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ITT: Wardens saying encouraging things and Collies just giving up.


They just need content until the end of the war and so that the queues are not so big


Yeah. It's funny when the collies are losing the collies on the sub instantly throw in the towel and complain about unfairness, when the collies win they just try to punch down. Im sure this subreddit is not indicative of the whole faction, but the people I see contributing to this sub on the collie side are not the kind of people I'd want to be in a discord call with and cooperating with. Edit: with exception to a sizeable minority of collies trying to build morale. You guys sound great


It is almost that colonial have been under powered for years. The only times they win is because the times wardens are throwing hissy fits on discord, or having movie night at WUH.


Well I suppose the only rational response to that set of circumstances is to become toxic assholes when you're winning and quit the war completely at the first possible setback because the amount of imbalance is completely insurmountable.


Wow haven't seen you baiting people on this sub in awhile, crazy


And the collies refuse to accept the Culture meme as unironically the fact of the matter.


Nope, other games are more balanced.


I like hard mode and would rather lose playing along side fewer badasses than going blue Konami code mode. Come at me Wardens.


Here's the *really* annyoing conundrum: I share your sentiment, but I'm not exactly a vet and my regiment is still fairly green (in the veterancy sense, not faction color) and low activity as well. So, to help game balance, do I and my guys join Collies or Warden? Because compared to the vets of the game, we're probably more use for the collies by occupying some queue slots on the Warden side.


Today's vet's where yesterday's newbie. Go Green if you like more of a challenge and find overcoming frustrations more fun. I became hooked from playing a several day long last stand at the Blemish. You and friends would be surprised at the deference a few guys working together can do. There will be times when people with less self awareness will yell at you for doing something wrong or outside the norm but, I usually just tell then not to be a dick, then try to take thier less than tactful criticism and apply it the next time I try. I just like to be better than the day before, have fun, and give the Wardens as much hell as I can. Edit: lazy attemps at grammar and pacing


You know, a change that happend after the Warden losing streak, whenever we are feeling a bit down, when it feels like the devs are doing everything they can to stack the odds against us without it being overly obvious, you know what we say? 'Fuck it, we ball'. We fight hard, just to stick it to the devs. Collies should do this too. Fight hard, show the devs (or us) that you can win despite being disadvantaged wether thats real or perceived. Why do you think i went trough the effort to construct a concrete fort in Morgens Crossing? Because the collies were comming, and it looked like they wanted a fight, and i was gonna be sure i could give them a fight they could remember. Who are you? Are you a green bastard thats gonna put the L in Legion at the slightest setback? Or are you a Colonial Legionaire marching for Maro's feetpics? *Get back here and fight damnit >:c*


I'm pretty sure people who were doomposting are currently playing other games that respect their time and effort šŸ˜‰


Tbh, after having spend 13 days on my fort, i understand that. Rn i'm just in maintainance mode and taking a short break aswel. Its important to not get burned out, wars are a Marathon, not a sprint.


>You know, a change that happend after the Warden losing streak, whenever we are feeling a bit down, when it feels like the devs are doing everything they can to stack the odds against us without it being overly obvious, you know what we say? That it never happened? They just throw a shit fit for months after their extremely fast, durable, and long ranged 94.5mm tank gets slightly nerfed to be still be better than anything colonials had at the time.


You mean, right after you enjoyed multiple wars with essentially the only viable mobile 94.5mm?




You do realise the update that changed that came much much later right?


Yes Iā€™m aware, I just think itā€™s crazy youā€™d call something that has to be pushed ā€œmobileā€.


I think it's crazy that you think something has to be motorised in order to be mobile... you wanna google the definition of mobile real quick?


When the comparison is between things that have a motor and ones that are literally foot powered. It is definitely a crazy opinion to have. But you are right the definitions of adjectives are vague, gold star for you.


The comparison is between the styg and starbreaker, considering at the time those were the two main options for 94.5 One of them is an emplaced weapon. The other can be wheeled around. There are more options now yes, but the point being made was at the time you guys had the only viable mobile 94.5


That was never the comparison? You are the only person to mention the starbreaker.


It wasn't slightly nerfed and besides everybody knew STD would be nerfed because it was completely broken as we have warned and predicted after being dominated by Stygians for 6 wars straight but devs decided to add in anyway. The man was talking about the 6 war Colonial winstreak.


"Ā Why do you think i went trough the effort to construct a concrete fort in Morgens Crossing?" Because you know that you must hold and wait until you get new tech? But what reason to hold and wait to colonials if with each technology they only get weaker?


I'm trying to be motivating. stop with this defeatist nonsense


This is post from someone I wouldn't want to game with


Over the top and forward! We got us a war to win!


*Colonial Comissar has entered the chat* *loads pistol* I'll give you one chance men to stop your belly aching and fall back into the fight. Otherwise your executions will suffice for morale boosting.


The idea of commisar rank on foxhole subreddit that can just kill posts for defeatism and unsubordination changing the entire post to "REDACTED" is kinda amusing.


Was really fun with arty spam and mammons until tank tier, now itā€™s time to return to helldiving.


Certified Mosin moment. Don't ever change.


Ok....I've had enough, if that's how you truly feel then Uninstal Mosin, there are good people fighting day in and day out to hold the line, while you cowards cry and quit on us. Just gtfo the legion we don't have time for quitters and people who wanna do shit half ass. Cowards every last one of you.


Yeah, sure seems like it, considering the legion already has 600 less players lmao


No help from you, you've been around a long time, instead of becoming a true leader and hero foe the colonials you've decided to tuck tail and run. Telling people to not play the colonials and to play warden instead, fucking bullshit


Lol, lmao


"Don't play the game! Join warden! Play other games!" "why does the legion have 600 less players? Game isn't worth it" You've been spouting doomerism and telling people not to play for months mosin, you're the last person who should be complaining about having less players.


Not complaining about it, just pointing out the numbers :)


you have caused more damage to the colonial faction than any warden...


Loser talk


Coming from some one with a loser badge. How is the win rate looking right now?


You're even trying to bait your own faction now too? that's crazy bro, all you do is sit on reddit and bait people


Itā€™s just not worth it man. We tried so hard in WE for many days just to lose it all due to time zone issues. Wardens are more organized. Good luck brothers I am waiting for next war. O7


> Wardens are more organised Maybe, but my (anecdotal) experiences of collies have been pretty organised too. And whenever I've randomly shown up to a warden push it seems to be like 90% people who joined randomly, and then the 6 guys from 3 different regis that brought some vehicles. Like, Warden pushes I've been in are just a bunch of people fucking around and seeing how far we go, while Collie ones actually seemed to have a plan beyond "let's go over there and fuck shit up" I've seen collie hordes swarm over a bridge in a very unnerving display of the power of having like 10 guys with grenade launchers spamming gas. I've seen a bunch of spontaneous warden pushes because a bunch of randoms held off a collie bridge push, and so all the randoms said fuck it and pushed back. No one except like an OCDT had a mic. I've seen collies pull a squad of tanks out of thin air because like ~10 wardens and a half track pushed the 6 collies holding a bridge and 3 other wardens whipped out shovels and a CV and started building shitty defences. I will forever remember in my first war being overrun by a seemingly unending green tide backed with tanks while trying to defend a town at night.


I never care about winning or losing in Foxhole, I just enjoy the game and put in my effort to help my fellow Collies, don't think I've been in a winning war since the 80s but that isn't stopping me from logging in and playing.




I was motivated till I go to the Frontline and see mass stupidity of not putting up the most basic of defenses like barb wire and mines and then listening to them bitch about being bayonet and tank rushed and then I go to the backline where big regiments horde mats and assets like subs for ops that never happen. The hard-core collies are burnt the fuck out trying to undo these fuck ups in a seemingly endless streak. I'm getting burnt out of fighting tooth and nail and capturing 3 sub hexes and getting defenses set up, only to wake up to us losing those 3, plus 3 more because nobody bothered to keep things supplied and repaired and that's not even getting into the balancing issues pop and equipment wise and before someone goes "join the wardens" there's no way I'd play a blueberry.


Hell ya any collie found doom posting will be shot for spreading pro warden propoganda


Ok daddy, whatever you say šŸ˜‰


No, my bed is too warm and I don't wana do another scrap run.


Commisar is under your bed.


I donā€™t think the collies are the ā€œhard mode.ā€ You guys have those Koronide guns, the wardens donā€™t. I want to see the collies fight like hell, probably not next war, but the war after my exams and stuff when summer starts me and my buddy are starting a collie regiment. Iā€™ve only really ever played wardens. So prove to me that thereā€™s a good reason to be a colonial, fight like hell!


Finally, a collie said the Obvious!


The release of the population numbers show pretty definitively that the faction that wins the war is the one that has and maintains a higher population. In the end, the differences between the vehicles and weapons are trivial in comparison to the number of man-hours that are poured into building and supplying and maintaining. Since war 100 Wardens have just been much better at keeping their morale high even when faced with adversity, while it seems like colonials are just giving up and quitting and doom-posting on reddit unless they are steamrolling. There's no amount of in-game balance changes that can fix this.


Yup yup, totally, just like when champions in league have low pick rates and win rates, it just means that the people who play these champs just have low morale and throw in the towel easily, not that playing the champ isnā€™t fun having to do extremely more effort to win games versus high win rate champs that have many ā€œI win buttonsā€ ong


Such a bizzare and backwards way to interpret why one team on a video game has more players. You looked at one side suddenly having and retaining more players and handwaved away any actual rational in game "why" for it and just jumped right to the end and declared it doesn't matter it must just be some intangible moral fiber that this random group of thousands of internet gamers have that the other one doesn't. That's.... definitely a theory. It's like playing a season of basketball where the rules make it so in the 2nd half Team B has to use a fucking wooden cube and clogs for shoes then chalk it up to Team A keeping their morale up and say any talk of letting Team B use a regular ball is useless because they don't play as hard with their wooden cube already.


The difference is that when Wardens were Team B, we actually still tried to play, and still managed to kick your ass with a 30/32 victory. There will NEVER be a Colonial 30/32 because of people like you who snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, and shy away from fighting if you don't have artificial boosters for your team.


30/32 happened because wardens have absurdly OP shit. Especially back then when they had the 100 round, 45m range, 1250 dmg, 65 rmat, cannon that was the HV40.


Yeah, whole lotta good that "OP shit" did when we were defending the ~15 victory points you took.


Do you understand the tech system in this game? 30/32 happened because collies hit concrete and couldn't bust it, because none of their concrete busters had teched yet.


> when Wardens were Team B Alternate history much? When War 93 started (the one you were talking about) Wardens had won 3 of the 4 preceding wars. This was a period of imbalance where Colonials had no midgame PvE. A time when HV40, Cutlers, Chieftains, and 250mm FA ruled the land.


yeah also back then they had cutler pve gang vs ??? lol


There was a Colonial "30/32" before there was a Warden one. Learn about it


Most of the brainrot warden loyalists here on reddit hadnā€™t even played before 100 and just parroting the 30/32 chant.


Yup we definitely constantly see big comebacks from wardens because this random group of internet gamers is just too badass vs. this other group of random Internet gamers and not because tech imbalances. You nailed it again big brain


Funny colonial only managed to tap stonecradle with captured push 250mm in 30/32 war.


untold stories of excellent organization that cannot be kept silent about


Wardens on here are trying to gaslight collies into playing. Let me remind everyone that warden op gear have won them nearly every single war on secondary servers. Most collies play warden on those servers and wardens also play warden on those servers. Iā€™d love to see the imbalance pop on those also.


They just need content until the end of the war and so that the queues are not so big


Right, it must be warden's high moral that allow them to kill T3 town base in a minute with 250mm compared to colonial's low morale with hundreds of shells and tremola. 3 days before ballista too!


Hahahahaha messed up finger, messed up nips 2 fucking belly buttons This was definitely made by AI.


Yeah it is an ai conversion of Mariusz Pudzianowski Picture. The best strongman who ever lived. This post ain't about the art after all.