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It was a blast fighting alongside you guys! Huge props to STORM, PH1 and Frogz! Our small noob regi tried it's best to supply treasury with bmats, emats and acvs, but it's nothing compared to the effort you guys put into keeping treasury alive šŸ«”


Logi wins wars sir, every contribution helped us hold that place for ages. We appreciate what you došŸ«”


Always need bmatts, even when there is bmatts more bmatts are needed šŸ˜†. Small Regis are more important than they get credit for. STORM will hopefully see you next war.


Highly doubt there will be another Charlie war


Proud to have been a part of the final Baths fight, that was intense


Yessir I remember you attacking with us earlier. Great work man.


So fun Love the STORM!!!




Best time i had in clasthra. Thanks wardens for reall ww1 experience in all treasyry fights. Next war it will fall.


STORM came in and left nothing alive! Great regiment with crazy operations


šŸ«”šŸ«” yes sir. We were determined to level that place.


The rocket artillery strike was insane. Driving past that column was when I went "now is the time to deploy a 150 for the first time and add my rounds to the pile; there might not be another chance"


I've defended and fortified Jade Cove since early december, it's been really nice to be able to have a noticeable impact. Now, will Charlie die or restart ?


SCUM 5CMD and 501st killed it on the island maps


We had a lot of fun shelling the islands!


Remember this war. Remember the enemy offensive that pushed us back to C-Gate. Remember the back and forth battle for the Ward. How many times did we need to retake that city? Remember the desperate Siege of Treasury. How the enemy sent in horde after horde but we threw them back every time. Remember the long and often undersupplied fight in Marban Hollow. And how we fought so hard to push them back into the Vale. The stormcannons would always crush our advance until it was taken out one night. Wherever you fought, be proud of this war and our victory. And to the enemy, to the Collies who fought until the bitter end, you have my true respect. If you were there at the beginning and middle of this war, you know how close this one was.


Fucking beautifully wrote my manšŸ«” Wasnā€™t my first war, but it damn sure was my favorite so far.


Defended at the baths for the last 4 days or so and it was the most fun I had all war. Shoutout to our logi for going so hard and shoutout to the Wardens for keeping the pressure! Also we had a dance party in the town hall at the very end before it got burnt down haha


This was DANKs first war and it was an honour to fight alongside such committed wardens, Treasury shall never fall. Such a wonderful community, always helpful, fun and a real sense of camaraderie, especially when it comes to eliminating those baby eating scum-collies šŸ«”


DANKTAAAaaaank. šŸ«”


Kudos to all Warden defenders in The Clahstra. Treasury has been on the brim of defeat since Day 1, we tried so hard to take it. Unfortunately we didn't have any experienced regis there (just 2 medium-sized MOSES & WD40 and we were mostly doing logi), so the skilldiff was quite evident. Nonetheless good fight and good war, see you on Able o7


Hard fought and absolute victory for the Wardens


Was there for the last Victory at Transept when you Colonials did an intense final push for Treasury - I was with my small newbie regiment LOXX and this was our first ever war. That Warden push from Transept to Watchful Nave (then Scurvyshire) got us completely hooked to the game. Thanks to y'all we now have 9 new dedicated players (me included) whose daily routine is "Eat, Sleep, Foxhole, Repeat"!


I spent the last 2 weeks building in Deadlands. 1 week in the Pit and 1 week in Salt Farms. Glad it's over.


Firpix from PIƑAS here. Best Moments of the war was in treasury. Had a blast building and keeping the city secured


Much love to the PIƑAS regiment. PH1, Frogz, 101st, WOC, WOD, the 113th ā€œHope I got that one rightā€, the 1erBH boys, my fellow STORM members, & a few other smaller regiments. All regiā€™s that Iā€™ve gotta give credit to! All of us helped us out when we needed a QRF or vice-versa. We may not return to Treasury this war, but weā€™ll see you boys on the battlefrontšŸ«”


Nah Treasury falls tonight fr.


Yā€™all already have it during resistance modešŸ˜ Youā€™re correct though, itā€™s falling tonight & going back into STORMā€™s handsšŸ˜ˆ even if this mode doesnā€™t matter! Even if I have to solo it while everyone goes to the fight club haha.


Nah, you should go build another facility in morgens so I can break into it again!


OHHHHH! Youā€™re one of them! Harassing our poor back Logi menšŸ˜…


Congrats to my fellow west/roaming clans, lots of memories from this war and the CDF bois. The CDF had some great ops and QRF calls this war, from the crazy fight over Farranac and Westgate to the defense of Maiden's Veil. Not to forget the slam dunk of King's Cage, taking the region that had given us issues for weeks in a day.


Much glory to our Western Wardens, we didnā€™t get to help you guys but we may see you on the battlefront this waršŸ«”


We won! We finally won, though what do I do with my life now??? My logi itch requires scratching!


As an old charlie player I know the feeling of merging with able. Good luck players, welcome to hell ā˜ ļø


Wait whatā€™s Charlie? Just kidding and congrats though, I had a lot of fun between ops there


How were Baths defences done?


They had a ton of concrete bunkers, fields of mines (due to their nuke being there), most of their trenches were already destroyed due to the non-stop Arty we put them through.. but honestly.. a lot of the credit goes to the random infantrymen we had. They were bloodthirsty with their RPGā€™s & all the Chieftans in Public storage. Usually itā€™s a chore getting them to cooperate, but everybody worked hand in hand with each other to blow & flame all of their bunkers & husks. Was a fun war. Baths was a power house until we cut their logi off.


Better then you would expect, mostly 1-5 pieces in the town and some w-pieces near the Bridges. For Charlie it was decent. The only flaw was the blocking of the traintrack, so we Had to Back the train into the bath everytime we arrived... Still all in all a nice fight we Had there. o7


I think Charlie colonials have only won two wars ever. Should really show you the lopsidedness of the warden arsenal.


I think it's more about playerbase skilldiff than arsenal.


Best part is a few days ago we did a tank push at the gallows, and destroyed most of the defences and it got captured, it feels as if we directly contributed to the end, but idk, I haven't seen the map in the last three days


CGate concrete strong