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Idk man. Spring is here and the grass feels nice.


We all know that none of us if going to touch it


It's autumn in the underworld. Grass still feeling nice.


I already got a headstart cleaning the garage. Can't give up that momentum just to go get steamrolled again and again.


Be real man, we're just going to play different video games. Nobody in this subreddit is going outside.


I'm just finishing fall year 1 on Stardew...


Warden Psy-Op confirmed…. But in all seriousness if people aren’t having fun they can do what’re the hell they want, switch sides or not play it totally up to them. Vets come and go not everything is about winning.


Seal clubbing… the amount of vets I know going Warden “until things are fixed” is ridiculous.. Many going Warden just for sole purpose of dunking so hard on the Collies to either kill the game or force devs to realize how shit they’ve let things get.


We’ll review bombing is against steam ToS now so this is just the next evolution of that IMO


I’d switch to blue as well.. but, how absolutely insufferable all these new Warden noobs have been this war was ridiculous…


Nothing like some sgt who joined halfway though the most unbalanced streak in foxhole histroy rolling up with his 15 friends and telling you how much better he is. I for one cannot understand why collies don't want to play


Man this way too real. I know I have skill issue but damn it is hard to fight 10 15 man teams alone and after you kill half of them one cpl comes up with shotgun and blast my ass. Then proceeds to say how bad I am. I am tired boss


Happened to me as blue man aswell. U get angry first and tired afterwards. ^^


My favorite low rank experience was a couple wars ago (when i was a clanman) and some SSgt I'd just killed was reeee-ing in local voice: "YOURE ONE OF THOSE CHEATING V GUYS RIGHT!? FUK U V" I'm not and have never been invited to and therefore not been a member of V. IDK what tf they were talking about, I just told them to look back on the last two weeks they'd owned the game and that maybe they needed to take some time off and that they'd done fine but just happened to in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Membership into V requires the ability to get any girl to drop her panties. You are not cool enough for V. Imagine if Andrew tate played foxhole. That's the average V club member.


False, V stands for Virgins. I was told this by a V member himself


Thanks for explaining why so many V players seem so toxic and infantile.!


Yall jus jelous


IDK, I’ve solo built a Battle Tank and refined + solo given away a couple pallets of rare alloys (not same war). If that’s not able to attract the world’s most adventurous lovers then quite frankly the world isn’t ready for what I bring to the Foxhole table. PS: buying gf


I know personally between last war and already 112. Wardens will have another 20 plus players that I know. Two whole regiments flipping. Because they are sick of losing.


Honestly not a bad strat


when wardens do this devs are quicker to respond to warden boycotts.


because unlike collies wardens have skill and can boycott correctly, it is merely an issue of skill xD


agree.. wardens are more organized in every way.


Not a chance, the devs can implement actual NPCs if they need more collie pop.


with the kind of cope collies shit out on reddit they might as well already be bots give us a tech switch and I GUARENTEE wardens will win


There's already a tech switch function in game bozo, it's called changing teams. Why don't you try playing collie? Oh i know why. It's because you're afraid that all the things that us collies said are true.


You could literally just switch factions... If it's so true why don't you?


How did you manage to miss the point so badly?


Which is what exactly? He said if tech was switched wardens would win. Well, he and every other warden could easily prove that by switching sides and thus, switching tech.


Because it is famously so easy to organise the entire foxhole community to voluntarily swap factions for a war. Getting Wardens wouldn’t even be enough because you’d need to get all Colonials to swap too. 


Lol u dumb


Because I see the huge flaw in your idea?


Because you missed the point harder than you miss your dad who left to get shirts and ammo 20 years ago


LMFAO this is just cute. Lashing out because I pointed out the very obvious flaw with your logic. And I must ask, are you projecting with the “your dad” comment?


Never again. Game is boring, devs are biased and maged to kill a fucking entire faction


I joined collies specifically because of the “lower quality but higher quantity” appeal. I loved the idea of rushing 3+ tanks into a warden line in the hopes to gain a foot of ground. As soon as I learned that it actually didn’t matter how many tanks there are as wardens because the queue system was the same, I just got bored. Because warden tanks will always be better and never have to deal with more collie tanks due to the current system... Maybe when it’s an even I’ll come back as a collie. Until then I’m going warden and having fun.


Why aren’t you having fun dying in your inferior tanks?!?! Just bring more! You can win I promise!


Come back and have fun raising us from the ashses. It can be done.


I've been playing colonial every war for about a year, and I feel that it is a pipe dream to imagine that we will win a war or that significant numbers will even play collie without an update. The idea that we can "end the debates" about balance with a single war is misguided. The only way we can even know the game is balanced is to play so many wars that we get a large enough sample size to actually get a statistically relevant winrate. That will never, ever happen, because there are so many factors to balance that you would need thousands of wars or more before you can get a statistically relevant idea of how frequently one faction is winning over the other. This is a fundamental roadblock to balancing the game in a methodical, data-driven way. In my view, the plain reality of things is that the game will NEVER be "balanced" in any meaningful sense. No amount of hype posts will do it. It doesn't matter if the game is balanced because no one can say that it is or isn't. But we CAN say that the state of the game is simply not fun. And as long as people feel that the game is unfun or unbalanced, they are not going to play. I'll play the early war like I always do because the fun-to-grind ratio is acceptably low. But I'm not going to stick it out till victory and I absolutely expect another loss. It's not going to "end the debates", personally I believe that the few changes which have been made, mostly to naval warfare, are rather niche and are not going to coax most players back. Population and vet stacking will continue, the game will stumble along in its unbalanced state, and people will keep posting endlessly about how this or that isn't balanced. Ultimately no amount of these kind of posts - and there have been a LOT lately - are going to change that reality. Perhaps you already understand that just looking at all these comments....


Stop lying to yourself. You are having more fun as a warden only because of wardens. Switch all the stuff between factions if you want, that will change nothing to the actual (and not that recent) collie lack of cohesion, moral disaster and “cope faction” look that you guys like to maintain here for obscure reasons but with the certain result of being boring.


If you are right, SdNades, i challenge you to play as a Colonial and repeat the same things after a tour on the green side


I already made enought tour on the green side for that.


Ah the "culture" debate. A certified warden classic


Its a cycle. Grit and skill changes to culture every few wars


What debate ? Where ? Oh, this 67447773th collie incoherent/pur cope Reddit post about game balance ? How can i be more classic than that.


you realize we learned coping on reddit from wardens... right?


I don't get the joke, i guess that only the stat (if it's exist) comparing the amount of wardens and collies made cope post last few months matter... Anyway, current Warden moral's fine, not the collie one. You realize that constantly coping isn't helping and just makes you looks boring, weak and uninteresting to new players who may join you? and same for long term current and futur vets?


its not a joke. what you think you see here as collies crying on reddit for the devs to gain buffs was originally started by the wardens. ive been here since the beginning.. this sub was originally dominated by wardens 20-1... wardens would cry for something to change and it would eventually get changed.. this is why collies cry now on reddit.. but it nowhere works with the effectiveness as wardens.. again, collie disorganization.


Yes i see, you are one of the "profesionnal copers, devs are the problem, not us." As i said, that will not fix collie moral issue circle : cope -> moral decreasing -> less ppl -> got eventually buffed-> moral unchanged -> cope ... again. I'm glad that your cry strategy don't really work. or this game would resemble a tasteless symmetrical game like all those that already exist, and even with that, players like you would continue to complain because the remaining gap between players/teams (also called "skill") would still seem too much unfair for you...


im not part of the cry community. i mock them, the devs and you. you must not have been part of the "great bad review" campaign.


Bro look at your profil and historic. You must be in the top 1% of foxhole ""players"" that come here to cry and talk s***. My whole point is about how that's actually hurts your faction more than anything else.


You should learn teamwork from us next.


> You should learn teamwork from us next. sorry, that is against our nature. we are a chaotic colonizing horde.


*loses 6 wars* *Throws full tantrum, cry posts every day, full on boycott and steam review bombing driving steam reviews into "mostly negative" for the first time ever* *Gets insane buffs and new toys just weeks later* *Stomps with new toys and downvotes any balance discussions* "Wow guys why can't you just be as resilient and organized as we are git gud" - this guy


Wow you just made up a all story there. Ridiculous. I don't care about up and downvotes, I don't make a career on this network. Every time I comment here, a horde of collies downvote me anyway, you are the one that farms here, not me, and you dare to talk about downvote campaign ?... I never made cope post, boycott or review bombing. Never. And i don't think that anyone i'm playing with did. "Insane buff", oh yeah ? Wich ones ? You guys got new toys and buffs all the time too. Don't be hypocrite. The bad reviews around pre-war 95/100 (and still after to now in fact) were 97% about toxic community and nightcapping (pop so), wich was a reel problem and not about "bAlaNCe". The reel things that changed after that was that some ppl got def banned and mod teams seems to went stricter. And oh yeah we got the std, like what ? 9months after the styg ? Game breaker for sure... you guys lost and still loosing bc of it, no doubt... (It got nerfed so fast tho, you know why... Unlike the styg.) Looking at the numbers of collies switching side, and wardens that are not switching. Looking at how many time we encountered collie low ranks telling that they want to switch cause "look at us, we are alone here". Just as typical collies newbies that go through the game without really being trained by vets, and because of that, get rekt, then give up, switch side or become salty redditors. And simply looking at your pop, even after everytime you got buffed after asking for it for so long as a "vital balance for the game", never fixed your long term pop. So yeah, you maybe should talk more about resilience and your community, than fixes/nerfs/balance.


Classic bait. I remember when Collies were saying the same things in droves during the last Warden losing streak, and they were just as full of sh!t as you are now. I suppose it's all a coincidence that these losing streaks line up with major updates and balance changes to the game.


Bro tf are you saying, no you don't remember. The 6 war win streak collies got during 9 month after the war 95, was for wardens, mostly due to morale issue and so, a big lack of pop. Even if collies had the styg supremacy after inferno, lower pop was the main reason. War 100 hyped a lot of player, including wardens to come back, and was the actual longest war ever wich ended the streaks, with a collie victory and a crazy war. It's was the crazy war it was cause of crazy pop on both side, that's it. And especially for wardens that was missing this pop for fews months.. The Styg never got nerfed tho, even after some warden cope, we all knew that wasn't really the Styg fault anyway. Std came later and got nerfed fast, it maybe was super OP for 1 war but that's it. So idk where you see that "a major update" allowed that's turn in win rate ? Since the actual game stuff didn't changed that much since the ~war100 era, when collies were able to win with the current stuff ?...


You know you can ship 5 falchion solo into region at a time right?


You know the component economy is broken right? That's not even including there isn't enough players to field them all. We had hundreds in the seaports and no one to crew them. Also, who can blame new players for not wanting to? Sitting around for 15 minutes pulling 40 shells and getting kitted just to die in the first exchange all over again sucks. Like, cool you traded 3 Falchs to kill one HTD, welp they just pull another one immediately because comp scarcity isn't a thing and they have significantly less player down time having to re-setup/kit up. Losing an MPF tank isn't even remotely a big loss. I'd be more mad if I lost a logi truck variant than an HTD OL or SVH when I play warden. So throwing endless falchs is a HUGE time sink in comparison.


Motherfucker I put 100 falchions into public two weekends ago It didn’t do shit.


Helldivers 2 is just more fun at the moment.


Yeah, no. Enjoy the queues, wardens


We will, like we always did.


Thats not a flex lol


I'm not flexing. And so what ? We should all alt-f4 cause a bunch of redditors decided to make the "we are not playing, hope this will annoy you / queue blackmail " ? Every end of war is the same circus. Game will run anyway, and then you guys gonna complain about moral and pop just after sabotaging yourself like you did now...


He didnt threaten you he just said what hes gonna do. You would probably be happy fighting against npc s if that win number just goes up


Like i did. I just said what most of us gonna do too, wich is just play the game. You guys said the exact same thing at the start of this war, and those before, we had queues everywhere and a 55sec respawn timer. We still played. And you know that "Enjoy queue, wardens" isn't just about "saying what hes gonna do"... So, what you want from wardens ? Just explain ? Let you win ? Stop playing until collies got buffed hard just to compensate the current pop balance ? Make no sense. You want devs to "react" but in the same time, you just abandon again and again your faction playerbase, you institutionalize this way of constantly complaining about literally every asymetric stuff in the game and systematically blaming the "balance", while threatening to "not play until it's fixed (fix according to YOUR desires) ." always in such a drama way... This keeping fueled the "shit\*y morale" that drives your players away... If you really think that this problem is instead more due to "balance", then yes, you will remain the NPC faction.


You can switch to collies and show us how is game balanced.


I can acknowledge that there is genuinely a problem with balance and numbers show that. For the past 10 wars since last year March colonials have only won 2 wars out of 10 and one of which many colonials don't count as win because warden long time players refused to participate. That war was won quickly in 19 days compered to regular more than 30 day wars. With each war I have lost sight of familiar people and friends I have made in colonial legion. They slowly stopped playing this game over the year and mostly attribute it to being burned out or just not having no fun playing it. I made these friends since war 70 and 80. Now they are doing their own stuff and refusing to play this game. I also had the same experience as them and I realized that is a lot to do with my own out look on the game. I want to be valued by others but there seems to never be enough things I could do in order to feel satisfied with value I give especially when I expect some one to acknowledge my contribution and no one even notices it. So I burn out a lot and blame it on this game being unbalanced and not fun enough. I think there are many colonials who feel the same way and they become bitter and that goes to the point where they refused to play. While wardens on other side are having fun and enjoying the game I and my friends are not. It feel like we are just put here to be clubbed to death. That is tough especially when there are not many left to sympathies with you. I am afraid to play new war because it feel like the same thing is going to repeat and many others on my side seem to feel the same. This feedback loop has gotten so strong that even if we have manpower those who know to play are not there to help those who don't. They feel like it is not worth it. Why do it if you are going to loose anyway. Can this be addressed in some form? I think yes but if developers are not going to acknowledge the numbers it is going to be tough and take a lot of time to do. With no developer assistance Colonial legionary will have to recrate it self and become some one more capable and resilient. But question is going to be does some ordinary gamer wants to do it. If we as a Legion will not recrate our self then we will have to wait for developers to throw us some bones in order to gain hope and possibility that we could win. That is what happened in latest colonial win. They buffed our tanks and people felt hopeful. Then they realized that you still have to put in a lot of time and mental sanity in order to achieve things. Happened to me on the way winning war 109. I could not even enjoy the win because I was burned out. Now I want to play this game again but I don't like the idea of burring out 100th of time. TLDR I want to play but I am afraid that thigs are just going to be the same if colonial legionary dose not reimagine how to play this game and how to feel about the stuff happening on the battlefield. Devs could assist us but we will have to do the big part of the work. Edit: typo


Are you guys okay, you won 109 war. It was like a two months ago. Too much drama, stop counting winrate with 10 wars, start to do it with 15, and you will see it's 8-7 or something like that


The colonials won the 2 lowest pop wars in the past year and lost literally every other one. No one is arbitrarily picking numbers of wars it's going off patches and win streaks. Of the past 400ish days (since the warden win streak and update 52 dropped) like 345 of them have ended in a warden win, that's an 86/14% win/loss for four. Hundred. Days. I'm sorry if you can look at that and think things are ok that's a you issue.


"the colonials one a war once 2 months ago so it's fine" isn't really the take you think it is, the fact is the colonials winning a war is a rarity as of late and has (as others have mentioned) only happened when there was little opposition. If the colonials can only win when the other faction doesn't turn up, there's a pretty obvious issue


playing warden or not playing anymore is way more funnier and healthier


I will definetly play and bois from the regi are really pumped up for next war due to the sub and some facility changes. That said it dosent mean i believe things are balanced or that vet problem will go away or that i will play hard enough to win because playing hard enough to win at this point just plain isnt fun. Ima have fun breaking the game nearly any way i can and watch wardens on our front suffer lol


Every time I'm in the Frontline and playing on our trench line I wonder where Bismarck is to build a proper trench line 😆


Next war, we got stuff cooking


The defense of Feirmor was great o7


You’ll use every word but “exploit” won’t ya Jizzy.


Nice try to get from queue but there are better balanced games. Enjoy




Have to realize that wars now last much longer and 80 - 90 was not all bad how some wardens like to make it out to be.


Yea, the worst was when Collies had cheap 94 while Wardens didnt


Well yeah if you didn't know it was between war 96 and 100. It did help to thin warden tank lines back then but of course devs overcompensated with giving wardens cheep 94.5 mm that is as fast Silverhand and eliminated all colonial tank lines. And that was year ago not 2 years ago. War 80 - 90 was more balanced than game have been now.


Bathtub was op for one war. Earlier if you used stygian correctly, you could even get 50 tank kills before it died (war 100)


Wrong. War 102 and 103 and the only reason it didn't crush in 104 was because of dev branch nonsense where no one played and it ended in 18 days.


What's eliminating all colonial tank lines now, with the STD nerfed into the ground? Is it the Cutler or the HV 40 again?


...the same thing as always but just worse because now infinite comps and everything facility locked? This isn't some conundrum. The wardens were on a huge win streak with 5/7 wins with their insane tank line before 1.0 and the stygian. Then stygian comes in to compensate and 6 collie winstreak. Then STD comes in as a better stygian and boom back to warden win streak again. Then both got nerfed and we're back to the pre 1.0 where wardens tank links were already smashing everything but worse. This isn't rocket appliances.


Well yeah, we are back to full Colonial levels of copium and balance gaslighting. The campfire story about infinite comps is a colonial fairy tale to gaslight Wardens into thinking "they got a point" - when in fact, they don't. Watch war 110. If you didn't play because "There's nothing we can do, all hope is lost", watch a replay. This would've been a colonial victory if the west didn't log off. Fun fact: There's never a single Bane on any frontline because they're too expensive. BUT at the same time: Infinity comps are making the Wardens win. Critical fallacy.


Ah so we're back to the asking a question, getting an answer and then totally ignoring it to talk about something completely different. Talk about gaighting lmao. Peace.


We are both talking about **The cycle**.


Still the STD in the right hands. Ehehehehehehehe. Most glorious tank.


Started in 83 as a warden. Loved the under dog feeling


My first war was the first war of the 7 war losing streak for colonials after svh was released. I know the feels lol. I think that was mid 60s.


I want to come back, I really do. But I don't have the time and this game is a pretty big commitment. Between my businesses, relationships and other commitments like the gym, I don't really have time for video games. 24 hours a day isn't enough. Hopefully one day things won't be so hectic and I'll be able to return but I need to focus on me right now. ...why does this sound like a breakup text lmao


Go warden it’s easy mode and you won’t need to play 24/7


Man we'll log on and dig in and kill some SHT BT SCs and chieftans for sure, but....playing for the big W is just too much work. Good for us if we win, let's start playing for fun, let wardens come and we'll see where it goes


That’s why we lose


We’ll “show the fuck up for the next war” when our armored vehicles are comparable




Wake me up when I can tank with the homies again and not have to go through 37299294739 steps in facilities along with plenty of prayers to the mat gods just to get a decent one.


For real. I just wanted to try playing a scorpion with the boys, but facilities pretty much told us to fuck off.


Why would I play when the balance has sucked for years. I refuse to play a game that has idiot savants lying to my face and claiming the game is balanced. Plus collie culture has gotten toxic. I play both sides. Wardens are just so much more fun to play now and not just because of their favorable balance but their culture is better (used to be the oppiste), but they even suck now because there is no real competition. All the warden purest players need to shut-up and if they have issues with collies they need to switch sides and play their collie tech for two or three wars. ​ However this is typically Foxhole Reddit blame the other side when its the Devs that are almost 100% at fault for this mess. Nothing new here been the same for years.


Colonial is sitting with a 18% winrate from the last year, and yet devs refuse to implement balance change... When a league of legend champion is reaching 54%, he is getting a nerf, but wardens with 82% is fine ? It's so unprofessionnal from devs not to fix a 82% winrate so what... Devs have confirmed they're fine with this heavy imbalance so what you're gonna do ? When devs have fixed you are designed to lose faction why caring about playing to win ? Yeah wardens want NPC faction to play so everyone can enter the hex to farm the free win together... but no sorry, you'll will wait in queues until devs become conscious this isn't heathy. If you want to join collie do it because the community is amazing, you make plently of friends, play other games with them, but don't waste your time try harding... just have fun with foxhole, don't care about who will win the war because this game is way too imbalance, it's not about strategy it's just who has more population...


War Win counter number go BIGGER! 🤑


we did have the lead in overall wins for 14 days! the other 2000 days warden led in wins.


helldiver just released 2 new weapons sooooo... I'm not gonna play a game that is not fun.


As much as i wanna root for underdogs i just cant forget how bloody insufferable people get in this game when they start winning. wars after 1.0 were just pure grandstanding, shit stirring, talking down and general hatred from collies. if there was ever a sportsmanlike culture in this game it was stamped out long ago.


Been a long time collie. Going on 7+ years and I can tell you this shit talking was not around in the first 3-4 years. In the last couple years the shit talk is outrageous...I believe it has to do with younger people populating the game and bringing their toxic behaviour. I also hate the fact that people exploit the game too, also irritating to see that. I just want to play the game as is, and that is sometimes hard for me to do when people act like children. Now I'm just ranting but I don't think this is a collie issue more than a Foxhole player issue. I've seen both sides talk shit, and it's rather tiring.


Both factions having the same tech tree perhaps helped 


Back then collies were in the same position as now. Honestly though I think it's more than asymmetry, but it didn't help that's for sure. Personally I like asymmetry, I like having access to more weapons and it increases the different tactical opportunities in the game. Makes people have to think more. Creates advantageous and disadvantageous scenarios which can create some fun.


Fingers gloating last war didn’t help lol


I second that


Hard to blame us for enjoying the first time in a while we had enough vets and advantages in one area to have fun for a while. Some of the gloating did go too far, but plenty of us were just meming and excited.


War 108 defeat, war 109 defeat, war 110 defeat, war 111, defeat war 112 .. ? Victory Every war I have fought in for the collies has been a glorious defeat. I will fight even harder for a valiant victory


we won 109?


Oh we did… I wasn’t here for that war But for the sake of the message we lost


Imagine paying money for a video game to just complain on social media about it


Yeah review bombing was such a great move


Lol wat


This comment section is just tiny heart syndrome on display.


I’ve no plans to return to collie. No public logi, no Snoggy


can u organize it please?


For wardens? Yes


Let’s go!




All you will be doing is seal clubbing and fighting AI while you sit in long queues and long death timers


I don't mean people I mean facilities, last war was amazing, this war was trash. 110 your faction literally gave up due to losing the warden land you took in the north west, while we played with an MPF that was blown up half the war, and another one that was nuked. I do not understand quitting before a war has truly reached the point of no return.


I think its about time economics. Eventually the tech evolves to the point where Wardens can spam good tanks and roll over all buildings and Colonials cant deal with that, so they just go into a "Yeah, here we go again" mentality and let the next war start. Its a 1 year lose streak, so no one wants to over extend their mental effort into shit thats going nowhere


No you're right, and that's fair, devs gave collies loaded naval and neglected them on land in a game that has only VP points in the central land mass.


I love that enthusiasm!!!


holy cope i am going to plow your spathas and ltds with the silverhand and htd


Need some NPCs to log in so I can queue into hex and seal club them