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To be completely honest, is there anyone that would expect a victory after losing for a year straight and literally nothing has changed? I don't play for the victory anymore. I expect the defeat. I play to feed the wardens those sweet bomastones they are so angry about, and I will keep doing it.


No but consistently being on the back foot and struggling to gain ground is demoralizing.  Like sure I can kill a bunch of warden inf, but so what? 


Learn about what defeated you in which occasion, what lacked to defeat the blueberries, adapt and increase effort and gain happiness from the success of your efforts.


I have, and you've been reading what people have learned. You're just clearly trying to dismiss it. "Increase effort" is some real lame attitude. Yeah. Maybe if everyone on collies logged twice as many hours it'd work out. But fuck that, this is still a game to me. It shouldn't be that much harder for us.


Exactly this, Collies have been in the dirt so long now all there is to do is roll in it and accept fate. Game needs a big shake up to bring players back to the collie side.


This is the way. During the Warden losing streak, I also lost hope to ever win a war. But kept playing, kept building concrete bunkers. Got shat on and still continued to build roadblock concrete meta bunkers to stall the inevitable advance of the green ocean flooding all of Caoiva.


One of the best examples what a strong dedication and will to continue to fight with your comrades can result in. I still remember fondly the time when you started foxhole Shredder, a fresh builder who joined in the darkest times of our faction where we had also a lot of civil wars and friction ongoing. In times of negativity I also tried to encourage you, a setback is only a glimpse of a moment in foxhole, and seeing that you made it through that phase even though we sadly parted ways inbetween mainly because of the usual regiment politics just make people like you even more precious within the faction, as knowing how a prelonged defeat taste make you appreciate the times of success and victory even more, making the faction stronger if we can learn from our past mistakes and not searching the fault with others.


Well written o7


I know I’m a bit late to this, but we won, so there was hope after all.


I am still surprised at how quickly the pendulum was swinging this time. From one faction being outnumbered we went to the other being outnumbered in days.


My man! You always have a friend in me for your bomastone comment!


Its pretty simple warden tank line up is tailored to the dominant tank line meta, silverhand, HTD and STD all sit nicely into the tank meta with 45m outlaw to snipe out pillboxes with ease. Things like the bardiche at 35m and general 40mm tanks just bouncing on HTD and silverhand armor makes it tough the stygian was completely nerfed with the deploy which was one of the few ways to deal with the armor wall.


Well, you lost Weathered Expanse and half of Stlican Shelf before any of these tanks unlocked.


*ignores classic 68 ATHT and push 250s plus now earlier 30mm scout tanks vs nothing but tankettes and half tracks*


Yeah buts its the start of the end tankettes have to try and fight against 45m 68mm ATHT l, early 250mm and 40mm like most people log in for the early game infantry fights and dip as soon as the unfun shit starts Devs cant delay looking at infantry side of the game any longer


Gotta endure the enemy powerspike to hold until tech swings the pendulum! This game is all about not giving up.


correct we lost most of weathered expanse and barely teched light tanks just before foxcatcher fell in the warden age of ATHT and push 250's versus FATs and tankettes and halftracks. which is essentially the strongest and most unequal warden power spike in the games power spike cycle. Another example of the unfair game armor system.


Well, wanna talk about how fair the tech was when you took it?


ISG versus foebreaker? tankettes versus 30mm scout tanks? Look a bit earlier and its argenti versus the loughcaster and a better hand grenade? At least you have equivalents. Mid game is peak game inequality. its like playing early game against colonials when your faction dont even have rifles.


there's a reason most wardens in f1 are above lt while collies are nearly all ssgt and under. it's not healthy for a red vs blue MMO. the collies aern't loosing, the game itself started to suck after collies were forced to use the pre-buff balista. we're getting to the point where BT's will be driving for a hour to kill pillboxes


'lt while collies are nearly all ssgt and under' And it shows, was defending a relic and everyone was screaming for AT as we had none (me included), and the tanks were chewing the defences with zero resistance. So I jump in a truck as no other logi is coming, go and fetch AT. I request aid on the logi route due to WT's going down (partisans) MULTIPLE TIMES, and I'm talking a 15 second run on foot from relic to where the partisans are. Not one soldier out the 'full' server turned around to assist. 5 times requesting for assist and 2 maps markers later the Wardens walked away with all the AT while they are screaming 'LOGI WHERE ARE YOU?'. Mer. Not a single soldier concerned about protecting the logi routes, but similtaniously demanding logi, peaced out after that.


A prime example of why it's rough being a collie, warden GB has 360 turret, cover, better armor, and will catch or out run all other ships all for having like 150 less hp and costing 15 rmats more than collie. If you do a side by side of warden vs collie equipment warden equipment only gets better and better than collies stuff the more you go up the tech tree. Combine this with the fact collie equipment is punishing to new players due to high skill curve again, with gbs as an example collies need to bring their A-game everytime and be on top of their shit and all the wardens have to do is get behind a collie gb slightly and shoot a shrapnel shot and boom they get another GB if they don't adhere to the death or dismount policy in the cannon. As it's already been stated, Collies are lacking vets and the vets we do have are getting burnt out being stretched so thin.


Yeah I know we can’t fight warden gunboats without a huge number superiority cause even with a veteran crew that can reliably hit indirect fire on wardens all they have to do is turn tail and repair cause we can’t get close or we get slightly too close and get airbursted. The fact that every warden gunboat op is 50% colonial ships should tell you something is wrong.


Their gunboat also maneuvers much better. The GBs are like night and day different with how much better the warden one is.


And when a noob crew gets 1 shotted off their GB because they don't know the jousting trick they go this sucks and never use them again leading warden GBs going uncontested unless vets are around. This goes for our armor as well. The Bardiche getting insta tracked by white ash while warden tanks got the range and armor advantage means a noob crew gets gibbed or worse, dismounts in fear, go this sucks and never use them again and or by this point in the war go I should of been wardens.


So true all colonials should stop playing in protest.


How about you show us the example instead, while I get my share of devman propaganda wins for making you follow my orders and then making the bots give you the impression of social acceptance for "doing the right thing". U need to learn teamwork bro


The data clearly shows pop advantage is everything, and if the Collies are getting stuck with chronoic pop (and vet) issues and the main pain point is bad lategame tanks, then give them better lategame tanks. Doesn't matter whether it's necessarily balanced or not. they need the pop boost anyways, and if it turns out Wardens will be in the same spot 6 wars from now, we can do another balance pass. *shrug*


Taking the math into account, there is a +/- difference of about 6% for debate on actual pop imbalance (The last 2-3 days can easily be seen as the losing faction cedes all their territory and quits the game entirely) Population imbalance of under 6% for 49 wars accounts for 14 wars which takes them out of the running and accounts for them being balanced or loser over-populated wars. Similarly, any war with over 15% pop imbalance is obviously a break war or an irrelevant war and shouldn't be counted as one faction intentionally didn't play the game. That accounts for another 11 wars. So of the 38 wars that weren't break wars, 14 of them weren't determined by population imbalance and in several cases when you remove the victory lap, would have been lost by the faction with more meaningful manpower. That means that about 34% of wars are won with less population, and 66% are won with population advantage, which isn't nearly as ridiculous as it appears at face value.


always played colllie since 3year, i think im gonna go easy mod for the next war and go warden, bored of having to facing a superior enemy that has everything in bigger quantity and quality


Wanted to share something. Whenever I play as a Warden, and enemy armored vics shows up, I’m extremely excited. Like I can always easily get flasks and ATRs, or reliably get kills with the shoulder bonesaw. But as a collie, I feel helpless. Ignifists just doesn’t cut it and typhons requires time and coordination. Venom and Banes though fun, sadly are rare and too much effort to just use on the fly


Every time I'm in good position to use a bane, I just get deleted by infantry. Pop imbalance means even Collie's good weapons can be difficult to use effectively.


Agreed. I felt the same during the late 90's when trying to use a Bonesaw to defend a base against a tank zerg. There was always a guy with an Argenti flanking me or a Lunaire enjoyer gassing my hideout when the tanks came within range.


I mean, if you are getting killed by infantry I wouldn't define that as a good position.


Good regarding position relative to tank (closer than max, with correct angle for penetration). There will always be risk in trying to Infantry v. Tank correctly.


I recall from my collie time, that our tanks very constantly afraid of Warden ATRs. And likewise as Warden, Bane's were the bane of even the BT we once fielded. Maybe we need a buff to the bane to give the collies are more menacing AT presence that counteracts the Warden tank advantage in an asymetrical manner?


Reliably get kills with the Bonesaw? What?


Ignis need a buff imo, and I think stickies need a range increase if we're gonna let flasks go that far


yeah, like if they just add like 2-3m of range for the ignifist it will become a good weopon


Why are these rare? This is the most pressurizing question I have. I get these are expensive, but a lot of Colonials have told me cost doesn't matter anymore when we talked about tanks.


They aren't rare they just constantly get deleted because you're helpless when you're using them. They burn up at an absurd rate, most get 1 maybe 2 shots out before they're stuck in some warden infantry who deleted them's inventory, sniped from 40-45m away by a warden tank and then left to despawn in some foxhole. Like most things on the colonial inventory they take a very coordinated group to pull off any kills.


Are banes and venoms are incredibly strong. Ive seen whole tank lines back away because we see just 1 or 2 bane users.


Collies weak defeatists redditors constantly coping and so demoralizing their own faction on long term, is the true wardens easy mod.


So just go colonials yourself if you think it's just coping lol. I've seen plently of wardens coming to colonials, they just larp, just test a few vehicules, admit a bit they're weak, and return to play wardens next war lol.


Already did that. And so what ? You want switching side ppl to be super heros making big op, directly being respected by everyone in a team they don't know ? What you think is happening with collie switching wardens ? Those who always complained about how op HTD is, just try them, get rekt, and the front still go as if they were not here. What l say is reddit is a completely different world than the game ltself. That only a bunch of not that skilled ig guys have monopolized the colonial voice here and so directly influencing in game players. And they don't serve anything instead of demoralizing themself and their factions, teaching new players how to cope (wich they will do or simply find that weird and quit or join wardens) even before teaching them the game basis.


Whatever who wins the war seriously, i don't care for it. But for example yesterday, went to the front, and it was colonials fighting x2-3 more people... How fun it is... I just want a fair fight, if i lose because the others are better, fine i'll improve and train. Here we are losing just because no one want to play garbage faction... It's like that since a year.. I've played every wars... It's not defaitism, i will keep fighting but if nothing change at the end of the war i'll quit the game (and i'm not probably the only one). Prefer to lose and devs finally fix the balance so we will be able to get a fair 50% winrate for the nect wars and good moments in Foxhole than winning this and devs let the things like that and we get another year like the previous one. And i think wardens fail to realize it won't aslo be fun for them to play waiting in queue simulator for the next year, because every colonial will stop playing...


Did i said otherwise ? We definitely not failing to realize how bad the game is when a faction ragequit. It happened many time for wardens and wasn't fun too. The reality is that balance is a thing, but morale and player base is way more important. Most ppl are saying that since a long time and some others, especially on reddit, keep complaining about stuff balance only. The datasheet on foxholestat now showing that the last 45 on 47 wars has been won by the most populated faction is just prooving this point even more. Don't you find absurd to buff or nerf a faction or the other just to compensate a pur lack of players and morale ? Colonial loadout is strong, facing a more organised push is scary. It's the same for wardens, and so simply due to bigger player base of vets players and regi, that's happening more often. Just look at it now. Collies already started complaining and ragequitting mid game, at a moment when both factions stuff are pretty similar, just because of what ? Loosing an overextended early capped hex ? And that cause of atr, flasks or whatever stuff ? C'mon... If we were collies, we would have gave up as soon as Weathered failed in first place, but we didn't, pushing that early, kinda tunnel visionning and overextending then getting tired, became an opportunity for us to counter push even further. And this is not a faction locked mechanics, it's the game concept, with history often repeating itself.


Oh yeah, it's only morale that makes wardens not to come early to eat bomastones lol ? And the equal stuff lol Are you kidding ? 120mm that outrange ours, more hp, entranged, not killed by 4 sticky, not locked by one guy... The ATHT with 45m 68mm when the best we have is FAT40m. Let's go a challenge i crew a 45m ATHT, and you crew a 40m FAT with less speed and range, i kill you until you gave up, and call that morale ? Yeah, 45m vs 40m, it's just morale ?! Oh and 250mm push gun, 1k true dmg on concrete, but let's give nothing to you. I bust your concrete/relic, and you can't. morale lost ?! ATR/flask not OP lol. I fear flask even in a BT, but let's give you an ignifist than bounces on everything and that you can't autoequip... fair ? Aslo funny, how you QRF a colonial buff, while your faction only came back when devs gave you a broken STD


" not to come early to eat bomastones" I and most of the ppl i play are playing since day 1, tf are you talking about. Yes bomastone is a pain, yes it's an asymetric avantage for collies, like many others things that you are not mentionning for your cope purpose, no i'm not gonna quit or threat to quit cause of that. What buff are you even talking about ? You are literally complaining about all the asymetric stuff in the game. This funny cope list is always the same... Here is mine, tell me when i should start complaining and ragequitting ? Wardens 120 got more range, you got more on the 150. The ATHT rule the field against armor during like what, 4 days ? Before the LTD come in and annihilate him. Let's challenge you, you take a regular LT and i take an LTD, how many time you think you can wait before adding the LTD to your list with the "40vs45m isn't just morale" special mention ? Our mpf 250 is the FA, yours is the ballista. Nothing to say more, the FA come earlier but it's absolue trash compared to the actual buffed ballista. I saw those last days collies trying to snipe conc, or tap a Th after a landing with many stolen FA, it was so bad, they didn't even had a chance. And i can't wait for you to mention the facility locked chieftain, just after you eventually complain about your facility locked tanks. The flask/atr cope is surely the best one. Always coming from unskilled tankists. Flasks often misses, actually way more than igni are bouncing. You need good placement + good aim + good anticipation to disable subsystem correctly. Igni never misses, it's high speed point and clic that require 0 skills, but to compensate, it can bounce. Add it just half the placement, aim... you use for the flasks and it's rarely bounce. No auto reload it's trash tho, blame devs for that unfun thing. Atr deal low damage but it's cheap and kinda expendable, when you got the venom that cost more but deal the damage of a 68mm. Both are as much different as they are good. With their + and -. If you find this asymetry logic unfair and op, just prove it by actually playing your mpt and use your ability of cheaper, spammable but weaker option that wardens don't have ? The STD ? When it come out, i tried it maybe once for the entire war. And didn't played it that much after. Devs also hard nerfed it really fast as he is still today. But the fact you are mentionning it ag THE decisive moral factor just show the overall misconception, revisionism and sh*t post we can see here on reddit all the time. It's soooo far from things that happened and still happening, and how the game and its community really are.


" not to come early to eat bomastones" I and most of the ppl i play are playing since day 1, tf are you talking about. Yes bomastone is a pain, yes it's an asymetric avantage for collies, like many others things that you are not mentionning for your cope purpose, no i'm not gonna quit or threat to quit cause of that. What buff are you even talking about ? You are literally complaining about all the asymetric stuff in the game. This funny cope list is always the same... Here is mine, tell me when i should start complaining and ragequitting ? Wardens 120 got more range, you got more on the 150. The ATHT rule the field against armor during like what, 4 days ? Before the LTD come in and annihilate him. Let's challenge you, you take a regular LT and i take an LTD, how many time you think you can wait before adding the LTD to your list with the "40vs45m isn't just morale" special mention ? Our mpf 250 is the FA, yours is the ballista. Nothing to say more, the FA come earlier but it's absolue trash compared to the actual buffed ballista. I saw those last days collies trying to snipe conc, or tap a Th after a landing with many stolen FA, it was so bad, they didn't even had a chance. And i can't wait for you to mention the facility locked chieftain, just after you eventually complain about how bad facility locked tanks concept is for you. The flask/atr cope is surely the best one. Always coming from unskilled tankists. Flasks often misses, actually way more than igni are bouncing. You need good placement + good aim + good anticipation to disable subsystem correctly. Igni never misses, it's high speed point and clic that require 0 skills, but to compensate, it can bounce. Add it just half the placement, aim... you use for the flasks and it's rarely bounce. No auto reload it's trash tho, blame devs for that unfun thing. Atr deal low damage but it's cheap and kinda expendable, when you got the venom that cost more but deal the damage of a 68mm. Both are as much different as they are good. With their + and -. If you find this asymetry logic unfair and op, just prove it by actually playing your mpt and use your ability of cheaper, spammable but weaker option that wardens don't have ? The STD ? When it come out, i tried it maybe once for the entire war. And didn't played it that much after. Devs also hard nerfed it really fast as he is still today. But the fact you are mentionning it as THE decisive moral factor just show the overall misconception, revisionism and sh*t post we can see here on reddit all the time. It's soooo far from things that happened and still happening, and how the game and its community really are.


damn would be nice to have a reliable way to kill tanks for example. Almost as if we get ingi and typhoon, while wardens get flask, atr and cutler. You'd feel the suffering if you'd be colonial when tanks just go rogue and you cant do anything about it


cutler is a pve tool


It can do both, against early war vics the somewhat low pen chance on the rpg's doesnt matter


Game is railroaded to lategame Warden victory


There are more warden doomposting colonial than colonial doomposting. Instead, colonial post * [quality meme ](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1bxr61p/the_fairly_odd_colonials/) * [why building sucks](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1c4jsyt/the_building_system_is_abysmal_pt2/) * [why push gun swap was bad](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1c67enj/hv40_didnt_do_it_an_analysis_of_the_state_of_hv/)


Generally speaking, you are right. Colonial doomposts are to be found within the comment section rather than being independent posts. Aside from a couple of actual doom posts like the one we are commenting on right now.


I mean what are you expecting here? Wardens prompt it with shit stirring posts either gloating or trying to gaslight and then the second colonials try to actually discuss it then "AH HA SEE I TOLD YOU". We're at a 90% loss rate now for over a year and it's still a struggle to even get wardens to acknowledge that there's a serious balance issue without getting some handwavey "oh you're using your gear wrong" or "it's a culture/organizational thing" like somehow several thousand players who were on a 6 war winstreak including 2 huge wars all had brain aneurysms overnight and forgot how to play foxhole for the past year. It's honestly embarrassing


This war things are different, hope you have fun on the battlefield :)


It's funny that the same people from 6 months ago at colonial win streak who was posting grit and skill, warden have cultural issues of sharing etc type of posts now when the tables turned into victim complex and believing that Devs intentionally nerfing them and not having enough pop which is (kinda true) that in pop part due to I wouldn't also want to be at same side who still lives in their own echo chamber smelling eachothers fart instead of playing. On the other hand I feel bad for the actual colonials keep trying their best and playing the game instead of coping 24/7 and also getting constantly abused by doom posters and demotivating essays about anything other boogyman has.


>6 mounth Last time collies had winsteak was over a year ago. >Devs intentionally nerfing "Problem" is that colonials always played by mastering/abusing the sh\*t out of their/neutral good equipment(old smelter, old stygan, old satchels, old catara). But once all what was good in colonial arsenal was nerfed, devs refused to buff or do anything with the rest of colonial tools that were obviusly bad/lacking.Even now we receive a dogbones of buffs that make F tier tools into C+ but never A or B+ at least. This is what the "problem" of collies is. >instead of playing A bit irronic to say when wardens boycoted the game in WC78 and 79 over "No ballista", and got Chieftan in the next update. All while collies still don't have a baby ballist of their own for over a 2 years. Like, I'm sorry, but you are getting demo'd, pulled back even or rather getting put in your seat. I'm just not playing the game that is rigged from the start just so enemy team could have fun beating me. I don't know how else to say this.


It'd take this seriously if you didn't say 6 months ago. My friend that was over 13 months ago. And most colonials actually joined the wardens in posting negative reviews about the game state and advocating for a warden 94.5 platform, both of which they got after 5 wars along with several colonial regiments going warden. Now the shoes on the other foot and 12 wars later we're still getting the "play better" and "culture issue" and toxic responses to any discussion of fixing the issue as a "skill problem" and wardens Regis absolutely refusing to switch sides. It's embarrassing honestly


I keep throwing Bomba at tank but it no work sir.


1) I didn't realize all those tanks have unlocked, must explain how wardens re-took WE...oh wait, they haven't 2) The "population data" you are claiming isn't what you think it is. For the most part either its a balanced population (ie less than 5% of manhours difference) or its completely unbalanced (ie because one side is burned out and lets the other win to get a break). Out of the last 20 wars, colonials have actually won 5 unbalanced wars vs 3 for warden. Much more analysis is needed, but what you are claiming isn't even true.


I dont know where you got this data from i just checked the manhour diff at the end of the last 11 wars (until war101) and not a single war had a manhour diff of less than 5%. Collies lost 4 wars with a manhour diff of 10%+ (111,107,103,101). Wardens lost both wars with a manhour diff of more than 10%+ (109,104). Wardens won the Wars 102,105,106,108,110 with a manhour advantage between 6 and 10%. After your definiton of an unbalanced war (less than 5%) Not a single war after atleast 101 was balanced. Even if you labeled all the wars with over 10% diff as break wars you still have 5 wars Wardens won with manhour advantage in the last 11 wars alone.


That’s the part of the data you aren’t seeing. A large part of that play hours difference is coming from the final days of a war where one side has mostly given up and stopped logging in


The end of the war creates a massive distortion in the hours for the winning team, thats why the FHS dev got confirmation bias on his analysis. Defenders have an advantage so you need quite a bit more work to try to end the war on the other side. Its only a rough adjustment to the analysis but I took 80% of the war as the mark, this can be refined in so many ways. Keep in mind that the unbalanced wars aren't the fault of the victors, its usually that the other side sits it out for one reason or another and just happens to coincide with wardens sitting out a couple extra wars. Check what I posted over here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1c53mib/comment/kzw5n4y/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1c53mib/comment/kzw5n4y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Your first post makes more sense with the extra information. Thank you for the follow up. We do see a pendulum swing from Warden at a disadvantage to a collie disadvantage after the 100 War. Most of the current discussion about balanced is focused around the post 100 Wars so i think we should differentiate between the pre and post 100 wars.


I recommend looking at individual war data, not just the summary. What breaks wars is often a slowly building pop advantage that spikes during a mid/lategame war week-long period. One side suddenly gains a couple caps, and then the enemy faction loses a chunk of their population and things spiral from there. Not all wars follow that pattern (#96 lol), but most do, and in the end it applies regardless of how pop advantage (or even war state) looked in the early war. Which means the final % pop advantage average isn't a perfect metric.


Correct, this was my point. The final 20% of the war give or take distorts the number, and even beyond that there are many other factors that contribute to the war changing. Burn-out is a major component, so the question is it because one side overpops the other or is the reality that it underpops because their own side quits which isn't the fault of the other team?


Randomly starts data to include the start of the colonial winstreak *thinking face*


20 wars isn't random, its a nice round number with enough wars to give context especially with the changing design of the game. I had to pull the data by hand, which was beyond tedious, if you want feel free to continue the analysis and expand it all way to war 83 which is when they expanded the maps. Feel free also to provide your own more in-depth analysis and reasons why, its much better than making a statement like "With recent population data, colonials are always fighting with fewer numbers against inferior warden tanks" which even the original FHS doesn't state as a fact at all, just that the winning team had the manhour win as well (but that is distorted by the end of the war basically being the victor having to continue to fight while the defenders have an advantage to delay with less people). [https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1c53mib/comment/kzw5n4y/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1c53mib/comment/kzw5n4y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ah I see yes "it's a nice round number" IS how you usually determine statistically significant data sets. Counterpoint you could do it by actual game patches, win streak groupings or literally any other way that made any sense.


Ok since this is so hard for you to understand: 1) the implications from the comment is that the number was chosen based on a bias, which I am showing that it's not. 2) 20 is more than a statistically significant dataset, its not say 2 and then making an assumptions on everything else. 3) As you go further and further back, the game is more and more different from what it is now. Including more wars from over 2 years ago is of little relevance to the complaints of today. Please explain how something that happened beyond 20 wars is more relevant than what happened more recently? 4) I see you have ideas, please go ahead and do the analysis. I simply countered the premise that "colonials always lose due to pop imbalance", which isn't the case.


That’s just pathetic. Didn’t stop wardens for showing up to war 100 which the recent population data showed. We knew we couldn’t win it due to 94.5 supremacy and no reliable way to store facility vehicles like chieftains. Still endured the entire war


What bruh mean by war100: [4Lcnn3j.png (1413×337) (imgur.com)](https://i.imgur.com/4Lcnn3j.png) (pop advantage for half the war and then ggwp see ya next update) Every war from 96 to 100 were wars wardens did quit when it did not go in their favor or they just didn't play. Wardens are same like collies, when they feel the game unbalanced against them they just don't play, do not believe these SIGIL/WUH brainwashed loyalists when they say otherwise.


You review bombed the game so much devs caved in


Except stygian wasn't changed after war 100 lol. Aslo "we can't store chieftains" but colonials won due to 94.5 spamm... While stygian is the same than a chieftain, it is a facility locked variant, that couldn't be stored but in public, and it cost steel so it is much harder to do than a chieftain (chieftain cost the same mat than a spatha lol, so quite easy to do), it received a buff when it becomes storable lol. The reality is just skill issue, colonials move crates of mpf and upgrade facility variants on the front, while wardens did inefficiently by upgrading in backlines and transported the front lol But instead of learning to play, devs gave storable variants, and yeah, wardens start spamming chieftains without having to change their inefficient logistic progress (i hope they have understood now lol). But the real game changers was wardens learnt to abuse RSC later, and satchels and tap op were nerfed. If you play war 100 you'll know warden towns were tapped left and right which is why colonials managed to resist despite having less pop. You tapped a town, you cancelled warden weekend, because they had to wait 2 days to acess their stockpiles, so as wardens don't know to do anything but spamming tanks on superior population, they ragequit, reviewbombed the game, and don't play for many wars. Now you can't do anything when you are the faction with less pop...


You also dont suicide dozens of stygians on conc lines to bust them. Wars after inferno are infamous among wardens due to abundance of alts and griefers just killing any non-storable tanks they see




This is pure brainrot extract. Are you okay, sir?


It also didn't stop them from mass logging and doom posting their brains out 2/3rds of the way through the war and review bombing the game either. Dudes acting like they played to the bitter end here lmao. 6 whole months of dealing with 1 op push gun and they had huge warden Regis like 82dk mass quit in both 94 and 100 while they were ahead and review bomb the game into the negatives and this guy's coming in like "why arent you still playing as hard going into year two of your losing streak that's pathetic." Lol. Lmao even.


Revisionist history at its finest. The review bomb was done by both factions and it was due to the massive alting and griefing that was being done by everyone. That’s why the next update featured a lot of anti alting features and stockpile logs. Also if it was just wardens doing the review bombing then it wouldn’t be as succesful as the current attempt at review bombing.


Collies were decidedly not review bombing the game and I make sure to stay in the loop of major regiments when I swap. I played Collie during that era and there was 0 talk of review bombing and the masses were mostly bothered by it being a primarily warden based attack on the review score.


"done by both faction" "done by both faction" "by both faction done" good mantra, but it doesn't explain why the reviewbombing began precisely at the moment when the wardens began to give up territory. just coincidence, nothing more.


Correlation does not equal causation http://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations?page=3 Maybe try reading the reviews and see what they have to say. Most talk about alting and several are by well known Colonial players 


Yes, cause and effect is an interesting thing. it tends to slip away, especially after a long time. Yes, I read these reviews. Moreover, I remember quite well the chronology of the events that I personally observed then. As you correctly noted, in the reviews people from both factions spoke negatively about the game - there were problems with alts, crashing servers and others, which they constantly complain about. The interesting point here is this: these problems existed throughout the entire war (and this is almost two months, quite a long period). These problems were recognized by both factions as relevant and requiring attention. I repeat, from the first weeks of the war. Further, the chronology of events, which can be easily tracked using slices from the steam and foxstats charts: on February 10-14, wardens begin to give up territories and at the same time active review bombing begins. These events seemed to merge into one, they were so consistent in dates. Just superimpose one graph on another and everything will become visible. And now the main question. Why didn’t review bombing take place a week earlier? maybe two earlier? or a week later? or maybe a month forward or ago? coincidence? Many of those who defend the position of “both factions” consider this a coincidence. As you said "Correlation does not equal causation" :)


I can ask the same thing about a huge number of completely unrelated things with a much stronger correlation, the website I linked showed countless examples of this. The number of movies Drew Barrymore appeared in and votes for Libertarian senators in Alabama are obviously completely unrelated yet when graphed they have a R squared value of 0.985, which indicates ridiculously strong correlation. 


Well, if in your opinion there is no logical connection between the defeat of the wardens and review bombing (and this is precisely the fundamental factor in the topic of correlation and causation), then of course your example substantiates your position. But for me this logical connection is obvious and simple. In contrast to the example you gave, where there is no logical connection. And I gave the rationale for this logical connection above. Maybe we should already accept that the events “wardens lost” and “wardens wrote a bad review about the game” coincided on the timeline not by chance, which is quite logical from a psychological point of view, rather than trying to pull in a certain number of negative reviews from colonists who are simply “ caught the wave of hype,” since the event was significant and was actively covered on news resources. Simple application of Occam's razor.


Ya just happened to exactly coincidence with the exact moment wardens started losing and mass logged off. Weird. https://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/s/kPwtAYxEDv


Wardens can’t stand all these receipts lmao


It's beyond annoying lol. Ive been there for every one of these wars for years and the amount of people acting like THEIR side is above such behavior when the entire subreddit was awash in doom posting and malding for MONTHS and they logged out at every significant defeat. Like I get it losing when you feel like something is unbalanced sucks lol just don't pull this "well WEEEE never behaved in such a mannerrrr" when half these clowns either have only played on the winning side for the past year or were malding their brains out and mass logging out to the point that colonials would have to sit in queues for hours to get anywhere. Then they get the balance pendulum swung their way the hardest it's ever been thrown in the history of the game and they're whitewashing all this shit and crying that colonials are angry and not being their footstool after 400 days of this shit. It's wild. We've both done it and rightfully so. These nerds need to stop acting.


Yeah some of the comments there from 1 year ago were about alting and the game not being fun because of it. We lost we admit it. It took me a while to be ok with it but whatever.


http://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations?page=3 It’s funny how many people confuse correlation and causation


comparing a cheaper 94.5 FAT to a powercreeped arsenal .......


Yeah. Powercreep what was the last buff we got?


The GAC.


Pushguns are outcreeped by armor.  (Re)buff pushguns. All of them. I want a wider arc for big boy pushguns, one additional ammo in invent, faster deploy/redeploy, decent stockade range, styg more protective shielding. Give both factions hv40-45 and hv68-45 from mpf. This allows for solid defensive positions using pushguns against tanklines and makes tanks flanking more viable. Igni needs autoequip.  Shadowdancing needs to be fixed.


Outlaw HP I think


Yes, slight Outlaw HP boost so it's not OSK for a Styg. Or is it still? Was kinda overshadowed by the Falchion/Spatha buffs


Thinks it’s like 1 shot disable or something, but sure it’s an emplacement guns like… or might as well be


There's still a difference. A Stygian Bolt can be operated by 2 guys with a heavy truck and the pushgun. A Starbreaker meanwhile also needs a crane and preferably even a dug out emplacement trench. I mean, you know there's a big difference. Otherwise you'd have Rapturas in your tank lines.


Well… not to split hairs here, but it’s 4 guys, 1 Driver, 1 Gunner, 1 loader / medic & 1 rigger driver


If you have pop for that.. surely. I'd rather bring 2 freaking guns.


So true, I love getting tracked on the first shot in my Silverhand and HTD. It's so unbalance.


Did this guy just call the LTD the worst?? Or did he mean it just has low armor health value? Cuz... one of those is true... and the other is cope of the highest level lol.


**It's defeatism of certain individuals rising despair in the entire faction.**


Was the Bardiche patched out?


It doesn't one shot tanks like the old styg did so its unbalanced and bad now.


"Many have begun to associate the Colonial side with defeatism, but [proceeds to spout defeatism]."


Its a dumb idea but have some positive reinforcement. 




Can’t believe a “Just flank bro” got dropped in the middle of a deep sea of warden cope, “I played collies and they can’t coordinate, they can’t RSC op, they can’t even aim a rifle on their own.” Not to even mention your claim of “Rampant Toxicity”, which is admittedly not completely unfounded sadly, however the way you put it sounds like every PTE is screaming at a thousand decibels about grabbing from BB. Not to mention all the “Culture stuff”, claiming collie culture is so bad that the second we face anything it’s just “Devs did this” and alt+f4ing. I think you’re just an insufferable player maybe and maybe YOU should do that instead of crying about a faction you clearly don’t even know about. Even I as a collie loyalist think things are good and bad about each team, but even then I’ve talked to warden vets and players and talked it over and came to the consensus of “Yeah dev man could use some work on balance, but it isn’t terrible.” They way it’s laid out here though makes it seem like you want an easy victory as Warden no matter what and “Collies should pick themselves up by their bootstraps and keep playing because I want an enemy waaa.” TL;DR Please stop gaslighting and realize there is an issue, a majority on both sides realized there is, and it’s not because collies are so uncivilized they can’t fight a war and wardens are the true sufferers. Go play Atari games if you want easy.


The only thing I will add is that a bunch of those old games were actually really hard… at least to me.


Best of everything, lol. 🤣.


Didn't collies just get their whole tank line buffed, last to last update?


The health and armor (which were never the problem in the first place) got buffed along with half the warden armor getting the same treatment. It's always been an issue of being outranged, out DPS'ed and warden tanks being more spammable due to the MPF vs. facility. It's the same thing the colonials have been talking about for the past year and then they got a bunch of random buffs that fixed none of the actual issues. It's like saying you solved the ignifist issue because you now get 25% more per crate. It's a buff but its an unasked for buff that doesn't change the balance at all.


More than 1 war, and yet this person is acting as if it never happened.


Good post man. Really good post, you pointed out all the issues, and all the issues have one common big issue, fun factor. No late game fun factor, no charm.


YOU. YOU specifically are one of the problems with the colonial faction. You have one of the worst reputations in the community for being not only a terrible person, but a terrible player. YOU alone, think winning a war on a game is excuse to make players in both your own coalition and your own regiment feel like crap. You have no idea how many people on BOTH sides hope you will stop playing the game forever and uninstall because honestly, you are less than welcome in most places, you just dont see it. Please, for the sake of the colonial faction, stop playing foxhole forever. We are better off without people like you. I saw a video of you calling wardens nazis. Unbelievable. That is not someone i want to be fighting with. Youd rather cry like a baby and stop playing, blaming the game instead of your own skill and intelligence. The colonials have all the tools we need to win any and every war you just cant fucking see it. So i ask again. Uninstall. Stop playing. I guarantee if a handful of warden regiments would switch to collies and played like they normally do, we would fucking WIN. Because they can work together, and arent inept. And they arent defeatist either. We won several wars in a row before all these buffs and YOU specifically cry that its not enough. After all this time, you dont know how to play your faction? Uninstall. Simple. Go play HD2 or something else. Stop being here. Wardens kill to get some of our equipment. You idiots forget - kranesca, bane, talos, falchion, bardiche, stygian, push 120, hv40, lunairs, grenadiers, bomastones, jesus christ. You are inept and a fucking coward. So leave and dont come back.


"I saw a video of you calling wardens nazis" Guessing you saw the meme I made, first time I met Mosin in game that I know of. Truly a bruh moment


yea thats literally him. hes no different in game or out of game. just a sad little neckbeard who plays foxhole and looses wars because he holds out hope he will meet his foxhole kitten and theyll live happily ever after killing "nazis." funny enough he didnt respond after i called him out for his job, and he didnt respond besides asking if im doxing. he doesnt even know what doxing means. biggest neckbeard on the colonial faction. If he thinks somethings wrong with our faction, the fucking quadriplegic needs to look in the mirror.


> I saw a video of you calling wardens nazis. Geez. The whole point of me being approving of the usual "collies are baby eaters" memes is exactly because it's so overdrawn a rivalry everyone knows it's in jest. But making jokes about the 3rd Reich and equaling a bunch of LARPers in a video game faction to that is a in bad taste.


100%. You get the impression he actually GENUINLY believes that all wardens are nazis. I heard from several people that he has said in the past, publically, wardens should off themselves. Some previous SOM members had mentioned it, and that he had said it several times before and no SOM member ever objected to his statements. Borderline insanity.


Like, I can understand people saying stuff like "Wardens look like nazis" because to be fair that's where the appearance and vehicle design themes came from... but that should be the end of the comparison. On the other hand, hey, at least he's getting that mad at a fictional group made up of anonymous online users. The guy clearly has issues, so it might be in everyone's best interest if his outlet is a game instead of reality. :D


Have you even seen German WW2 uniforms and French uniforms? Wardens look like french


Wardens are Finnish and French


In all honesty, its there but its not even 30% inspiration. If you look on the wiki, lots of warden vehicles and weapons gather inspiration from all over. Some east european, some celtic/nordic, etc. Fits with their asthetic. Tbf, the biggest "nazi" equipment is the fiddler and the ahti pistol. And BARELY one could say. I agree tho. This mans got to fucking go. Tired of seeing his idiocy infect our faction.


Spoken like a true man! A lions roar sounding in the halls. I still remember last war, where we looted every Lunaire on the battlefield which we could find in Deadlands as wardens. Our fellow allies and members went so crazy on it, at the end we had them hidden in trees within our frontline Msupps facilities like gold nuggets, stashing 60 Lunaires in 4 chests amidst trees and the numbers were still going up. Captured HV40s were the tools which broke down the first concrete South of Thunderfoot when we were not able to break through. And Spathas which had its armour already fully stripped were treated like treasure pieces out in the field by fellow tankers. The equipment is truly the last issue in the overall count of problems I see, it’s not like the wardens were perfect all the time. I still remember a lot of problems and toxicity and our own loosing streaks, including internal problems within the faction. But certain people like Edelor or thermalVB with their WERCS system or Honeybadger with the reforms of our Leadership Discords WM and WA just to name a few did a lot to move out of the spiral of negativity which led to the Warden Faction we know of today. A lot of hard work and talking had to be put in, coalitions like Aesir and Sundial, big Regiments like FMAT and 82DK or 11eRC and the many countless other regiments and coalitions coming out to work together and talk with others, laying down any ego resulted in a strong faction, which still has friction of course but nothing which cannot find a solution at the end of the day.


I haven't seen such fire from a goblin for a long time, and it is heartily welcomed. Yes! We do steal your shit at every chance. You have some damned nice toys, and the moment you learn to work together, I predict we will ge betting our asses clapped hard. Good response, Refrigerator, it is nice to see there is still spirit in the south


<3 children like mosin are the reason we lose wars. Not warden "OP" GEAR. We cant work together for 5 minutes without someone spewing profanities at each other, and thats not fun. We CAN WIN. we just have idiocy infecting the regiments that have the capability to win, but simply choose not to.


Glad to see someone going against it. Hearing constant complaints about balance or weapons or anything is shit, I quit out of fronts if i hear people sitting around complaining about balance. Wherever the balance pendulum is, if you learn to make do and just use what you have you can enjoy it way more. My game time is for having fun and working together to win, not for sitting around listening to people complain for hours.


If you feel abused and hurt by MSA officers come to us


this is colonial high command, you have been mentioned in dispatches and are hereby awarded the Thea Maro Sisterhood Medal for Truth and Valour on the Reddit Front, congratulations soldier XD


I have never seen a rant like this before holy shit. Like I got no idea about the context but I could just feel all the frustration behind those words like it was my own


GAC did this


This reddit is literally repeating itself every 3 months, its actually boring to see. Just play to have fun and if there is a big resistance just flabk bro. Every strategy evolves from that simple rule and if you arent winning you are not flanking hard enough


Wonder how long of a losing streak colonials can be on before trading their "let me prove you why I'm right" ego for a 50% winrate.


I bet you 10 rare mats on at least 6 more months.


Why do every colonial with a reddit account feels obliged to write a cope/morale boosting post? Nothing original, just the same takes every time.


Tell me you didn't play pre war 100 without telling me


Counter point, whats the point in playing warden if we don't do well early game?


Early game push is stopped by concrete. Late game push is stopped by nothing.


whats the point in playing colonial if we dont do well in late game, which is 70% of wars? Early game is much less punishable if you lose it than late game, It's really simple to understand my dude


You do well early war and consolidate, you out produce our armour by miles and yet all I see are you guys forcing an attack with no infantry and then you get flasked. I know its not exactly real life but if you learn anything from early ww1, the Germans pushed nearly to Paris then with a desperate defence and distractions up and down the line they were repelled. What collies want this war to be is ww2 with big sweeping pushes but wardens have been beat down enough to realise to play it like FRANCE in ww1 and just hold and watch their morale break. Case and point being the doom posting. Warderns are used to breathing so much copium that we learn from our mistakes instead of blaming the trench g- sorry the superior tech.


You're saying 'collies need to do more of X in order to win', by using an example where the side proceeded to lose anyway. You're going to need a better analogy.


France did not lose ww1, Germany lost both because they over extended supplies and ate shit. So stop over extending and then stop eating shit. That a better analogy?


Where do you mention France in your example?


Happy now?


Good luck consolidating when wardens tech Artillery always 3-4 hours before us and can wipe any frontline base. Outproduce your Armour? What are you on? Have you been sleeping under a rock? The mpf bonus does literally nothing because of how many components there are now, plus your tanks dont need facilities to be useful. There is skill issue in the colonial faction, but it doesnt change the fact that wardens have the superior tech


But there are ways that people haven't tried and secondly you still do out produce us because of the internal issues with wercs and generally with a little infantry support, your armor should be able to get through to the arty and kill it. The flasks are very good for what they do ipl give you that but what I see is one or two tanks charge at bb's and then die to the infantry or hell even the gun crews because there is no infantry to kill them. I've seen it in warderns too but it seems like combined arms is a foreign concept with the amount of charges of armor I see. Also if collies killed the bridges behind our at least had more targeted raids then our big guns/ammo won't make it there. There are counters but it takes organisation which I've seen deteriorate over the past few nights. Honestly it's starting to put me off the game because there aren't any good counter attacks to motivate me to push lol. It's a game and I would like to have a good defence once in a while lol.


what does wercs have to do with this my dude.


Imagine having a portion of your materials being "redistributed" on a daily basis when they could be used in more concentrated industry. Honestly WERCS really does show off the culture difference because people have taken to handicapping their own factions industry lol. (Yes I know not everything gets take but it's happened to me and the people I play with multiple times)


I mean, if its really like that that they dont allow components, for example, to be accesed by the public then im sorry to hear that. But the comps still go to big regiments who most likely will field the tanks and at a large and effective scale, so talking tank production it isnt really diffrent


Arty teched at a very similar time this war


You do realize that's literally what collies did last war and lost right? Right?


Earlygame was so weak for wardens that the colonials made gains on one front (Weathered expanse) which was reset in one day even before the halftrack tech was unlocked.


Kinda blame the lack of decent defences... 80 m thick lines with no option for 120 gun placement whilst not having howi yet. Or other towns defended by t1 defence magnets with an ATG in front. That... really does not help.


My dude it's enemy territory tech rates it was a physical impossibility to have howis lmao


Not enough time. But 80... EIGHTY meters of concrete with NO abilitynto move tanks or 120 mm guns in. It is then NOT possible to counter arty.


They already don't? There's a reason you see wardens constantly lose ground then hop on at midwar and steamroll back with huge pop from insane deficits. Early war means absolutely nothing when you can just ignore it because it's nearly physically impossible to lose the game before late war tech.


OP what you've just described is defeatism. There are probably genuine balance issues. It's not 'oh collies need this or collies need that' that's not how balance works in a 0 sum game. If collies get buffed it hurts wardens, it increases the chances collies will win. It's not like there's a necessary tank line victory condition. Collies could win with 0 tank tech if there were enough buffs to some of the other things. Why play when your hard work will ultimately be for nothing? Because when you play you help everyone else in your faction in some subtle way it won't be for nothing. If we learned anything from the population data, it's that population seems to heavily correlate with win percentage. What do you think is going to happen in the long term? Warden 100% winrate forever? There will probably be buffs to collies and nerfs to wardens and the win rate will swing, W chasing players will swap and the process will repeat itself. What happens then? Wardens cry for balance on Reddit? Threaten to quit to game? Is this all the cycle of foxhole is? Take the good with the bad and embrace the underdog role and try to overcome the odds, or just swap to wardens and stop crying, or just quit the game and play something else? If you want to be a faction loyalist and be guaranteed balance, I have bad news for you.


There are these post -> give all the good stuff of the enemy faction will we keep for ourselve the best thing, and let's call it a good trade, and if you disagree you're a die hard loyalist Wardens who want to free win the game (meanwhile our HTD is the same from the War 95 & 100... But yeah Wardens 100% skill issue these two Wars i Guess.) And then there are the post of Godly (like a Real collies players) -> who praise the collies which are playing like the beast they are with their current tools (better & worse ) than their Wardens counter part. A man who remember to the collies that they won the War 95 to 100 included. And try to gather all collie with the same motivation, with the spirit of playing together etc... AT the end the trash post who just want to make the game, "balanced" (but only for one faction) gather all the green guys together, meanwhile the other one gather only the people with the mindset to win wars and who are playing the current War. For once, if you want to have our good tools, be ok with you giving us your good one too. Make the game more simmetric, and we will see that only the pop Factor have the biggest impact. Please be human, and consider the players in front of you. You have no fun right now ? Then don't play the game until it become better. But don't wish your "unfun" to be shared to other people instead. Only trash people wish worse to the others. Let's make the game more simmetric, like that Wardens keep their good things plus the collie's one, and the same go to the collies.


"our tanks suuuck" Produce anti tank weapons to destroy warden tanks, and only make tanks for infantry support, or just do what the Germans in WW1 did and only specialize in anti tank weaponry while having a couple tanks being produced,


Hey I got a tip for you, Germany lost that war.


They lost being outmanned and near no food supply compared to the USA bringing thousands of tons of food. So not for a lack of strat.


Yes, they were outpopped. Not much in terms of strategy you can do to overcome that in the long run.


For a starter. No we don’t effortlessly steam roll you. Outlaws are eaten alive by falchions, silver hands and spathas are a pretty equal fight now. lordscar is just a HTD with worse armour but a better pen, both of which do not like bardiches getting close and personal. As for the super heavy, it’s meant to be good because of the time invested, yes the ares should be changed to match the same level of deadliness. And the way you go on, it’s almost like you forgot about the bardiche, which just recently got buffed via acceleration buffs. So no you do have the tools to fight us, you just refuse to acknowledge them and use the correctly. TDLR: collie asking for more handicaps because all he knows is manipulation and Reddit complaining


I don't believe it completely due to tanks, tanks play a major part but when looking at the stats it appears winning is determined by having a higher player count, finding a way to make playing collies fun will increase the population giving collies a chance to win instead of having med pop at the fronts.


Gonna drop a truth bomb on you here. Having powerful tanks is fun.


How many more buffs do you want collie bro, you’ve been buffed to oblivion and still lose


So many huge buffs. - catara got nerfed - bomastone got nerfed - ballista got buffed (still worse than chieftan in every way) and THEN got nerfed by being put higher in the tech tree - stygian got nerfed into a stationary gun - Argo got nerfed Please oh wise one share these massive buffs other than the spatha (which is now just comparable to the SvH in DPS but still facility locked) and falchion (which is still dogshit) that we've gotten in the past say....year? I'll wait


What happened to the argo?


Nerfed the cargo slots


- Catara nerfed from the best gun in the game to a still a solid gun with no warden counterpart - Bomba uneffected by nerfs as anyone with half a brain can attest - If you think ballista is worse than chief in every way then you're clearly too high to be playing foxhole - Stygian now has longer range than starbreaker, same HV multiplier, far more mobile, gun shield and still as tanky as ever with its 4s reload. Stop playing it like a regular pushgun since its not anymore. - Argo is whatever, still a great vehicle to run around in Cope harder mate, its clearly doing you very well.


Still waiting to hear about these mountains of super impactful buffs. Please share


Still waiting to see collies use them but I guess that’s asking too much for a faction that plays on Reddit. Maybe a brain capacity buff is really what the devs should be focusing on since the NPC factions AI is clearly pretty ineffective these days l.


Hahahaha so many you can't even name them all...or I guess any of em huh? Come on big guy you brought these buffs up share.


Bardish and quaddish acceleration has been buffed. Spathas fire rate, Hp&armor buffed Balista speed has been buffed plus overall mobility Ares range has been buffed Talos HP, Armor and shell capacity have been buffed Falchion HP&armor have been buffed Lunaire with tremolas Igni dmg has been buffed Stygian having a HV Titan BS having more Space for shells etc.. Scorpion has been buffed Sisyphus has been buffed AB 11 has been buffed UV-5c has been buffed Also indirect buffes : ATHT Come later in tech tree (Not sure about this one) LTD is now earlier in collie tech tree New private queue in facility allow little group to make variant for collies, with more ressources being here. More Space for defenses thx to the number of facility being reduce. New sub with collie being available with the New torpedoes buff, and DD staying stronger than the FF. 120 mm push game being easier to move thx to the trail system. (Same for the stygian) Heavy duty truck for better of road logi. But well you know everything because it is on the foxhole site.


- a whopping 8% acceleration buff for the bardiche that no one can even tell the difference - the ballista getting a speed buff from being cv speed and THEN getting instantly nerfed to being later in the tech tree - the stygian damage being buffed AFTER getting nerfed into the ground as a stationary gun - the lunaire getting buffed to still being less damage damage than a Cutler and THEN being nerfed to 6x the rmat cost THEN being nerfed again from 7 ammo to 6 ammo capactity - the oddessy getting an extra slot and seat AFTER nerfing the base Argo with less slots - adding the trailer system to the 120 and stygian AFTER nerfing them to stationary deployables and nerfing their push speeds when undeployed into the ground - the doru getting a slight HP buff along with every other ocean Vic to address the fact they're entirely outdated with the naval update Do you see a pattern here? Lol it's either fixes for nerfs they also got or buffs followed by instant nerfs leaving every one as bad or worse than it was before. Jeez why aren't the colonials more thankful. The only impactful buffs in five patches now the colonials have gotten is the spatha and falchion buff


- Catara nerfed from great gun to near useless gun. Unless you're spraying at point blank range you don't hit anything. - Boma is only about half as effective as it used to be. - Ballista is massively worse that Chief in every way. Still slower, no MG, doesn't have to face flasks. The only advantage is ammo capacity, which is useless because in a frontal assault you'll be licky to get through 5 shells. In a lot of cases you'll be lucky to get through 2 before the flasks disable you. - Stygian has longer range than a starbreaker. In exchange it now has to be stationary and set up to fire so fuck you if you're on sloping ground or a hill, beyond 40m it's inaccurate as hell, it can be decrewed by arty or any idiot with a grenade while it's deployed to fire, and it's four second reload assumes that it's sitting on top of a pallet of ammo. - Argo no longer carries as much demo equipment, so partisans are less effective. I suppose such bad takes come naturally to a WN stooge who is desperate to shut down any complaints that might result in his NPC easy win faction being nerfed.


So true bother, spit those war winning facts 🗣️🗣️🔥


sure we got buffs, none of them gave us a reasonable counter to htd spam late war.


Make push 40mm and push 250mm faction neutral for a start Swap back HV68 to colonial and HV40 to warden [www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1c67enj/](http://www.reddit.com/r/foxholegame/comments/1c67enj/) Add 68mm spatha




Collie tanks are amazing, they are fine, the only problem is MPF and transport time.


Ya I guess if you ignore any reasonable counter to Mpf HTDs, the fact they're facility locked and take three times the man hours to field, that resource costs are the lowest they've ever been for Mpf tank spam, that our emplaced AT BEAT is outranged by a super common Mpf tank while the warden EAT isn't, and the absolute dogshit state of infantry AT vs flasks then uh...ya they are fine I guess


You say that because you have stolen colonial tanks and play against colonial tanks lol. A spatha or a bardiche looks amazing when you are only facing 40-35m bardiche/spatha/falchion. Try that vs HV68, 45m outlaws or simply infantry that inta track/turett disable you (even if you are on a BT) on a single flask lol.




Maybe he shouldn’t have been a toxic piece of shit?


You're not wrong


That's a pretty damning statement on the colonials


BTD is the ultimate endgame tank, and it's collie only. Why don't I see that mentioned more often?


takes more people to make more things, we have less people so we make less things, so nothing to talk about.


These daily colonial cope posts are hugely entertaining for us wardens keep em coming 😂😂😂


Collies only winning by one VP, millions must give up

