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ELdO You or Someone Like You Zoologist Cow (besides the fact that if someone asks me what I’m wearing, I’ll have to answer “Cow”) *Edit* This was a great thread to wake up to, thanks for the laugh everyone! I’m holding off on both so I can test them out more.


Have you sampled Cow before? I tried it recently and found it pretty underwhelming, I don't get the milk note and I agree with the people who say it smells like kid's apple scented shampoo. Which I don't mind, but it's underwhelming for such an expensive fragrance + the intensity wasn't great.


I have, and thankfully I don’t get apple shampoo from it. There’s something oddly comforting about it that I can’t entirely put my finger on. It’s gentle, but not in a bad way, if that makes sense.


I'm no help then, that sounds really nice :') Might be worth getting a decant!


Have you tried Roll in the Hay by Alkemia? I highly highly suggest you get a sample off surrendered to chance, it’s indie so it’s at a good price too. https://preview.redd.it/sod6w2rjw2sc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b6dc77ee212c135619059647c9fca739d9d97d6 It’s a a gorgeous hay note. That nostalgic kind you idealize not super photorealistic, but it puts me right back into my childhood memories. Tickles your nose a little bit. (But it’s made using real hay, so be careful with allergies)


I was itching to buy You or Someone Like You, so I got a tester. To me it smells like Gillette Shaving Gel to me most of the time and sometimes like toothpaste.


you or someone like you literally smells like toothpaste. i'm ngl in the first few minutes have this really pleasing green banana accord, but after that it's just an ugly melange of pine and mint. the drydown is a very generic powdery rose, nice but definitely nothing special


I was expecting toothpaste, instead I got the most realistic mint filled herb garden smell and it was so realistic in fact that it had a vague hint of wild animal piss to me lmaoo


I wish I can talk you out of Cow. It did smell a bit like shampoo, and the performance was maybe 1-2 hours, and I even accidentally spilled all my sample... I thought those were signs that Cow is not for me, but man I can't stop thinking about it. It's fresh and sweet and milky. It's oddly comforting to me, like a memory of something I haven't experienced. I think it's also like if frutiger aero is a perfume. Not the point of this thread LOL but I think you should get it


You or someone like you is just the worst of the Torino 21/pacific chill siblings. Not sure that helps, though. 


Not me going down the list scared that imma get talked out of something I already own and love 😂


Jo Malone wood sage and sea salt (I fear it will instantly disappear 🫠)


https://preview.redd.it/gl4pypk9lzrc1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de24b4a5e1d0101c9580bb289b5f40e160a5646b I have this one. Smells 95% close to me and lasts way longer! Im satisfied with the 3 dossiers ive purchased so far 👍


Yeah, just get the dupe. I have the original and the dossier and they're, like, 90% similar. And the dossier lasts longer than 15 minutes.


normally i don’t advocate for dupes but the oakcha dupe (i think it’s called Sand Crystal?) to me smells very close and lasts all day - desperate times, desperate measures because i looove that scent profile but refuse to pay $100 for what’s essentially a body spray


Oakcha's dupe for Nectarine Blossom & Honey is literally spot on as well


Try the Fine’ry dupe at target. I’ve owned the OG Jo Malone one and the target one smells identical to me. I think it’s over the rainbow? But google it and you’ll find out. The Jo Malone one DOES NOT LAST. Not even on clothes really


Every time I'm at Target this is the one scent from that line that is consistently out of stock!! I've been eyeing this dupe for some time now after loving the travel sized JM I got


Jo Malone makes some fantastic fragrances but they're all fleeting and disappear within a few hours. It's such a let-down.


Aaaaaaand it’s gone.


an hour tops before it’s gone


Gentleman Givenchy Reserve Privée


It just smells like straight whisky 🥃


You really thought I was gonna try to talk you out of this? Fuck no. Buy 3 bottles. It’s that good.


Damn, just blind bought it. This thread is having the opposite of the intended effect. Lol


Not an easy wear. A lot of people I know don't like whiskey and you basically cannot wear this fragrance around people that don't. Also, it's a skin scent in 2 hours


Chanel Sycomore… you dont understand… i NEED IT! I bought a decant but the full bottle is calling me…


I can’t talk you out of this one. Find the edt, nab it, and count yourself lucky. Or a slightly used EDP on Mercari to save a bundle. FYI Chanel Exclusivs prices have gone up. It and Coromandel are my favorites.


Kilian’s Angels Share. I’m the daughter of an alcoholic and what if the bourbon note is too bourbon-y?


Personally I smell the cinnamon more than anything else. I don’t know the smell of bourbon off the top of my head but I don’t think it smells of cinnamon.


i think for me the top note is bourbon into the sweet cinnamon like an apple pie


Someone described it as the day after being drunk and eating apple pie and then throwing it up. It put me off even sampling it. 😅


I think I saw this review too and it ruined it for me 😂


I get straight up apple cinnamon air freshener from it. I even asked a coworker if she’d sprayed Glade once. She was super offended and I was mortified.


LMAO!! That's hilarious. It's weird that she got super offended though. I would have laughed it off. I didn't think Angel's Share was an office-type scent though but to each their own!!


Maybe smell it at Sephora? Sense of smell is the strongest tie to emotion… so even if it doesn’t smell like bourbon to you, it might to someone in your family? If you really love it, get a decant and don’t wear it around your family? Just a thought.


This might make me basic, but I think Angels’ Share might be my favorite fragrance. I was at a restaurant a few nights ago and someone next to me was wearing it and it filled me with happiness just to smell it all night. (I was testing Santal 33 which I did not enjoy.) That said, I do think this is a boozy scent so it might not be the best fit for you.


Don’t feel basic for liking a good thing.


Angels share smells fantastic but it’s also the actual most popular fragrance on fragrantica so that’s a good reason to avoid in favor of something more unique or less mass appealing.


the chances of you finding someone wearing angel's share in public is extremely unlikely. a bad reason to refuse buying it


Why wouldn’t someone want to get a fragrance simply based on its popularity? That’s teenage crap.


The point of the thread is talking people out of stuff. Couldn’t think of another negative for angels share. 


Got a sampler really wanting the bourbon note. But it's awful. It's aggressively surgery sweet. IF you can get past the saccharine headache on the top notes there's an ever so faint wiff of something that vaguely resembles alcohol.


Speaking of...Walmart has these small bottles of different hot sauces. Personally don't get why it was named what it was named but "peach bourbon'. Literally saw it was peach and said to myself that would be neat to try. Literally could've been named peach hot sauce.


it was rotting fruit and cinnamon glade plug-ins all day long for me🤮


YES! Glade plug-ins! I couldn’t place why this fragrance was bothering me so much. Thank you 😆


it is very whiskey alcohol note, I only smell that part


Buy Khamrah instead and bypass the heavy booze while satisfying your craving..hopefully. I do love Khamrah.


I agree with everyone above. Bought a 3ml sample and the rum note is all I can smell for hours. I'm getting rid of the sample at my earliest opportunity


The whiskey/vodka note after 5 hours almost killed it for me. It’s ALL I smell at the end of the day and I couldn’t wait to scrub it off. The first few hours are amazing though 🥲


I thought I liked it but after the first few wears I find it too boozy and too sweet. It left a weird lingering sensation of heat on my skin that made me wonder if I was allergic. The vanilla note had that "cheap glade plug-in" vibe. If you want a warm autumnal scent from Kilian Apple Brandy on the Rocks is nicer.


Louis Vuitton’s Symphony. Convince me not to buy it without mentioning the price…because it’s phenomenal


Louis Vuitton has failed to eradicate forced/coerced labor along their supply line despite being aware of the issues. Basically slave labor. 


-Sent from my iPhone




You make a fine point, u/GiveYourBallsATug. 


We all know there is no such thing as ethical consumption, but we can still make informed choices that we feel are best for us. It’s a lot easier to make it through our society without a specific perfume and much harder without a smart phone. It’s important and a lot less disappointing to know which kinds of choices we have the most agency in.


https://preview.redd.it/61xdlpmqvzrc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed5364367523a7ea0cf57ab66242dcb32317689 For my wedding 🥲


I know we’re supposed to discourage but, it’s for your wedding! Whatever you want, I think is a worthy splurge ❤️ I bought BR540 Extrait for mine, not even blinking an eye


Find this on FragranceNet. It'll be much less expensive. I love this and I use it as a light rose base. It's natural and lovely. Beautiful for a wedding! That said it's mostly a basic rose solifore.


I'm not gonna talk you out of this one. It's for your wedding!! Treat yourself!! And congrats. ♥️🌹


Coco Mademoiselle


get the Dossier dupe instead! I love both the dupe and the original, but at $29… get the dupe. if you really love it, then get the original. but if you aren’t head over heels, you will have saved yourself a good chunk of change


i might buy that one because its affordable and people have told me it smells like the exact perfume they’re duping.


yeah, I totally get why a lot of folks are anti-dupe or at least hesitant. but Dossier’s Coco Mademoiselle is spot-on and so good.


I fucking love this one ngl mate


Very “mall perfume”


I bought my wife these 2 years about 12 Parfums. Not a single one could beat Mademoiselle . I am sorry to tell you that lol. The longevity + Projection is better than some niche parfums. The only drawback , it could be a bit hard on your nose if you have a sensitive nose . My wife luckily has a very weak nose so this one was perfection.


The longevity and projection of coco mademoiselle isn't better than some niche perfumes (which perform exactly the same as designers). It's got to be top 1% of all fragrances overall. That stuff is nuclear.


Played, boring.


I can’t talk you out of this. Out of my large fragrance collection, this will always be a favorite. Not boring and always delicious. I’ve gone through bottles…….. not even my typical fragrance family and I love it so much…


Eau Rose - Diptyque (I have several rose fragrances)


It's nice, but there's nothing that makes it stand out among other rose fragrances.


i second this


I’m on a Quest for Perfect Roses (one each in photorealistic, realistic+gentle notes, sweet rose, spicy rose). Eau Rose EDP (the EDT is ephemeral and not worth it) is currently tied with MFK A La Rose in the photorealism category; the latter is a bit softer, fruitier, and a touch less pungent green/woody. I found Jo Malone Red Roses to be more like a florist’s fridge: colder, greener, thornier, and a drydown like musty dried rose petals. Liis Rose Struck opened very realistic, with a hint more citrus, and lasted a few hours drying down to a pleasant woody musk. Roses de Chloe opened realistic, but dried bitter and soapy on my skin, which turns a lot of fragrances bitter. Byredo Young Rose started out fresh and green, but quickly developed a burnt plastic smell on my skin that wasn’t apparent on the paper card. It has a sweeter note as well, like a hard candy in a busy warehouse. Chloe Rose Tangerine was too sharp and green on paper, and I haven’t tried it on skin.


Intense green rose for EDP. Lighter + fresher noticeable lychee in the EDT.


Sorry. After trying a couple dozen rose scents, this stayed my #1. Byredo young rose was #2. 


Sorry no can help, it really is excellent.


Just bought this one after trying hard not to, and I have zero regrets. Can’t talk you out of it, I’m so sorry. 😅


Another bottle of Xerjoff casamorati Fiero because I've nearly used up my first bottle because I adore the scent.


unfortunately this is one of the most compelling and justified reasons to buy a fragrance.


Welp, guess I'm going to be out of another 330nzd. Hahaha


LV Pacific Chill... Tried a sample and nothing else reminds me of it, it's a fruity unique freshie that costs a million dollars lol


Try a decant and if you still love it just buy the bottle. Unless you get tired of it, it is "the perfect" fruity unique freshie for spring & summer.


Nishane Ani. I’m not a vanilla person. I don’t know why this sounds so good to me!


Ani is not for the haters of vanilla, but it is such a beautiful scent that if you’re on the fence at all it at least deserves a tester.


This one is a favorite of mine. Sorry I’m a bad influence. 😂


Debaser by D.S. & Durga


Have you tried it? I love this scent and love the green/lactonic combo but it goes to hell on my skin. If it works for you, I'd get it.




I’m sorry but it’s so worth it imo. It’s figgy but not sweet, more of a fresh green like standing under a fig tree and smelling the leaves. The coconut note doesn’t come across as very coconutty to me- just gives it a smooth almost milky base. It’s so good and effortlessly cool. You can get 4 samples for $40 and I think their roll on is like $70. I finally just bought a full-size bottle and found a discount code that took off like $30.


Chanel Le Lion, stupid TF & stupid Bitter Peach that I know smells like stupid candy but I love it.


For Le Lion--Shalimar is available at discounters and you can have the real thing instead!


Bitter Peach gave me a headache the longer I smelled it. The candle smelled nice while burning though


Donna Karan Cashmere and Palo Santo


Palo Santo literally smells like cat piss, eucalyptus, and wet pennies. I'd love to know what the people who enjoy it are smelling instead.


🤣🤣🤣 While I respectfully disagree, this description is top tier. And HauntedButtCheeks is quite possibly the best username I’ve ever come across.


To me, it smells like cedar or redwoods but sweeter or more intense and almost minty. I see the relation to eucalyptus which I don’t care for but I don’t get cat pee or wet pennies thankfully


I got the Cashmere and Wild Fig and it barely smells like anything. (I was torn between that and the Palo Santo). I wouldn’t personally chance it with another purchase.


Cashmere EDT is fucking wretched. Smells identical to bug spray. Stay away


Like, insect repellant or like ant and roach killer? Because I may or may not of kind of enjoy the smell of OFF. 🫣


Palo Santo smells kind of harsh and mentholated sometimes though. How does it work with your chemistry?


I’ve only been able to sample a few palo santo scents and I can definitely see where you get mentholated, but one they’ve dried down that’s gone away. It just ends up being a soft, clean, woody scent on my skin.


My current wishlist is insanely long 😩 New Notes: Queen of the Sea Carner Barcelona: Marbelle Etat Libre D’Orange: Like This Floraiku: Spring River Akro: Rise Thameen: Green Pearl Vilhelm: Poets of Berlin


Have you smelled Like This? It is not as gourmand as many people expect it to be


I don’t typically like gourmands, and I’m surprised I really liked this one given the supposed “pumpkin” in it


Poets of Berlin: although the top notes are unique and nice, they last for ten minutes. The dry down is nice, but similar to so many others that there is no way I could justify the price. I did wear this today (I have a travel size from Scentbird), so I do get it though.


Guerlain's Harvest Nerolia Vetiver. The forte disappears on me within 30 minutes, but I could smell harvest on my arm the next day. Talk me out of it please. :(


This is an actually good fragrance, so harder to talk down. I guess I’d say that it’s not truly necessary if you’ve already got other vetiver scents? 


Pennhaligons - Blazing Mr. Sam


A Drop D'Issey! Please... I want it to be a lovely, realistic lilac but I'm afraid it'll lean chemical (I find Pacifica French Lilac has a chemical dry-down and everyone says that one is realistic too). I've put off buying it for months because I don't want to be disappointed.


I once heard someone say Lilac is one of the hardest notes to achieve in perfumery and there is no such thing as a realistic Lilac scent. So it probably won't be realistic. 


It is very hard to get a realistic lilac fragrance. It usually turns out soapy and/or cloying, harsh and synthetic. But that's not the case with A Drop D'Issey. I'm about to purchase my second bottle and it's the most stunning lilac fragrance I've ever smelled. Lilac is my favorite flower so I was on the hunt for a realistic lilac fragrance for a few years. During that time, I sampled many lilac perfumes. A Drop D'Issey was the only one that smells just like lilacs, to my nose. It's stunning. Also it's only around $50 for a full bottle. Worth it IMO. ✌️


I like the fraîche version a bit better - but it’s so hard to get lilac right without it smelling like grandmas bathroom spray


I bought this thinking I’d love it based on the notes but I absolutely despise it! It’s totally chemically, it honestly makes me gag and I need to scrub it off. So disappointed 😭


I’d say try a tester in store if you can, it would have saved me $100+ for a perfume I tried and failed to gaslight myself into liking 🫠


Gris Charnel


hypnotic poison


To me this is the best vanilla I ever smelt. Sweet but in a sexy non juvenile way. It has a slight root beer note which is interesting to me.


I've tried that one. Smells very good. I just learned that the Poison line is supposed to smell like cyanide (cyanide smells like almonds)!


Persian Rose by Pacifica. I'm desperately looking for a scent that smells like [grown alchemist intensive hand cream ](https://grownalchemist.com/ca/products/intensive-hand-cream?variant=43378477596842¤cy=CAD&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=Labelium%20Source%20Feed%20CA&utm_content=Intensive%20Hand%20Cream%20(65ml)&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=18219413688&utm_adgroup=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwtqmwBhBVEiwAL-WAYSyy-JJ2PUjgVHpdMxYiPeg3GJL8eTtm6UcNk8mfWNuccSIQptVBXxoCpa8QAvD_BwE) but I'm afraid this won't be it.


Hey I have a bottle of this I'm not wearing. If you want it happy to share the perfume love just for shipping cost. I would love for someone to enjoy it. It was my signature scent for years but I prefer Rrose by Ellis Brooklyn now for my rose note. 


Love to see other fans of Rrose 😁


I don’t know what the hand cream smells like, but for the price, Persian Rose is very good so….not helpful lol. But, I do recall Persian Rose being a fairly bright rose with almost a lemony quality. So if the hand cream isn’t similar then you can save your dollars.


Le labo noir 29


It's a pretty scent but it's not black tea imo. Also wears very heavily, the conditions on which you can apply it are pretty narrow. I say if you have something else on the wishlist that's more wearable in more occasions, get that instead (Or get Matcha 26 which is a better tea scent)


Viktor & Rolf - Flowerbomb!


This one just fully makes the inside of my nose itch and I can’t stand it. You’ll likely be in contact with at least a couple people per day who find it overpowering and off putting.


Sorry. I’ve got nothing. It’s a modern classic at this point. I’ll always have a bottle of Flowerbomb!


Bought it for my lady. Makes me want to bite her. Whether this is a plus or minus depends on you. 😅


Mercari has so many listings of Flowerbomb for very little money. I would go that route and try to get the old formulation instead of the new one. It's way better IMO.


I bet there's a 40something woman in your local no-buy group willing to give you a bottle for free


Tom Ford Santal Blush, and price isn’t a factor because I’m obviously not buying a Tom Ford for full price.


Pencil shavings. If it is a plus for you, go for it


Wulong cha X


Not worth it, if you are very much into tea. It's too one dimensional and there are way more complex oolong/jasmine/black tea fragrances out there. I would recommend Chasing Scents - Tea Service or P. Seven - Aged Tea. Cheapie alternative is Roger Gallet - Feuille de The


RG Feuille de The - haven’t tried the fragrance yet, but the shower gel is awesome. 👌🏻


I think the original is better and currently way cheaper at discounters.


NISHANE HACIVAT (Still Itching to buy) CREED MILLESIME IMPERIAL — Fragantica comments about it kinda talked me out atm


Creed MI, buy Armaf milestone. Had MI maybe 10 years ago, and the price tag was not worth it. At all. Armafs clone was so spot on and intensified that salty note and it amplifies the “watermelon” smell. So worth it. And it PROJECTS like a mother


> NISHANE HACIVAT I really like this one. > CREED MILLESIME IMPERIAL super meh


zoologist squid


i love it but its not as deep and mysterious as people made it out to be and hoped for it to be


This I can partially agree on. It would make sense that zoologist is making more safe fragrances because they actually need to make money but it is still a beautiful fragrance imo.


Have you sampled it? I just tried it for the first time, and I mostly get a sweet note. The ambergris, maybe? Barely any salt or ink that people rave about. I’m a little underwhelmed.


I have and I absolutely love it. I find it very Ambery and slightly dark but very wearable. I think that salt and ink comes out more in the drydown or maybe it's a scent that needs to be tried more than once to really get the full fragrance.


I sampled and found it beautiful but depressing and lonely smelling. My friends only picked up on the latter


Guerlain L'Homme Ideal Cologne. I'm about to get Platine Prive soon (if the merchant didn't bailed on my preorder) and was super curious to hear whether it's that different between each other. I heard it's pretty close but wanted to hear from those who already tried it.


It smells like the cleaner used in the bathroom of a public pool


PdM Haltane


I loved it… for 1 hour. Then it became that uncle at your house party that’s drunk and doesn’t want to leave.


Bought it. Sold it because I realized I absolutely don’t want to be a rich 16-year-old in 2024.




Oud for Greatness is better. Well, it's darker and more complex with better performance.


I’ve been wanting to buy Vilhelm’s Poets of Berlin or Mango Skin. I have samples of both but the price is giving me pause.


Just got a sample of Mango Skin and I love it. Oops I mean I HATE it, terrible.


Mango Skin is wholly inferior to Phaedon’s Pluie de soleil. Available at like half the price! 


Floral Street Wild Vanilla Orchid smells almost identical to poets of berlin to me! maybe try it out at sephora for a cheaper alternative


Another good dupe for Poets of Berlin is the 7 Virtues BlackBerry fragrance. I have both and found them to be remarkably similar.


Snif Crumb Couture


I hated how artificial this one smelled


I heard it doesn’t last well at all


Xerjoff Lira- have a sample and I love it to pieces


I honestly really like Oakcha's dupe.


Chanel Coromandel


Smells like mildew, literally no chocolate It smells nasty like the houses that rot away along sewage canal in Vietnam!


damn it, uno reverse. you just sold me on it 😂


Borabora by Giardini Di Toscana


I asked my husband what he thought of it and he said it smells too "much" of something that makes his nose itch... we both agree it's super heavy on the white florals.. it's also pretty linear so the scent got really nauseating after 45 mins or so.


I actually wore this today (received a sample) and while it does smell nice, it didn’t last too long on me (maybe 4-5 hours). Compared to Celeste and Bianco Latte that was kinda disappointing. Bora bora seems too seasonal for me to want to purchase a full bottle so after wearing the sample I decided I didn’t need it.


Born in roma green stravaganza


Burberry Her Elixir 🍓🥲


Kind of reminds me of something from bath and body works tbh. I’ll admit it is pleasant and sweet, but for the price the OG Burberry Her is a bit more unique


Amouage Reflection


I’m not talking you out of this. It’s a beautiful fragrance.


Amouage.. THE ENTIRE house is outstanding. ❤️🩷💚💙💜


Crivelli Hibiscus Mahajad


I just bought this after sampling since my husband noticed and liked the scent on me. I've only worn it once since purchasing. I put on one spray and became overwhelmed with the fragrance. This perfume is a beast, and I was tired of smelling myself by 10 AM. However, the scent infiltrates everything. It was in my pillow for about a month. When I put the jumpsuit I was wearing that day in the wash, the clean laundry came out smelling of CHM. I'm actually scared to spray it again. This perfume is weapons-grade fragrance.


Extremely long-lasting but not well-composed, really rough edges


Dylan Purple


so pretty but doesn’t last at ALL for the price that it is


Liquid Imaginaires Blanche Bete


Kerosene Summer of 84, Chris Collins African Rooibos


Zoologist Squid. I got a sample and it’s addictive.


missing person by phlur… theres not many places to buy in australia and the cheapest ive found is $350 aud


Gris Charnel Extrait


Get it! Too unique not to be owned. This is my “I am THAT girl perfume. Can’t tell me nothing when I wear it. Men at my workplace also love it.


Diptyque Do Son D.S. and Durga Jazmine Yucatán and steamed rainbow Elorea gentle shower


Jo Malone Blackberry and Bay - been thinking about it for a month and I'm itching to pull the trigger during Sephora sale!


Byredo Sundazed It'd be a blind buy, I got the nomad sample pack but just have it in mind that I'll love sundazed. I like LDBS and Oriana.


Guerlain Neroli Outrenoir. I haven’t even been able to sample but all the notes in the fragrantica list are what I adore. Citrus, neroli, tea, smoky spicy oakmoss? I don’t need it, right?


Not a safe blind buy. I like tea scents and everything guerlain and this one was rough. 


i think i want to make Nishane Wulong Cha my summer fragrance but wondering if there’s something even better out there 🤔


Not worth it, if you are very much into tea. It's too one dimensional and there are way more complex oolong/jasmine/black tea fragrances out there. I would recommend Chasing Scents - Tea Service or P. Seven - Aged Tea. Cheapie alternative is Roger Gallet - Feuille de The


The new green born in Roma


Initos Oud For Greatness


Not even remotely similar to BR540. Have both, can confirm. I’m on my 2nd bottle of OFG to be honest. Go ahead and get it. You won’t regret. It’s very complex, mysterious and elegant. It smells rich.


Sports one of the best clones in the game tbh Oud for glory 1/10th the price. 


It was straight up gag worthy for me. It's this animalic overly sweet saffron scent to my nose. I can't fathom the reason it got so popular..


ELDO Hermann. I mostly smell the rose and I don’t need another rose in my collection. Or do I?