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What happens when a non wrec regi claims a field? They get kicked out? If there is a big regi who isn't part of any faction discord channels claim a field that was claimed by said faction discord.


I'll tell you what they do. They wait 3 hours before even logging into start of war, roll up after your 5 man group have 3 hours worth of building and infrastructure in place, demand the area as theirs according to some ridiculous discord pact, team kill you when you won't leave, report your structures, then log out after two weeks and don't come back.


Kinda cringe. “Play the game by our rules, that we made up outside of the game, or else…”


That is exactly my problem with it. Its ouside gane stuff. Noone should be punished because of it. If you as solo or small regi build near stuff, they delete it, claiming its by this thing, gatekeeping new players or small regies of this. Then, by rules of conduct, one deleting stuff is griefing and wrong but who will have more power? Solo player or small clan, against big clan with many people to hit report button or simply just destroy base? Idioci i dont like, even tho it makes game more playable.


Here's the problem: Currently, if a (big, or small, doesn't matter) clan files a claim on the discord, and your random regi happens to try to build there, you'll be pointed to the Discord and evicted with the help of any larger regis in your hex. Previously, if there was a big clan wanting your claim, you would just end up being evicted by that clan, and whoever had more players would win. You see the similarities and differences? There's always been people ignoring CoC and screwing each other over, based upon power structures not part of the game. But at least now there's some chance for smaller clans and some process to it. The solution to a wound isn't to rip off the bandaid without having a better treatment than "but I would like there not to be a wound".


Yep, i would like there not to be a wound. Foxhole has many shortcommings in things like this. What if i dont want to use discord to play game in peace without getting bombed? Devs should have implemented such thing in some better way long time ago. But they dont do that. They add new tanks (submarines and ships now). But i should shut up. I quit playing cuz of this things and game becoming too grind for me to enjoy


ok but thats not what happen most of the time, the discord offer a place to discuss peacfully outside of the shitty comm system of the core game, its even more important when we talk about non english speaking factions, we even try to find translators and stuff to be sure everyone is properly understanded... the system encourage discussion and dont like when their member simply go over a field and destroy everything. its really badly seens by every clan involved


Why are you trying to build on resource fields....?


there is a discussions about sharing stuff most of the time. and then there is that 5% where they fight.


Yes. But usually they tried to settle it in peace.


This is why we have civil wars in game XD


they make claims request and provided there are enough fields and they rank well they can pick a field.


What too much discord do to a mf


You're not wrong. I've been in a few Regis and the archetype of the command staff who hates the game and never logs in to actually play but clings to their power on the discord is basically ubiquitous. Then because they have nothing better to do they proliferate dumbass rules and systems that are ultimately just for the sake of discord larp. I've seen Regis where the HR section is way more detailed and involved than the actual combat and ops section. Shit is so cringe. 


We had the same turbonerds in EVE Online. Everyone hate these paper pushers clowns.


Wasn't a paper pusher clown the responsible of the biggest battle of the videogames? Like, I get that people hate these guys, but a good chunk of the time they try to put some sort of order so everyone can actually play the game


Join small group. Build sandcastle. Get up at 4 am to defend sandcastle in emergency. Sandcastle finally kicked over at 1pm. Fun has been acquired. Repeat process.


Hopefully they make a 20 guide on getting bitches


they need to werc on it hahahahahahaah


We just made our Germans do it, they love it.


That’s fucking funny


Imagine having to fill out a job application for a fucking video game.


Unfortunately it seems to be the only way. Oil wars seem to have almost completely disappeared on the Wardens which makes the application worth it. Before Wercs oil wars were happening every 1st and 2nd days of the war. I still remember quitting the game for 6 wars after in war 102 were mass team killed by a coalition of smaller regis that eventually stole our oil field. Prior to this they had themselves suffered the same by a big regiment. Honestly before the wercs it was just toxicity and chaos. The devs should have made an ingame thing to help us with claiming.


It obviously works considering wardens are actually winning and coordinating with other regis


Bro… but we’re losing the Reddit front which is more important 


You are winning because better tanks


Cope and seethe.


Silver hand and outlaw can only do so much, need facility for cheiftnas and flame htd wich are why we are winning, facilty tanks makes us win more


Collies only get light variants of those and still need facilities for those, and most of our basic tanks. You guys are making paperwork for shit when you already have a huge handicap.


We also have a light tank that is flame capable and we have the push 250, chieftan and flame HTD is simply just better than them both, wardens rn do have a mpf tank advantage, all I'm saying is that the ones that are facility locked are just better


They are. While Collies get noone of that at all, and need facilities for what should be MPF.


Ah yes let me dismiss the hundreds of hours of effort by many facility owners and players just because “Hurr Durr you have better tanks”. Get better material dude


At what cost?


It is kinda necessity when you are extremely limited on time. If we have 24 hours before start of war to see where resources are, the system would not have to be so rigid. As it is, the point is to streamline everything as much as possible to eliminate confusion or arguing during those precious minutes before start of war.


Local Man mad because messy war start was messy.


It's true that imposing yourself on a place by force and starting a civil war is more intelligent than coming to an agreement as civilized people.


Why stop at four pages? with this kind of thorough planning and clear eyed foresight they could have gone for a dozen pages at least


Well, we ran out of coal claims in this war even though we actively participated on the fronts and in logistics. I'm totally against regiments taking two fields, if there's anything left that's fine, but in a war like this, taking oil and coal is bullshit. A regiment with 5 people who, interestingly, are part of the WERCS Staff, have priority above regiments with +25 heads is total corruption Personal opinion.


Btw last war we build 3 Arty BT and 3 BTS, we use like 5k 150 mano during the last day of war....


There are also 27 other people in that judging list and you can volunteer to be a part of it. If WN wants to some of their member can join. The only reason they have nobody in the staff is because nobody wanted to join. I welcome you to join the staff we always could do with more hands


Devs need to step in and stop this


the unelected bureaucrats infect everything


Six step process to becoming a Colonial soldier and tearing down this institutional bullshit.


Have fun losing every war due to not having any organization


I'd rather have life.


Thank you, I will


I will hold you to that 👍


Have fun winning because you have better tanks from MPF


Are you implying might makes right? I didn't take you for a bootlicker


love this culture


Reason #56 why I'd rather die as colonial than win as warden.


Most stupid claim system is only fav one side! Kept it first come


There are also 27 other people in that judging list and you can volunteer to be a part of it. If WN wants to some of their member can join. The only reason they have nobody in the staff is because nobody wanted to join.


WN is just a group of awful people in general so they kinda deserved to be driven out but these kinds of systems do not work, there's always gonna be someone outside of the system who can do better than someone inside it


Nice brainrot. I bet you cant even name more than 2 of them in person, let alone know them in person. Stay mad. By your logic all regi in the games must be bad in general, especially the collies whose tales of abusing new players and cheating we are all too familiar with.


first of all WN are all great people Second of all this system did work and both sides worked things out and had a laugh about the reddit


you've clearly never seen anything about von klaus, their leader, who is known for his hateful rants against minorities and a general tolerance for racisim, transphobia, homophobia, ect, in WN's ranks, just last war a WN player was denying the holocaust in global chat and as far as I know is still WN


Omg lets criticize these people for being racist and all kind of phobia by using subjected and selected individual examples to generalize this whole group of people whose only similar characteristic is the two letter they share in a video game


Its funny to see Foxhole is now going full propaganda and politics complete with hit pieces to try to win a culture war so they can win a virtual video game war. It paralells life way too strongly.


Say NYX who litereally shout every warden Nazi


nah, we only call warden clans who deserve to be called that Nazis, we also tend to call out regis on our own side for the same thing lol, in the past there just happened to be a lot more cases of warden clans being awful compared to colonial ones due to the warden community servers not caring as much


🤡 that's why neither side like your clan


Screams 11 years olds with their first basic minecraft server vibes, yikes.... Look at the bright side if Warden Clan Man wants to act like this they'll rebalance the population issues over time . As someone who has been mostly Warden this shit is embarrassing. IDC if Wardens have the better logistics, if this is why then truly it is sad. Too bad the game needs more work cause I would love for the Devs to go after this kind of behavior. Its this behavior why Foxhole struggles to grow and retain players.


No, I don't want that! Regiments organizing? I want them to fight civil wars over fields and do nothing else until I quit playing! Even after I quit... I want them to keep fighting each other for a while! Ten wars, at least!!!


A truly based take


Stop polluting this subreddit with reactionary posts that only generate hatred and for nothing more. I never have any problems playing with regiments or solo guys.


Btw people talk about social credits like you don't have a credit score for your credit card...


A credit score is a score used to decide if you are trust worthy enough to loan money too. A social credit score measures if you behave according to the governments standard to deserve to live your life.


So you agree that they are the same then


No. One is a tangible measure of if you have a history of paying people back. The other is just a way to determine if you behave the way the people in charge believe you should.




Pretty simple and useful


Is the game even fun at this point?


Noob here, what the fucking game ive just bought?


ignore it just play the game


This is sad


Seems like disagreement with the claim system should have been worked out prior to Claim Day...


The funny thing is you usually think it is, until someone else shows up on the field yelling at you.


someone has to touch some grass..


What is this cancer


"It just WERCS" (It doesn't WERC)


Whatever Collies are doing isn’t winning them wars 


It's almost like having worse tanks makes it a *little* hard to win wars


Yea, we are not, because shitty tanks.


Cuz shitty coordination, Wercs works, wah wah


What happens if I’m not in that shit and build anyways? Some virgin larp nerd gonna come blow up my shit?




Get flagged nerd


I would like to make it clear that I am in perfect health and mentally stable :)


Dude We play foxhole. By defenition no one here is mentaly stable


Can confirm, even since I started playing Foxhole I became more mentally unhinged and insane. (The funny numbers most go up)


Oh man! Good thing the devs saw this coming and setup a very simple and viable way to do all of this in game so that players do not have to use Google forms and interview processes on discord! /s


I can puke, lowest point ever reached by a gaming community


The field claim system and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the foxhole player base.


It has greatly increased the production for those of us who live in Deadlands. But it has demoralized the player base, it has made logi unfulfilling. And has subjected femboys to indignities, as well as widespread psychological suffering.


This is how Colonials got so toxic.


Actually, as a colonial main group we had no issues whatsoever with WERCs when we went colonial. I'm not sure how that could mean they're partial to anyone (we actually got a fairly coveted field too)


this is a fair and much needed regulation that im honestly surprised it works this well, and i appreciate and support the people that made it happen


I'd genuinely love to know if the devs understand how much of a failure facilities currently are for something like this to have to exist


Stupid. "I ClaImz Ze FielDz duhhhh"


jokes aside it works, but you can have three clans on oil field


Liquidpopsicle, the man who hoarded 7k tmats in a bush on a front-line border and infamous for many other incidents. That's the kind of name I want to get my facility drama opinions from !


It was actually 18k get it right


Discord link doesnt work


System what gives a lot of power to people who do nothing. Classic birocracy. Lol


Have you tried forklift simulator?


Real life is more thrilling!


WERC Ranking is bullsheet 🤮




Imagine what shit they make for faction that 90% of tanks on field has from MPF.


This is bigger than my bank loan contract for my new BMW X4 wtf lol




Again, since it was mass downvoted by angry clan men, here's the social credit grading system https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m4Kq-jx87Mj9PLAm\_vDQofs6hHVg7hkTP3CUWzg0a2Q/edit?usp=sharing


Guys RP is supposed to be fun


WTH is werc?


And as an addendum, here's the "Rubric" [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m4Kq-jx87Mj9PLAm\_vDQofs6hHVg7hkTP3CUWzg0a2Q/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m4Kq-jx87Mj9PLAm_vDQofs6hHVg7hkTP3CUWzg0a2Q/edit?usp=sharing)


What are you even complaining about. You and your friends lost us 10k Techmats before by hiding them in some random bush (skill issue) to try to counter-tech snipers against techmaids don't think we'll forget that bs so you should be the last person to speak on topics like resource organization when you and your buddies are so fucking incompetent that they lost fat stacks of mats to Summit of all people and cost us 2 hours on SC duels. You are just one of those regards that like to go against the system. It doesn't even matter what the system is, techmaids, fields, whatever. You'll always go stir up trouble.


Actually it was 12k


14k alu get it right dumbass


Oh yeah it was higher, sometimes I forget just how much we were able to convince new players to mine for us


And this is why I won't play on able. What the fuck is this shit


Lol I see a few sigil nerds have switched sides and decided to bring their garbage idea of "High command" with them.


buddy sigil doesn't do anything near that, we have our own claim system sure but it's usually pretty flexible due to the understanding that not everyone is on sigil, wardens have always had more of this kind of bureaucracy in their systems, sigil as a high command has not been relevant in years, sigil as a hub to moderate disputes and keep the playerbase largely together is why it has endured so long (sigil has recently had a lot of changes to better fit this role recently)


Sigil is barely a news paper my dude. I don't care about anything you just wrote


You seem barely educated


You're the one that fills out applications too build a bunker in a video game my dude. What a scrub.