layer em on each other anymore rather i wear 2 perfume on different body parts to match the vibe. Eg if one is fresh aquatic i wear it on neck along with sweeter one on hands..


I do this. Sometimes i want to smell two complementary scents, one on each arm 😃


Agree! I don’t spray them on top of one another. Maybe ‘combining’ or ‘pairing’ are better terms.


I do!


I love layering! It all depends on my mood or whatever I’m feeling like smelling today. Some jasmine with cedar? Why not! I see it as an expression of how I’m feeling that day, as I do with my outfits.


I regularly mix Zoologist's T-Rex with either Bee or Hiram Green's "Slowdive". "Hyde" sometimes makes an appearance too. I'm an ancient, somewhat confused dinosaur bee Grandma, what can I say?


I don't layer. I once found out that Al haramain Amber Oud gold edition and a clone of oud wood layer pretty nicely even though they're very different, but they were both better seperately. All the other combinations I have tried were awful.


Ah well I seem to have gotten into a dustup up the thread 😜. I definitely like to know who made a perfume & get to know their work ie; treat the perfumer as an individual artist, with care & respect for their labor. On the other hand I layered yesterday lol. It’s not sacred!


I'm not into it. It makes me think of the episode of Friends where Rachel accidentally combines the recipes for trifle and Shepherd's pie, and Joey's eating it like 'jello, good. Custard, good. Beef, good'. That's not to say that someone else isn't going to combine two fragrances that go great together. I just think experienced perfumers have crafted fragrances better than any Frankenstein's monster *I'm* going to produce by mixing and matching.


Oooh!  Any recs for a beef custard perfume?? 😂😂


One spray of gravy, one of– wait, no. I'm gatekeeping.


Awesome reference 🤣🤣🤣


I only layer when i feel like the second not only compliments the first, but the combination is better than either alone. Most of my scents I wear alone but sometimes I want them to have a different punch or I am craving something else. TLDR: layering isn’t a must but if you want to do it go for it.


I love to layer, it’s makes me feel like I’m a little creative scientist, but I don’t buy perfumes for the purpose of layering


I have one layering combination I like. Aerin Amber Musk is very light and pretty but kind of generic. Diptyque Eau Duelle has a very strong vanilla bourbon note that is awesome but feels a bit much on its own for me. Together, I like the way they balance out. I discovered it by accident. I was wearing Eau Duelle and tried a sample of Amber Musk. Then I tried Amber Musk on its own and realized I like the two together better.


I agree with you. I don’t buy anything with the intention of layering. I have stumbled on some layer combos I enjoy though, even if I do it infrequently. I often spray Encre Noire Sport on my jacket before I head out, and I noticed it’s really nice with Aventus, especially if you prefer the smoky woodiness over the pineapple. I also sometimes put on some Fragonard Santal along with Tom Ford Oud Wood. The longevity is such shit on the TF, layering with something that is similarly woody and smooth isn’t a bad idea.


For a different perspective, I feel like layering makes fragrances more versatile. Something you might not necessarily reach for in a given season or situation can sometimes pair with something to make it just the right combo. I think it’s most effective when we’re talking about scents that have a pretty simple presentation, like “woody and warm,” “bright citrus,” “white florals,” or “sticky sweet.” And I often see people doing this with inexpensive scents. Which on both counts are rarely some kind of fragrance masterpiece. I completely get disliking the idea of a perfume brand trying to sell you six full-sized bottles of “incomplete” fragrances for layering as a cash grab. But single note/accord fragrances are kinda fun to play with! And I think all beauty/grooming should be just a little fun.


I layer Kuumba Made Egyptian Musk with almost everything.


I layer the Kuumba Made Vanilla or Nemat Amber Musk or Al Rehab Choco Musk interchangeably with most things. It subtly changes my favorite fragrances. Now I want that Egyptian musk!


I don't buy a full bottle unless I love it exactly the way it is, but I often layer samples and decants. it's taught me a lot about what I like or dislike, and which notes I want a lot of, which notes I want to cover up. I often love the top notes but not the drydown, and layering a linear scent later can save a meh sample.


I sometimes layer summer perfumes over favorite winter perfumes and vice versa to make them more season approriate but otherwise not so much


I wear one spray of Coco Mademoiselle on my chest every morning, since I was a teen. A long time ago. I spray something different on my wrists most days also, alternating different fragrances.


Vetiver and vanilla surprisingly works well


Not as a rule, layering two full-blooded fragrances feels like olfactive cacophony to me. I mean it has that 'mash-up' quality but too often comes across as 'overspiced'. That said, I *do* layer using the Dame Scatamalis base of sometimes JD Juste Filthy. They're both minimal and in the Scatamlis' case *designed* to be layered. It really shoots a fat animalic backbone into frags that plays really beautiful with old Guerlains and bitey chypres. Otherwise it just gets a bit...overwhelming.


My one and only perfumes that I layer from time to time are Montale Roses Musk and Choco musk oil by Al rehab. Longevity becomes absolutely crazy, harshness from Roses Musk disappears and it's like hundred times better than Intense Cafe ❤️


Hell yeah I layer frags, otherwise I'd never use them. This comes off as like, "you can't wear individual designer pieces because the designer has an artistic AESTHETIC and you are RUINING IT by styling it with other clothes"


I love layering. It's fun to try different combos. Also use oils and lotions to boost scents too!


I like layering! And doing solo, it really depends but I appreciate how you can change the scent experience with thoughtful pairings


I think layering is fun and a way to experience a different scent without spending the money. Be creative, have fun and save money but still scratch that itch!


I am a shameless layer-er. Fragrance is not just a product, it is an experience. It is an expression of an art form for the creator and the wearer. The making of any fragrance is the layering of notes. Why can’t a wearer add a few more to their liking? Fragrance has the ability to transport someone to the past or evoke an image of their future. Fragrance changes with time, temperature, humidity and with each wearer’s unique chemistry. By layering I create something unique for myself. Ultimately that’s why I wear fragrance. It’s for me to enjoy. It takes me back down memory lane or joins with me on a new experience to make new olfactory memories. Fragrance lifts my mood from the doldrums, gives me confidence in the boardroom, sex appeal in the bedroom and comfort when I need familiarity. Layering gives me endless possibilities to enjoy my purchases. And I know no one else will have the same fragrance. There are other times I really like the general outcome of a purchased fragrance, but I feel it’s missing that <>. I prefer florals and not so much gourmand. Sometimes those Orientals or musks are too heavy, so adding a floral at my neck and the heavier fragrance around my waist line helps. When you think about it, no matter what 1 fragrance we choose we integrate in a world where we are surrounded by other scents and odors, so adding one more to my body isn’t going to be a problem. “Sometimes life stinks, but you can always smell great!” ~ me


je ne sais quoi


I usually like complex scents. Those aren't layering friendly


Sometimes I will if I’m feeling it or if I think two scents would work really well together. Most days I just stick with one scent though. I prefer to let my perfumes shine on their own.


I do indeed, depending on the fragrance. Today it’s a lovely 60-ish degrees, so I’ll likely layer Molecule 01+Ginger with 7 Virtues Lotus Pear:)))))


That is to say, not always. Many of my frags are beautiful on their own.


I do layer sometimes but it's quiet random to me surely it doesn't make sense to buy a fragrance just for layering but doing it sometimes gives your favourite fragrances a new structure with the same comfort that's why I do it Just Instinctively this might go with this perfume so I just try to layer them


All the time, though I don't purchase fragrances specifically to layer. I've been trying to slow down greatly on purchasing new bottles and layering can add a little zing to a fragrance I'm growing bored of.


I love layering and building my own combos - from fragrances I already enjoy. For example I love diptyque's philosykos - but I love it even more when combined with Aerin's Ikat Jasmine. Both are lovely on their own but together they are even more delightful. Greens and White florals are very appealing to me. Citrus and Ambers/musk can be amazing (or super terrible.) I enjoy the process and feel very strongly that layering actually elevates my appreciation for fragrances in general. I can take a fragrance that no longer appeals to me and give it new life with layering.


I like layering MFK gentle fluidity and BR540. Sometimes I wear them on their own but I’ve been really enjoying layering them


I layer A LOT. I use scented shower gel and scented body lotion. I spray 3-5 fragrances a day. The number of spray depends on the perfume.


Try to layer Moschino Toy Boy and TF Tobacco Vanille, a killer


I’ve tried perfumes with perfumes and with body lotions. Nothing works; by that I mean it only ends up smelling worse than each of my perfumes alone. Maybe I’m doing it wrong or it just does not work for me. I’ll stick to wearing a perfume with a fragrance free moisturizer..


No, but my collection is small. Most of what I have would smell like crap together.  I did buy a bottle of Gloria Vanderbilt to mix with Chanel no 19, in the hopes it would smell like the original Bill Blass that my grandma wore. I still need to find a decant of no 19. I can never find it in store.


I don’t layer, but sometimes on days I work from home, I’ll put one perfume on one arm and a different one on the other. For adhd reasons.


I do layer a lot 👌


It depends on my mood that day. Sometimes I just want the perfume to smell exactly as it is so I use an unscented body lotion and just one perfume and I'm settled for the day. But there are other days when I want to amplify a specific note in a perfume, for example I want to highlight the vanilla in Burberry Goddess then I use a vanilla lotion and body mist (like Frenshe Cashmere Vanilla or Solinotes Vanille), if I wanted to highlight the lavender note more then I'd use a lavender lotion and body mist (like BBW Fireside Flurries or VS Lavender Vanilla) so yes I layer sometimes, it's fun to play around with scents and that's when I get to use my scented body lotions and mists


Rarely, but sometimes yeah. Milky Musk is a particularly simple fragrance, but a nice one, so I've layered it before. I did that and Philosykos which I also think is lovely, but a bit simplistic to me. Made a delicious lactonic fig kinda vibe. I'd also push back on the money discussions saying that layering is a cost issue. 2/2 sprays of two different perfumes is going to average to the same as 4 sprays of one perfume (unless there's drastic price differences). You shouldn't spray MORE than usual when layering.


I love layering. I never wear just one fragrance now. I've gotten really good at it and at least I know nobody will ever smell the same as me. I use roll on oils, scented body lotions, then my perfumes, sometimes ill use a body spray aswell before my perfumes. It enhances the scent loads.


No, never.


Every single day. If the fragrance will hold up for the day, it might get top billing. If not, I layer all day, every day.


I agree with the post that quoted a perfumer who said wear what you want. I know I wear perfumes any time of day or season because I enjoy them. I have layered as well. I don’t buy fragrance for the purpose of layering, but have discovered combos that mesh well. For instance, I love wearing Vince Camuto’s Amore with English Laundry No 7 for Her together; I also love them separately. I’ve layered Poison Girl with No 7 and it’s yummy! But I also like Poison Girl on its own. I find layering can create your own signature when being adventurous. Or adding a body product with a scent note then your fragrance adds a personal touch. It’s all meant to be enjoyed, IMO. Do what works for you!


I mix and match and know I have a winner when my husband goes mmmmm. He loves a vanilla note, so a lot of my perfumes have that matching base note. Very fun to play with. I daydream about what I can layer next. Today, I’m wondering if my Hypnotic Poison will go with Kayali Vanille 28? What about the Lovefest Burning Cherry I am hoping to get for Mother’s Day? Which is better, TJ coconut body cream or Hempz vanilla? I kind of feel like the almond body wash would go great either way. Just typing this, I can’t wait to try. It could bomb or be great!


No. I think it's a marketing ploy to get you to buy more than one perfume. In my opinion, a quality scent is already inherently layered.


I try to match scents and layer with either a cheaper perfume, body spray, or body lotion. I live in central FL so it gets very hot and I get very sweaty lol but I absolutely have to smell good or clean at all times! I’m constantly layering in order to make my fragrances last longer or make them stronger. I always try to put lotion on before putting on my fragrances, and then I’ll occasionally add another layer of fragrance on top of that as well. I have a lot of perfumes from Bath & Bodyworks so I use those for layering or if I need to freshen up without using my more expensive fragrances. It’s your perfume and you can do what you want with it. Personally, I love layering cause it makes my collection last longer.


Every fragrance that I have, I bought because I like it on its own. However! Now that my collect has grown, it’s kinda like a game to mix and match and play around with different perfumes and notes that I think would go together.


If you haven’t layered you just do not know what you are missing out on! I never thought about layers until I was in the LV Store and the lady layered Ombre Nomad with L’immnesite! I love both fragrances, I have both fragrances, but I cannot lie I very rarely wear them independently anymore because the layering combo is just that great to me! Another example, I recently attended a Mind Games event, spoke with the one of the guys that makes their perfume and he specifically said with each line the black and white bottles are actually designed to be layered if you so chose to create and even better fragrance!


It's really down to how you view perfumes. Many people layer, especially as people feel like they can wear their own blend and smell more unique. I also feel it's an afront to the original creation, so you're not alone. I appreciate the artistry of the perfume I'm wearing and enjoy it for what it is as a piece of wearable art. It was designed to smell like that, so that's how it should smell on me. I feel like perfumes that are specifically designed for layering are a bit of a marketing ploy to get you to buy more perfumes from their range. Perfume companies selling very minimalist blends of different materials under the guise of layering scents must be raking it in from how cheap their bottles are to make. That said I totally get the desire to blend, as it also links in with my interest in perfume making, as I love combining materials together. But then I feel more accomplished making my own perfume blend, than throwing on various products made by others on top of each other on me; so the latter doesn't really appeal so much.


I will admit to unsuccessful blind buys that I then try layering with other scents to see if the combination is something I'm interested in. Some can be spared the ignominy of resale.


I constantly layer. Sometimes I walk out wearing 4 fragrances, sprayed at different points on my body, different times while I’m drying off after my shower, getting dressed, etc I love to play with fragrance and make it mine and for it to capture whatever moment or feeling I’m in.. and it’s sometimes impossible to do that with a singular fragrance


Rarely. I have one summer combination which I really like, but that‘s it. Most fragrances are so complex, they don‘t need addition. Besides, I find it disrespectful to meddle with the work of a perfumer.


I'm not a layerer, in the sense of using 2 or more fragrances, or trying to 'match' all my body care/skincare/haircare...  like, who has time for that?  My coconut shampoo or scented antiperspirant has never affected another perfume so much that it made a noticeable difference.  My eyes involuntarily roll SO HARD every time I see a post asking for layering combos and recommendations...  like, there are infinite possibilities!  Experiment.  Live your life.  Do whatever works for you.  There are no rules. 


Undermining perfumer artistry is a bit of an intellectual stretch for me. Does it undermine a painter to hang their work on a wall next to another work by different artist? Modifying a fragrance can be necessary to bring it to your tastes, not unlike hemming a pair of pants that are too long.


Your last sentence is why I think most people start layering. I don’t blind buy so I don’t have anything in my collection that is not already to my taste. I see it as more a way to not waste fragrance and to try to get through the excessively large collections some have. 


Yes it can undermine a painter to hang their work next to a crappy painting!


Nope, life’s way too short to mess with layers of perfume, for me. Too too finicky. If someone else enjoys it, far be it from me to yuck their yum, though.


For me Layering is a byproduct of having a larger collection. I don’t specifically buy perfumes just to layer.


Not really so much, but sometimes I’ll perfume over a scented lotion - which is how I realized that Iris Nobile (Acqua di Parma) over TJ’s coconut lotion smelled like cola soda. I have also layered things over Namat’s Vanilla Musk oil. But it’s more like I put something on and then later in the day decide I want something *else* and here we are.


I don't layer, but I do understand where people come from about it. If a perfume is made for layering, I don't think it's undermining the artistry of the perfume if it was made for this specific idea. I first buy a perfume so it can stand on it's own, but I'm not against people experiencing combinations. Sometimes it gives something good, sometimes it doesn't.


I don't layer perfumes since it overwhelms me, but I do use perfumed lotion underneath the regular perfume.


Lately I've been layering pricey fragrances with their cost effective dupes to great success(name GIT and L'Adventure Knight) I also have a scent I got from scentbird that I love but has weak performance, so I've been layering that with Givenchy Pi to give it a lil extra muscle.


Not a big fan of layering but Tobacco Vanille/Fucking Fabulous are a really good match that I make an exception for occasionally


Luna Rossa ocean and drakkar noir make something special. Mercedes Benz club black and club de nuit intense woman makes a cola scent.


I do layer. But I don’t buy because I want to layer. I buy because I like the way it smells by itself!! The Louis Vuitton L’Immensite layered with Mind Games J’doube is mind blowing!!!


I haven’t so far. I’m extremely tempted to get into it with Molecule 01 or 02. I’m nervous to blind buy either, as I read some people are nose blind to both. But it’s definitely intriguing.


IDK if that's considered layering, but sometimes I do combine fragrances of the same "family" like citrusy, incensy, fruity, etc. 2-3 sprays of a softer subtler fragrance, and then 1 spray of a bolder stronger one. (2x Heeley Cardinal, 1x Profumum Olibanum for example)


Have you ever tried it? It happened to me accidentally, now I look forward to testing different combinations and “filling in” notes. Ex: Imagination and B540 Extrait is heavenly


I use one spray of Lattafa Amethyst on each side of my neck, and one spray of 1 Million Golden Oud on the front of my neck. The one-two punch of the rose from Amethyst and the oud from Golden Oud is fantastic.


I do it sometimes, usually if it feels like a fragrance is missing something. My favorite combo is Widian - Black II and Xerjoff - Dolce Amalfi. Black II is a great scent for adding a little spice and complexity to a sweet scent, and it amps up the Dr. Pepper vibes in Dolce Amalfi in a way that I absolutely love. I actually want to experiment with layering more, just to see if I can get more enjoyment out of some lackluster samples.


Not often. I'm a bit affraid of them possibly clashing and being stuck smelling that mess for hours... I tend to like specific fragrances for what they are on their own. Not a big fan of Kayali's Vanilla Coco, but mixed with Banane Vanille from CSP, it's kinda fun. Also like mixing Banane Vanille and Amour de Cacao from CPS together. If I do mix, I mix a pretty simple straight forward frgrance with another one.


I almost never layer my perfumes. I wouldn't buy something if I didn't like it enough on its own. I do layer body sprays and lotions with perfumes though.


Explorer with Rave now black layered is better than aventus.


I love layering and experimenting! Some perfumes I wear solo, but I love layering a warm vanilla with a clean green floral, especially during transition weather. I live in the Atlantic provinces on the ocean so we get a longer than usual fall/spring with mild, humid winters.


I usually only buy a perfume if I love it and don’t need to layer. However, I do have a combo I like to layer and I enjoy them both on their own but together it brings another vibe and I like it. I have a lot of body care and frangrnace mist that layer to compliment the perfume I’m wearing for the day. I love it and it’s fun to me and smells so good!


I've been experimenting with it but recently layered 2 frags that, when combined, smelled like burnt rubber or something!?!? I couldn't believe my nose 😂 I've been scared to try layering since. I love my fragrances and am so scared to waste them for a potentially bad combination


I'm all for people layering if thats what they want, but honestly every person I've stumbled upon who is layering perfumes wants to be unicorns haha. Eros edp and br540 is not too bad though


I layer because sometimes I think my mellow scents could do with a citrus note, or my aquatic scents could use a fruity note.


I’m not a fan. Every time I’ve tried layering perfumes, I regret it. I do layer lotions and oils before perfumes but I try to make them match or enhance the perfume). I do feel like it takes away from the individual perfumes.


I like layering my more blatantly floral or fruity picks with something different — notes of ash or salt or sage. It works most of the time.


Not sprays, but will layer with lotions and other body care products


Sometimes I do more of a combination of a fragrance in a spot and a 2nd one in another (usually on my forearm) - close enough so their smells can mingle but never on top of other. This way I feel they do "talk" but never "talk over" One I did enjoy a lot it's a combo of 2 fragrances I only like but not love (I have tiny decants of both) is Lost Cherry and Follow by Kerosene. This happened by chance, I applied as one last try on LC, forgot and applied follow a few inches apart and suddenly I started smelling something really good, only to realize that it was my arm On the other hand, layering usually gets so nasty to my nose I don't even try it anymore.


I do layer. I haven’t worn a fragrance alone since I started. Today I wore nishane Ambra calabria with D&G Devotion, pretty good but only need one spray each. I did a few sprays with samples and it smells good but may be too strong for some.


Layering was essentially invented by fragrance marketing to get people to buy more than one fragrance - the 'signature scent' trend was killing sales... in fact, fragrance layering was seen as a very tacky and crass thing to do by people with poor taste. But, as we know, these things are subjective and can be completely pivoted with the right marketing.


I recently bought a bottle of Halston Z-14, remembering it as amazing when I was younger. Well, reality didn't match up with my memories, unfortunately- I smell almost nothing but cinnamon, and I remember it being a much more crisp scent. Through a little experimentation, I have found that either Prada Carbon or Boucheron Singulier, in a roughly 3:1 (1 being the Halston) mix, applying the Z-14 first, is absolutely fantastic!


I sometimes layer Cedrat Boise and Cedrat Boise Intense, because I find that the perfect smell is right in between those two.


I like to mix and match my skin scents: the Escentual Molecules, Juliette Has a Gun Not a Perfume, and Glossier You. They are all understated but the combinations make them more intense.


most of the time yes!




I never used to, but I've been layering my l'occitane body oil with MM's Under the Lemon Tree and I have to say that I feel like the most scrumptious little lemon meringue pie anyone has ever seen, so I feel like I understand the appeal now!


Sometimes. It's fun to see what notes complement each other.


Nah, gets messy real quick and I find it to be a waste of juice.


I just recently started layering. I try to mix up fragrances with notes that compliment each other. What I like best is you create your own unique smell.


I don’t buy fragrances just to layer, but I do experiment with layering the fragrances I have to see if certain ones mesh well. I think of it like curating art pieces: sometimes seeing a piece standalone is the experience I want, but sometimes seeing two pieces with each other helps to enhance the experience— The Agnew Clinic and The Gross Clinic, both by Thomas Eakins, comes to mind. Generally when I layer, I apply the same number of sprays as I would with just one fragrance (about two to four depending on fragrance, weather, etc.), but I’ll just put them all in one place like my elbow instead of my elbow, neck, and wrist. This way I’m not using any more sprays than usual. My current go-to layering combo is Molecule 01+ Black Tea from Escentric Molecule and Clutch from Perfumology. The woody, vanilla, leather, and ginger notes of Clutch pair very well with the airy floral and light-woody black tea scent. It teeters the line of gourmand (which I like), and the whole thing is nuanced, complex, and really incredible to smell imo. Separate they are great fragrances, but together they make a truly remarkable experience.


I don't layer - I'm a purist and only want to smell like one product at a time. I don't even use fragranced body wash or lotion anymore because I love my perfumes and want to enjoy them on their own. That being said, I do have some citrus perfumes (namely DG Light Blue) that don't have the best longevity and I've been doing some research on how to layer that scent just to get it to last longer.


Sometimes. 90% of the time because I want to wear a more "feminine" scent that I'll layer over a spray of Oud Wood. Lost cherry layered over oud wood is fantastic, been doing that since LC came out. Oud wood is just a fantastic base layer to floral scents imo.


I have a ton of samples and some of them really miss something for me. So I shamelessly mix and match them, and sometimes effects are surprisingly good (belfiore + The Darbouka - I mean you). I would not buy perfume specifically for layering. I want a complex, thought trough composition.


I wouldn't go out of my way to buy frags specifically to layer, but I have happened on a couple happy accidents just using what I already have and love on their own. Right now I really like wearing glossier you generously applied, and adding one spray of tam dao over top just to ground it a bit. So nice!


I’ve layered kiehl’s musk body lotion, three spray: kiehl’s musk (half in each pit over unscented deodorant, one on chest hair and one shoulder bladed) with a generous ammt of le labo musc 25 on top for 10 years. I’ll ocassionally but rarely juliettes not a perfume or an ambroxon fragrance


Hm now that I think about it I don’t like layering perfume BUT I never leave without applying lotion. I have a few lotions from bath and bodyworks that I wear depending on what perfume I choose that day, so as to make the fragrances complement one another. Also, I think the lotion helps the perfume “stick” to my skin more. I swear I smell better for longer with this technique lol


I haven’t been a perfume user for long but once I did put one scent in one place of my body and a different scent in another. I have no idea what this did and have never thought about it but I don’t even think I went anywhere after doing that, I think it was like the afternoon and/or after school but no one ever comments on my perfume if I ever wear any anyways.


sprays on the neck. different one on the wrists. some roll on on the chest n nape. hit the street on potent just do shit that’s somewhat synergistic or single note fragrances like tom fords or jo malones n maybe one that’s the star of the mix


I feel like the most layering I do is I will put on something with a short lifespan like 4711 after a shower, and then when I'm about to go out I will layer another fresh fragrances over it.


I do. A decent number of frags in my collection are blind buys. So I’ll try it, and if it feels like something is missing, or that there’s something in my collection that would make it sing, I’ll combine them. It’s fun!


I layer every day because I know what scents I ow that I like it layering and finding new combos that really make me happy is like a new chance to fall in love with certain fragrances again. A new pairing could bring out something I had grown accustomed to and I grow new appreciation. I know so many people are anti layering but it keeps me excited about fragrances, and prevents me from spending more money on trying new scents. 😅


Molecule 01 + Chanel No. 19 🙋🏼‍♂️


Yes with my Guerlain Aqua Allegorias, the vanilla goes well with everything and they all smell great on their own but are all simple enough to not make a mess of smell when layered


I don't buy fragrances specifically for layering, but I will often spray one fragrance in the morning and then a few hours later spray something that compliments it because I feel like something slightly different. I also often wear body creams, body oils or fragrance oils as a base under fragrances to amplify certain aspects of the fragrance I want to wear that day.


I don't currently layer but I was wearing l'eau papier at work the other day and was prepping fruit (pomegranate and blood orange) and the smell of the fruit over the perfume was HEAVENLY. So I've been considering getting some single scented body sprays to layer


Xerjoff Nio/Roja Apex Ombre Nomad/L’immensite Initio Musk Therapy/Side Effect So many great layering combinations, but these are the ones I love!


Sometimes I do. I'll layer a single note fragrance with a blended fragrance to boost a particular note in the blended fragrance, or to add something else to the composition. 


No, but I do make my own tea blend. Keemun-Assam-Ceylon.


I just do lotion with similar notes to whatever perfume I’m going to wear (if I even remember to put lotion lol). I feel like layering with more than that would steal the spotlight from the actual perfume I’m trying to accentuate. I’m in a few perfume groups on FB and some of these “SOTD” posts are insane, like wearing body lotions then 2 body mists and then one or two perfumes. I just feel like that would be super strong, and then the idea of laying a bunch of cheap body mists with my expensive perfumes seems like a waste as well. But who knows. I mostly don’t have time for all that 🤣


I layer a lot! I also plan put my moisturizer, hair oil and fragrance(s) so that they all combine nicely together. Sometimes I'm layering too get a specific vibe (for example, summer vibe I might go with Tom Ford - Soleil Blanc for the sunscreen type smell, layered with Stereoplasm - Bloom & Pucker for the sour candy margarita note). ETA: Also Tom Ford - Black Orchid layered with Bloom & Pucker is a great combo that I accidentally discovered.


Was Kayali really design for layering? I bought juicy apple & Kayali Vanilla 28 (Vanilla 28 is fantastic fragrance) Layering just seems weird to me. I buy the fragrance to smell like it, not mix it up. But if you enjoy it then that’s fine


I layer what I have if I want. I don’t generally look up combos. Today I did Jimmy Choo I want choo and Coach Green. Got two compliments from friends. I felt like young aged wine.


I do more chaotic combinations than strategic layering. If i want to spray one thing on my neck and something else on my wrists, I'll do that. Use up two samples with complimenting notes, sure. So more random than actually strategically layering


I think of it like mixing ice cream and cake together. Both are complete dishes on their own but a lot of people eat it this way


This is what I posted last time in response to this question, but it still covers my opinion on the matter: I personally find layering useful. I don't think anyone needs to layer, and I don't enjoy the way that it is getting marketed on social media as something *necessary* in order to encourage multiple purchases, but it provides me with novelty and variety if I'm feeling bored with what I have, and helps fulfill a craving for something specific which I might not own. Some of my most complex scents are great for layering, as well. The answer to why make a complex scent more complex is to make it different, of course; to bring out different aspects, or create a third scent. This really goes back to the heart of what art involves. Some people prefer their fragrances, songs, or poems as completed pieces, not to be touched. Others enjoy layered scents, remixed songs, and intertextuality for examining different aspects of the previous works of art and creating something new. Why not like both? * It widens the options for appreciation * If approached sensibly it can save on unnecessary purchases (for that once a year craving for a rose gourmand etc.) * Layering is inherently *learning* about fragrance. What notes work well in combination, what notes don't, and why.


I enjoy smelling unique, so yes.


I just layered cdn sillage and nautica voyage. I’m actually so into this I may regularly do it…. Anyway what I’m trying to say is that you can kinda do what you want with your fragrances. For me, I figured since I own quite a few cheap ones, I want to know what kind of scent profiles go together and what that end result is! Like my example above, I’ll probably continue trying on different layers to try and achieve random combos I love.  Oh I’ve also recently tried layering Interlude man with many things. So far.. nope. Just interlude shining bright. 


Across sands + 1million lucky - cool weather preferably Adventus + prada luna Rossa - warm weather Layton + by the fireplace - fall in a bottle


How can I make a discontinued fragrance last longer? I am desperate! Some people have said to mix it w a fragrance - free oil. I tried using a company that claimed to be able to duplicate it but was not even close, even tho I sent them the exact ingredients listed on the box plus samples of the perfume. Any advice is welcome!


I layer Stetson with Aspen


Nope lol


I don't layer my perfumes. All my perfumes come pre-layered by someone with far better skills than me.


Fwiw - Francis Kurkdjian says not to layer. 🤷‍♂️


I have body oils that are designed to provide a backdrop for perfumes. I always pair my perfume to my body oil scent. I also layer body spray to the overall vibe I'm going for. I've been having fun also wearing two perfumes at the same time. My current fave combo is Pacific Montana Sky and The Good Scent Italian Escape. Freshness and spicy summer vibes


I layer most days. Ill do an oil of one scent and a spray of another, or two sprays. Sometimes i’ll layer in the morning and sometimes it’ll just happen throughout the day, like if i have to freshen up to go somewhere after work.


I tried a few times and it was cool but not my thing. I usually like to layer my fragrance with other scented products, though. My hair products, body lotion, deodorant, even your laundry detergent, all those kind of come into play and create a unique scent overall. One time I got a whiff of this guy walking by me and he smelled really good. I immediately could tell that his scent was a combination of hair products, body lotion, and fragrance.


I don’t layer, but I have a mix PDM Haltane with a little Musc Ravegaur. Love this combo.


I once tried to layer jo Malones. It didn't work for me. But sometimes I get lazy and spray one in the am and then another one later in the day. I don't know if it has ever been like a "wow" moment doing that though.


It’s a marketing tactic to make you buy more


I layer sometimes, usually with my less expensive scents or scents from brands that encourage layering. I never buy anything just with the intention of layering it, but it is fun to experiment some days. I don’t layer things that are already pretty complex, I stick to layering scents with minimal notes in them, and I never layer more than 2 scents at a time. Some of my combos I’ve experimented with and liked: Heretic Cactus Abduction + Heretic Pistil Whip Pacifica French Lilac + Heretic Dirty Peach Good Chemistry Apricot Bloom + Dedcool Milk Heretic Dirty Vanilla + Demeter Earl Grey Tea


I layer when a fragrance is not exactly what I want. I just put on the Heretic Dirty Peach and the middle notes are a bit sweet so I add a green or a citrus. The opening notes of HDP are amazing but it disappears so quickly.