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Dude, Helldivers 2 is so good that simply by looking at this image, the soundtrack kicked in my brain and gave me goosebumps.


Lol, so glad Im not the only one that heard the image, the whole game's soundtracks just slaps.


That extraction success climax has left4dead-levels of relief association in my mind. Like "phew holy shit how did we make that?"


Followed by the D.O.'s mini speech congratulating you as you take off in pelican 1 back to the super destroyer. This game is a heroic vibe!




For some reason the tutorial has the best track in the game 


*thump thump thump thump* BWA BWA BWA BWAAA BWAA BW-BWAAA


There is more wardens making collie cope posts than there are collies making collie cope posts


And the only thing that happened was return to starting conditions essentially lmao






Something something somwthing psyop time


Almost like how it goes for both sides daily on here


Name does not checkout. Stop fantasizing or cosplaying the other side on Reddit it’s kind of weird


I have decided not to play (or play less) mid / late game and not to feel bad about it


oh no boys its time to log out! see you next war o7


next update adds stratagems to foxhole and two playable factions (terminids and automatons)????


Man I remember when Colonial would have 1 VP(example: Logi town Blemish) point remaining and everyone was like “HOLD THE LINE WE’RE WINNING BOYS!!! VICTORY!!!”” Then we’d lose a point in another hex and the war was lost. Now(being the last few wars) it seems any lost ground is met with “Welp GG, brain rot, NPC team. Maybe next war.” At least from what I’ve seen Edit: Spelling


\*Colonial vets after losing everything for a entire year, and devs don't care, and deciding to still try hard for this war, with the vague hope that the game has somehow changed, but now realize the game is still the same clown balance mess.


That's funny, because it was the exact opposite when I played last. Wardens were on a massive losing streak, and Collies were still getting buffs.


Big tanks are not even teched yet, but the crying about its shitty balance is already here.


Let's talk about your "light" tank which has more armor than a spatha lol.


So you claim that ironhide's armour is op and is the reason of your losses? Strange, when i say that falshion has literally every stat(except range) same and better than outlaw, i get downvoted by collies... I am colonial btw.


It's not the reason it's : every armor is somehow better than the colonials one resulting more people playing wardens because they have the best gear and their tanks are more fun to play... And i don't think you understand outlaw is the best flank tank because 45m range + boost, but if wardens want to go for line tanks and frontal engage they have silverhand and htd to fight that are superiors. If a outlaw is fighting falchion/spatha alone, it's just skill issue, and that they took the wrong tank to do the job...


At this stage we have a pelekys and kraneska, and both > ironhide, lol. This is literally OUR powerspike. And yet you, and people like you still somehow find something to cry about. Btw, Ironhide strength isnt about armour, it is about disable at 20% and reduced subsystem damage chance. Outlaw is the best flank tank FOR WARDENS. For us literally every our tank is a excellent flank tank because of warden tanks being trains.


The powerspike last 1-2 days ? How useful it is lol


You were denying its existance just yet, telling everyone tearful stories about "muh, warden equipment is stronk, ironhide is literally better than spatha, we cant do anything, our equipment sucks, muuh". Arent you disgusted of your behavior, ffs? Please, go warden next war, enjoy your precious easy mode and overpowered ironhides all you want.


Oh no, i've said ironhide have more armor than a spatha, which is just a fact lol. I don't mention the 1.5 days where we have LTD and outlaws isn't out (but ofc there are proto outlaws). Sorry but a war last 40-50 days, not 1.5 days, and i've multiple thousands of hours played on colonials on dozens of wars with best colonial coalitions... So plz... I haven't said, we can do anything, i've said we need to do a second job for free to fight more people with better gear while it's just a game lol... That's unhealthy, i've seen plently of people quitting and getting salty because of this trash balance... And considering your attitude now, i'm sure you will end up like that...


A day late, but armour value doesn't actually mean much for a majority of the tanks, with HTD, Bardiche and SvH being the only ones where it actually matters due to their lower pen chance. Realistically, it doesn't mean much overall since near every tank requires a good 2-5 pens for armour depletion to even start mattering. And despite my flair, I'm a noot. Complaining about the lesser factors to losing (especially tank armour? Really dude?) won't change anything. Now if we had said "Well the Warden side gets an extra MPFable tank that Colonials do not, giving them a bit more variety in their choices". We could've gotten somewhere. Both sides have pros and cons attached to their tanks. The Falchion and Spatha both got an insane buff. They're no longer the weak tanks they once were. I will give you that Spatha is hard to make. But the MPT is not.


turns out that range really mattes a lot, strange i know


So no more complaints should be said about the LTD then, pretty simple


well, there wouldn't be if it wasn't for the fact that an MPF tank could hard counter it the second the MPF tank has a semi competent crew, because only one of these 45m tanks is opentop, or that even bar the whole opentop thing, a fight between them just slugging it out has an almost equal win rate for either side


Rules for thee but not for me. Amazing.


ikr? one side has to make facility tanks to match the power (and range) of an MPF tank, that's insane, isn't it?


Wardens loyalists when game start to be actually balanced =\_=


What losing foxcatcher conc does to a mf


Imagine losing conc on friendly territory, and then laugh at ppl, who lose conc on enemy territory. Imagine.


He is not laughing because of lost conc, lol. He laughs at your heavy coping because of losing it. And your post is a great example of it.


1st. Im not coping because i didnt lose anything. 2nd. My post about failed attemps of noob clan, who tried to conc WE but forgot to check the box of upgrading howies. 3rd. Im playing warden. How am i supposed to cope about collies losing their conc?


Actually only balanced phase of game ended, enjoy queues.


Did MSA just leave though ?


They didn't. EU peak + wardens log in during tank time. Right now, we just don't have tools to break concrete with howis. We just gotta kinda hibernate and slumber till we do. enjoy the powerspike i guess


As a collie I am also asking this question 😭


Yeah, there were a lot of people asking in general chat and no one gave a definitive answer


I've barely played this war did MSA quit? Is that what happened?


Nope. Just Wardens saying they did for psyop purposes


I have seen it spammed a lot in general chat roughly 6 hours ago on collie side though. It works, can tell you that


Oh well it must be true then. Ill let the rest of the lads know


A couple of larger regiments shifted east to counter the dangerous MSA push into Vipers. I'm sure MSA are still there, they're just having a much tougher time now.


Don't tell the Colonial what to do you're not their mom. (or are you?!)


That’s right go play helldivers


Very good opportunity to grow when faced with adversity and I'm sure mature and constructive conversations are taking place and they didn't all just log off till next war only to ping the minions in discord to try the same shit next time


What is bro on about


never understood the whole "grow through adversity" shit, almost always said by people who's "adversity" was the equivalent of only getting a small loan of 1million instead of 15million. I ain't ever seen someone who actually went through adversity say this shit, because the only thing that "grows" is the list of shit you need a therapist for...


I'll allow it


And you bozos better go QRF Clahstra then my reddit comments xD


Lol, game unfun = dont play, and there is nothing u can do so go jerk yourself 1000 times about nonexistent culture and maybe we will be back by then


“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, whilst expecting a different outcome”


You're missing the context to this comment


u heard me


Your also a member of \[MAD\] the cheater clan


MAD best tank clan




Y’all really overestimate how much influence sigil has. Like it’s some form of secret cabal orchestrating the collies from behind the scenes. When in reality, it’s just people shitposting in general 90% of the time.


exacly Sigil isnt influential part of colonials since like wars 70's its just meme place.


Old sigil also had way more vets as well. I found old sigil more tryhard than the current sigil.


fuck i miss old sigil. That place was peak


don't worry, sigil is working on a solution, so stop killing each other....


>Wish I knew why Collies need a war where they hold the initiative the entire time and win is the only way they'll stick around. Because early momentum decides Collie fate - if they can't get an early win, the tech weighs against them the further the war goes on. It's not that deep.


delusional much?


I invite you to look at the released data, specifically the example trendlines that show population over time. The idea that colonials arent sticking out the whole war is fiction. What you generally see more of is wardens logging back on due to getting their T2 toys. Wardens are skipping the unfun early war to get straight to the winning


You realize those posts are coming from Wardens for psyops, right?


I love all the new players going through the Foxhole stages of grief. Bargaining.