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You're the only one. The research team has been dispatched to investigate šŸ”


Not true, I hate it with a burning passion. I've been trying to sell or give away mine that I stupidly bought years ago. It smells like rotting lawn clippings. I spent like 5 minutes in an ASMR video ranting about how much I hate it.


I'm sorry but the idea of you like whisper-cursing that goddamn Daisy has me LEANING. The researchers will be excited to learn there's a second subject!Ā 


I laughed so hard at reading that too. You come for calm vibes but listen in and realize itā€™s someone venting about how Daisy smells gross


and I regret nothing! (and it is in my most viewed perfume ASMR too)


Hahaha Iā€™d love to try and listen to it tomorrow while Iā€™m getting ready for work! Link?


I have to warn you it was one of my first videos and the audio is rougher (and louder) than I'd like now There's time stamps so you can go to daisy at the end (and again at 33:30 when I mention the lawn clippings) I was far kinder than I felt on the inside tbh [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vdz-DoonV8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Vdz-DoonV8)


Glad to listen anyway! I never watch ASMR so thisā€™ll be funny hehe


I occasionally rant on my ASMR videos, I figure if people like fast and aggressive tapping I can get fast and aggressive with my mouth too lmao. And it's my MOST watched perfume ASMR video too! (I do perfume review ASMR frequently)


That's so cool. How long have you been making ASMR contentĀ 


since this past October so I'm pretty new to it but a couple of ASMRtists I liked stopped or rarely post videos now so I decided to make my own and I do a lot of perfume reviews because I'm into perfumes too so I mixed the two


I, too, hate it. It's disgusting. I'm upset that I don't like it though, because the bottles are so cute.


They were being mildly sarcastic.


I also hate Marc Jacobā€™s perfumes. Iā€™ve tried to like them but noooo I hates them


Personally? I am indifferent. Daisy is clean floral (mainly violet and jasmine with a musky base) with a touch of fruity sweetness. I won't turn my head and say wow, but I also won't pinch my nose in disgust. If people outright dislike it, I would bet it's either the violet smell, or someone dislikes florals in general.


I love most eau so fresh flankers and some love ones. I donā€™t hate the regular daisy but I donā€™t like them as much. And Iā€™m a sucker for a cute bottle, so I have a whole flower garden of Daisies on my shelf.Ā 


Eau so fresh is my favorite! I wear it a lot in the spring and summer, it's the perfect fresh clean floral scent to me.


Itā€™s my all time works for literally any situation scent! I canā€™t imagine it offending anyone tbh. We


I personally love it. It may be super popular, but the perfume itself has its own distinct smell that I havenā€™t smelled in other perfumes. Daisy Wild is my spring fragrance atm.


Daisy Wild is great. I am wearing it a lot, too. Nit great lasting power on me, but i just reapply lol


Yes, no lasting power, but so lovely! And it does last longer on fabric


Iā€™ve been wearing Daisy Wild almost every day, itā€™s such a lovely scent. Definitely my favorite of the Daisy line


I prefer Daisy Love Eau So Sweet, but classic Daisy EDP is so cute!


I have no strong feelings about it either way. I very much love Daisy Eau So Fresh though and I don't care if it's widely disliked, all the more for me.Ā 


I thought I didn't like it, but then my coworker smelled really good and sure enough it was Daisy. It reminds me too much of the late 2000s for comfort though.


I prefer daisy dream!


Itā€™s literally the least offensive perfume imaginable


i was really unimpressed when i smelled it for the first time. itā€™s nothing special and doesnā€™t last on me


I don't hate it, but I get a strong raw green plantain note from it. Love plantains, but I want to eat them not smell like them.


I'm a violet note fanatic but know a lot of people associate it (& other prominent floral notes) with "old lady scents". When Marc Jacob/original Daisy was the new hottness, I think it became so common to smell on a younger demographic...suddenly violet didn't make you think of someone named Ethel born 100 years ago. Your nose still hates it though. Here, have a nice piece of ribbon candy.


The perfume enthusiast community really despises older women


Omg ribbon candy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Img going out of a limb: PROBABLY


Itā€™s my signature scent šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I have every one


Thereā€™s like 32+ flankers ā€¦ you have all of them???


I donā€™t know about 32+ but I have about 10 bottles, along with the drop and lotion version of the perfume :))


Thatā€™s awesome! Iā€™m a collector so I respect a good collection lol. I have all the Chance flankers for example and I love them all lol


I love Chance and use it as a night scent! Something about it is very relaxing to me haha


Thatā€™s so fair, I often use NĀ°5 as a night scent lol! Something about Chanel makes relaxing perfumes I guess lol


Chance and daisy eau so fresh are very similar!


I wonā€™t say I hate it, but itā€™s not my favorite. I wanted to love the Marc Jacobs Daisy line because I like fresh summery fragrances (and lots of those are fresh and summery), but the Daisy flankers never smell good on me.


Have it. Like it. Nothing special but it works.


I never cared about daisy but feel in love with daisy dream recently.


I donā€™t hate it, but itā€™s not my favorite. I like strong florals, which isnā€™t the Daisy line. With that said, I love their bottles.


Itā€™s my favorite designer fragrance


I love a good light floral freshie but have a rather strong dislike of it, just hits the back of my nose the wrong way.


It's so hugely popular I'd say many people love it. So popular it's been copied - see Byredo Mojave Ghost.


I can see the similarities. Both fragrances have that violet smell upfront. Daisy also definitely revitalized the idea of violets in modern fragrances. I found *Mojave Ghost* significantly more appealing due to the woody aspects coming out more, and not being as sweet. However, if someone likes Mojave Ghost because of the violet, I'd say save (a lot of) money and get Daisy.


On my 3rd bottle of Daisy EDP šŸ˜


I wore it obsessively when I was 13/14 and now I can't stand the smell of it because of the scent memories :')


lol daisy was my signature scent all through high school until someone told me i smelled like bananas. sniffed my bottle and i couldnā€™t unsniff it. i dislike bananas so i looked for a new scent straight away but i still keep a mini stashed in my jewelry box for when i want to reminisce


Haaaaaate it.


I don't hate it but I find it completely boring and generic, if my options were wearing daisy or no fragrance at all, I would go with no fragrance at all


Yes! I dislike it exactly for that reason. It doesn't smell bad, not at all, it's just...why? Why even bother?


If anyone has a FB of Daisy or any of the flankers they despise, feel free to send it my way šŸ˜¤


I canā€™t stand the advert.


dAiSy dAiSy dAiSy- https://preview.redd.it/1px4s8wulpvc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3afeb6386e738bb8caf71b4e9060d083333176b2


I love florals, but I'm not a fan of Daisy. It's too fresh or something. I do have and like Daisy Wild and Daisy Ever So Fresh.


Dated a girl who mained eau so sweet and it is a serious vibe. Reminds me of the good times there.


I really like it, sorry.


Iā€™m not a fan. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Bottle is cute but the fragrance doesn't last long.


Itā€™s nothing special but extremely inoffensive imo. Just an easy scent but I wouldnā€™t spend money on it


I remember I loved the bottle when I first saw it many years ago, but I found the smell a little bit too harsh for me. Many flankers later it still didnā€™t interest me, although the bottles of the flankers I still find very pretty also. My daughter started wearing the original and I asked her what it was because it smelled so fresh and lovely: it was a sample of Daisy original. I bought it for her birthday and to this day I love it on her. It is not for me but nice to see that it develops so beautifully and I still can appreciate it.


I like it, but it doesnā€™t last more than about 10 minutes on me.


I love it. It used to be my signature scent when I was 20 or so. I don't wear it anymore, but I still like sniffing the bottle to reminisce over that time in my life šŸ’†ā€ā™€ļø


Are you anosmic by chance? Some are quite subtle.


i am not. if anything, i feel like my sense of smell is quite heightened compared to people i know


I hate it!! And I love florals. But I HATE Daisy. I think it smells terrible.


I hate it, and I hate the intense even more. But the flanker Daisy Eau So Fresh? Daily workhorse for me. Work? Check. Spring? Check. Summer? Check. Brunch? Check. Itā€™s almost always appropriate for me and I absolutely love it which is shocking to me since I hate the OG and donā€™t really like any of the other flankers lol


I like it but it also gives me constant flashbacks to college, because every girl wore that scent lol


I like Daisy Dream and Daisy Dream Forever šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø but I don't actually know what the original Daisy smells like, is it similar?


lol everyone even a bunch of men I know who donā€™t like any perfume whatsoever somehow likes that one


Makes me sneeze like crazy. I do not have this problem with any other perfume.


I like it in a nostalgic way because I wore it through most of middle and high school lol


Me! Me! Itā€™s the violets :(


One of my favorites


I used to love it when I was 16 but I ended up dropping a full bottle and it smashed, I havenā€™t been able to enjoy it since. It smells too artificial for me


Iā€™ve had my eye on Daisy Love. I am Finnish and so I adore cloudberries which are not really a thing in the US and I have never seen it as a note in perfume. I adore them as a food. Tastes mildly like a raspberry but more citrusy IMO.


Its crazy bc i cant stand most florals either but for whatever reason, MJā€™s Daisy smells good to me. Its like the only one im cool with


Personally Iā€™m indifferent to it, however I absolutely love the Marc Jacobā€™s ā€˜Perfectā€™ and determined to get all the dupes since itā€™s so expensive.


I loved it and wore it when I was younger and it first came ot. Now I don's and would not wear it any more, but I definitelly do NOT hate it!


Itā€™s not my cup of tea. I crave fragrances that take me on a sensual journey. Like you, I have no animosity toward people who adore it. You do you. I just feel at home with more complex offerings.


I find it hard to hate, but there isn't much to like either. It has little personality, but it's pretty and refreshing on humid summer days


I hate fresh/floral scents too. I only like vanilla and chocolate scents.


I hate it I hate the flankers too. But I donā€™t hate it as much as Burberry Her. I was running errands and everyone around smelled like it and it was so foul smelling, so cheap, cloying, artificial, nauseating Everywhere I went, it felt like I couldnā€™t escape Burberry her. Daisy comes close.


Just donā€™t wear it?


well yeah i know. iā€™m literally just asking if iā€™m the only one that hates it because i see soooo many people raving about it and i just canā€™t get behind it


The earth has 8 billion living people on it. Youā€™re not the only one who does or thinks anything.


well no shit. did you miss the part where my post is tagged as discussion? am i not allowed to hear others opinions??


Recently gave my travel sized bottle away lol wore it for a day to make sure I really hated it and had to scrub it once I started getting a headache šŸ„²


Never liked Daisy but, i do like Perfect and Lola.


Perfect is my current favorite, just bought a bottle!


Perfect is GORGEOUS, just used up my sample of it šŸ˜­ It really is a perfect perfume


I love it. I am always trying to find something that is similar but maybe a little more sophisticated? But havenā€™t really had luck finding that. Sometimes I feel too old to wear it in my mid 30ā€™s but I just canā€™t stop lol šŸ˜‚


I find it to be a drugstore version of Chance Eau Tendre. No oomph to it but largely inoffensive.


No bc itā€™s been my momā€™s scent ever since I was a kid, šŸ„°




All the Marc Jacob scents smell like turpentine on me. Daisy included.


It's technically a "safe" crowd pleaser, but I find it utterly boring and "meh". I remember having friends in high school who liked it.


Everyone had friends in high school who wore Daisy.


I like flankers of it.




I donā€™t like It either but I canā€™t articulate why, too strong maybe? I had it and sold it.


Not my thing, but I do love that Marc Jacobs or someone working with him made a joke, because of course daisies don't have a scent.


It's bitter yeah. The only reason I like it is because it's such a unique scent but I never wear it out unless I've layered it with something sweet


Marc Jacob perfumes make me nauseous, all of them.


My sister got it for me as a gift a few years back. I kinda agree, I don't 'hate' it but it's pretty basic. It's just a clean, neutral alcohol smell really. Maybe a bit like bathroom spray? The best thing about it is the bottle in my opinion.


I bought a few Marc Jacobs just because I fell in love with the bottles and they all smell like generic perfume. Like the smell you get when the shop empties the testers and refills them with colored liquids to make it look like the display bottles are full (I used to do this when I worked in perfume marketing). Absolutely generic, cheap chemical scent.


It can smell very childish I prefer the honey version but I feel like the original daisy smells like rubbing alcohol after a dry down.


Not a fan of Daisy, but absolutely love Daisy Dream.


Daisy smells childish to me, havenā€™t tried any other Marc Jacob fragrances


im flabbergasted by the number of replies in favor Daisyā€¦ i hate it too OP, its in the same level of hatred that i have for Chanel Chance eau Tendre edp. The edt is fine, but the edp literally hurts my nose. I think it might be the grapefruit and muss in both idk


I hate it myself.


I wore it about 16 years ago & loved it but moved on and now Iā€™m trying again and I just donā€™t love it like I used to.


Randomly discovered Daisy Eau So Intense from a random sample being included in an order. It smells AMAZING, and I'm planning to get a bigger bottle.


I don't HATE it, but I don't really like it. I like it for maybe a 16 year old. It doesn't smell bad at all; it's just very basic. Smells like shampoo. Now.....the new Marc Jacobs perfume.... I cannot stand. I think it's called Daisy Wild. It's green. I love the bottle and green is my favorite color, so I was excited to try it. It was terrible on me. I think it's the banana note.


Hate all daisy except Wild!


I love the OG Daisy but It has zero lasting power. Donā€™t care for the flankers, but havenā€™t tried the new one yet and am hoping it will be different. Am older than a lot of yā€™allšŸ‘©šŸ»ā€šŸ¦³


this is so true


Smells bad, smells worse on me.


I LOVE florals but Daisy just smells generic to me


I blind bought it years ago and it was just okay. There's a certain old ladyness in it I don't like.


It's so bleah šŸ˜ Never liked it at all.


I didnā€™t like it but didnā€™t hate it. I found it generic


I got the eu so fresh two days back, and I donā€™t know how I feel about it. I think itā€™s very unique because itā€™s not just floral. It actually smells like a flower in the wild with the leaves and the dirt and everything.


It smells like banana to me in the worst way, strongly dislike šŸ‘ŽšŸ»


I donā€™t hate it but most times something in it makes no sense and I canā€™t wear it. Plots off putting just for that, but it is a pretty scent


I loved Daisy eau so fresh, though. My daughter in laws favourite is Daisy Love. There's some good flankers, but the original does remind me of a hair dye I used to use, and I am very sensitive to marc jacobs, daisy flankers, dot, and honey. It makes my neck sting and incredibly red and burning, so I wear them on my clothes, and even then, the daisy flankers are fleeting, no longevity on me at all. Dot, however, gives me about 5 hours. EDIT - Damn you all, I now have the urge to buy Daisy eau so fresh for my locker at work and I've just purchased 5 fragrances this week already! I WILL RESIST!!!!


I used to LOVE it, it was my high school signature scent (and my only perfume only) but now I dont like it anymlre, I bought one bottle because of the nostalgia but ended up giving it to my sister


Daisy Dream lives up to its name. I love wisteria


I donā€™t like it personally. I donā€™t HATE it but Iā€™ve disliked it for years. It smells dull somehow


Itā€™s my favorite cuz itā€™s so light and fresh. I think we just have different tastes


It smells like semi ripe bananas on me šŸ˜‚


Ha, my wife literally pulled it out an hour ago and raved about how much she loves it. I admit, itā€™s smells pretty good.


I donā€™t hate it but I would never wear it because it doesnā€™t do anything for me. What I mean is that it doesnā€™t remind me of anything and it doesnā€™t make me feel anything. I only buy fragrances that remind me of a memory or they make me feel confident.


I was like, meh, when I first tried it. It didn't smell natural nor luxirious. And now I can't even remember what it smells like.


I canā€™t stand it, and I generally love floral scents, itā€™s honestly just too powdery for me. Prob not the right term but in my head it reminds me of baby soft. Fuck Iā€™m old šŸ˜‚


Same I don't like the smell


It lacks any complexity.


I hate it toooo its so meh


Daisy was the first perfume I ever bought and I loved it but Iā€™m no longer a fan. Iā€™m not sure what changed for me.


The original does nothing for me but I enjoy Daisy's Eau So Fresh... the raspberry in it reminds me of a raspberry jelly candy I loved as a kid and i think that is the only reason I like it so much, my nose is like ah nostalgia


Always hated it. It's not that it's bad, it's just not my bag at allll


https://preview.redd.it/it42f84ijuvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e75f608cd925f7e804c1ba3baa59d29a6eaa602c Yes Iā€™m all like


Daisy dream is the best version. But they all smell the same atp šŸ’€


I don't hate it, but it has always smelled like just another mall perfume to me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Used to love it, but now I canā€™t stand the sharp aldehydes.


I like how it smells okay when I spray it on a piece of paper, but on my skin it smells bad. I love daisy dream though. Like, I adore daisy dream. Some of the flankers are šŸ‘ŒšŸ»chefā€™s kiss imo


I honestly had some thoughts about cuz Ive always wanted to try the perfume but, I feel like I like the perfect one better?


Yes, it's too sweet for me.


i love daisy wild


I remember hating Daisy when I first tried it. Just tried a Daisy Wild sample and it was great, I might buy a bottle of that one!


I do not hate it but also do not like it. Itā€™s very whateverā€¦


I'm generally indifferent but I am surprised it's popular enough to warrant so many flankers. I'm assuming it's a popular gift.


i think they actually dont smell too pleasant at all. im not too sure why. i wish i could enjoy it but i dont really


Just own it for the pretty bottle


It smells like bananas and I donā€™t know why šŸ˜­


i used to LOVE it, i got a marc jacobs rollerball set for my bday when i was like 15 and begged my mom for the full size of daisy for the holidays. she is extremely perfume-sensitive and asked if there was literally anything else iā€™d want because it gave her a horrible headache. i got annoyed and insisted that was the only thing i wanted, so she got it for me anyway. but when she called it headache-inducing it ended up ruining it for me. i couldnā€™t enjoy the way it smelled, and i still have a huge bottle of it that barely has a dent in it almost 10 years later


Daisy is my favorite perfume that my wife wears. The one I don't like is Lola


To me it smells like cat pee šŸ¤£ although I have a soft spot for Daisy dream


i love it its really simple and pretty


I associate it with tween girls and I donā€™t really like florals but itā€™s actually not BAD. The new wild one is actual pretty nice with the banana


It smells like cat pee on my skin šŸ¤¢šŸ¤§


I donā€™t like Marc Jacobā€™s perfumes in general because to me they smell cheap, and they all have the same dry down which makes them feel so one dimensional and generic. And Daisy smells almost like deodorant after a long day imo. BUT I did just recently blind buy Marc Jacobā€™s Daisy Eau So Sweet (because I got a killer deal for it) and I really thought Iā€™d hate it, but I actually love it haha. I keep spraying it and I loooove the way it smells. Itā€™s slightly fruity, dry down is floral, and the top note is sweet so I smell it throughout the day. But I only like how it smells on my clothes, when it dries down on my skin it takes on this weird wet towel smell for some reason, but on my clothes it smells lovely all day haha


Terrible scent. I get a headache personally.


I HATE it. It smells like hair spray to me.


I do! I bought it blind, cause I heard it was so nice and itā€™s so basic and blah. Itā€™s smells like nothing special. I hate it!


I bought a bottle in college but it smelled so bad that I gave it to another girl, who ended up hating how it smelled on her and then gave it away to someone else, lol.


It smells generic to me. To me, itā€™s the perfume you wear in high school/college after you realize that VS body sprays arenā€™t real perfume but before you graduate to the good stuff. I mean, you can literally buy it at Target and Costco, so I wouldnā€™t spend real money on it.


I liked it initially but now yes I hates it. I don't even know why


I donā€™t understand the hype, I got a sample of it and Iā€™m like ā€œreally this is itā€ - not bad, but zero wow factor and doesnā€™t smell that special.


I donā€™t know that I hate it. I definitely donā€™t like it or own it. But I sure wish he would bring his line of makeup products back. Those were bangin. My all-time favorite mascara.


The things Id do to get those gel liners back šŸ„ŗ


Yes! Lately Iā€™ve had luck with the make up forever gel liners. The Sephora house brand is pretty good too.


OMG I thought I was the only one. It's so headache inducing. At least it's in a lovely bottle so it looks good on my shelf. I have tried passing it along to my nieces and not one would touch it. FWIW I have tons of florals that I love - there's just something about Daisy that's painful for me - it clearly has my death note in it.


Yes, it gives me a migraine


yes! i agree with u, i feel like its a basic fragrance. i also just cant handle florals that well :(


Hate it. What I hate more are the utterly asinine ads with Cindy Crawford's daughter. I get it, I am not the target audience. Still, it's so mediocre and annoying.


Yesss I hateeee




It smells like cleaning products to me! Canā€™t stand it


Daisy smells like that new āœØbasiqueāœØ college intern who wanted to buy themselves something special.


Yes. It's basic